Art Smorgasbord - Reflection on Love

Love is in the air!  Everywhere you go, there are signs of love around this time of year.  You see it in decorations at homes, schools, and business offices, as well as in the exchange of Valentine's Day cards and gifts.  However, wouldn't it be marvelous if we could spread it throughout the year?  With this in mind, I'm dedicating this post to love.

Proverbs 27:9
Micron Pens, Art-C Initial, Prismacolors Pencils, and Tim Holtz Products
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2013
Word Art Wednesday - Love
Twenty Minute Challenge
Art Journal Journey - Peace
Whats On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 193
Three Muses - Red
Anel's Favorite Things
Micron Pens, Prismacolor Pencils, and Letter Stamp
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2013
Tag Tuesday - Alphabet Letter F
The Play Date Cafe (PDCC169 - Carnation, Mint & Juniper)
Sunday Sketches
Kiss Lisa Mini-Book
(Inspired by techniques by Shereene La Plantz and Tim Holtz)
Patterned Cardstock, Ribbon, Vintage Button, Silk Flower, and Tim Holtz Products
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2013
Simon Says Stamp and Show: Something Messy
Collage Obsession - Love
Paint Party Friday #49 Year 2
Valentine's Day Tags and Wrapping
Various Papers, Dymo Labels, Ribbon, Vintage Rick-Rack and Tim Holtz Products
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2013
Artist's Playroom #44 - Valentines
Crazy Amigo Challenge - Valentine
Inspiration Avenue - February Holidays
Praise the Lord
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2013
52 Photos Project: Gallery 43 {Love}
Orange You Glad It's Friday #26
Mandarin Orange Monday #30
After much thought and deliberation, I don't think I can say it any better than Jesus did in Mark 12:29-31, when asked about the most important commandment, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.  The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'  There is no commandment greater than these."

Thank you for ALL your loving comments during my post last week.  May your days be filled with love through the year.  Blessings!


You write so Beautifully. Kindness and compassion to all, I strive to achieve this :0)
Wonderful projects this week
Happy WOYWW Heather # 62

Arnoldo my your and the year of your family also be filled with LOVE PEACE and sanity...
Thank you for all your soul warming posts !
Thank you for taking part on
over on
we are so proud and happy having you as passenger with us!
keep care of you!

Amen. Your Love Post is amazing and it's true we all could give more love to others around, but we always forget it cause we are too busy with unimportant details.
Wish you a day full of love,
Paula (PEP) said…
Your first & last pieces are my favourites - the images & words are food for the soul. Thank you too for your lovely comment - you saw what I'd not & He knew - which made the piece of artwork very special.
Love to you & your family
Paula (PEP)
Sim said…
I love the red swirl on the firstone, and all of them are purely awesome Arnoldo! Bravo on your artwork! :)
Gorgeous card, I love the butterfly and crackle. A wonderful post dedicated to love. The hand drawn perfume bottle is stunning. Thanks so much for joining in the Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge. Tracy x
Francesca said…
Some lovely projects all in the name of Love.....Well done you. Have a good week Francesca #71
Anonymous said…
Lovely post! Happy Valentine's Day!
Marlena M. said…
AMEN! Inspiring work Arnoldo~
Winnie said…
Happy Valentine's Day to you and your family! Your pieces are so lovely. I love your mini book and all the detail. Your perfume bottle is just so pretty. I love them and yours looks fabulous. I am enjoying how Anels book is progressing.
Hi Arnoldo! I looked everywhere for a vintage perfume bottle image to use on my project for that verse, but never found one. Must be nice to just be able to draw your own. God has blessed you with such amazing talents, and I love that you use those gifts to glorify HiM!
Have a blessed week, and thanks for sharing with us.
Word Art Wednesday
Bill said…
So many works of art to enjoy and ponder. Thank you for sharing!
Unknown said…
I agree if we loved our Neighbour as ourself...this world would be a fantastic place,,,,,thanks for your inspiring post...I also love your drawing....did you make your sculpture too?
have a great loving week...
Unknown said…
Another very beautiful page. Very big impact sentiment and the perfume bottle.
I so enjoy coming here it is a Godly place filled with beauty and peace.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours; we love that you have taken time to share your wonderful work with us at Word Art Wednesday. Hope you are back to design soon.
Carole Robb Bisson
The Blessing of the LORD be Upon You!
Tiffany said…
Beautiful work as always! Happy Valentine's Day to you & yours!
Robin said…
I love visiting you! Each time I visit, I walk way with a blessing. Your talents as an artist are just as awesome as your talents for writing.

Hugs, Robin #107
Barb Cady said…
A beautiful post again Arnoldo. I am reflecting how wonderful modern technology is when used well, so that so many can share and see your work that otherwise would not. I love your drawing and the sculpture at the end and the fabulousness in between! Happy love days to you dear friend.
What a wonderful and inspiring post. Loved all your creations - thank you for sharing... Have a good week... HAPPY WOYWW Gill #64
Giggles said…
I always! Never said better than in those scriptures!
Beautiful art too!!

Hug Giggles
Eugenia O'Neal said…
What a beautiful post! I, too, wish the love so many people express on Valentine's would last throughout the year and extend to all, those near and far, known or unknown.

