
Eclectic is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as "including things taken from many different sources," which may include methods or styles.  M-W might as well have included a photograph of me next to the entry, because I love delving into different subjects, trying different kinds of food, wearing different styles of clothing, and the list goes on.  This doesn't mean I like everything, because I can definitely be opinionated and have high standards, but I'm not afraid of trying new things.  As many of you have noted, my artwork reflects this eclectic sense of style.  With that being said, I present to you an eclectic trio of drawings and a photograph.

Tim Holtz 12 Tags of 2014 - August
The Mixed Media Monthly Challenge #3 - Stencils w/Modeling Paste
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - In the Family
The tag above was inspired by the Tim Holtz 12 Tags of 2014 - August, as well as by a photograph of my paternal grandfather.  In my design, I followed Tim's technique suggestions regarding the tissue tape, stamping, paste stenciling, staining, distressing, labeling, metal embellishment alterations, embossing powder distressing, etcetera.  However, I sketched my grandfather's portrait using micron pens, did some hand lettering, used hand stitching, chose different embellishments, personalized my sentiment, came up with my own layout variation, and used a swivel clasp for my tag's topper.

Lynn's Paper, Paint, Pencils & Pens - Cups & Mugs
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Lorik's Mandarin Orange Monday 105
Maria's Orange You Glad It's Friday #103
Eva & Kristin's Paint Party Friday - Week 23 Year 4
The page in my 3.5"x5" journal above was inspired by a whimsical coffee mug by "Fonda for Recycled Paper Products" that my wife gave me when we were dating over 20 years ago.  I love the sweet pun, "Juan in a million," which reflects the way she feels about me.  We have some fine china these days, but this is still one of my favorite mugs.  Anyway, I used micron pens to sketch the mug and then used watercolored pencils to color it.  Then, I used a watercolor brush to dissolve the pigment in the cup.  However, I decided to use only the dry application on the table and background, because I liked the texture.

Piarom's Mix It Monthly - Crazy Dresses
Dion Dior's Friday Sketches #23
Denise Roger, & Leslie's ABC Wednesday - E is for Elegant Evening Ensemble
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #271
Feline Art Friday #9
My original fashion design and illustration above was inspired by Piarom's challenge, "Crazy Dress."  It is an evening ensemble composed of a silk satin corset and pencil pants, paired with a long brocade coat.  I felt the pointy shoulder sleeves and wind-blown hair look gave it the crazy dress feel I was going for.  I used Piarom's suggested color scheme in the lining of the coat, as well as in the faux logo.  I started the illustration by doing a light sketch in pencil, and then used Sharpie markers to finish my design.

Ramona's Inspire Me Monday Week 136
Karen's Word Art Wednesday #145
Jenn's In The Studio
To close my eclectic artistic journey, I have a photograph I took of some of my daughters' packing during the week, as they got ready to leave to Texas A&M University for the Fall semester.  They left on Friday, and my wife and I noticed that even our two female dogs appear to miss them.  Although we are extremely proud of them, we now officially have an empty nest - sniff!  Anyway, I added a blessing from Psalm 42:8, which was featured at Word Art Wednesday a couple of weeks ago.  I leave you with a thankful heart for your visit and gracious comments, as well as a Blessing for the week.


