Busy, Busy, Busy

I've been so busy in the past couple of weeks, that I'm late posting this week.  I'm presenting in two of the teacher trainings scheduled next week in my district, so I've had to get ready for them.  One of them is on creativity in the classroom, so I'm really excited about that one.  In addition, my classroom was moved, so I had to work on that as well.  Anyway, this is a quick post on the few art escapades I was able to take on my spare time.

Art Journal Page
Micron Pens, Watercolor Pencils, & Markers
Piarom's Mix It Monthly: August Necklace & Flowers
Artist's In Blogland - Color This Quote
Journal Journey's Ch 22 - What Summer Means to You!
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 219
Word Art Wednesday: Challenge #93
Three Muses - Script
Eva & Kristin's Paint Party Friday: Week 23 Year 3
This art journal page was inspired by the shapes and textures in Piarom's mother's necklace, by one of the song tittles in the musical "Newsies," and by my daughters in the Summer season.

ATC Size Card
Original Art on Mixed Media
Jenn's Artist's Playroom #70 - Little Things
Simon Wednesday Challenge Blog - Monochromatic
ATC's With Attitude - Just Relax
Order of the Opus Gluei: Challenge #163 - The Start of Something Big
Try It On Tuesday - Create a Scene
Artists in Blogland - Show & Tell Saturday
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
This ATC size card was inspired by a baby green anole lizard that I found sitting on a floating chlorinator in my swimming pool.  I rescued him and placed him in one of my wife's potted plants.  He  appeared to be very happy to be away from the "plastic island" - LOL!

Collaged Tag
Hand Paper Cuts on Die Cut Background
Tag Tuesday - Complementary Colors
Simon Monday Challenge Blog - Make the Cut
Manon's Paper Saturdays
This collaged tag design was inspired by Henri Matisse, who was known for his use of bold colors and  for "painting with scissors."

Birthday Gift Card
Paper, Scissors, Punches, Markers & Glue
ABC Wednesday - E is for Elaboration
Maria's Orange You Glad It's Friday #51
Lorik's Mandarin Orange Monday #55
This birthday gift card was inspired by my oldest daughter's friend, who turned 21 years old this summer.  I designed the card and posted it in my blog back in March.  However, my daughter wanted to make it more personal and have it match the gift bag.  (I wonder who she got that from - LOL!)  Therefore, we did a little cooperative elaboration.  She added a personal message inside, and I added her friend's name on the outside.  Not only did her friend love it, but my daughter and I had some fun bonding time in the process!

Bella's 52 Photos Project Gallery 17 {Unusual & Uncommon}
Jen's In the Studio
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday
This last piece is a photograph I took of a sculpture made out of scraps that one of my best friends made for her vegetable garden.  Isn't it clever!  I cropped the photograph, changed it into sepia tones, and blurred the edges to complete my photographic composition.

Hope you enjoyed my quick post and take the time to leave a comment.  I ALWAYS appreciate people's comments and reciprocate with a comment in their blogs.  Blessings!


Valerie-Jael said…
Lots of fun work this week! Valerie
Ivy said…
That sculpture is so amazing! And love your Seize the Day piece!
Leovi said…
Un monstruo muy simpático, original composición!
Mary said…
Love them all, but the lizard is my favorite. Giving it first glance, I thought was peacock. Giving it a closer look, I was surprised by your little friend. Love all the great eye candy. Happy WOYWW. I'm really late. Best on your training and new school year.
Reader Wil said…
Great post.thanks for sharing.
Wil, ABCW Team.
Paula (PEP) said…
I hope all goes well with your presentations. Brilliant to have creative time with your daughter too. My favourite of all has to be the lizard though - I'm sure he was very pleased to have escaped the floating plastic.
Paula (PEP)
GlorV1 said…
Love all your pieces but Seize The Day really pulls me in. Very nice job. Have a great day.
Linda Kunsman said…
what gorgeous projects Arnoldo. I especially love the first one! Good luck with the new school year.
PiaRom said…
OMG Arnoldo if you could see me and my smile reach both of my ears :D such a happy piece...biiig smootches for making it for Mix It Monthly
and how I love your lizard (he is save on your card, because he is so camouflaged ;) ...lizards are one of my favorite little animals! Thank you for such a bunch of amusing art this week ♥ Conny
Jeannette said…
Ooh I Like your heart painting,is so wonderful,great idea the braclet with the sun used.
and all your other works is beautiful,the sculpture is amazing and so unique.

