
Other than my faith, I'm often inspired to create by my family, which may be immediate, by association, or at school.  Sometimes it's for reflective projects, and other for projects I create for them.  That appears to be the case this week.

My 3 Girls - 1
Photograph ©Arnoldo L. Romero
52 Photos Project: Gallery 21 {Bright}
Inspiration Avenue Challenge: Kodak Moment
Jen's In The Studio
My 3 Girls - 2
Art Journal Page
ABC Wednesday: I is for I Really Like This
Word Art Wednesday: Challenge #97
Eva and Kristin's Paint Party Friday - Week 27 Year 3
Mother and Child
Frame Tag
Tag Tuesday - Mother and Child
Jenn's Artist's Playroom #74 - Flowers
Take a Word Challenge - Childhood
Try It On Tuesday: Make Your Own Flowers
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
The photograph above, which is one of my favorites of my wife and daughters, inspired the two art pieces that follow it.  I took the photograph around 15 years ago, when my wife came home from work.  The art journal page is a gesture drawing that I did in less than 15 minutes, and then embellished it with a strip of Smash tape and a punched heart.  Looking back at it, the size of the eyes is a little off, but I believe I captured the feel.  I cut the silhouette in the tag free hand.  The pose reminds me of the works of Mary Cassatt, the American impressionist artist who is known for her mother and child paintings.

Asian Circus
Collage Card
Maria's Orange You Glad It's Friday
Manon's Paper Saturdays
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday #89
I made the card above for my wife's and my Godson, who just turned 16 years old.  He is a very gifted and talented young man, who excels in various areas, including his study of the Spanish language.  We're so proud of him!  I used a print of an Asian circus for the card's backdrop, and then enhanced it with an origami fish, a torn ticket, and an Asian inspired stamp.  I even signed my card with my last name written in Katakana, a form of Japanese syllabic characters which make it possible to spell foreign words and names.

Dream Catcher
Photograph Collage ©Arnoldo L. Romero
Julia's What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday 223
Three Muses: Reflections or Repetitions
Lorik's Mandarin Orange Monday #59
Last, but not least, I have a photograph of my classroom desk, where I was planning a back to school project for my students to me decorate a Native-American inspired bulletin board.  I designed a Dream Catcher pattern for them to decorate using different tangles.  The photograph shows a sample I made, which I cut out, attached the feather to, and hung on the board for them to see.  Most of them have finished theirs, and the board is looking gorgeous, as I put each of their pieces up!  As to the photograph, I enhanced it digitally on Pixelmator, by adding a Pop art effect and changing the colors.

In closing, I want to leave you with a Bible verse I found, which is not only applicable to me as a father, but also as a Godfather and teacher.  It is found in Ephesians 6:4, and says, "Fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord."  Have a blessed week.


VonnyK said…
Your drawing of your wife and girls is fabulous. It's easy to see how much you love your family as it really comes out in your art. Your back to school project is fabulous.
Have a wonderful week.
Von #34
Leslie: said…
Incredibly wonderful artistic project for your students! I learned a lot about art when I was forced to teach it to grade 4 students! I couldn't draw, so practised with a teaching unit before I introduced it...if I could draw a rose, anyone could! lol You have a lovely family, Arnoldo, and I do like the Bible verse. Have an ideal week,

abcw team
Francesca said…
Hi Arnoldo,

Beautiful photo of your family and the projects you have created from it. Love the idea of the tangle dreamcatcher. Blessings Francesca #47
lovely artwork again.. such a nice girl trio you have!

Carver said…
I love the family photograph and also the interesting art you created regarding your family. Carver, ABC Wed. Team
Valerie-Jael said…
Lovely work, and great photo of your ladies! It must be nice to have a family! Valerie
Unknown said…
This pose shows a truly happy family, and your art (from the photo) is so animated with this love. The little splash of color confirms it.
We love to see your artwork; thank you for posting with us at Word Art Wednesday. Remember Arnoldo you can post up to FIVE projects this week.
Carole Robb Bisson
Word Art Wednesday
Darla said…
Your love for family shines through. I enjoy the fact that they inspire your art.

Kelly said…
Beautiful sketch. And a fabulous art project for your students. Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #105
Paula (PEP) said…
I'm sitting just smiling as I see the stripes of your punched heart echoed in the background of your silhouette. Even the pinks & touches of olive green are related with the touches of yellow. My favourite is the silhouette though - you've really captured your wife's hair in that one quite beautifully.
Paula (PEP)
sheila 77 said…
Your artwork has such soul and goodness, thanks for sharing it with us, Arnoldo.
Meihsia Liu said…
Wow.... your drawing is amazing. I love those beautiful dream catcher images, too. Thank you for sharing. :)
I just LOVE this, Arnoldo. What a treasure this will be in years to come - I can't even imagine. If your girls don't already cherish it, the day will come when it means EVERYTHING to them because it not only captures a happy moment with Mom, but it's also a piece of YOU. Absolutely precious! I'm SO grateful to have you share your wonderful God-given talents with us.
Word Art Wednesday
Great post! Love the photo and drawing of your girls! Love the eyes! Great card too and photograph!
Winnie said…
I love seeing posts with your family as it really shows your heart. That is a great picture you took of your girls, and the sketch captured them wonderfully! The card for the special young man is awesome and how you signed it is truly special. Lucky students to have a teacher so creative and caring! Enjoy the approaching weekend!!
Christine said…
Lovely work and a beautiful family!
Faye said…
Wonderful art today. I especially like the family portrait you did. Everyone looks happy and like they enjoy being together.
Gloria j Zucaro said…
What a wonderful post. I love the photo of your wife and daughters from years gone by and the sketch from it. The tag is marvey and I really think your Asian circus card is special and will be much appreciated. The bible verse is good advice for both parents!
Giggles said…
Love this photo, very inspiring project! Beautiful work and verse too!

