X is for Xmas

I used to be offend by the use of "Xmas," because I thought people were trying to take Christ out of Christmas.  However, I was enlightened by a priest who told me that the use of the letter X stands for chi, the  initial for the Greek word Χριστός, which means Christ.  The letter X is also used in the Chi-Rho, which is a Christogram used for centuries by Orthodox Greeks, Roman Catholics, Anglicans and other Christian denominations throughout the world.

Love & Joy
Mixed Media Tag
Tim Holtz 12 Tags of 2014 - December
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Anything Goes
Eva & Kristin's Paint Party Friday - Week 42 Year 4
I also heard someone say once that the letter X is a symbol representing the cross that was used in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

McCabe's Christmas Gift
Gift Certificate & Tag Holder
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Winter Inspiration
Karen's Word Art Wednesday #163
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #290
In addition, according to Wikipedia, the spelling form of Xmas was used in writings by many historical personalities, such as Lord Byron, Lewis Carroll, and Oliver Wendell Holmes Junior.

In Memory of Family Members Who Are Forever In My Heart
iPhone Shot
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday #155
Bella's 52 Photo Project - Gallery 34 {Favorite Photo 2014}
Denise, Roger & Leslie's ABC Wednesday - X is for Xmas Memorial
However, because of it's widely commercial use in the last couple of decades, most people prefer the traditional spelling of Christmas.  Although I don't find the Xmas spelling offensive any longer, I also prefer the traditional spelling.  Therefore, Merry Christmas!


Virginia L. said…
Love the vintage feel and subtle sparkle in this tag! The tinsel is a lovely addition! Beautifully done! Thanks so much for playing Simon Says Stamp Wednesday “Winter Inspiration” Challenge! And Merry Christmas to you, too!
Beautiful post, Arnoldo! I never knew that about X and it does make one feel better about the use of X-mas rather than Christmas. I also have to apologize - I wasn't trying to "hate on the husbands" LOL!! Thanks for stopping by my blog, and have a BLESSED week!
Meihsia Liu said…
Love your beautiful creations. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)
Unknown said…
I like that front double pocket card. It is so versatile. The texture and colors are so lovely. We really appreciate that you are posting art with us in this two week challenge at Word Art Wednesday. Advent and Christmas Blessings to you and yours, Carole
Winnie said…
Wow, Arnoldo, I have always been the same way, and was taught by my mom never to use the XMAS for the same reason. It did offend me. I enjoyed reading your post and will share these with my mom when she comes down and it does bother her too. Your gift holder is so lovely, perfect way to make them personal. The tree to honor those gone is so special.
Wishing you and your family a joyous Christmas and all the best in 2015.
zandra said…
Congrats, Arnoldo on making the spotlight, just love your inspiring art and want to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas.
Hugz, Z
Gorgeous Tim tag take, and LOVE LOVE LOVE the tags on the trees for lost loved ones...brilliant!
Leovi said…
Excelente tarjeta de navidad! Muchas gracias por tus buenos deseos y bonitas palabras! Feliz Navidad en paz y con mucho amor!
Trubes said…
Wonderful art work,

Merry Christmas
Best Wishes,
Di x
I often wondered about Xmas as well. I thought it was just a lazy abbreviation. Thanks for the enlightenment! Love your projects, especially the tag. Wishing you a very merry Christmas! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #24
April said…
Merry Christmas to you and your family. As always your creations are amazing. :-) April #36
Lunch Lady Jan said…
An enlightening and interesting post! Thank you for that :-)
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
Hugs, LLJ 23 xx
Unknown said…
Your art work is amazing. #6
Hi Arnoldo, I understand the meaning of the X but still prefer Christmas rather than Xmas, it just feels right.
Thanks for your supportive visits and wishing you and yours a great Christmas and New Year.
Angela x
Julia Dunnit said…
Lovely post Arnoldo, I too used to have the thing about Xmas. And Yep, Christmas is still my preference too!
Wishing you and your beloved family the warmest and happiest Christmas.
X - also a sign of affection!

Lisca said…
Happy Christmas Arnoldo! Thank you for the explanation of the X in Xmas. Like you I've always felt offended for the same reasons, but you have enlightened me. (Although I will continue to use Christ's name for His birthday)
Have a blessed time with your family,
Artatag said…
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Gabriele 22
stefanie stark said…
Sending best wishes and greetings for the Christmas season to you and your family! And also thank you very much for the explanation of the origin of the X-mas. I didn't know that and it was great to find this story on your blog. Your tag looks beautiful as well as the little folder and the lovely photograph!
Valerie-Jael said…
Happy Holidays! Valerie
Christine said…
Beautiful Christmas tag! I use Xmas as it is shorter never thinking some don't like it!
minnemie said…
Beautiful cards... and I love the tags on the tree...such a neat idea!!
Darnell said…
Thank you for sharing those beautiful creations and the information regarding Xmas! I don't like it used either, but now you have enlightened me and I appreciate it, Arnoldo! I hope your Christmas was merry!! Happy WOYWW to you, very late, and all good wishes for a wonderful new year!! Hugs, Darnell #49
Saskia said…
Great work!

Smiles & Best Wishes, Saskia :)
Linda Kunsman said…
Although I have not put a new post in today for PPF I had to come and visit-I have missed you along with your beautiful posts and art lately. Your tag and card have a lovely vintage feel. I love your memory tree-very touching. Hope you are able to enjoy lots of time with your family!
Chrysalis said…
I prefer the whole word, too. Lovely art work there, as usual. Blessings, Chris # 10
Gillena Cox said…
Luv the X info and as well your art

Arnoldo you are welcome to link also to my way12 Days of Christmas at my blog


Much love...
Gloria j Zucaro said…
I have enjoyed sharing your posts this year through Paint Party Friday and seeing our beliefs combined in such creative ways. may 2015 bring you and your family good health and happiness.
Artatag said…
Thank you for the interesting explanations about Xmas. I agree with you - I also like Christmas better.
Your tag is beautiful and so is your tag holder. Wouldn´t you want to join the challenge at Rubber Dance?http://rubberdance.blogspot.de/2014/12/december-colour-challenge-bright-bold.html
There is always a good chance to win a pile of stamps. Every month.
Thanks for your earlier visit and sorry for my late reply.
I wish you a happy New Year!
Gabriele 22
Giggles said…
Love love love this bit of information!! I prefer Christmas too!! Hope you had a beautiful one!!
May your New Year be abundant in good health, wealth and joy!

Hugs Giggles
Borqna said…
Lovely post Arnoldo - Thank you very much!
May this holiday time
bring you an abundance of the
precious things in live :
Bella Cirovic said…
Lovely! Thank you for sharing to {Favorite Pic of 2014}.