Greetings Jeannette

Anonymous said…
SO much fun eye candy to look at here! Thanks so much for joining us at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog :) - Ashli
Faye said…
A delightful variety in your post today, Arnoldo. I especially love the one with the green lizard. Glad you rescued the real one. Chlorine is probably not good for him to be near.
Meggymay said…
Fantastic projects. Thank you for sharing the awesome scene showing the lizard, with us at TioT's this time.
sharon said…
I love the lizard! But most of all I love the photo of the garden sculpture. Now I have an old mop lying around..... Blessings.
Nancy B said…
Love your Seize the Day piece. The girls look so calm and peaceful!
I love the lizard too. I didn't see him at first either.
And the sculpture is just cool!
FUN FUN FUN!!! Love the ATC...so many layered elements, and the green is great! The photo is wonderful too! Love all art here!
sheila 77 said…
Lovely work, Arnoldo, even with your workload. I especially like your "Mix it Monthly" art, with the flowers, the clever way you have made the sun, the happy faces and one of my favourite quotes.
Chat Noir said…
Good morning Arnoldo...."Seize the day" will always remind me Dead Poets Society and then in turn of why I love teaching.... And it can be so very hard to remember to seize the day sometimes, but it is in fact a valuable sentiment. Hmmm...getting very deep and meaningful here - on to other things: love the little green lizard and all the texture on that ATC. They're my very favourite "canvas" at the moment, though I have to confess to a growing fondness for inchies. I love the variation in your work as always. I hope the coming week is a good one for you.
bing said…
love the green ATC card. :)

the sculpture is intriguing.

i am also late for the 52photosproject but here it is!
Unknown said…
The the garden sculpture lol and how you have adapted the photo :)

And thank you for joining in Journal Journey's this month with your lovely entry.

It's always a pleasure to visit Dxx
Giggles said…
Arnoldo I am impressed with your sense of whimsy this week..how fun is that!! I thought seize the day was great and then more eye candy and great color!! And the collaboration project with your dear daughter...so fun!! Looks like someone has been having fun playing!! Good for you... I love it all!! Love this post! Very heartfelt and fun!

Hugs Giggles
Winnie said…
How fun each is! I love the lizard atc, with all the textues, and how he blended in to the background! Your ladies look happy and joyful. I think it is wonderful that your daughter was inspired to make a matching card fro her friend and that you worked on it together. You are lucky man to have so many creative souls in your life, your friend and neighbors garden art is fab! Your photo captured its fun nicely.
Mrs.B said…
Hi Arnoldo, What a fab ATC, love how it was inspired by the lizard in your pool.
Lots of great art work to see this week.
Thanks for joining us at TioT.
Avril x
Jez said…
They are all unusual and original, and I love every one, but my favourite - because I am a great lover of Matisse's work - is the matisse-inspired piece. Lovely simplicity, and inspired to place it on the Matisse book cover.
Anonymous said…
You always have so many different things going on at all times. I do love the matisse piece though, quite wonderful. xox
Barb Cady said…
Don't know how you stay so creative with all that work going on! I love all these posts but the photograph is marvellous, great work my friend! X
Gloria j Zucaro said…
Love,love,love the lizard card. I always enjoy helping an animal/reptile . It makes me feel like God's caretaker. Have a wonderful week.
Unknown said…
For such a busy man you have produced some exquisite work.
Seize the day, when you read or hear it, it so inspires one. Lovely work. Thank you for posting with us at WAW.
Bee and Dee said…
A great journaling page, lovely colour combo. Thank you for joining us on the TIOT challenge. Hugs Bee
Lorraine said…
busy bee love the painting with scissors and ATC
bellefrogworks said…
Glad you rescued the little anole lizard - we have so many of them here in SC and the way they scurry around always makes me smile. For a busy week you certainly got a lot done. Love them all - but the "lizard" card is wonderful. Love how much "stuff" is on the card and green in one of my favorite colors.
Victoria said…
Hi Arnoldo, it is always a wonderful journey visiting here and exploring your creative feast of art!Love them all..love the Matisse one..stunning..also love the birthday card, very special...and wow..the sculpture is magnificent, unique and fabulous. The photo of it is marvelous..wonderfully done!
Wishing you a beautiful week ahead!
maria said…
Everything is beautiful as usual. It's good to know you still had time to do all those despite being so busy.

