M is for Musings

There's been some major changes in my family's lives lately.  My wife and I having an empty nest after our youngest joined her older sister at Texas A&M University; my oldest making plans to get into a graduate program; and being the recipient of a scholarship for a School Principal program are some of the major ones.  Although these changes are for the good of our family, they have been challenging, nevertheless.  How we are going to manage stress, finances and other logistics are just a few of the issues that have become points to ponder.  Being a man of faith, I have found comfort in the following Bible verses:

Paper Jack-o-Lanterns
Tim Holtz Mini-Tag, Pumpkin, Easel & Carving dies; Various Packaging Cardboard; Printed Scraps of paper; Paper Cording; Stickles & More.
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Finishing Touch
Rhedd's Creative Spirit: October Challenge - Halloween
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #279
To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under the heaven."  Ecclesiastes 3:1

Silent Auction Tags
Pen Hand Lettering and Marker Sketch
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Karen's Word Art Wednesday #153
Eva & Kristin's Paint Party Friday - Week 31 Year 4
The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge."  Proverbs 18:15

Texas Hill Country
iPhone Shot
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday #144
Denise, Roger & Leslie's ABC Wednesday- M is for Musings
Bella's 52 Photo Project - Gallery 23 {Landscape}
"Be not afraid, just believe."  Mark 5:36

May these Biblical musings also bring you strength, courage and wisdom in whatever endeavors you may be undertaking.


Tenia Nelson said…
Love your projects and everything will be a ok if you trust in the Lord!!! :) I am a person of faith too!! :)
Michelle said…
Wonderful project! The diagonal stripes are so whimsical and fun. Very creative! And the little "stems" are brilliant!Thank you for sharing your work with us this week for the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge.

And on a personal note...Congratulations to your Daughter! What a wonderful accomplishment! As an empty-nester myself, I understand that it creates a bit of turmoil for everyone in the family during this transition period. My thoughts and prayers will be with you all. ~Michelle
Donna B. said…
Those jack-o-lanterns are so fun. I love those dies and how you paper pieced them. The tags are gorgeous. I love that verse. Best wishes!
Suzanne C said…
What lovely verses you shared and they are very inspiring. I love your pumpkins and the bluebonnets! Beautiful! Thank you for playing along with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!
Christine said…
wonderful projects this week Arnoldo and good luck with all your life changes.
Valerie-Jael said…
Yes, sometimes we need to cope with different things, and I am sure you will get used to the empty nest sooner or later. Have a good week, Valerie
Erica said…
Oh yes, Halloween is coming indeed) ! Nice
Netty said…
I love your happy Pumpkins and beautiful tags, great words my friend.
Annette x

Debbie said…
Great choices in verses to meditate on, thank you. Also, love your pumpkins, tags and the pic you shared.
Unknown said…
Having an empty nest can be a challenge at first. As my girls are growing up and spending more time with friends, I am having a hard time adjusting. I cannot image what you are going through.
Unknown said…
What jolly pumpkins!! Many thanks for joining the Rhedd's Creative Spirit challenge and good luck!!! Melissa (DT)
Lisabella Russo said…
I love your tags, the pumpkins are very cute, and the photo is beautiful. Amazing how good camera phones are these days! Change can be difficult, but it sounds like you have a great perspective!
Unknown said…
Thinking and praying for you and your family during these changes and challenges. I pray for peace to fill you and your home.

I LOVE your pumpkins. So utterly cute and your tags are lovely. Thank you for popping on board SS. Love having you. :)
Such lovely projects! Also enjoy the patterning on the pumpkins!
TwinkleToes2day said…
Your images are wonderful. I think Faith gives us the strength to look at things in a more 'glass half full' manner - well it does for me. Your choice of Ecclesiastes 3:1 is just perfect. I wish you strength for everyday. :o))
Excelente post....
carol l mckenna said…
One of my favorite scriptures! Lovely and creative pumpkins ~ Love them and great post for M~ Happy Week to you!

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)
Sandra Wright. said…
Loving you Pumpkins...perfect for our challenge over at Rhedd's Creative Spirit...Thank you for joining in with our October challenge...x
Uppal said…
Designed pumpkins for the coming Halloween festival seem ready to participate in the fun!
Reader Wil said…
Don't worry: your daughters will be fine! I know the feeling. We worried a lot about our children, but they turned out to be sensible and caring adults.
Thanks for your visit and comment.
God bless you.
Wil, ABCW Team.
Congratulations on raising such responsible young people. Give the rest to God. He will see you through. Love the photo and the jack-o-lantern project. are those blu bonnets? so pretty. Peg 45
Gattina said…
Yes that is a big change in life when kids leave the nest !
Neet said…
Lovely work there - ~I especially like the tags.
Hugs and Thanks for visiting me earlier.
Neet 29
Hi Arnoldo!! Your tags are beautiful, and I can't thank you enough for sharing them with us. Have a blessed week, my friend.
Word Art Wednesday
Sharon Madson said…
Arnoldo, thank you for sharing the verses that comfort and give strength! The word of God is wonderful! My husband and I got throught that time in our lives, and God gave us many blessings during that time, too! So prepare for blessings, too! What great projects you have shared, too. Have a great WOYWW! # 28
Ali H said…
Hope everything works out for the best for you - he moves in mysterious ways after all ! Ali #15
Chrysalis said…
Lovely art work, and inspiring Scripture - thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW, Chris # 23
Hi Arnoldo, thanks for the visit.
Life is not always easy as you know and there may be difficult times ahead but if you remain positive everything will turn out for the best. Your daughters obviously have their heads screwed on the right way and I am sure they will be successful in whatever they choose to do.
I think it is always worse for the parents as the house must seem very quiet now but be reasured, they will be back Lol! and probably with another sooner or later. Be happy, Angela x
Unknown said…
The Bluebells on the silent auction tags reminded me of Scotland. Both tags are likely worth their weight in gold they are so beautifully done.

