Art Smorgasbord - To St. Valentine

On February 14th, some people may remember St. Valentine, the Patron Saint of Love, Young People, and Happy Marriages.  Although little is known about exactly whom he was, his existence has been confirmed as that of a Christian priest whom was martyred by Roman Emperor Claudius  II Gothicus, in 269.  Therefore, I am dedicating this post to St. Valentine.

Sacred Heart
5x7 Inch Canvas - Mixed Media Collage
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2013
Three Muses: Whirls, Twirls and Flourishes
Paint Party Friday - Week 48, Year 2
Artist's In Blogland
King of Hearts
Original Illustration, Calligraphy, and Tim Holtz Techniques
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2013
Tim Holtz 12 Tags of 2013 - February
Simon Says Stamp and Show: Ever After
Crazy Amigo Challenge: Hearts
Proverbs 15:17
Art Journal Entry - Micron Pens, Smash Products, and Punch
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2013
Artist's Play Room #43 - Pantry
Collage Obsession: Time
Word Art Wednesday #66: Anything Goes
What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 192
Take a Word: Hearts
These first 3 art pieces reflect different forms of love.  The Sacred Heart represents sacrificial love as exemplified by Jesus Christ, who was crucified for the salvation and redemption of those whom believe in Him.  This is one of a series I did several yeas ago, and it is now in the private collection of Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Beavan.  I illustrated the King of Hearts to represent how blessed I feel to have earned the heart of my wife and am now living in a fairy tale.  I had planned on giving it to her for Valentine's Day, but she walked into my studio when I was working on it - LOL!  As to the art journal page, I did a quick 20-minute sketch of a tin and tablets of Mexican chocolate "Abuelita."  Chocolate was considered the drink of the God's by the Aztecs, hence its Nahuatl name, is used in a Mexican cuisine favorites such as the frothy hot chocolate drink and the spicy mole sauce.  The Bible verse from Proverbs describes the importance of love when sharing a meal.

Anel's Favorite Things
Trincies in a Tag Book - Micron Pens, Prismacolors and Markers
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2013
Tag Tuesday's Alphabet - Letter E
Simon Says Stamp - Have a Heart
Sunday Sketches
This next art piece is the fifth page I've illustrated for an ABC book I wrote last month.  It is based on Anel, an original character I developed.  It's been a wonderful experience working on the book, since it's allowed me to refine and standardize her look as I work on the illustrations.  God willing I'll be able to publish the book someday.  By the way, I realize it's not a Valentine's day piece, but she did paint a heart on her egg.  You'll need to follow my blog in order to see the Valentine's page when I get to the letter V - LOL!

Find a Heart
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2013
52 Photos Project: Gallery 42 {Hearts}
Orange You Glad It's Friday #25
Mandarin Orange Monday #29
Last, but not least, I have a photograph that I took of a lovely button collection that I inherited from my wife's grandmother.  May she rest in Peace.  I sorted them by color, so I only photographed the white ones.  However, the light seems to have brought out some orange hues, especially on the iridescent button.  I also brought the orange hues out further by enhancing them digitally.  By the way, can you find the heart?

In closing, I want to thank you for all the lovely comments you left on my last post.  They were all truly motivational.  Happy St. Valentine's Day!


Jennifer McLean said…
I absolutely love your journal page, great job thinking outside the box. You're so great at fonts, the "LOVE" is beautifully scripted. I really am terrible at doing lettering and script, that's why I don't normally write in my journals, lol.

