
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary online, defines discernment as "the quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure."  This is a Spiritual gift, according to Paul the Apostle's in his letter found in 1 Corinthians 12:10, when he talks about wisdom and "distinguishing between spirits."  Discernment is what I'm currently trying to attain, as I seek to know what the Lord wants of me in the future.

Psalm 51:10
Tim Holtz dies, embossing folders, grungeboard, distress inks, remnant rubs, findings, fasteners and more
Tim Holtz 12 Tags of 2014
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - A is for… Alterations
Jenn's In the Studio
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday
Tag Tuesday - Decay
With a goal of discernment in mind, I must pray for spiritual cleansing, so that I may have a "pure heart" and a "steadfast soul."  Although by most standards I'm not a bad person, I am by no means perfect.  Therefore, only in Him will I be able to accomplish this.

Digital Self Portrait
Bella's 52 Photos Project: Gallery 40 {My Reflection}
Karen's Word Art Wednesday - Challenge-116
Denise & Roger's ABC Wednesdays - C is for Contemplating
In addition, as in James 4:10, I need to humble myself "in the sight of the Lord" in order for him to lift me up.  This is probably the hardest thing for me, since due to my perfectionistic personality I tend to be stubborn and even a little arrogant at times.  Working on the latter will help me be a better listener, so that I may be able to discern what His divine plan is for me.

Lotería Series Card #37 - El Mundo
Micron Pen and Watercolor Pencil Illustration on a Tag
Tag Tuesday - Myths and Legends
Kristin's and Eva's Paint Party Friday - Week 46 Year 3
Three Muses: Choose a Word
Jen's Artist's Playroom #90
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
23rd Wedding Anniversary Gift Wrapping - For The Years of Laughter!
Fiskars Advantedge die, Gingham Paper, Red Ribbon
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Let's Have a Laugh 
Manon's Paper Saturdays
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday
Living in a pagan world that's filled with temptations, discernment is not easy.  Therefore, I need to find refuge in Him continuously.  He has already blessed me with family and friends, as well as my writings and artwork, to support me through the process.

Although it may not be an easy process, I know I will be able to discern what His plan is for me.  However, it may not be what I've imagined.  May we all be blessed with discernment and blessings beyond our imagination.


Paula (PEP) said…
Congratulations on your 23rd Wedding Anniversary. Your gift wrapping with that tag is my favourite piece this week - amazing how you managed to mirror the gingham of the wrapping in the crossword grid of the tag, plus the two flowers on the latter echo the belly band of the gifts. Your staging of the photo is exquisite.Your Psalm 51 tag is delightfully expressive & I love the allusion to how God's light shines into our hearts indicated by your little light bulb. The whole content of your post gives much food for thought & prayer.
Take care
Paula (PEP)
hullo Romero...wonderful thoughtful post... and it is a daily prayer of mine.. verse Acts 20:19 "Serving Him with all humility of mind" covers a good bit!
..another verse I pray is 2 Peter 3:18 may I daily "Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. "
ah when we know Him that is discernment. . Shaz in Oz.x
Lynn Cohen said…
Very nice self portrait. I enjoy your art and all it's parts.
BTW that's my 2 yr old grand daughter on the art of mine you commented on! ;-)
GlorV1 said…
I always enjoy your work. Wishing you lots of luck and happiness.
sharon said…
Wonderful work, I especially like the wedding aniversary tag. Congrats. Umm discernment is definitely a gift. Knowing that our desires may not be what God wants for us is important as well as quiet moments with him so we can listen. Have a wonderful week!
Faye said…
First, let me say that this is a very meaningful post. You made it personal, but I think any Christian reading it would be able to relate.

Your art, as usual, is beautiful. I love the black, white and red theme (also the color scheme of my kitchen). And El Mundo is so gorgeous. Beautiful art work.
Christine said…
congrats on your anniversary, lovely art.
Your tags and cards are always so inspiring! Really interesting to see the different ways you interpreted the theme, and such a cool portrait!
Victoria said…
Hi Arnoldo..what a powerfully written post..so beautifully expressed and shared. Discernment has always been a sacred word to me and it a precious gift along every journey we are on! You will find the path meant for you! Wishing you many blessings along the way! Gorgeous art..I love all of your pieces..love the self-portrait, and happy anniversary...enjoy and wish you the best always!
krcmasterpiece said…
We are all a work in progress. I personally am so thankful God doesn't give up on me!
Discernment is a hard one. When we seek Him and His wisdom-he will bless.
Great artwork!
Wonderful MASTERPIECES of Art works, congrarts on your wedding anniversary and love and luck on your journey to find out what you would like to find out.

