Friday Art Smorgasbord - Texas Style II

Howdy, Folks!  Once again, my post was primarily inspired by the great state of Texas.  The inspiration was sparked when Carolyn Saxby, our team host at Tag Tuesday, proposed a Funfair theme for this week.

© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
My first photograph is of a tag that was inspired by Big Tex, the 52 foot tall cowboy at the State Fair of Texas, in Dallas.  My 9.5 inch (24 cm) marionette version can dance when held from the leather strap and the star is pulled down.  I illustrated him on Bristol board using Faber-Castell India ink artist pens.  For reinforcement, I attached eyelets to all the punched holes that were used in the stringing mechanism.  The limbs are attached with loose fitting brads and washers are glued behind them to improve the mechanism.  I attached a balsa wood star to the pull cord and glittered it for some spark.  I am submitting this piece to Simon Says Stamp Challenge - Anything Goes.

© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
My second photograph is of a sketch I did based on a photograph I took in the Big Bend National Park area.  Since I did it as an entry for my Twenty Minute Challenge post, I timed myself accordingly when working on it.  I used Conté sketching pencils, so it was really a challenge to fight the urge to use an eraser.  I believe I used it more than needed, since I wasn't able to complete the cactus, rocks and grass in the allotted time.  I am submitting this sketch to Three Muses - Masculine.

© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
This next photograph is for What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday? #169Crazy Amigo Challenge - Back to School, and the 52 Photo Project Gallery 19 {Elements}, since it features some of the tools of my profession as an artist and educator.  I've been getting ready for my students, whom will start coming on Monday.  I designed a hand template (right) for them to fill with their choice of tangles.  I cut out the sample on (left) and will display it with an opaque projector as I model how to draw the tangles.  I have a couple of copies of Sandy Steen Bartholomew's children's book that the students will be sharing as they complete their original Zentangle hands independently.  The completed hands will be cut out and displayed in the classroom on a bulletin board.  (In case you're wondering what this has to do with Texas, I do teach here.  LOL!)

© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
This family portrait is for Artist's Playroom #24, What's Your Inspiration?  Although the Lord is my greatest inspiration, my family is right under Him.  I guess you could call these 3 women my muses.  LOL!  My mother-in-law took this photograph of us during a football game we attended at Texas A&M last fall.  I cropped it and softened the edges to diffuse the distracting crowd around us.

© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
The two photographs above are for Inspiration Avenue - Doorways and Windows, Sunday Postcard Art - Doors, and the Order of the Opus Gluei - Challenge #138 Me and My Camera.  I took the first photograph in Marathon, Texas, which is an artsy little town in the Big Bend area.  I love the framework on the door, the textures, and the fabulous patina on the green door.  I took the second photograph at one of the original ranches at Big Bend.  It is the window and shutter to an outdoor adobe kitchen.  If you've followed my blog for a while, you may recall other photographs I posted from that area during the Summer.

© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
Last, but not least, I took a photograph of a card I designed for Paint Party Friday and Word Art Wednesday #43, using Card Positioning Systems - Sketch #280.  I began by painting my watercolor background for my coyote scene using a wax resist technique to form the moon and ground.  Then, I hand cut the silhouettes of the cactus and coyote, which I glued to the background.  I cut out blocks of color coordinating papers based on the CPS sketch, and used a strip of jute twine for the vertical line.  I attached all the elements to a Tim Holtz card base.  I wrote the word "Sing," as a reminder of Psalm 96:1, "O sing unto the Lord a new song; sing unto the Lord, all the earth."  (By the way, did you notice my vintage floral frog.   It's a gift from my blogging friend in Christ, Karen Letchworth.  Thank you, Karen!)

Hope you enjoyed my Friday Art Smorgasbord - Texas Style!  Sorry it's been more of a Saturday Art Smorgasbord for the last 2 posts, but I've had a hard time keeping up with my blog now that I'm back at school.  Thank you for your patience and motivating comments last week.  ¡Vaya con Dios!  Go with God!


Terry said…
Wow! So many incredible things to look at. You've got a lot going on with family, teaching, drawing, creating tags, etc. Amazing work! And great fun to look at for WOYWW.


Terry #60
Patrice said…
Hi, Arnoldo - love that Big Tex tag and the tangled hand! Hope you'll link up at 52 Card Pic this week.
Nancy McCarroll said…
Coming in from I.Avenue to say thanks for your participation. By the way, I love the doors! So "Texas"...can say that because that's my home state.

