Going Primarily Small

Although it's been extremely busy, I've had a very productive and wonderful start to the school year.  My students will start coming to me for Gifted and Talented services next week, and can't wait to work with them.  That being said, my art studio time has been cut.  However, God is good and gave me a creative outlet by going primarily small.  Thank you, Lord!

Hay Unos Ojos
Mixed Media Inchie on a Tie
Every Inchie Monday: Song
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 221
Manon's Paper Saturdays
The inchie on the tie was inspired by the song "Hay Unos Ojos," which Linda Ronstadt sang in her album "Canciones de Mi Padre."  I love Linda's ability to cover such a broad range of musical genres, and this is definitely one of my favorite songs she's performed.  I was also blessed to hear her sing it life back in the 1980's.

Micron Pen & Pencil Moo
Sandy's Tangle Card Challenge #7 - Gewgle
Moo-Mania - Lined Up (In a Row)
Simon Says Monday Challenge Blog - Dotty
ABC Wednesday - G is for Gewgle
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
The moo above was inspired by Sandy Bartholomew's Gewgle tangle, my love of lettering, and a Celtic art.  I've never drawn on this type of small and unusual format, so it was really a challenge.  However, it was a lot of fun!

Sock It To Me
Original Illustration on Collage Tag
Tag Tuesday - The Swinging Sixties
Simon Says Wednesday Challenge Blog - Anything Goes
Maria's Orange You Glad It's Friday #53
Kristin and Eva's Paint Party Friday - Week 25 Year 3
Lorik's Mandarin Orange Monday #57
The small tag was inspired by my childhood memories of the 1960's.  I was fascinated by the exaggerated fashions of the time, and have fond memories of an older cousin using the "Laugh In" television show phrase regularly.  For more information on it, read my post in Tag Tuesday.

Portal to Heaven
Collage Tag Card
Tag Tuesday - Windows, Gates, Doors & Portals
Collage Obsession: Celestial
Word Art Wednesday #95
I actually started the tag card above a while back, but had never finished it until last week.  I made a couple of small adjustments to it, which I believe gave it more of a finished look.  It's not my best work, but I like it.

On the Line to Heaven
iPhone Photograph
Bella's 52 Photos Project: Gallery 19 {On the Line}
Jen's In The Studio
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday - Week 87
I found the garden pyramid trellis above this Summer at a Methodist church when my oldest daughter and I were taking a walk in College Station.  Since it was in a relatively small area, I decided to shoot the photograph from an angle.  I think it worked.

I hope you like my small pieces of art, and deem them worthy of a comment.  I will reciprocate with a comment on your blog.  Thank you for all your gracious comments during my last post.  I also want to apologize for not posting in my blog last week, but as I mentioned, I've been very busy at work.  Blessings!


Marji said…
I'm always amazed at how much you do. it is all so beautiful and inspiring!
VonnyK said…
Even when small your work is beautiful. I remember the "Sock it it to me" on Laugh In and your tag is fabulous. I love all your tags and the photo is really clever. Enjoy being back with the students but take the time to do some art for yourself and us :)
Have a wonderful week.
GlorV1 said…
Hi Arnoldo. Looks like you have been very busy with your wonderful work. Enjoy the school year and continue with your awesome art work. Thanks.
All this pieces are just AMAZING Arnoldo!
Thank you for playing along with us on MOO MANIA CHALLENGE!


Valerie-Jael said…
Lots of fun work this week! Valerie
Neesie said…
Hello Arnoldo,
Its been quite some time since I last visited your space, but as ever it was such a delight to see your work.
You have been incredibly busy as usual producing such fantastic pieces ;D
Thanks for sharing and blessing to you :D

Julia Dunnit said…
I do like your small pieces of art! And the patience involved..I'm not good at the proportion for inchies and such..but I love the idea of the tie..really looks neat. Am off to find some Linda R to listen to...thanks for the reminder!
chrissie said…
Wonderful work on all of them. The Moo is terrific

Love Chrissie xx
sheila 77 said…
Your small pieces of art are lovely and interesting as always. I like your Moo with the letters and twirls in a row, very clever. Your sixties lady with the bouffant hair-do is terrific.
sharon said…
Love the tag card portal to heaven, the inside is wonderful.
Lorraine said…
love these little pieces happy ppf
Giggles said…
I adore your wonderful small art!! Great inchies, and moo...love this style...very cool!! Good luck on the new school year!!

