Sugar Sweet Sensibility

In a world that often bombards us with negativity, I choose to have a sugar sweet sensibility.  I thrive to surround myself with positive people, involve myself in positive activities, and make the best of all situations.  It is not always easy, since I do get stressed sometimes and feel a need to vent.  It is part of our human nature.  However, through prayer, my artful life, and the support of my loved ones, I am able to move forward and not dwell on the negative aspects of life.  Inspired by the positive aspects in my life, I have 3 artistic pieces to present this week.  I hope you like them!

Sweet Beautiful Thought
Mixed Media & Brush Lettering Tag
Tim Holtz 12 Tags of 2014 - May
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Botanical
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Die Crazy
My first piece, which reminds me of the shadow boxes of the 70's, features colorful items representative of the joys in my life.  The theater ticket stands for my love of fine arts; the butterfly stands for my love of nature; the wishbone stands for my love of food; the rose stands for my love of the Lord; the license plate stands for my love of travel; and the pen nib stands for my love of writing.  These "Sweet Beautiful Thoughts," are blessings for which I'm ever thankful.

Sweet Rossy
Pen & Ink Sketch
Paper, Paint, Pencils & Pens - Daily Life
Order of the Opus Gluei - The Best of Friends
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #259
Karen's Word Art Wednesday #133
Eva & Kristin's Paint Party Friday: Week 11 - Year 4
Jen's In The Studio
Manon's Paper Saturdays
Jenn's Artist's Playroom #107
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
This next piece is inspired by my dog Rossy, a Chihuahua/Rat Terrier mix who was abandoned in our mall's parking lot when she was just a puppy.  We found her when my girls and I were going into a department store named Ross, hence her name.  We tried finding her a home, but after 7 years with us, I think she's found one on her own - LOL!  She brings so much joy to our daily life through the unconditional love she gives us.  (She's not just sweet, but she's very smart too!)

Abuela's Arroz con Leche
iPhone Photograph
Lorik's Mandarin Orange Monday #94
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday Week 124
Denise, Roger & Leslie's ABC Wednesday - S is for Sweet
Bella's 52 Photos Project Week 3 - {Sugar}
Maria's Orange You Glad It's Friday #91
The photograph above is a shot I took during my family's last visit to my mother's home.  Abuela, which is Spanish for grandmother, makes the best arroz con leche (rice pudding) that I've ever had.  It's creamy, not too sweet, and you can literally make a meal out of it.  My girls love it too, so she always makes it for them when we go visit.  My oldest daughter said she found the biggest spoon she could find in the kitchen to serve with, but I think she was intending to eat with it - LOL!

In closing, I want to leave you with a Bible verse found in Nehemiah 8:10, which summarizes my philosophy, "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared.  This day is holy to our Lord.  Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength."  I also want to thank everyone who took the time to leave a comment during my last post, as well as to all my followers.  Have a blessed week!


Leovi said…
Bonitas composiciones! Me encanta el arroz con leche! Saludos!
Chat Noir said…
Your post this week is a gentle and loving one Arnoldo.....the tag to illustrate some of the things which nurture you, the sketch of your dog, and the photograph of your girls. In so many ways the whole post is about your best friends. Thank you for joining us at Opus Gluei, and for sharing a little of your life and love with us all.
debby4000 said…
What an amazing inspiring post. Fabulous tag.
Thank you for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge.


The tag is amazing and the drawing of your pet is lovely too.. and I would really love to taste this rice pudding...
we have a similar variation ..called
"REISAUFLAUF" in Austria...

and this also is delicous...
blessings Arnoldo!
Borqna said…
Magnificent post, Arnoldo!
I really like your art pieces,
your notes and your sense of humor!
Wonderful mood!
Many thanks for sharing this with us.
Good luck!
LauraVi said…
Like every detail of your beautiful tag!
Mona Pendleton said…
Wonderful post Arnoldo! Your tag is beautiful! Love the collage of so many fabulous items! Thanks for joining along with the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!
Unknown said…
Your sketch is amazing. It is nice to see what a pen can come up with.
Barb Cady said…
What a great post Arnoldo! I love love your Tim tag and the photo of your girls, oh my that rice pudding looks good! Hope all is blessed for you, hugs barb x
GalleryJuana said…
What a heartwarming story about your Rossy. And family recipes keep such warm memories! Thank you for sharing your gratitudes.
Leslie: said…
What a lovely, sweet post. It shows your love of so many things, most of all your family and the Lord. I love your "Beautiful" piece of art and even though I'm not the least bit artistic, I might try to do something like that. Have a sensational week!