Thank you for posting your beautiful art with us this week during our 153rd challenge at Word Art Wednesday. We're looking for a Guest Designer for the Month of November. Please include the letters GDT after your name when you enter the challenge if you are interested. Carole Robb Bisson
Anonymous said…
Love the cards with the blue bonnets. An empty nest is stressful, even painful at times, but our kids need to fly:) Don't stress about finances. One of God's names is Jehovah jireh - God is my provider - He'll give your family somehow a way to pay it:)
a little MELANCHOLY would be understandable!

ROG, ABC Wednesday
Lmkazmierczak said…
Enjoy that empty nesting....before long it will be filled again♪ http://lauriekazmierczak.com/maple-leaves/
VonnyK said…
Love you art and even though it can be a little tough at times, I'm sure you are super proud of your lovely family.
Have a great week.
Von #19
Having an empty nest is hard. You and your wife will only grow closer. Love the Halloween art!!!
Faye said…
Love your art and your scriptural "musings".
Giggles said…
Start giving things away doesn't matter what it is. Whether you bake cookies for an old person or give something you aren't using to someone who will. Clean closets and purge...it's the best way to create abundance...works every single time here!! Love your faith and wonderful Halloween artwork! All the best to you my friend!

Hugs and prayers!
Linda Kunsman said…
Hello Arnoldo! You have chosen some very fine and appropriate verses for what you are going through. And yes, that faith will see you through it all. Your tags are really beautiful, and those jack o lanterns- I LOVE them!!!
Wonderful artwork Arnoldo!
Wishing the very best for your family and the new situation!
sharon said…
Love the pumpkins they are fun. I so love the verses from Ecclesiastes 3. Great for when uncomfortable changes occur. Blessings for a wonderful new season for you and your wife.
Neesie said…
As usual such wonderful artwork Arnoldo,
The tags are beautiful and such happy Halloween pumpkins will be sure to bring smiles ;D
Best wishes for your life changes.
Fun fun pumpkins. I know about empty nesting. My husband and I are adjusting to our only daughter moving out after graduating from college. It takes a lot of time to do that, and I wish you the best in that adjustment.
Ritu Dua said…
Wow !! What beautiful pieces of art!
Yes I also believe that whatever happens happens for good :)
Enjoy each moment !!

Tracey FK said…
Those are big life changes indeed... the empty nest will take some getting used to I am sure.. but maybe it might also mean a little more time and space for your creativity to flourish even more... I hope you are finding some peace and joy in amongst the stress... thinking of you...xx
peggy gatto said…
You begin a new journey, you are on the right path.
Love your pumpkins!
Shoshi said…
Thank you for sharing the faith-building Bible verses, Arnoldo. Whenever one experiences a change in one's life, it is easy to start worrying about the future - I know I have been, especially lately, with our elderly Mum with us, my health problems, and my hubby recently retiring so we'll now be on a lower income. I need to remind myself daily that the Lord will continue to provide all that we need, as He has always done in the past, and that worrying is a total waste of time and energy!!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #32
Shoshi said…
Thanks for your return visit, Arnoldo, and for your good wishes re my health. The last two or three days I've been feeling better, and as you will see from my latest two posts, I've been quite busy creatively!

Hope you are having a nice weekend.

Shoshi #32
Annie Claxton said…
Belated WOYWW greetings from Norfolk England Arnoldo! I love your jolly jank-o-lanterns, they look really cheerful and full of character. I wish you and your family all the best during this period of adjustment - I know from experience that it can be a difficult time, but I am sure the strength of your family and your faith will see you through. See you again soon :o) Annie C #76
Linda said…
Superb project. You have a lovely blog. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada.
Beccalite said…
Loving your pumpkins, they are fab and fit our theme perfectly.

Thank you for coming over and joining in with us at Rhedd's Creative Spirit.

Great Big Huge Hugs

Becca xxx
Beth Niquette said…
I adore your quirky pumpkins--what fun personalities you gave them! But my favorites are the blue flowers...they bring back feelings from childhood. Thank you.
Christine said…
Your beautifully painted and lettered bluebonnet tags caught my eye at WAW. Thank you for sharing the scripture from Ecclesiastes. My son is a senior and has been accepted at TAMU for next fall. We are struggling with some of the same issues in our family. Thanks for sharing your art and your faith.