Hugs Giggles
Sim said…
What beautiful tags Arnoldo! :)
Artistic, mystic and unique!!
Anonymous said…
Fantastic way to approach ypur limited time now thst you are back teaching....Love all the pieces, thst inchie is fabulous as is your photo. Happy PPF, enjoy your Labor Day. xox
Anne said…
Hello I am visiting everyone who ends in a 1 this week. Just popped by Julia's blog to see if there were any latecomers and there you were 131. Love your mini works of art. You have such wonderful talent. I remember the Laugh In programme :-) Anne x #71
bellefrogworks said…
I always love to see what you have been working on - I understand about small - that's why I've been working on my little women for my etsy shop. As always - love the variety. That photo of the trellis is great. Have a blessed and rest filled weekend.
Rosie said…
All these piece are gorgeous.

Thank you for taking part at MOO-MANIA
Ivy said…
Beautiful work, especially love the Sock it to Me tag!
Paula (PEP) said…
As I scrolled back over your post my eye was caught by the last two for the bricks' colour of the church are echoed in the cross of the project above. The eye is led along the verticals of the 'tied' panel on the left down through the centre bars of the window in the photo below which draws the eyes to the cross structure parallel with the window bar bringing the eye back up to the cross in the project above. We really need a conversation for it's very hard to describe all the dynamics in writing........ All the best with the new school year.
Paula (PEP)
Linda Kunsman said…
It's always such a pleasure to see all the art you accomplish despite your work. I love all your small art this week, and that zentangle moo is just marvelous! have a great extended weekend!
Unknown said…
Love these small pieces... great way to manage your limited time! Happy PPF!
Heather Santos
Sparrows Journey Blog
Anne Manda said…
Lovely variety of art, original and beautiful!
Rita said…
You always have such an cool array of items to share. I love the little pieces. Happy PPF!

Faye said…
Your tiny art pieces are beautiful. I really admire artists who can paint tiny things.
Winnie said…
Glad to hear the school year is starting well. They go back on Tues here in NYC, and my 2 sisters and brothers return to work. Each excited, but also having to juggle their time more. Love your "little" pieces, the eyes on the first piece are so expressive. Love the tag (her hair is fab!) on your Laugh in one..Haven't thought of that in a long time! Great shot of the trellis, I at first thought it was a shadow against a building! Enjoy the Labor Day Holiday!
Trillian As said…
Love your art. Interesting how you decorated the inchie.
Thank you for participation at Every Inchie Monday.
Candy C said…
Enjoying our blog this afternoon, Arnoldo. Your tag card is gorgeous. Love it. Your "Believe" piece is so pretty, too. I have a friend who is taking some lettering and doodling classes. It's taking her alot of time and she practices alot. But, I can definitely see that it is paying off. I can totally understand your love of lettering. I need to try my hand at it sometime. Your inchie is a lovely piece as well. I'm not familiar with the Linda Ronstadt song you mentioned. I'll have to check it out. Hope you're getting ready to have a nice, relaxing Labor Day Weekend. <3 Candy
Lmkazmierczak said…
You make me look at my scraps and tidbits I have around the house for new uses♫ Love visiting. My OYGIF: http://lauriekazmierczak.com/wired/
All of the pieces are fantastic! Great artwork!
Studio Kaufmann said…
Anrnoldo I am loving your small works of art. Great things really do come in small packages.
Happy PPF!!
Joy Murray said…
I often think your house must be a pure joy to enter -- little tags of beauty, wisdom and grace laying about, beautiful works of art on the walls. How lucky your students are to have such a creative soul in their midst. And how lucky we are to see these nice windows into your studio.
manomij said…
i love small art there is something very honourable about it. Great to see you at Paper Saturdays! ManonX
Christine said…
lovely work this week, and nice photo at the end there!
Unknown said…
I consider a trip to your blog my treat of the week.
The tag card may not be as you quoted however it was music to my ears. I really like it and very well may try to do something like it.
We/I love seeing your artwork, “Thank you so very much for posting it with us”.
Carole Robb Bisson
Word Art Wednesday
God works in such wonderful ways! Happy to hear you school year is starting wonderfully and your creative outlet is working small! :)
Unknown said…
Happy new school year! I love all your little art treasures. My favorite is the blue lady inspired by the Linda Ronstadt song!
Your blog posts and art are always SO creative and inspiring, and I'm always SO delighted and so grateful when you are able to join in our challenges. Hope all is well with you, and thanks for sharing your talents with us this week.
God bless you!
Word Art Wednesday
Lynn Cohen said…
Your crosses remind me of my late friend Patty, who collected crosses. She carried a tiny sack with her filled with very small crosses. I used to buy her one or two every year! Your art work is really lovely this week!
Jen Price said…
Such a cool trellis! Great angle!
Indrani said…
How creative! Each item is beautiful and precious.
Jez said…
I love every single one. My particular favourite is the Sock It To Me 60s piece, great memories of the sixties when I was a young mum and wife, so this amusing piece has made me smile.
maria said…
All are beautiful as usual. I love all of it.

