N is for New Beginnings

In a world that seems to be growing in fear of terror, plague, and violence, we need to have hope for new beginnings.  Whatever our race, ethnic background, social/economic group is, regardless of personal believes, we need to unite in a mindset of love, grace, and peace for each other.  We need to take our resources and put them where are mouths are.  The new beginnings may not be everything we want them to be, but we need to accept them and move on.  United in spirit we will triumph, but will continue to fail miserably if we continue to divide.

Isaiah 40:8
Church Flowers Shot with iPhone & Edited on Pixelmator
Lorik's Mandarin Orange Monday #114
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday #145
Bella's 52 Photo Project - Gallery 24 {Orange}
We may never agree about God, but as long as we are accepting of each other, we will find a common ground.

Birthday Card & Envelope Set for Abby
Fiskars AdvantEdge Punch System, Martha Stewart Embellishments,  K&Company Note Set, Pressed Petals Cardstock Prints, & Zig Calligraphy Marker
Freshly Made Sketches #157
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Falling in Love With…
Karen's Word Art Wednesday #154
In the words of Seneca, the Roman philosopher, "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."

Robo-Chief School Team Logo 2014
Sharpie Micron Pens
Dion's Friday Sketches
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Denise, Roger & Leslie's ABC Wednesday - N is for New Beginnings
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #280
Eva & Kristin's Paint Party Friday - Week 32 Year 4
Therefore, I invite everyone to make an effort, no matter how small or large, for new beginnings in our world.  As per the Biblical verse found in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Blessings!


Linda said…
Wonderful post. I love the Bible passages that you share. God bless you.
Lmkazmierczak said…
Just read a bumper sticker that has stuck with me....'The way to peace is to make peace the way' Your hopeful words echo that sentiment. All the best♪ http://lauriekazmierczak.com/play-time/
You bring such beauty and positivity to your art! Looks lovely!
Christine said…
Lovely post, here's to new beginnings!
Valerie-Jael said…
Very true, Arnoldo, we need to start through each day! Valerie
Leovi said…
Muchas gracias por esta bonita tarjeta de cumpleaños, un diseño precioso!
Anonymous said…
thoughtful post
Kim S said…
Love your focus on our own responsibility to use our resources.

Your card is soft and lovely. Love the various butterfly borders with the spots of color. Thank you for playing along with us at Freshly Made Sketches.
HansHB said…
Great orange contribution!
Karren said…
Fabulous projects! The soft pink looks amazing against the lime green on your card and envelope set. Thanks so much for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches.
Moving post and oh so true! Wonderful card and drawing too!
Lisabella Russo said…
What a beautiful and moving post! I love your robo chief! Thanks for such lovely thoughts.
Debbie said…
Love love your post today, especially the bible verses! The colors on the card look nice and the sketch has really great detail. The picture of the flowers is bright and pretty.
Indrani said…
Good holy words!
I like your card creations.
Happy ABCW!
Trubes said…
I echo your sentiments entirely, so well written, eloquent too. The Bible passages are so moving, I love to read the bible, full of wisdom particularly if it is interpreted correctly.
The card creations are lovely,

Best wishes,
Abcw team.
You are right about this world, it is becoming more scary by the day. Love your flowers and the card set. So creative.
Annie Claxton said…
Hi Arnoldo, such a thought-provoking and inspiring post and beautiful pictures too as always. I love the arty shot of the church flowers,and I really love your drawings. Happy WOYWW :o) Annie C #64
GalleryJuana said…
Love the seneca quote and that is one fun robo chief. Thank you for the heartfelt thoughts.
Sharon Madson said…
Love that birthday card and the punched butterflys! Beautiful! Thank you for sharing the Bible verses. #73
The world is scary - but I think fear begets fear, too.
Good wisdom.

How true. We can begin anew. Thought provoking post and wonderful artwork. Peg R 77
Queenie Jeannie said…
Thank you for blessing me today!! Very pretty card - I know it will be cherished.

Happy Crafting!
Jeannie #21
Winnie said…
I am sitting here before work hearing the news and it is just so sad, and your post was very uplifting! What a better mind frame you started my day with! Love your drawing and lovely card too!
Chrysalis said…
The Jeremiah verse has meant a lot to me over the years - so encouraging. I love the colours on Abby's card - great combo. Have a lovely week, and thanks for the inspiration. Chris # 16
Excelente trabalho e mensagem....
Christine said…
cute lego for PPF and SS!
Christine said…
Cute Lego for PPF and SS!
sheila 77 said…
Hello Arnoldo, this is a lovely heartfelt post, thank you. I like to think our PPF meetings and our Art Blogland contribute to this.
Love your church flowers and your beautifully made card with the clever matching envelope.
I found your post much easier to read today with the larger font.
Linda Kunsman said…
such a really lovely post with meaningful words Arnoldo. Your card set is really beautiful-great job with the sketch!
Julia Dunnit said…
I wish upon everything that your words could be read by those that need to see them.
Bella Cirovic said…
Loving your submission!
Thank you for adding a photo to Gallery 24 {orange}!
Netty said…
If we all had compassion and respect for each other, the world would be a better place for all..........rant over.

Love your projects Arnoldo. Happy PPF, Annette x

okienurse said…
great post. very thoughtful and I have to agree no matter who you are, what you believe if you agree to live and let live then it makes the world go round. Love the card! Vickie #76
Ariel said…
Such a wonderful message, something that needs to be heard at a time like this. Your art works look fabulous
Have a lovely weekend
Giggles said…
Love, Peace, and Grace are universal! A beautiful prayer for the world no matter your belief system!! A great start for a New Beginning!! I agree one hundred percent! Love your artwork too!!
Thanks for sharing such a loving heart!

Hugs Giggles
DVArtist said…
Well said Arnold. You are right it doesn't matter who we are or what we believe as long as we come together. I am alway so blessed when I come visit you at your blog
Faye said…
Great post, Arnoldo, and what words of wisdom you have given us today!
Unknown said…
The pink and green are so compatible, a lovely card and envelope. Thank you for posting your beautiful art with us this week during our 154th challenge at Word Art Wednesday. Carole Robb Bisson
Unknown said…
Beautiful words! Thanks for sharing :) Happy Paint Party Friday!
Tam Hess
Excellent reminders of important things & charming pictures to make it real.

Beth Niquette said…
I love this post. Your cards are wonderful, and your thoughts are exactly how I feel. Thank you so much, and God bless you.
pauline said…
Beautiful words Arnoldo. Having different views on religion and God doesn't mean we can't come together and agree on PEACE and LOVE. Yes, you're right. It's the only way to a new beginning together. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead. xx
Bella Cirovic said…
The flowers are beautiful! Thank you for adding to gallery {orange}!