Your blog is so varied. You are one talented guy!!
Paula (PEP) said…
Lovely to see the photo of you with your family. I love your marionette & I wish I was amongst your art students. You take care & May He Richly Bless You & Your Family.
Paula (PEP)
Jingle said…
You have so many wonderful things here! You really are quite multi-talented! Love it!
Gloria j Zucaro said…
I always enjoy your posts with such variety of interesting and "inspiring" art. You are right, when you subtract everything you could actually live without it push came to shove, family and your higher power are left.
Mary C. Nasser said…
So prolific each week!
Especially love your sketch from Big Bend National Park and your coyote silouette painting!!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art
Netty said…
All terrific projects. Happy PPF, Annette x
Leovi said…
Bonitas fotos. Excelentes imágenes, estos disparos son de gran belleza. Saludos.
Hi, Arnoldo! I'm so glad your little package arrived. Your photo using it looks AWESOME! When I first saw the cowboy, my initial thought was "marionette", so it was intereting to read that it actually is. He's adorable. Then, I also love the family portrait. It's a great photo of your beautiful family. Memories are forever! And of course, your art for WAW is always a blessing, as are you. God is just SO GOOD to place people in our lives who bless and encourage us. Have a great week!
Barb King said…
Wow, you have been so busy. Love that photo of the door, I've been taking photo classes and appreciate good pics. Lovely family, too. barb
BEAUTIFUL projects!!Always fun to be at your blog and get inspired!!

Love from The Netherlands,
bellefrogworks said…
That marionette is fabulous - Loved the pic of your beautiful family. So much wonderful work - thanks for "feeding" your readers again!
Electra said…
I love your door pictures. It's obvious that you are a talented photographer with a great eye. But that's not a surprise, look at all you do so well! Thanks for joining us at Opus Gluei again!
Julia S-W said…
So much amazing work here! I love what I see AND read so I've joined up - that way I can find you again! So much to be inspired by here. . . .
Cheryl said…
Hi Arnold, thanks for visiting my blog. I like your photographs of the door and window. I like to photograph them myself. They are so inviting!
Victoria said…
Wow is always a visual feast for the eyes and heart when I visit here! I love them all..your photographs are stunning I love doorways and windows/ symbolic! and your art of course is gorgeous..the hands really speak to me and capture my soul! the quotes you always choose also bring so much depth and meaning to your wonderful works!
Fabulous post!
Lisa Carroll said…
Fabulous projects! love that the tag is interactive. :) Thanks for playing along in our 'Anything Goes' challenge over at the Simon Says Stamp challenge blog! xo
TwinkleToes2day said…
Wonderful and inspirational work as always Arnoldo. Your smorgasbord is always so full of beautiful art to look at and words to feed the soul :0)
Jennifer McLean said…
you have a beautiful family, thanks for participating.
Tracey FK said…
I love your inspiration shot... your girls look like they are a similar age to my Phantom... and your twenty minute sketch is awesome... love seeing your sketches...xx
annie said…
I so love all your work and enjoy your posts! You've got a lovely family! I really like the door photo...
Darla said…
I was saying, Oh! Oh! Oh! as I came to each of your pieces of art. So much and so good. I enjoyed the post and was delighted to see you and your family.

