The Fun, Fond, & Fascinating

After a long week of school district trainings and working in my classroom, I've been able to enjoy sometime in the comfort of my studio this weekend.  It really helps me to keep busy, since not only are my girls gone away to college, but my wife went on a week long business trip.  The dogs, cat, and I miss them all terribly.  May the Lord surround them with his angels of protection wherever they go.  Anyway, this week's projects can all be described with words starting with the letter "F."

Fun Gingerbread Decorations
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Summer
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday - Week 137
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #272
Fun Christmas Cards
Freshly Made Sketches #149 by Rita
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Scratched Up
Manon's Paper Saturdays
The first two projects above are what I call plain old fun!  The first photograph features wall decorations I've been working on for my classroom.  Our school theme this year is "One Adventure After Another," so each classroom teacher selected a fairytale or folktale as their inspiration.  I went with the Gingerbread Man.  I will also have each student decorate their own paper gingerbread person to hang around the room.  The second photograph features more Christmas cards I made, since I know I won't have much time to work on them during the school year.  I used an original watercolor painting of mine as the focal point to make a clean card, as well as a vintage looking  card.

A Fond Moment
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Illustration Friday - Journey
Jenn's The Artist's Playroom #119
Karen's Word Art Wednesday #146
Eva & Kristin's Paint Party Friday - Week 24 Year 4
The next picture is of a commissioned watercolor piece I'm working on of a fond moment between a mother and daughter.  The friend that asked for the piece gave me an old photograph to use as reference of a time during which her recently deceased Mother was giving her advice about her life's journey.  Their faces and hair are almost done, but I still have a lot of work to do on the clothes, the sofa parts in view, and the background shadowing.  If you have any suggestions for improvement, please let me know.  I believe there is always room for improvement, since I consider myself to be in a continue journey with my artwork.

Fascinating Cactus - © Arnoldo L. Romero
Bella's 52 Photos Project - Somewhere You Visited
Denise, Roger & Leslie's ABC Wednesday - F is for Fascinating
Jen's In the Studio
Last, but not least, I have a photograph I took with y iPhone during one of our trips back from College Station, TX, this Summer.  I took it at a state rest stop off of I-10, where they have a short naturally xeriscaped trail.  I find the "Indian Fig Opuntia" a fascinating cactus, because it has been considered a culinary species since the times of the archaic natives of Mexico, which included present day Texas.  The fruit (tuna), minus the prickly skin, is very sweet and juicy.  It is marvelous when it's been chilled, but is also used to make jams.  The paddle shaped leaves (nopales), can be fixed in salads, in shrimp stews, scrambled with eggs, etc.  They are delicious and very nutritious too.

I hope you enjoyed my letter "F" inspired descriptions of my work.  I want to thank everyone who took the time to leave a comment during my last post, as well as all my faithful followers for their patronage.  Blessings!


Alice said…
i really like the painting you are doing of the mother-daughter, what a wonderful memory you are making! a treasure for sure! praying your family is all back home safe and sound very soon!
Cindy Hall said…
Your creativity and talent amaze me! I love the snowman scene, and how you used it on both cards with a totally different look by changing the colors and DSPs. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing with us at Freshly Made Sketches!
Anna-Karin said…
Such beautiful projects and photo Arnoldo. The painting is lovely. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!!
TwinkleToes2day said…
Excellent work Arnoldo :D
Your classroom is going to be so cute with all the gingerbread men adorning the space.
The snowman cards are really nice. I really like the idea of using your own art.
Can't help you with your commissioned art, but must say I think it's looking fabulous!
And last, but not least, the cactus. Wow! Fascinaing is definitely the correct word. Thank you for all the informaion. I'd love to be able to try food created with it. Have you?
Wishing you a good week and a sweet reunion with your loved ones. :D
Lisabella Russo said…
How wonderful your art is! I think the mother daughter piece is beautiful already. Gorgeous photo too. I hope the days will pass quickly until your wife's return.
Debbie said…
The mother daughter painting is very touching and so well done! You cards are correctly! Also, interesting cactus picture. I've never seen one like it with those beautiful flowers, and eatable too.
debby4000 said…
Wonderful post and you painting is looking fabulous you've really picked up on the emotion.
Thank you for joining us at Simon says Stamp Wednesday Challenge.
Leovi said…
Muy bonita pintura llena de ternura!
zandra said…
I always love gingerbread man for Christmas and love how you used them in their bathing suits!
Hugz, Z
Hildred said…
A Fascinating post....
Unknown said…
Nice. The letter F sure is a creative one.
Indrani said…
Nice to see how you keep yourself busy when they are away. Wonderful creations!
Happy ABCW!
Unknown said…
Fabulous Work.

Reader Wil said…
Thanks for this fascinating, fun post!
You are very creative and happy with your work. God bless you!
Wil, ABCW Team.
April said…
I have a new fondness for the letter F. I love your Christmas cards - the snowmen are so pretty. Can snowmen be pretty? I think they can. Wonderful work as always. I hope the week goes by quickly.
April #55
You always seem to find the FUN in almost everything!