PS. Is it ok that I grabbed that button photo so i can paint it up someday?? Its so hard to find great photos to paint sometimes.
Yes, Jenn, you may use the photo. I'd love to see what you do with it. However, please give me credit. Blessings!
Dagmar said…
wow - so kreative works - I can´t say how much I like it!
I really enjoyed seeing your Gorgeous creative projects and love the way you write so positively.
The enhancement of the buttons is wonderful with the heart nestling so beautifully. I joned WOYWW yesterday and its truly wonderful how kind people have been x Happy WOYWW Heather # 69
Paula (PEP) said…
The button photo is rather special with the heart (yes, found it), I had to chuckle at Anel's E but my favourite is your Journal Page - that's a bit special.
Have a good week.
Paula (PEP)
Candy C said…
Arnoldo...your blog entries are always so full of thought and feeling. I love your three forms of love pieces. Your Sacred Heart canvas is so lovely. Then you have that really nice King of Hearts tag with so many Tim die cuts, embossing and Ideaology pieces that I recognize. I love your interpretation of your blessed life through that tag. And finally, your art journal page is so wonderful! I love your sketches and your sentiment! Thanks so much for sharing so much of yourself with us at Simon Says Stamp and Show. <3 Candy
Fascinating and interesting post, love your artwork. Thank you for showing it..Gill #50
Sim said…
Wouaouh your Sacred Heart is fan-tas-tic dear Arnoldo! I'm fan! Bravo!
TwinkleToes2day said…
Anel's E is wonderful. She's so talented & such a pretty girl too. I hope you do get it published - I want a copy & have you sign it :)
I also love your journal page for the APR challenge :0)) Mo
Jez said…
All beautiful paintings, and my favourite is your ABC page. Really like your What's in Your Pantry page, it's so interesting to see all these different takes on the subject that different artists do.
Francesca said…
Just think your art journal page is fab, and so true. Like what you have done with the February timmy tag too. Have a good week. Francesca #108
indybev said…
You obviously put a lot of thought and research into your Valentine entries, Arnoldo. Thanks for sharing the results!
what a great post again!
Fabulous artwork! ADORABLE!
Thanks for your month with us, Arnoldo. I SO enjoy your wonderful art, and loved having you design with us. Have a blessed month....on to new adventures. Hope you will join us!
Word Art Wednesday
Tiffany said…
Bravo on everything!
It's always fun to stop by and see what you're up to! God Bless.
SandeeNC said…
I came here to see your Timmy tag and loved how you made it a King of Hearts instead, you always think so well outside the proverbial box. waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥
Anonymous said…
Yet another fascinating post, Arnoldo. The Sacred Heart canvas is wonderful. Love in its many guises. Well done.
Unknown said…
Hi Arnaldo what an interesting blog...and what lovely work you do...i am off to have a snoop around on your blog...Thanks for sharing and i hope you have a good week love from Athens, Zeffy #78
Gloria j Zucaro said…
Another great week of work, Arnoldo
I especially like the King of Hearts.The buttons are beautiful in their subdued but warm colors. I love the way in your Anel book you are "out of the box" as far as the featured letter not being the "is for" beginning letter! Very cool!
Jenny Fisher said…
My favourite in the heart butto photo. Love that you inherited them fro your grandmother. Reminds to go looking for the bits of lace, I inherited from my grandmother.
luciana said…
beautiful journals page....i love smash book
Beautiful work. How lucky to have inherited all those buttons. That last part of your entry has made me want a cup of cocoa, so I must dash off and make some now. :-)
Winnie said…
My grandfather's middle name was Valentine, so it is a special name for us. I love the piece you made for your wife (what a lovely tribute)! Anel made me smile as always, and I do hope some day it is published, as I would definitely pick it up! The stash of buttons is such a lovely gift, and I think the picture with the heart is a fun way of her saying hello.
So much going on here. First...the canvas is the wings and dripping hearts and history behind it. Second, excellent take on Tim's the king, and fairy tale reference for Simon Says Stamp & Show. Third, the journal entry I recognized right away...I make my children only Abuelita Hot Chocolate with only Mexican or homemade is the best...the very best. I learned from my mother, and hopefully they will learn from me. We even grind it up and whip it in with cinnamon. I need some right! Love your book idea as well. You are so inspirational! Thanks for the memories too, and thank you for showing us your magic at Simon Says Stamp & Show this week!
Jeanna said…
Your Alphabet book is darling! I'll take one of those when it is finished :) Thank you for sharing your other pieces, as well. Have a great day! ~Jeanna #168
Marji said…
Beautifully inspired love artwork. It is such a wonderful muse to make such lovely pieces. Making valentines for those you love is a truely joyful experience. The button collection is beautiful. I love vintage buttons. I can only imagine the stories they have to tell.
sharon said…
I love all of these, my fave is the heart canvas so much texture in a small piece. Blessings and a happy PPF!
Lynn Cohen said…
I love all this talk of love, and such lovely art along with it!
I especially love the grandmas button collection. I have fond memories of playing with my grandmas button box...I still have some of her belongings. I hope a grand child of mine will one day say the same when they are my age now and a grandparent themselves!
Ayala Art said…
Great post! Love the heart, and I had read about him in the past, such a hard life, and although the story was changed from reality, at least he is still remembered.
I like the page on the Proverb too, so true!
Anne Manda said…
Love your Sacred Heart collage, very beautiful and expressive! Really lots of very nice pieces, great tag and lovely photograph, too! Yes, I found the heart! :)
Wow! Great collection of artwork! These all look fantastic.
Beautiful work- I love them all!
Happy PPF,
Unknown said…
beautiful work! I love that first canvas - it reminds me of stained glass. Have a blessed week! Happy PPF!
GlorV1 said…
What a great post! Thanks for the info. Your pages are awesome and the button collection and the Sacred Heart collage I love too. Thank you for sharing.
carol l mckenna said…
Lovely variety of creative works ~ Sacred is divine ~

