
Last week, I was blessed to be able to celebrate my birthday.  The celebration included a couple of special dinners, a breakfast in bed, cards, gifts, phone calls, and a plethora of messages on Facebook from friends and family all over the United States of America, Mexico and Europe.  The latter led me to reflect on the fact that I may not be financially wealthy, but I am healthy overall, have a steady job, a  very nice home, a loving family, caring friends, a small menagerie of sweet pets, and although I can't do it full time yet, I have the opportunity to indulge in artful activities.  I enjoy these privileges by the grace of God, because I certainly don't feel I'm entitled to them.  This especially touching to me when I consider all the poignant tragedies happening around the world, such as the typhoon that hit the Philippines and all the atrocious conflicts around the world.  Therefore, I am extremely thankful for every blessing that the Lord has bestowed upon me on my birthday.

Anel's Thanksgiving Play
Sharpie Pen, Prismacolors, & Faber-Castell India Ink Markers in Art Journal
Simon Says Wednesday Challenge - Thanksgiving
Eva & Kristin's Paint Party Friday - Week 36 Year 3
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Craftitude Challenge #53 - Falling Leaves
Take a Word Challenge - Feathered Friends
To My Late Tailor
Ephemera, Buttons, stitching, Distress and Archival Ink Collage
Tag Tuesday - All Stitched Up
Simon Says Monday Challenge - Got Ink?
Scavenger Hunt Challenge - Numbers
Manon's Paper Saturdays
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #233
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." - John 15:13
(This mentally challenged man walks around town pulling this series of wagons filled with lawn equipment.  He mows city lawns for his love of the community.  He is a blessing and an inspiration to my community.)
Digitally Enhanced Photography
Bella's 52 Photo Project - Gallery 30 {On My Way}
Maria's Orange You Glad It's Friday #64
Jen's In the Studio
Lorik's Mandarin Orange Monday #68
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday
Denise and Roger's ABC Wednesday - S is for Self-sacrifice
Karen's Word Art Wednesday #107
May the Lord fill your life with blessings!


voodoo vixen said…
Yikes... talk about late at desk snooping for woyww, my apologies for not popping by sooner, but DH was off for a long weekend and I am getting the desk cleared before visitors arrive later this week! As always your desk is covered with wonderful art! Annette
Suzanne C said…
Your native american is fun! Love the texture with teh coloring. The Tag is phenomenal. Love the mixt of buttons, labels and sewing accessories. Beautiful tag. Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge.
Mi amigo querido! Your post just touched my heart deep! I've been feeling myself JUST like very blessed without been a millioneress. I have a great home and for several years, even two; wonderful friends and family in the USA and Europe. Wonderful and unique virtual friends such as yourself, that some day I could just even meet in person! Look what's happening in the Philippines, simply sad, my heart goes out to all of them and my prayers too.
May God bless you on your birthday and always sweet friend.
Big hugs,
Christine said…
Lovely thanksgiving piece and tag! Happy belated birthday Arnold, You are indeed blessed with all the important things!
I got caught up in the sadness of events and didn't mention how adorable your Little Indian boy is, just perfect for Tksgiving and hey...we have sooo much to thank our Lord!
Lynn Cohen said…
Happy birthday! Happy Thanksgiving too. Love your art pieces so appropriate to the season. Yes, we take a lot for granted in my neck of the woods. I am grateful for each new day! Wishing our friends in the Philippines healing, as quickly as possible. I cannot image the grief being felt in the storm areas!
Christine said…
Happy Birthday. Lovely sketch, tag and photo.
Giggles said…
Happy Belated Birthday Arnoldo! I feel exactly the way you do lately!! So blessed for the wonderful things I have in my life. I have shed a few tears for those less fortunate that's for sure!! Wonderful fun artwork this week!

Hugs Giggles
Leovi said…
Muy bonitas, me gusta la composición para el sastre!
lorik said…
Happy Birthday:) And that man sounds so lovely and caring.I hope he is as valued by everyone as is he by you. Great image too.
Thanks for sharing on Mandarin Orange Monday #68:)
johanna said…
all of these creations are wonderful!!
happy birthday:)
Jez said…
Firstly, happy birthday for last week, and many more to come. Our lives are wasted unless we appreciate the blessings we do have - so many people seem dissatisfied with their lives and waste them.
I love the sweet picture of Anel in the Thanksgiving play, and the imaginary tribute to 'My Late Tailor'.
Your lawn-cutter is very public-spirited - I was wondering how the community respond?
A late Happy Birthday to you!
Gorgeous thoughts - great new pieces!
Barb Cady said…
A very happy birthday Arnoldo, sorry to be late with these wishes! A lovely post and wealth being not money is something I so agree with. What a lovely photo of the gentleman pulling all his gardening equipment, what a great guy to do so much for the community. May you continue to be so blessed my friend. X
Netty said…
Happy belated birthday Arnoldo, loving all your latest projects, especially the quirkyness of the first one, Annette x
Well first of all congrats with your birthday, great that you had so much fun!
Secondly your art works are always amazing, this Thanksgiving art work is beautiful as always.
And it sounds to me that you've been so lucky in life. So, happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!