abcw team
You always SEEM to have SUCH a good attitude!
Reader Wil said…
You are a sensitive and creative person. You know of course that positive thoughts are created when you first have had negative experiences. There is no light if you don't have darkness first.
Thank you for the great bible verse, which we should always bear in mind.May you always be inspired by such verses.
Wil, ABCW Team.
stampingbowd said…
Love love love all your photos! So beautiful! Sweet Rossy chose her people, a beautiful tag and Yummy gift from Abuela! I really liked your opening paragraph. It's been a difficult week holding on to the positive didn't go so well but I prayed throughout and asked a few of my friends to pray too. I think I would like to make some sort of craft page using that scripture!!! I have been thinking lately about the "joy of the Lord is my strength" and exactly how does that work so what a wonder that you have the complete vs. posted today! Happy WOYWW! #66 Angie
Beautiful AND delicious!
Ali H said…
Have a good positive week - love your projects this week! I always have Arroz con Leche when we go to Spain - yummy ! Ali #6
Chrysalis said…
Your work is beautiful, as usual, and that dessert - well ...! Have a great week, Chris # 17
Carver said…
Very positive and well done post.
Irene Rafael said…
Thank you for your gentle and supportive words. I loved stopping by, seeing your art and reading about your abuela and daughter.
Irene Rafael said…
oops, I forgot to sign my note.
Unknown said…
The tag is so inspiring. Never thought to create something that reflects me. Diane #55
lorik said…
I love rice pudding! When I first left home, my mother would always make it for me when I visited - as a special treat for me. Seems your beautiful daughter does too. Great post!
Thanks for sharing on Mandarin Orange Monday:)
Cristina Pop said…
What an inspiring post! And the pics are so lovely!
Rosemary said…
Uplifting post, Arnoldo! Love it. Your Rossy is a lucky dog to be in your family and I don't think she is going anywhere! The sketch really captures a sweet companion. Your girls and the rice pudding are so adorable, what lovely memories they have of their grandma and her care for them. Also, I love the tag, and when you said it reminded you of a shadow box, I can see why - you have gotten all your tokens of life moments in the tag. Thank you for such a nice heartfelt post.
Your art is always filled with such great texture, and is so creative. Thanks for sharing, Arnoldo, and for your kind words, I appreciate it!
Word Art Wenesdsay
Amy E said…
Thanks for showing all your artwork this week! I have to say I just love the look of anticipation on your daughters' faces, getting ready for their treat! Awesome!

Thanks for coming to check out my desk!