Carol of: (A Creative Harbor)

visiting from OYGIF
Netty said…
all terrific projects Arnoldo, so pleased to see them all like this.
Happy PPF, Annette x
Linda Kunsman said…
beautiful Sacred heart collage!!! Lovely pics and tag too. i have a bunch of vintage buttons which I love collecting and using in my art. Happy St. valentine's day too to you and yours. We'll be celebrating our son's b'day :)
Happy PPF!
Faye said…
All of your works are beautiful and filled with meaning. The Sacred Heart piece is amazing. I loved what you wrote on your post today. And I learned something. I didn't know that St Valentine was martyred.
Lmkazmierczak said…
Impressed by your blog...visiting from Orange you glad it's Friday...Here's my Orange effort:
bellefrogworks said…
What a lovely grouping of artwork - this is one smorgasbord that I won't gain any weight from. I love the different forms of love you illustrated - and God first loved us, which is why I love Him! HPPF
Victoria said…
Wow..everything is super beautiful as always..I love your Sacred Heart especially..deeply special and very inspiring..full of symbolic beauty!!My childhood school was called "Sacred Heart", I always thought that was so brought those memories back! Shine on Arnoldo!!
Unknown said…
I love that scripture on the journal page but I have never seen it quite so clearly and i read Proverbs every month.
It ia so revealing as are all your art.
Thank you for joining us at Word Art Wednesday; we love seeing your wonderful art work and we really appreciate you taking time to join our challenge.
Carole Robb Bisson
The Blessing of the LORD be Upon You!
Leovi said…
Deliciosas composiciones con corazones. Saludos.
Serena Lewis said…
A beautiful array of work, Arnoldo! I LOVE your art journal entry!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful post - thanks so much for sharing <3
Lovely post and gorgeous art. Happy PPF!
EVA said…
Wonderful assortment of creations! I really love your journal pages... Fun!
Dianne said…
wonderful art the journal pages...and the button photo too! I have a thing about your work! HPPF!
Aranthe said…
That's the first time I've heard that translation of Proverbs, though it certainly works well in the drawing. (I learned the KJV version: "Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a stalled ox and hatred therewith." Wouldn't work nearly as well in a pantry!)
denthe said…
Wonderful and very creative work!
Unknown said…
La tua straordinaria verve artistica da vita a pezzi sempre magnificamente espressivi!
Unknown said…
Love the artwork. Especially the journal page and eggs. The buttons are wonderful. Great info on chocolate, didn't know that before. have a great Sunday :)
Barb Cady said…
What a fabulous post Arnoldo! How I missed the last one too I don't know. I love the painting of St Michael, and this post is just fabulous. I especially agree with your journal quote about food made with love, it tastes different! I love your Tim's tag too. I am truly blessed to be with my soul mate, it's nearly our 44th wedding anniversary, money doesn't make you rich. With friendship hugs from across the sea - barb x
Debbie said…
good work here today, really love the heart!
NatureFootstep said…
a heart with angel wings on. Cool.
Lorraine said…
fabulous artwork on here and I like reading the stories behind the art..thanks for your lovely comments on my blog
lorik said…
I have my mother-in-law's (and probably her mother's) collection too. What a lovely composition they have made - and i like the touch of orange. Thank you for sharing with Mandarin Orange Monday:)

i like your first canvas painting very much!
VonnyK said…
I really love your art and the journal page is fabulous. You had me at the mention of chocolate, I'm still drooling. Your book looks adorable and I'm sure it will sell really well. Kids love those type of pictures.
EJ said…
You're such an artist!

A Touch of Orange
Would love to hear your thoughts.
Anna-Karin said…
Beautiful pieces once again and such a great theme. Love the tag and the photo of the buttons is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing with us again at Simon Says Stamp and Show!
Sharon Wagner said…
I was just thinking I should create a little Valentine's card for my husband. And maybe some love from the kitchen. The latter is the form of love he appreciates the most!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful work, I love your journal page a lot and your sacred heart. Great job an yes, I found the heart!

Have a great day!!
as always your post makes me happy!
fabulous lettering and so creative spread ... and all the positiveness!
thank you!

April said…
Lovely art work as always. So inspiring. :-) April #133
Spyder said…
wow such a lot going on on your desk! Happy VERY LATE WOYWW
Mandy said…
Wonderful creations Arnoldo, the image is so cute.
Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp
hugs Mandy xx
Lisabella Russo said…
Beautiful works! I love the heart symbol and you've used it so elegantly.
Bella Cirovic said…
Arnold, such lovely photos & artwork you've shared - but I have to tell you, I am smitten by that tiny little heart amongst the buttons! Excellent capture. Thank you for sharing.