With love from The Netherlands,
Leovi said…
Me encantan esos corazones del tiempo! Saludos!
Helen said…
The tags are wonderful and what a fab self portrait. Happy SS
denthe said…
Love your El Mundo -tag!
Valerie-Jael said…
Lovely work again this week, and congrats on 23 years of happiness and laughter - a great achievement! Valerie
DVArtist said…
23 years congratulations. I really like this post and the steam punk pieces.
Jez said…
Your artwork is so varied and interesting, as always. I particularly like the painting of Atlas, your cleverly angled self-portrait, and the tag accompanying the wedding anniversary gift for your wife. Congratulations to both of you, and I hope you enjoyed the special day of looking back and treasuring what has been, and looking forward with hope and love.
Barb Cady said…
Congratulations on your anniversary Arnoldo, lovely wrapped gifts and beautiful art work. Hope you find what you seek, listen to the silence my friend, sometimes it only comes in a whisper. Barb x
Jen Price said…
Beautiful! Yes, discernment can be hard. I always love looking back to see just how God led me. He's so good!

Happy Anniversary!
Debbie said…
you've done so many beautiful pieces again this week! I really enjoyed the first tag, with the verse from Psalms. Your blog is always inspiring in so many ways!
Dan said…
What a beautiful tag you've made for this week's Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge! I love all the texture and layers!
Netty said…
Great post Arnoldo and your projects are all terrific, love them. Congratulations on your anniversary which has been beautifully gift wrapped. Am not sure if humans can expect perfection after all that is what make us human. Enjoy the weekend, Happy PPF, Annette x
Lisabella Russo said…
Your tags are so lovely! They have great beauty in them. I also like the self portrait, it is nice to see the man behind the art. Wonderful words and artworks, thank you!
Winnie said…
Congratulations to you and your wife on your anniversary! I love to read posts like this where you see a loving marriage that is long and happy, as you hear so much negative talk these days.I see too many marriage end or bet put aside. I think your faithful home is one of great love. Your tag and wrapping is so beautiful. I love your portrait shot, it is so full of emotion. I love the Atlas tag as well! I haven't started my Jan tag yet and yours is awesome! Enjoy the week ahead!
Thanks for sharing this, Arnoldo. Your SO right, and we do need to learn to get out of the way sometimes so that God can do His work through us. It's hard to remove ourselves when we feel that we're more than we truly are; and once we put HIM in the forefront where He belongs, then He can use us the way He longs to, and it brings glory to His holy name. Thanks so much for sharing!
Word Art Wednesday
Linda Kunsman said…
Happy , happy anniversary!! This is such a poignant and yet powerful post Arnoldo. The art is always beautiful...but this time it is the words that have touched my heart so. Thank you for that.
Kristin said…
Happy Anniversary! What a beautifully wrapped present - she must have loved it. I've enjoyed catching up with your blog and thank you for stopping by mine. Love the new selfie too :)
manomij said…
Happy Paper Saturdays!I love the photo of you. Will there be a nice drawing of it to follow soon?
Manon :)
stefanie stark said…
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! The presents and the tag look wonderful! I also love the Tim Holtz tag and "El mundo"! Wonderful creations!
Anna-Karin said…
Such a beautiful post! All the projects are wonderful and your version of Tim's tag is stunning. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!
Meihsia Liu said…
Such a beautiful post! Arnoldo. Love the fabulous tags and wonderful gift wrapping. Congrats on your anniversary! :)
Maria Medeiros said…
Congratulations!! Lovely and beautiful creations!! May you find what you seek with positivity and happiness!
Tameko said…
Congrats on your wedding anniversary! Your tags, and gift are fabulous. I love all the little added details.
Be Blessed,
Gemiel said…
Congrats on your 23rd anniversary!!! The gift wrapping and matching tag are so pretty, I wonder what is under wraps that could top that. Your Tim H tag is fabulous. I was reading up on that technique on his blog and your execution of it is impeccable. Love, love, love those hearts. They would make a nice touch on a masculine valentine.