Tenia Nelson said…
AWESOME creations!!!
tim holtz said…
great job on your tag - love the sketching... tim
Rachel said…
gorgeous creations. i love your tag, and how beautiful that you sketched your grandfather's portrait! Thank you so much for playing with the Mixed Media Monthly Challenge!
Christine said…
enjoyed all your entries this week!
Valerie-Jael said…
Beautiful work - your tag would fit well to Tag Tuesday, too! Valerie
Margik said…
Estoy entusiasmada con su versión del tag de Tim, tiene unos detalles estupendos y me parece genial que hayas añadido la fotografía de tu abuelo, eso lo hace diferente e ingenioso. Me encanta su taza y el recuerdo que tiene de ella. El vestido le ha quedado muy original y elegante. Un magnifico post. Bendiciones! Mar
Unknown said…
Arnoldo, I love all your art - The tag is fabulous and the mug is superb and the dress /coat on the woman. If I was skinny I would wear clothes like that.. Thank you so much for your sweet visit at my blog (Do you hear the Wind whisper) - Thanks again
Kind regards
Anna-Karin said…
I too always liked the concept 'eclectic'. Great post! I love that you sketched a portrait of your grandfather on the tag, what a great idea to make it more personal. All the other projects and photos are wonderful too. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!!
Lynn K said…
Love all your creations! The tag is awesome - love the sketched portrait! Thanks for joining us in this month's Mixed Media Monthly Challenge "Stencils and Pastes"!!
Lmkazmierczak said…
You make it all sound so easy, yet all the steps listed for your artwork is overwhelming to me...I'll stick to my photography manipulations, for now. All the best♪
Wow, beautiful variety of artworks this week! I enjoy all of them!
wonderful artwork this week again..oh my gosh ..the tag is marvelous!
stefanie stark said…
Oh wow you have done such a lot of beautiful work and I love them all! The details on the tag are incredible. I saw the hand stitching and the metal elements and your grandfather's portrait and its really great. And the mug is great too. How wonderful that you still keep it after 20 years! The crazy dress lady is such a different style but also looking wonderful! Good luck for your daughter visiting the University in Texas now. I'm also still suffering a bit from the empty nest so I understand your "sniffy mood"! Have a nice week!
Lisabella Russo said…
Wonderful! I love eclectic mixes, there can be so much beauty in variety. I especially love that dress, wowsa!
lorik said…
Her dress is crazy but her pose is very elegant and dignified. Love it!
lorik said…
No wonder you love that mug.... beautiful loving sentiment and it is actually a mug I would like to own too! You translated it into an interesting artwork too.Thank you for sharing on Mandarin Orange Monday #105.
Netty said…
Loving all your wonderful work Arnoldo, especially that wonderful dress, Annette x

Annette x
Gorgeous work here! Love the mug, and Tim tag take! WOW, on the couture lady. Just so cool!
You are ALWAYS eclectic!
Hildred said…
A favourite word of mine too, - keeps life from becoming boring.
Leslie: said…
It will take a while to get used to the empty spaces formerly taken up by your girls, but you and your wife will find more time for each other now. I love the elegant evening wear (I think I could wear something like that! :D) and especially like the mug design!

abcw team
PiaRom said…
What a sweet lady with her blowing dress! Very stylish and inspiring...I would buy her coat right away ;) and so thankful you add such a chic note to the dresses on
Mix It Monthly...the mug is sooo cool - as your drawing too ♥ Conny
ellen b. said…
I'm not an artist but my house could be described as eclectic. Ahh the empty nest. We've experienced that and the re-filling of the nest, too! LOL! Sometimes they come back for a period!
Sharon Madson said…
I have never really had a grasp on electic, but I love the lady with the dress. Welcome to "empty nestism". :) It will never be the same, without your children. But now you have new adventure. A great post,and have a great week. #32
Neesie said…
Fantastic eclectic collection as always Arnoldo,
The "Juan in a million," mug is just brilliant... I would love Juan! ;D
Be brave with the empty nesting because I was very near to that myself, but my two have reappeared and there's no plans for them to leave again. I'm very happy about that, so you might not be empty for long so enjoy whilst you are.
Blessing to you and yours.
Neesie #62
Francesca said…
Arnoldo you have so many strings to your bow, so talented. love the fashion dress, oh to be so thin. Blessings Francesca #48
Your art is always AMAZING, Arnoldo. I thank you for sharing your talents with us.
Since you're already linked up at WAW, you might want to check out the link to Heather's blog candy - she's giving away a copy of the new movie God's Not Dead for those who have linked to our challenge.
Have a blessed week,
Word Art Wednesday
VonnyK said…
Wow, you are so talented and wonderfully eclectic. The cup is so bright and fun and yes I agree with leaving the pencil for the table. The texture is a perfect balance for the cup. Who knew you were such a talented fashion designer. I knew you had many hats but this is a new one for me. The dress is fabulous. I love all of your work but you have out done yourself, just wonderful.
Have a great week.
Von #30
Ann said…
I feel my house is really eclectic, I like so many different styles and items. I think it would be pretty boring otherwise.
Lots of lovely things for us to see as usual. Love the tag and the fashion drawing, Oh to be more than five foot high LOL!
Happy crafting, Angela x #44
Indrani said…
Such wonderful creations!
When daughters move away to build a world of their own it is a mixed feeling. Wishing them all the best for a bright future!
GalleryJuana said…
Love the tribute you made to your grandfather. His portrait has that vintage look to it that a family photo might have. And I'll never tire of that corny Juana joke. Definitely have seen fashions on the runway like the one you did.