Have a great weekend!
WrightStuff said…
You always make such gorgeous things Arnoldo!
Netty said…
Loving your beautiful and caring post, plus all the other works of art. Perfect.
Happy PPF, Annette x
Ritu Dua said…
Oh I totally LOVE that F is for love quote :)Your posts make me smile ...always !
carol l mckenna said…
Wow! Art work and post filled with love ~ ^_^
Leovi said…
I like very much, lovely the last photo.
Jez said…
Lovely work for the APR challenge, and as you say, it's the love that is there all year round that is most important. The biblical quotes were so appropriate and much appreciated.
Such an interesting post to read and ponder over. Thank you.
Gloria j Zucaro said…
You are amazing. My favorite this week the perfume bottle drawing and "Kiss Lisa Mini-book, and the gift tags to your daughters! gee that is almost everything! Have a great week, Arnoldo.
505whimsygirl said…
Hello Arnoldo,

What a lovely post. Your projects are all wonderful. I can see the thought and love that you've put into each one!

Hugs, Kay #125
Mary C. Nasser said…
Arnoldo...another wonderfully prolific week for you!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art
Lmkazmierczak said…
Your love shines through in this post- as a reflection of Christ's love I'm sure♫ Here's my Orange effort:
Jennifer McLean said…
a whole plethora of great art this week, Arnoldo. I especially like your perfume drawing. I have a couple of bottles that were gifts that I've been to scared to try and draw but yours inspires me to try. All the art this week is lovely. Im betting you spoiled your family this Valentine's day. Hope you got lots of love and chocolate too.
Tracey FK said…
I love that drawing of the perfume bottle and you do write so beautifully... as always it is a pleasure to come and gaze upon your post... have a wonderful creative week...xx
Ayala Art said…
I love all of them! What a beautiful pages my fav is the fist one... and yes, we should keep the same loving feelings all year'round :o)
The tags are awesome!
Lorraine said…
great all the art too
GlorV1 said…
You are right about keeping the feelings for love always I say at the forefront. You are a very thoughtful person. I love your work. Thank you.
Joy Murray said…
Your posts are always so affirmative and inspirational. I love the wide variety of ways you express your spirituality and love of life. Beautiful work.
Love your perfume bottle, and perfect scripture to accompany it! Beautiful wrapping and tags too, and your book is coming along gloriously!
Anonymous said…
Your artwork is divine and full of peace. Thank you for sharing it with the world.
Victoria said…
Wow Arnoldo..beautiful..I love your family quote and art..very very special and totally love and agree with what you said about celebrating love all year long!
Gorgeous creations..very uplifting..magical and inspiring! You are a mega-talented soul!
Anonymous said…
Arnoldo...Thanks so much for sharing and visiting my blog! I love seeing peeks inside your journal. Have a blessed week!!
April said…
And the greatest of these is love. :-) Your journal page is gorgeous. April #119
Currie Silver said…
you are such an amazing human, Arnoldo. truly!! glorious work this week.
Anne Manda said…
Beautiful, precious pieces, wonderful work!
Darla said…
I always find so much more than Art when I visit here. Thank you so much for sharing your work and wisdom.

Gemiel said…
Love all your "Love" art this week. Your illustration to go along with Proverbs 27:9 is so beautiul. Glad you shared it with us at Word Art Wednesday this week.
Blessings to you!
Linda Kunsman said…
your faith and kindness shine thru with each post,along with your beautiful art.Thank you!
Kristin said…
Wow - I LOVE all of your valentine inspired work :) Your journal below is stunning and my favorite here are your kraft valentine tags. Your work is beautiful, bravo!!!
Christine said…
Nice post this week, and wonderful work!
Serena Lewis said…
A beautiful post of love, Arnoldo! I love your perfume sketch. :)
Lou Anne Hazel said…
What a lovely post dedicated to love! I'm so glad you joined our challenge at IA.
Deepa Gopal said…
True! LOve should spread out thruout the year and not restricted to celebrating on a particular day. Loved your art works :)
Blessings to you too :)
lorik said…
Your orange image has such lovely warm glow. Beautiful. Thank you for being part of Mandarin Orange Monday:)
Unknown said…
Gorgeous works, I am loving the perfume bottle drawing!
Unknown said…
Love the artwork...especially the perfume bottle.. :)
Tammie Lee said…
a joy to see all your wonderful art
Lynn Cohen said…
You always have so much beauty to share with us! Thank you!!!
VonnyK said…
I love visiting your blog, your posts are always so beautiful. That perfume bottle is gorgeous as is all your art.
Tam Hess said…
Beautiful words and beautiful art thanks for sharing both! xoxo
EVA said…
That first journal pages is especially lovely. Great creations!
Donna B. said…
Beautiful tag Arnoldo! Love your family and how you colored them! Thanks for joining us this week at The Play Date Cafe.
Neesie said…
Oh Arnoldo what a beautiful post...yet again such amazing work.

I hopefully will be giving you some good news here and possibly lots of new followers because I've been awarded a Liebster award not once but twice this week and I have to nominate 5 blogs to pass it on to...I've chosen you as one of my 5. If you nip over to me you'll see all of the details there.
I hope you'll accept because you deserve it??!?! :D
Bella Cirovic said…
Amen to that!
Lovely artwork & photos, as always.
Thank you for sharing.
Veronica Z said…
Your creations are fantastic! It was a pleasure visiting your blog tonight! Thank you for playing along with The Play Date Cafe!
Your art is amazing!! Thanks for sharing it with us!! This verse is one of my favorites and is one I have prayed with our children over the years!! ~ Blessings, Tracey
Unknown said…
Lovely Love post :) Dxx