Natasha said…
I am always inspired when I come here. Love your inspiration shot, and your sketch, and the cowboy...all of it!! :D Great work.
GalleryJuana said…
love the seeing the pages from your sketchbooks.
thanks for the visit:)
Barb Cady said…
What a lovely post. I enjoyed reading all those elements and seeing your photographs. I understand about work getting in the way of being able to post as i only ever manage to put a few things on mine! I have a Beryl Cook card of the nativity for you Arnoldo, but I don't know how to get it to you. How can you keep privacy but share on blog land, please let me know if there is a solution! With best wishes x
Wonderful pieces! I especially like the door for Sunday Postcard Art.
Liz said…
I love the doors, they are very distressed and gorgous
Bella Cirovic said…
Beautiful photos! I love how you captured your elements & inspirations. Coincidentily, I see that my new week's theme is here too!
Happy week!
abby j said…
Great eye-candy... all! I love your style, Arnoldo!
Amazing art, Arnoldo!! Love the photo of your sweet family. You look so different here than your profile photo! :-) Our youngest daughter has been blessed with the gift of art/drawing. She has been in lessons a couple years doing graphite sketches and will be starting Conte after her current project is finished. I posted one of her sketches on my blog this morning. All of your work here is amazing, but I think I do like the Conte the best, even if it didn't get quite as complete as you would have liked. Love the door and window photos!! ~ Blessings, Tracey
Serena Lewis said…
Beautiful post, Arnoldo! You are very inspiring!
Unknown said…
What a full post. I love your marionette and seeing the picture of your family. Thisnk you for sharing them with us. All your work and your posts are so chock full of depth and keen observation.
Barb Cady said…
Thank you for joining my blog Arnoldo, I will jion yourstoday! I will post Beryl Cook to you tomorrow, I live in Wiltshire England, so hope it doesn't take too long to reach you. Isn't blogland wonderful? All the new friends you can make! As you so beautifully put it, Blessings. x
peggy gatto said…
You have so many different and original styles! I do love that door!!!!!!
Kris Dickinson said…
Wonderful art and a beautiful family!
Christine said…
Wonderful collection of work, you do so many challenges!
Jeanette said…
Wonderful blog. The door is beautiful and it does speak for itself.
WrightStuff said…
Wow, there's so much to see here today! I love the Texan cowboy though. Although I live in the UK, I work with a bunch of Texans (also in the UK), so I have a soft spot for cowboys!
Tracy said…
You simply blow my hair back with all that you accomplish! Your muses are beautiful. :) That's a great picture of all of you. Warmly, Tracy
VonnyK said…
What a beautiful family you have, it's no wonder they are your inspiration. I love Tex, he's fabulous and those hands are really gorgeous, so much work in them.
Enjoy your week.
Unknown said…
Your tag is amazing! I also LOVE your zen hand work. Thanks for sharing with us again. :)
Terrie said…
As usual, I'm amazed at your prolific output. Then I'm amazed at how many challenges you participate in and how you manage to make one product fit several challenges. I'm terrible at that. Last but not least I'm amazed at your great work - love the photo of the door, your tangled hands and your unique tag. You have a lovely family - I can see why you find inspiration there.
Deena said…
awesome pictures and those zentangle projects look like tons of fun for the kiddos...thanks for joining in at the opus gluei challenge this week!
Belas fotografias...Espectacular....
Great work here. I always enjoy seeing what you are up to.
Cindy McMath said…
That is a beautiful door! Makes me want to see what's behind it.

Cindy :)
maxipix said…
Hello Arnoldo,

Thank you for the most beautiful comments you have left on my blog for the past few weeks on 52 Projects. They are so encouraging and thoughtful. I appreciate the time you take to visit and comment. I look forward to them (no pressure) I am not surprised to learn here that The Lord is your friend.
I love the hand art in the top images. May I use that idea to inspire the 5 year olds I teach. I was thinking I would trace around their hands to demonstrate the concept of area... but decorating them in black fine line patterns would be perfect.

Your family photo is so sunny and happy!!!!
See you next week.
Maxine form Maxipix
Winnie said…
I wanted to pop in as the holiday weekend was busy, but I don't like to miss your postings. I hope you enjoyed your new class of kids today. I love your cowboy with the pull string! Lovely family picture (great idea to crop it..Must start doing that!). The coyote card made me smile. I recall hearing one in NM on vacation and being from NYC that was a major treat! Blessings to you.
Daniele Valois said…
wow, great post and fab work!!!
Alicia C said…
love your wonderful pieces, as usual - the man is cute!! texas is a great inspiration but I suppose the family is a greater one still
Neesie said…
Apologies for being so late in my visiting Arnoldo but I'm here at last... so glad I am because I'm always amazed and inspired by what you post.
You're so clever to submit for so many challenges that I hope to take a leaf out of your journal even.
And talking about that you've inspired me to use mine...I'm only on page 2 but it's a start!
An absolutely gorgeous photo of you and your girls...just perfect so thanks for sharing. One of my inspirations is my daughter too. :D
Anonymous said…
Hello Mr. Smorgasbord - I mean Arnoldo! Your title is very befitting of the wonderful collection of art you display. Your cowboy is delightful! And your hand template is a great project for your class. BTW, maybe you could give me an idea or two for something my church arts and crafts group can make for the residents of the assisted living facilities we visit in our area at Christmas time. We usually make something small to give out as gifts. PS - you have a lovely family!
Marlena M. said…
You have a gorgeous family! I love your work...thank you for sharing the photos. Your card is wonderful-I love the silhouettes.
PetraB said…
amazing projects and wonderful photos