have a splendid week!
Winnie said…
Your tag is so wonderful! Love that you sketched your grandfather on it. That is special for all our family. Your sketch of your mug is so fun. I have a mug from my late husband, and even though I collect tea cups and other treasures, when I need a smile, I read for that Garfield goofy mug. Do you do a lot of fashion sketches? You have a great eye for that! Love that you do so many different styles.
Unknown said…
What lovely artwork you have done, you are very talented.Thank you for your visit. Karen #20
Nancy Briges said…
I love the drawing of your Grandfather and the mug! The dress is awesome!
Leovi said…
Maravillosos los diseños, muy creativos! Bonita tarjeta!
PaintingWrite said…
I think you may have also described my artistic style-I tend to be quite eclectic as well as like you I like to keep trying new things! A great post Arnold!
Faye said…
Arnoldo, I am the queen of the eclectic. I can't seem to find a niche I fit in entirely. But I love your eclectic post today. Your fashion lady is beautifully drawn, but I had to laugh about the coffee cup. How precious! I know there is an emptiness in your home with the two daughters gone off to A&M. May God fill that emptiness with blessings you have not dreamed of. I am so glad that you appreciate my m-i-l's art book and that it got there safely. Happy PPF.
Unknown said…
Nice. I like the variations of eclectic art. It makes art more interesting and pleasing due to the differences.
DVArtist said…
I can tell, through your art that you are the type to try new and different things. It comes from having an active artistic mind. I always enjoy seeing what you have come up with next. I absolutely love your fashions. They are dynamic and so sheik.
Your girls miss you as much.
Have a wonderful weekend
Anonymous said…
You have a vast range of talent!
Julie said…
Very Nice, you are invited to share this Feline Art Friday:
Unknown said…
Your fashion design is my fav. SO COOL!! Mr. you rock eclectic. No sniffing about your empty nest. I feel my empty nest coming soon and I don't want it to be a sniff! ;) I know it will be though...
xo Tam
Happy Paint Party Friday!
GlorV1 said…
Love that tag and awesome creations in your unique way. Love it! Hope you and your family are doing well. Keep on creating!:) Blessings to you.
sheila 77 said…
Hello Arnoldo. What an amazing mix of techniques, colours and types of art. Everything here is so interesting and I love to read your descriptions of how and why you made your art.
I really love your tag, so many details and so many ideas to give a lovely coherent whole.
And who wouldn't love this painted mug, I want one just like it, love all the green chickens and the one with the hat.
And then Pwow! an amazing crazy dress. beuatifully drawn and so dramatic.
And thanks for the final blessing, so welcome.
Linda Kunsman said…
I just ADORE your eclectic style Arnoldo-and my favorite project this week -the mug-oh how I LOVE a play on words!!!
You look like you've been having a ball.
Anonymous said…
Eclectic is the only way to go! I appreciate your explanations as to how you execute your artwork - especially your drawings and paintings. Have a great weekend!
Unknown said…
I am always in awe in the variety of your art... what you refer to as "your eclectic style". I long to be able to draw and paint... for now i settle for what I have. I always enjoy stopping by Diane #77
denthe said…
you're right: different styles, but still all very you! Your tag looks wonderful, and I love your lady with the crazy dress.
EricaSta said…
I like your drawings, the different tags .... And remember myself, that I could do paint something too. My theme is "Art for Bees" ... I will make a Vernissage next Year with this pictures.
Giggles said…
Yes you are eclectic, as am I, and many other artists that I know!! I think it makes us more interesting to be that way!! Love your first tag and your gorgeous crazy dress!! I keep forgetting to use the right colors mostly because I love colour so much!! Note my use of Canadian colour and American color!! lol

Try to enjoy your empty nest! I've never had one... so I don't know how that feels!! I hope you will figure it into your art at times!!

Hugs Giggles
Irene Rafael said…
You are the definition of eclectic! I particularly like your sketch in your sketchbook. Have a lovely and creative week.
I love the eclectic concept. I think it helps keep things fresh. It's how I think about my home; you'll never be able to pin it down to one style. The only word to describe it would be: eclectic. Good luck with the empty nest!

Wags and purrs from Life with Dogs and Cats
Beth Niquette said…
I am in awe. I have always adored the word eclectic. It is something I've felt described what I often strive for. Your work is incredible, awe-inspiring...and simply inspiring.
Donna B. said…
Amazing creations! Love the tag and your hand drawn portrait. And that mug just made me smile! Thanks for joining us at The Mixed Media Monthly Challenge.
Julie said…
Thank you for linking up to Feline Art Friday, hope to see you back soon:
Jen Price said…
That must be so hard, but I pray for happy empty nest times with your wife!
Melanie said…
Your work is beautiful, Thanks for joining us at Mixed Media Monthly Challenge!