Happy WOYWW (a day late!)
Amy E. #15
Netty said…
Beautiful work as always Arnoldo. Happy PPF, Annette x
bellefrogworks said…
Arnoldo - I had a peaceful respite while visiting your blog. I love how you incorporated all the parts of life you love most in that small space. My nature is one of fear and worry - I am hard wired that way. But my relationship with the Lord has helped me find peace and art - I have spliced some of those wires and wired into Jesus instead. You are one of the many positive people I have found online - I am grateful for these relationships as well.
Ritu Dua said…
Oh I so agree with your thoughts and even I am on a spree to eliminate all negative vampires around me and stay calm and unshakable come what may !!
Valerie-Jael said…
Lovely work, great drawing of Rossy! Valerie
Linda Kunsman said…
what a really lovely post Arnoldo and what a wonderful way to look at life. Your tag is really fabulous and I love all the special symbols you used. Had me laughing about the spoon going into that delectable looking dessert:)Love the passage you chose to end with. Have a blessed weekend.
Faye said…
Your tag is wonderful, Arnoldo, in that it shows so much of what is important to you in a beautiful way. Your doggie portrait is precious. I hope you frame it. As for grandmother's cooking, I remember my grandmother's wonderful meals. Unfortunately, my granddaughter will not remember that about me. I think she's a better cook than I am.
Laila said…
Your tag is beautiful and a lovely way to remind oneself of all the good things in life. Thanks for sharing this wonderful idea.
Like you I always try to do the best of things and always focus on the positive.
The portrait of Rossy is a good one too, so much movement involved. And not least, your daughters, don't we all have a Granny to remember for her cooking. I certainly do remember mine for that. My granny made a fruit soup which I loved. Thanks for bringing that memory back.
Laura said…
I admire your positivity and your art. Positive surroundings help us create more successfully. Your beautiful art shows me your joy for life and the strong emotions you feel towards it. Happy and positive creating.
Winnie said…
I am just getting back from vacation today. I looked forward to catching up with your weekly post. Each week by reading your post I really find to learn about you. Your tag is lovely and meaningful. Rossy is so lucky to have found YOU and you are lucky to have such a treasure. She is adorable. Love your sketch of her! What lucky daughters standing there posed to enjoy the treat their grandma made!
Lmkazmierczak said…
The Joy of the Lord is also found in using talents for creative purposes, as you have so admirably done! Excellent blogging...
Unknown said…
Lovely Rossy! She's so sweet!
Y el arroz con leche me gusta muchisimo!! :)
Unknown said…
I really liked your tag and dog sketch. I'm always drawing my cat, she's my furry muse! And..oh my goodness I have rice pudding envy!
Ariel said…
Arnoldo, that tag is so beautiful. I especially love how you have chosen to keep an item each on it as a symbol of what you love in life. The pudding looks so yummy. Have a wonderful week.
DVArtist said…
As always a wonderful post full of love and loving things. Your first piece is stunning. The writing is so beautiful.
My Father-in-law, Domigo made the best arroz con leche as well. Nice memories for me as they will be for your girls.
Have a very happy weekend
Unknown said…
That Tag!!!! Reminds me of "These are a few of my favorite things..." from the Sound of Music. I needed to hear your words on being positive today. I'm currently faced with some challenges and your post was just the reminder I needed, thank you.
Giggles said…
I feel the same about positivity in my life....You are blessed! Love your dog Rossy...cute name too! I love dogs they bring so much joy to your life!! So nice your mom is still around to make such special meals for your family!! Thanks for sharing the love here!

Hugs Giggles
carol l mckenna said…
Wonderful post and very creative and loving art work ~ happy week to you ~ xoxo

artmusedog and carol ( A Creative Harbor)
Alicia C said…
I love your good attitude and art! The dog looks so good, I love drawings like that
Candy C said… you are just mean for posting a picture of that delicious rice pudding and not offering to share! haha It looks amazing...and I could tell it was delicious from the look on your girls' faces! haha Your Tim tag is gorgeous! Love the colors and your tile design. I also wanted to thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment for me. Enjoy the rest of your Memorial Day weekend! <3 Candy
The tag looks wonderful, and a great message to bring positivity! Your drawing of Rossy looks so sweet!
manomij said…
You always radiate so much positive energy and I love that Arnaldo! I totally agree with how you feel and deal about negative stuff. Your art is always vibrant and emotive. It tells a wonderful story. I love how you dog made herself at home at yours. Dogs know where the love is :) We found a dog too he was a pup of about 6 months. We tried for ages to find its owner but Zeus ended up staying with us. We totally loved him and he knew how to make himself at home. Have a wonderful week! Manon
Victoria said…
Hello Arnoldo, a beautiful post, what a wonderful picture, special family time, and yummy that looks deliscous! Gorgeous art pieces, love the tag with theatre tickets, yes like shadowbox art you can hold!and Rossy stole my heart this week, what a sweet soul!
Wonderful quote.very empowering!
Jez said…
Arnoldo, I love your approach to life, and your goodness spills over and enters all of us and helps us to improve our own lives. You express yourself and your love of family through you art, and I thank you for it.
Anna-Karin said…
Such a beautiful post, both the images and the text. Your take on Tim's tag is great and I love the sketch. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!!
Anonymous said…
Arnold's what an amazing tag! I love it! Love the rice pudding too looks amazing. Karen.x
Jen Price said…
Love the drawing the story of your sweet Rossy! Her name is pretty great, too. :)
Jo Ann said…
What an amazing artwork. It's so beautiful! We are so blessed you joined our Challenge last week and hope you join us again this week. Leaving you with an encouragement from Psalm 119:50 which says, "My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life." Hugs and blessings...

Bella Cirovic said…
Thank you for sharing that awesome photo to the {sugar} gallery!