Hugs Giggles
Jez said…
A beautiful photo of your charming and happy family. I like all your pieces, but particularly the silhouette - very expertly done.
Netty said…
Hi Arnoldo, its great to be back visiting you again. I love your sketch of your beautiful girls and all your gorgeous personalised work.
Happy PPF, Annette x
Wonderful photograph of your family and beautiful artwork:)
Anonymous said…
I love how your family is always front and center for you. Clearly you are an amazing husband and dad and just are awash in the love you have for them. Great verse, great advice to dad's. I love the admit one card too! xox
Bee and Dee said…
A great silhouette card. Thank you for joining us on the TIOT challenge. Hugs Bee
Uuna said…
You have glad and happy models, it is wonderful. Happy You.

Ivy said…
What a beautiful family you have! HPPF!
Anonymous said…
I really, really, really, like that too! Beautiful Arnoldo!
GlorV1 said…
Hi Arnoldo. Love the family portrait of your girls. Great project for your students too. Thank you for the verse, very nice.
Have a great weekend.
Taluula said…
A stunning selection of artwork this week, my friend.
Linda Kunsman said…
I love everything here Arnoldo. What a beautiful family. You have chosen such a poignant verse too. Love the art projects!
Daniella said…
WOW! What an amazing blog you have! And all the pieces in this post are awesome!! I love the drawing, and the card. I LOVE the tangle you did!! Doodling is one of my favorite things to do!
You do IMAGES in a way I could only dream of doing!
Debbie said…
Very nice! I love seeing the process followed from inspiration to finished product.
So lovely that your family can I inspire your art like this and be a part of it.
Beautiful photo of your wife and daughters--it is also beautiful that they are the inspiration for your art!
Anne Manda said…
Great photo of your wife and girls and very beautiful drawing! These show so much love! Love the colorful tag and the collage card is fun and fabulous!
robin. said…
such a great talent!! love the work of your family!!!
Unknown said…
Love the photo and great artwork :)
manomij said…
Wow more gorgeous art. Your daughters and wife look so happy. I love looking back at our family photos too. Happy Paper Saturdays.
Maria Medeiros said…
A true blessing! Family is everything! It's what's been keeping me busy too. Wonderful!
Barb Cady said…
I quite agree, the riches in life come from our family, this is a lovely post full of colour and love. Barb x
What a lovely sketch !!
Take a look at my art work
Happy Sundays !!
You have a beautiful family! The sketch in your journal is amazing and captures their joy.
Maggie said…
Wonderful, joyful family photo! A perfect Kodak Moment. I love the journal page you created from it too.
Lou Anne Hazel said…
You have a beautiful family. I love the snapshot and additional art work that came from it. Thank you for sharing.
You captured their expressions beautifully! What a sweet inspiration, and the tag is so lovely as well!
Gemiel said…
Arnoldo, I just love that sketch of your wife and girls. You have such a beautiful family and I know the sketch will be cherished for years to come. Thanks for the little peek into your classroom. I can just picture all the different dreamcatchers hanging on your bulletin board. Blessings.
Mrs.B said…
Hi Arnoldo, Gorgeous photo of your family.
Great cutting on the freehand silhouette tag, I thought it was a die cut!
Thanks for sharing with us at FSC
janice smith said…
What a beautiful family! I can certainly see how they would be a constant source of inspiration! Love that silhouette...I am amazed that you cut it freehand. I thought of Mary Cassatt when I saw it as well. Have a wonderful, creative week. xo, janice
Oh Arnoldo, you have a gorgeous family and I love the artwork, in the journal page you did of are so special and talented, mi amigo! Thank you for your kind comments, I'm happy they came from you! Have a terrific week.
Indrani said…
I too liked your "I really like this!" :)
Jen Price said…
Beautiful family! Love the art you created from the ones you love.
Annemor said…
I like your dream catcher.
Have a nice day.
Victoria said…
Hi Arnoldo, I always enjoy my visits here, it is always enriching and wonderful to see what you share! I love mother and child..stunning and so deeply meaningful..the story behind it also very special! and the dreamcatchers are visually magical and so beautiful...gorgeous works!!
Happy PPF
stefanie stark said…
Your picture of your pretty wife and daughters is beautiful! It's spreading so much energy and joy. And I love the Asian circus too. Have a nice week!
maria said…
Fantastic work! I like all of it. The mother and child is a winner.

Thanks for sharing your beautiful work on oygif.
Neesie said…
Oh so late visiting Arnoldo but I have decided that that doesn't matter so much as long as I arrive eventually! ;D
Gorgeous post as usual with such wonderful artwork. Your family looks and sounds such a close knit family which is very special.
Loved the sketch and the dream catcher.
Blessings to you and yours
PiaRom said…
Wonderful post as always and I especcially love your "3-girls-painting" ♥ Conny
lorik said…
You really have inspired your students ! Lovely work and great post.
Thanks for sharing on Mandarin Orange Monday:)
So many wonderful pieces of art! Especially I like your lovely painting of your so happy looking family. Also your photoart with the dreamcatcher is great!
Lisabella Russo said…
Wonderful! I especially like your drawing of your three girls. Very sweet!
Redlane Geraine said…
Wonderful post! I enjoyed all your creations, and the girls look so happy in that photograph, who wouldn't be inspired by such beauties. Being a mom, this post touch my heart. Thanks for visiting my blog.