Greetings, all the way from The Netherlands,
Paula (PEP) said…
Belated birthday wishes - so refreshing to hear what you say about not being entitled. I too am blessed with where I find myself at this moment in time - thank you for making me pause to reflect & thank Him for now.
Your feathered friend just made me smile……
Paula (PEP)
First belated birthday wishes, (I'm a November birthday child too*g*)God may bless you the new year.
You have made a lot of wonderful new creations. Creativity is a great bless, isn't it?
Warm greetings, Anja
Victoria said…
HUgs and Birthday Blessings to you friend!Wishing you much joy always! I love what you shared, I feel the same as you, I am not wealthy at all but feel deeply wealthy in terms of family and friends and they are the greatest treasures in life! How I loved all of your art..beautiful..and very captivated by the man pulling the wagons..this is very touching..beautifully photographed!
Happy Creating!
Candy C said…
Arnoldo..Happy belated Birthday! May God richly bless your life for another year until I can wish you Happy Birthday again. :) I absolutely love your vintage style tag. It's amazing! I love that gentleman from Tim's paper collection. I also love the added spool and the details...even down to the machine stitching! It's all about the details! haha Really a beautiful make! Thanks so much for all of your nice comments you've left on my blog and I wish you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving! Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. <3 Candy
Anna-Karin said…
Happy Birthday! It sounds as like you had a really nice day. Gorgeous projects! I love the tag with the gentleman and all the great embellishments. Thank you for getting inky with us this week at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!
stefanie stark said…
Dear Arnoldo, belated best wishes and happy birthday to you! I love your humorous thanksgiving sketch! And I always like it how you are writing and verbalizing your weekly notes. I feel very sad for the people in the Philippines too and you found the right words to express the compassion. Many thanks!
GlorV1 said…
Happy belated Birthday Arnoldo. Hope it was everything you wanted it to be. You are a great and caring person who deserves the best. Nice work as always. Yes it is very sad about what happens in this world, but we go on somehow. I think we should all be very thankful for what God has bestowed upon us although sometimes we get the bitter with the sweet. Have a wonderful week amigo and blessings to you.
Ariel said…
Happy Belated Birthday wishes.Love your Thanksgiving art page.
Linda Kunsman said…
A happy belated birthday to you dear Arnoldo!
Your Thanksgiving illustration is beautiful. Love the tag with the great elements and title. And what a poignant photo and story. Thank you for sharing these wonderful things.
Annemor said…
One have to count one's blessings, every day.

A late happy birthday greating.
Bill said…
You always have such a wonderful array of art! I'm sure a feather counts. Except, I don't think the bird that had that feather plucked out of him would be too interested in having you for a friend. :O) Have a great day!
Winnie said…
Happy belated birthday my blogging friend! You touched me with that loving tribute to the man in your town who mows lawns for his love of community. So many wouldn't take the time to realize that. I think you Anel Thanksgiving is just fabulous. You should turn her into some card for Thanksgiving for special family and friends. She is lovely. By teaching you are touching so many lucky children, and by blogging the same.
Lisabella Russo said…
Happy birthday! It sounds like yours was wonderful and you have a great perspective. I love your art, the tag is especially beautiful!
Ozstuff said…
He's a friend, and he's "feathered" so, yes, he does qualify for the Take a Word Challenge. Great artwork as always.
Anonymous said…
You are blessed! Belated birthday! Was looking for your Facebook badge - couldn't find it. Am there as Jesh StG. Happy week! Btw, a creative pic of Thanksgiving:)
Emily Leiphart said…
Happy Belated Birthday, Arnoldo! You have so much talent. I love your journalling page and your tag. Beautiful work! Thanks so much for playing along with the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge!
manomij said…
Happy belated birthday Arnoldo!! I hope you wil one day make a living out of art you mak such wonderful things. Manon :)
Lmkazmierczak said…
Happy Birthday, belated...Visiting from Mandarin Monday playing catch-up. Your blog is so inspirational♫♪ Have a wonder filled week!
Happy belated birthday! So happy you've been blessed by so much, and you count your blessings! The tag is wonderful! Love the paper photo you used and all the layers and buttons!
maria said…
Happy belated to you Arnoldo! Your creations are beautiful as usual. Thanks for sharing on OYGIF. Hope to see you again this weekend.
Glenda said…
Happy belated birthday my friend. Every year when I have another birthday, I'm so grateful! I too am blessed in so many ways. Happy WOYWW!
Glenda #52
Reader Wil said…
Happy belated birthday! You are a blessed man.
Wil, ABCW Team.
Carver said…
Great post and a happy birthday to you! Carver, ABC Wed. Team
Nan G said…
Fabulous art pieces! Belated Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful day. Thanks for the earlier visit! WOYWW hugs! Nan G #22
Jen Price said…
How wonderful that you captured such a sweet heart!
Leslie: said…
I am so grateful for the special messages you send each week. The lawn mower fellow is a splendid chap and I'm sure he feels rewarded for his self-sacrifice of doing for others.

abcw team
Jackie said…
Gosh how time flys.... The first time I left a comment on your blog was your birthday last year so that means I have been visiting your blog for a year!
Jackie 33
Julia Dunnit said…
Happy returns. lovely post A, especially that you included the mowing man.
Happy natal day, belated!
Always interesting STUFF.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Bella Cirovic said…
Thank you for sharing to On My Way, Arnold!
Ritu Dua said…
A very happy birthday...they say Birthdays are good for you...the more you have ...the longer you live :) :)
Well I loved the first art work very is fun and cheerful !!
Bonnie Irvine said…
Happy belated birthday! What an important message you have shared with us in terms of feeling gratitude for our blessings. I enjoyed all of your art. Thanks for joining our Anything Goes/Falling Leaves challenge this fortnight at Craftitude. I hope we see you again soon.
Stephanie said…
Happy Birthday! You are right that you are truly rich in the the things that really matter. So often we get caught up and forget what the most important things are. Your picture of the man that mows lawns is a great example of this. He is doing what really matters w/o regard to his wallet. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Word Art Wednesday.
Crafting Vicky said…
ohhh totally adore this tag! All the great details you added is really fabulous.

Thanks for joining our fortnightly challenge here at Craftitude challenge. Hope you will join us next time DT Crafting Vicky