Glad you decided to share your photos on Orange you glad it's Friday. Thanks for joining and I hope to see you again next weekend.

Btw, I love the sculpture. Happy Sunday Arnoldo!
Anne Manda said…
Really interesting, beautiful rich pieces!
Anonymous said…
Yes! Seize the day :) A beautiful contemplation. I love the photograph as well. Very quirky little character. I do like the sepia tones and the blurred edges.
Claudia N. said…
Wonderful, Arnoldo!

LOVE the intense greens on your ATC size card! It's just perfect for the image of the lizard! And sooo much to discover on that small format! Brilliant!

Thank you for playing along with us at TIOT!

Claudia x
I've been so BUSY myself that I hadn't had a chance to visit until now! Very ECLECTIC post!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Anonymous said…
Well the sculpture your friend made for the garden should definitely keep the evil spirits away, ha ha! Great!
denthe said…
Wonderful varied art this week. Love your Matisse-tag!
Sofia said…
I admire all creative activities.

here, my favorite is that Matisse piece.

~ enjoy your day ~
Julie said…
Wonderful works of art, you are invited to share this Show Your Stuff:

Christine said…
lovely inspired pieces today!
Wonderful unique different creations. I love Matisse, he was a genial artist!
Love all your artwork! You captured Matisse's style so well in that tag. So inspiring as always!
Indrani said…
Amazing talent! Beautiful art work.
So much wonderful inspiration here. Just delightful!! The teachers in your training classes are blessed indeed!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

Garden of Grace
Unknown said…
How fun to do a card inspired by a rescued lizard! And your Seize the Day card is great - so sweet to memorialize summer and your daughters in this way. So much to look at and admire in your post, as always! Have a wonderful week.
Saints Rule! said…
More fabulous projects! Praying all goes well with your presentations! Thanks for joining us at Word Art Wednesday!
Jen Price said…
Ha! Awesome photo! Love the scrap creation.
gorgeous collection this week Arnoldo!

Unknown said…
I love all your tags, Arnoldo. I'm trying to seize the day but it always gets away from me!!! hahaha :)
April said…
As always your artwork is inspiring. So sweet of you to save the little lizard. The one on your tag is very lifelike - I assume it wasn't the real thing. LOL I hope you like your new classroom and enjoy your creativity in the classroom class.
April #120
You've been busy my friend, but working as an 'artista' and I love that kinda busy, lol.. Your artwork is gorgeous and I'd be so happy to have it on my Wall! The Little lizard it's cute and so nice of you to sabe it for your DDs. I love your collection Arnoldo. Thanks for your visit, I so appreciate it.
Big hugs,
Anonymous said…
Your ATC with the greens in beautiful. There's so much motion and texture to it. It really caught and kept my eye.
Electra said…
Yes, I wonder...lol Such a vast array of magic and styles, Arnoldo. Thank you for creating another masterpiece for us at Opus Gluei, we are always blessed to have you participate in our challenges!
Crafting Vicky said…
some great creations! Loving the cool lizard and the embellishments you have done on your ATC!

Thanks for joining our fortnightly challenge here at ATC’s with Attitude challenge. Hope you will join us next time. DT Crafting Vicky
Jingle said…
These are great! I love the layers of greens you used on your monochromatic ATC! Thanks so much for playing along with us over at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge!
Anonymous said…
You always are very busy, busy busy ;) and we can tell because of your wonderful work.

Great work as usual!!

Have a wonderful day!
lorik said…
Love your bursts of colour this week ... Matisse must have inspired you:) And your friend's sculpture is most interesting. I have been busy this week too (teaching too: ) so am late again returning to thank you - being part of Mandarin Orange Monday:)

Love from The Netherlands,
Excelentes trabalhos....
Rika said…
Stunning artwork!
Rosemary said…
Dear Arnoldo, as a viewer of your blog I must thank you for your personal tours of your creations - I feel as though I'm getting treated to a great installation. I love the lizard ATC, it is so beautifully composed and loving the rich colors but I love everything else here too. The Matisse inspired creation is fantastic, captured the sense of his work.

Thank you, as always, for sharing your creativity with us at Opus Gluei. When your name pops up I know I'm in for a feast for the eyes.