ROG, ABC Wednesday
Unknown said…
Your painting is beautiful. Lots of F-un going on there! Hope your sweet family is doing well. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #51
Claire Grantham said…
Thanks for visiting me earlier. Love your work, very beautiful. Cx
Hi Arnoldo, hope you are not too lonely on your own but you're obviously keeping busy.
Have a good week and happy crafting, Angela x
Unknown said…
Lovely projects today especially the christmas cards! Your students have an exciting time ahead with all your planning.
Have a happy week
Lynda 26
Unknown said…
Amazing Christmas cards. The school theme and students decorations sounds fun. Have a great school year. Diane #57
Anne said…
I would really like to see your classroom when the gingerbread men are in place. The mother and daughter painting is lovely. Thank you for visiting me. Anne x #33
glitterandglue said…
The mother and daughter painting is really coming on there, Arnoldo. Well done. It will be a beautiful reminder for the receiver when finished.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #11
Margik said…
Me encantan las tarjetas de Navidad, las veo muy modernas. Su acuarela se ve genial y estoy deseando verla acabada, me gusta la mirada de la hija hacia la madre, parece que realmente la está escuchando con mucha atención. La foto también me gusta, parece un cuadro.
Saludos de Mar
Shoshi said…
Sorry to hear you're on your own, with the family away, but glad you are finding plenty to do! Lovely projects all round.

Thanks for your visit and your lovely comment - not an easy time for us at the moment with so much going on and having to make a bereavement card isn't easy either. I have put a great deal of thought into it, but still have not decided on the right sentiment - most likely a Bible verse or two. I should have been working on it today but in the end was too tired and spent the time on the computer instead!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #35
Love your letter F's! Thanks for sharing them all.
Unknown said…
I'm so glad to read that you've had some time to spend in your studio - you need that for sanity alone! :) Hee Hope you're week is going well and sorry for taking so long to reply. LOVE your Christmas cards. You're ahead of me. lol I LOVE Christmas.

Blessings. x
Lmkazmierczak said…
Your classroom must be a visual delight...all the best in the new school year♪
Feng Shui said…
Funny Style! It really make me happy.

Annie Claxton said…
Hey Arnoldo, love those gingerbread people, they're so fun; the watercolour painting is beautiful, I'm sure your friends will be thrilled with it, I love the expression you have caught in the girl's face and the tenderness of the woman's gesture. Also fascinating to read about the Indian fig - here in the UK we have been picking wild damsons, blackberries and soon will be walnuts and quinces and I've been very busy preserving them as jams and pickles. Enjoy your studio time :o) Annie C #46
VonnyK said…
Your gingerbread people are gorgeous. Your painting of the mother and daughter is beautiful. There is so much emotion in their faces that really the rest doesn't matter too much. Even though it isn't finished yet it really conveys a powerful connection between the two. Just fantastic as always.
Have a great week even if you are on your own.
Unknown said…
So much fun! Love the Christmas cards.
GlorV1 said…
Hi Arnoldo. These are all great and with the letter F, just a lot of FUN.:) Have a great weekend.
AnnD said…
Art is the best companion when the people we love are away! Fantastic pieces!
Valerie-Jael said…
What a lot of lovely projects again! Missed you at Tag Tuesday! Valerie
stefanie stark said…
Your ideas are always so amazing! I love it to be surprised by your posts each week! The ginger bread people are wonderful funny and I love the christmas cards too. You are currently working on a great mother and daughter picture and I'm looking forward to the outcome. The cactus picture you took in Teaxas is wonderful! Have a nice weekend!
Beth Niquette said…
Oh my goodness--what wonderful work. Your students are truly blessed to have you. I adore your creativity.

Your painting of Mother and Daughter fills my eyes, which is the greatest compliment I can give.

Linda Kunsman said…
wonderful projects Arnoldo. Lovely prayer for your family who are away, but you know you are not alone. I was thinking of you getting ready for another school year -it must be exciting and I just know you will be a great inspiration for a new body of students this year-all the best for a fabulous year! OK, I admit, your xmas cards are lovely, however I just cannot go there yet:) Have a blessed Sunday
Netty said…
Beautiful post and projects Arnoldo.
Happy PPF, Annette x
Bella Cirovic said…
Fascinating cactus! Love that. Thank you for adding to {somewhere i visited}.
Irene Rafael said…
I love that your art and creativity comes from the heart. I can feel the love in your work.
Christine said…
Love your 'fond moment' painting for SS!
Giggles said…
Wonderful commission piece Arnoldo. My son-in-law takes the time to focus on creating when my daughter is on a business trip. He always makes great strides as his emotions mixed with longing show up in his music, with great results! Enjoy this alone time best you can!! You may even start to love it!! Lovely artwork!

Hugs Giggles
Faye said…
Arnoldo, the mother, daughter watercolor is beautiful. You can feel the affection the mom has for the daughter.
DVArtist said…
Hi Arnold sorry I am late with my posting. I know you miss all of your girls. Just think how much fun it will be when your wife returns. I like your F art. Very nice indeed.
Jo Ann said…
These card are so wonderful. Wonderful color choices and lay-out. So glad you joined us at last week's Challenge at Word Art Wednesday. Please join us again this week and inspire us and our followers with your creativity and earn the chance to win wonderful prizes. Leaving you with God's Word in Romans 15:13 which says, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." Hugs and blessings!

Unknown said…
Missing your work and hope you're doing well!! :)