Anonymous said…
A spiritual gift indeed, my friend, one that comes with quite a difficult responsibility ...distinguishing spirit from flesh. To be able to see with His eyes, but not misuse the gift ...that is key. Sometimes it is quite a lonely gift because with it we see what most don't and it is never easy to explain what the spirit KNOWS and man refuses to acknowledge or change.
Here is a quote that has meant so much to me, has taught me and continues to teach me how to use this gift with GREAT CARE. "Discernment is God's call to intercession, never to fault finding."~Oswald Chambers
Your art is wonderful as always. Be careful on your way to humbling yourself. The biggest temptation is to fall into false humility which is the worst kind of pride. Rely solely on His grace. Only in Him...only in Him.

Anonymous said…
Oh yes, and congratulations to you and your wife on your 23rd anniversary. My husband and I will be celebrating our 29th in February, and sometimes I cannot believe that we are still laughing as much as when we first met. May the years of laughter never end.
Much love to you both.
Your Tim tag is FABULOUS!!! I love the hearts and the written sentiment is perfection! Your loteria Atlas is WONDERFUL!!! Love him!
absolut stunning tags Arnoldo..
and it's a fab photo of you and the gift wrap with tag is elegant and BEAUTIFUL!
cheiron said…
Happy Anniversary! Love your gift wrapping,and especially love the sentiment on your "Tim tag" for this month...wonderful. Thanks so much for playing along with us in the Let's Have a Laugh Challenge over at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog this week!
You do contemplation well. Happy anniversary.
Unknown said…
Happy Anniversary! Your art is so beautiful and I love your gift packaging...so thoughtful. Very meaningful post, as well, thank you for sharing it.
Congratulations and happy anniversary. The steampunk art is great. I always enjoy this look. Don't be too hard on yourself. We are not perfect and as tim says, "embrace the imperfections." Have a good week. Peg R #13
sandra de said…
Wonderful projects and your post is very meaningful. I have just finished reading "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp and learning to give thanks no matter what is so important. Have a great week.
Sandra @8
Unknown said…
Happy Anniversary. I love the tag and gift wrapping. #3
Unknown said…
Congratulations !! and have a great week

PhenoMenon,ABC Team
sara j said…
Beautiful tags...I especially love the hearts...what a great interpretation of TIm's tag. And your layering and composition are great.
Hope you have a good week.
Sara j #45
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on your anniversary. Your artwork is simply wonderful.

Thanks for sharing.

Zoe #55
Unknown said…
Congratulations on your 23rd wedding anniversary. I like that gift wrapping - so beautifully presented. I wonder what's inside. I hadn't thought about the concept of discernment before, I'd always taken it to mean having high standards but thank you for clarifying this.
Eliza said…
Happy anniversary love the wrapping and tag on the gift, seems a shame to unwrap all that beautiful work. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

Happy WOYWW & Happy Crafting
Eliza & Yoda 15
sandysewin said…
I think discernment comes from time spent in the word of God. Just as the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the matter and thank you for stopping by my blog earlier and for the nice comments.

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #5
Happy anniversary and many, many more of a blessed life together, may God watch over you always!!! Whenever I come here I find amazing things, so creative and artful, so yes, you should never be hard on yourself as you are gifted by HIM! I'm old enough to embrace all my lots of imperfections, the hell with them, I'm fine, lol! You are a perfectionist like all artists amigo mio! Gracias por tu cariñosa visita a mi nieta, ella esta feliz...jejeje
Peggy Lin said…
Amazing tags Happy WOYWW #112
okienurse said…
awesome tags and projects...congrats on the anniversary! Have a great week. Vickie aka Okienurse #111
GalleryJuana said…
Love your el mundo card and the close-up photo self-portrait!

wishing you well,
Julia Dunnit said…
love the El Mundo tag particularly Arnoldo. I always feel that if you recognise the character traits that you feel you need to change, then you're further along the path thn you think...talking about it on your blog is also wuite a humble thing to do if you ask me.
Happy anniversary! Love the tags. WOYWW #76
Unknown said…
Congratulations on your anniversary Arnold. I am popping by to check out your January Tag. Your cute little steam punk hearts caught my eye. I love you version of the tag. Cant believe the next one is tomorrow!
April said…
Love the picture of you contemplating. And I think we all need to knock ourselves down a couple of notches sometimes as well all starting thinking we've got it all under control when in reality - we need to follow our Lord and Savior. Have a great weekend. April #22
Unknown said…
beautiful words and beautiful art. Your El Mundo tag really speaks to me. Congratulations on your anniversary too!
Belos corações do tempo.Espectacular....
Kelly said…
This post has been in my thoughts for a week before I could get here. I really feel the same and this is a great thoughtful page for growing ourselves into followers of God. I love your writing and the beautiful crafting that goes along with it!
Hugs Kelly