Matthew 26:34

My family and I have been on a road trip since yesterday morning to the Big Bend area, and are currently staying in Marfa, Texas.  We are staying at the Hotel Paisano, which was opened in 1930 primarily for cattlemen to conduct business meetings where they bought and sold herds.  It was also, and still is, a prime location for major social events such as weddings and proms.  In 1955, Warner Brothers filmed the epic movie GIANT, here in Marfa, so James Dean, Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson and other cast members made this hotel their headquarters.  It is a beautiful historic hotel, in an artsy and quaint town, that I highly recommend.

Our first stop was at Langtry, Texas, home of Judge Roy Bean's Park.
Water mills helped conquer the wild West.
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
Our second stop was at Marathon, Texas, at the Gage Hotel.
This is VERY Texas decor - I even have a rams' skull in my studio!
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
My family and I went out for dinner at a marvelous restaurant.
©Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
I love encountering reminders of Christ everywhere I go.
This is a very Tex-Mex type of artwork.
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
I took this picture when we came back to our hotel in Marfa, our third stop.
©Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
As usual, I always carry art supplies with me.  Therefore, this evening, I'm posting an ATC and Art Journal page for submission to the Chickens and Roosters challenge at Inspiration Avenue; to Word Art Wednesday because I'm using Matthew 26:34; and to Paint Party Friday because I used a watercolor resist technique on the ATC.

© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
I did my rooster head on a 2x3" piece of watercolor paper, the official size for Artist Trading Cards (ATC).  I began by sketching the rooster using a pencil.  Next, I used oil pastels to highlight several areas, before going over them with several layers of watercolor.  To finish defining the image, I went over some areas with the oil pastels again.  For the background, I dabbed various cool colors to create some depth.  Finally, I placed the ATC in a protective acetate sleeve.

© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
The rooster is a symbol of Peter's denial of Christ after he was captured.  I believe we all may be deniers through our actions sometimes.  However, because of God's grace, we are restored.  Therefore, I decided to incorporate my ATC into an art journal entry, by using Matthew 26:34.  I used various odds and ends that I had in my travel art kit to compose my entry.  The latter included a scrap of paper from a church bulletin, a couple of K&Company corners and a vintage stamp, a stamp from an ArtC ATC kit. and a twine knot.  The bulletin reminds me that this is part of the Gospel; the number "1's" on the stamps remind me that God is my number 1; and the knot reminds me of how my relationship with God should be - tight as a knot.  After I was pleased with my composition, I glued everything down and wrote the scripture.

It was great escaping into my little art world for a couple of hours this evening.  I hope you enjoy my late night posting.  Please let me know what you think and/or follow my blog.  And now, I'm going to bed, because I have a long day tomorrow on the mountain trails.  Blessings!

PS - I edited my entry this morning, because I was so tired last night, I left several things out.  I'm off to have breakfast with the family.  Have a great day!


Tracey FK said…
Love the rooster and liked seeing how you incorporated the atc into a journal page...and enjoyed reading your post... it is great to see you here... and enjoy those mountain trails tomorrow...xx
Mynn xx said…
This is gorgeous! How true--we do betray Christ by our actions. A very good reminder to us all! :)
Agato.Art said…
I am delighted, as usual, your ATC, have a nice day
great art! Happy PPF!
Netty said…
Terrific little painting and love how you've integrated it into the page. Happy PPF, Annette x
Borqna said…
Wonderful post, Arnoldo!
Great projects! I love your roosters.
Thank you for sharing this with us. It was very interesting to see and learn this.
I wish you success!
Tam said…
Lovely rooster and I really like how you linked it with your spiritual practice. Might do the same should the opportunity present itself!
carol l mckenna said…
Fantastic rooster on very small area ~ thanks for sharing the art process ~ and your spiritual connection ~ enjoy your 'road trip' ~ fun! ~namaste, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)
abby j said…
Dear Arnoldo,
A rooster is definately not JUST a rooster. I love how you tied it in to Matthew 26:34. It's a lesson for us all and a beautiful piece of art for your meaningful journal!

Safe travels,
Unknown said…
Wonderful post- I love your rooster and the way you created your page so it holds the ATC without being permanently attached! GREAT idea!
Happy PPF,
What a wonderful little painting. I just adore it in the context of your art journal!! ~ Blessings
Happy trails, Arnoldo. Glad you're having some valuable family time, and it sounds like a really cool historical hotel. I would LOVE to visit some day. I was gonna give you a hard time....only ONE entry this week? But, I guess I will let it slide since you're travelling. LOL But, the week is young.
I LOVE your rooster, and the verse is perfect for it. I know that we all initially think, "how could he have denied Christ, I would NEVER do that", but the truth is, we all DO deny Him from time to time in small ways of not acknowledging Him or putting Him first. It really made me think for a minute, so I thank you for that. All of God's Word is inspiring.
Thanks again and have a wonderful, safe trip. Thanks for sharing.
Karen L
Word Art Wednesdaay
Alicia C said…
absolutely love the rooster, and teh diffeent elements gathered on the journal page! very cool. Awesome photos - 3rd PPF today that makes me really want to travel somewhere :D
Anne Manda said…
Awesome rooster, the colors are so vibrant! Your journal page is beautiful, lovely composition!
Darla said…
Great ATC, I appreciate your description of the process as well, always interested in the How of things.

Patrice said…
That rooster is fabulous - I hope you'll link up at 52 Card Pickup again this week!
Love your post and your walk through the process! I also love painting ATC's they are so much fun! The rooster is excellent! Thanks so much for sharing!! Have a happy week!!
Winnie said…
Your posts never cease to amaze me. I enjoyed sharing your trip through your great pictures and stories. I am in NYC so TX is an adventure for me. I got to Austin once and Amarillo another time to visit friends and was in love with the people, the scenery and the food. I love your rooster piece. Your drawing and sketching is great and as usual your watercoloring is great. I am always inspired when I visit. I heard a country song the other day "That's Why I Pray" by Big and Rich and the first thing I thought of is, if you have heard it..It is such a powerful song and message. Enjoy your journey!
Gemiel said…
Another awesome journal page!!! The rooster is fabulous and I love that all the elements you used have a special meaning. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your vacation. You have a beautiful family. We are so blessed that you took time out of your travels to share with us at Word Art Wednesday.
SandeeNC said…
I absolutely love that you always carry art supplies with you, even on vacation! So nice to set aside some time to meditate and create some art. Your incorporation of the ATC into your journal is awesome! Love your style. waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)
Mary C. Nasser said…
Wonderful rooster and journal page.
I am your newest blog follower, too! :)
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art
Valerie said…
beautiful! you are very talented. Sounds like a great time with the family!
Valerie-Jael said…
Lovely photos, and the rooster is magnificent. But those skulls....Have a great trip! Valerie
Giggles said…
Very cool rooster especially how it's mounted on the page! Good job!

Hugs Giggles
EVA said…
Welcome to Paint Party Friday Arnoldo! Great to have you join us.

Your rooster ATC is lovely and looks great on the journal page.
Lynn Cohen said…
I like your journal pages with it's embellishments!
I also enjoyed many of your photos of your trip, especially the array of buffalo skulls and the chilies!
DH has one buffalo skull and he calls it Buddy!

Lisa Richards said…
Thanks for sharing! I always enjoy learning about how others incorporate scripture into their art! Have a great trip!
OOOHHH you ATC looks WONDERFUL!! Great work, I wish I could draw-paint like that!!

Love from The Netherlands,
Jackie Rockwell said…
I really admire your artwork. A beautiful piece of art and touching journal entry.
Claire said…
a really gorgeous entry - love it!!