Thanks for sharing them on OYGIF. Happy weekend Arnoldo.
Francesca said…
Hi Arnoldo, You have been very crative this week. especially love the small tag, and your photograph, it really works. Blessings Francesca #55
Lindsay said…
Great job! I used to paint tiny details on one inch magnets. People used to ask how I did it an if course I told them, "With a tiny paintbrush!" :)
Meihsia Liu said…
Wow.. I love your small piece of art especially the tag of 1960. The colors and the image are just so wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Say Stamp Monday Challenge. :)
Leovi said…
Muy bonito diseño! Precioso portal del cielo!
Nice work.
I was sad about the news of Linda Ronstadt's Parkinson's disease, rendering her unable to sing!
Birgitta said…
Inspiring and beautiful! Great art!
Wow these are really cool! I particular like the black and white angel work.
Unknown said…
I love the tags, especially the Sock It To Me one..so much fun! I think your iphone photograph really works. Photographing at that angle lends a certain intrigue. Found you through In The Studio.
janice smith said…
Always so fun to visit you here and see all your lovely creations. The Sock It To Me tag is my favorite this week...so bold and the design fits perfectly with the theme! Blessings, janice
Always so much to see and be inspired by every time I visit! Love the tangle! The Card is gorgeous too! An the bouffant on the lady is grand!!!
April said…
I'm sad to see your art time cut, but am sure you will be a great teacher for those gifted students. Love that photograph. Thanks for visiting me earlier. April #24
Gloria j Zucaro said…
Hi Arnoldo, I especially like the 50's tag, being a girl of the fifties and having had a hairdo just like that for a wedding I went to! I wore a mantilla over the very high beehive (I think that is what they were called) because the church was Catholic and women always covered their heads. Thank you for your comment on my blog.
MaiThreeBoyz said…
I love the 196's tag. I can draw faces and I love your drawing of that woman and her hair done up.
debby4000 said…
Love your fabulous creations.

Thank you for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge.

Lisabella Russo said…
Beautiful pieces! I especially love the "Believe" one. I think it's great that you're working small, there can be great beauty in small things, as your works show!
lorik said…
There is always so much to see here. I love your MoM pic...she is so exotic and also very happy! Thank you for sharing on Mandarin Orange Monday:)
Bella Cirovic said…
Thank you for sharing to "on the line".