Blissful years

My wife and I will be celebrating 24 blissful years of marriage this week.  I can still remember seeing my beautiful bride walking up the Church aisle to join me at the altar.  She truly is the love of my life.

2015 Affirmations Tag
Tim Holtz Dies, Embossing Folders, Stamps, Grunge Board, Distress Inks, Alpha Parts, Tissue Wrap, Calligraphy, and More.
Tim Holtz 12 Tags of 2015 - January
During our marriage, we've experience many blessings.  We had two loving, smart, beautiful girls; we've experienced success in our professional lives; and we have a beautiful home.  God is good!

"Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings" - Salvador Dali
Mixed Media Sketching Experiment With My New Gelatos
The Mixed Media Monthly Challenge #8 - New to You
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Denise, Roger, and Leslie's ABC Wednesday - B is for Bird Wings
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #294
Kristin & Eva's Paint Party Friday - Week 46 Year 4
Of course, we've had the natural ups and downs that come with sharing a life together.  (After all, my poor wife married an eccentric, perfectionist, and sometimes moody artist - LOL!)  However, we both share a love and commitment to the Lord that has helped overcome every obstacle in our marriage.

Masculine Aquarium Cards
Tim Holtz Embossing Folder, K&Company Embellishments, Hand Lettering, & More
Freshly Made Sketches #169 - A Sketch by Jen
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - It's A Guy Thing
Karen's Word Art Wednesday - Challenge #167
In celebration of my marriage, I dedicate this post to my dear and lovely wife.  May the Lord continue to bless us and grant us many more blissful years of marriage.  Thank you for stopping by!


Christine said…
Congratulations Arnoldo! And a beautiful mixed media for SS!
Valerie-Jael said…
Wonderful art again! Congrats on your 24th anniversary, and may the coming years be just as good. Valerie
Donna B. said…
Happy Anniversary!! Love your take on the January tag. You Gelatos experiment is gorgeous!! Great images and sentiment. I can't wait to see what you do with your Gelatos in the future. Thanks for joining us at The Mixed Media Monthly Challenge.
Debbie said…
Congratulations! I live your cards this week, my fav is the bird.😊
Cindy Hall said…
These masculine cards are fantastic, Arnoldo! They are such a challenge for most of us and you really nailed it! Sending blessings for you and your wife. Thanks for sharing with us at Freshly Made Sketches!
Borqna said…
Congratulations Arnoldo!
What a wonderful and romantic post!
Excellent art pieces!
I wish your family a lot of love and inspiration!
carol l mckenna said…
Happy Anniversary and you are, indeed, blessed ~ with wife and creativity!


Happy Week,
artmusedog and carol
Unknown said…
24 years! Wow! What a blessing. Congratulations to you both. I just LOVEEeeeeeee the bird art. So light-hearted and wonderful!! :)
Jen Mitchell said…
Happy anniversary Arnoldo. May you and your wife enjoy many more! Here's to your health and happiness!!
Lisabella Russo said…
What beautiful artwork and sweet and thoughtful sentiments. It is wonderful that you are with someone who is so in sync with you.
Tenia Nelson said…
YAY!!! Congrats!!! Awesome projects as well!! :)
sarascloset said…
Congratulations on your marriage milestone, and blessings to you for putting the Lord into your marriage! I just know that is the glue behind every successful marriage! Great art pieces you've shared as well!
Indrani said…
A very happy wedding anniversary to you!
Wishing you both many more years of togetherness! :)
Leovi said…
Deliciosos diseños, felicidades por esos 24 años llenos de amor!
Artatag said…
Your aquarium cards are awesome! I like them very much.
Reading your blog really warmed my heart (is that expression correct?) I am married for 32 years now and it is still wonderful.
Thanks for your visit and lovely comment!
Gabriele 36
Awww..what a sweet guy dedicating your post to your wife <3 I really love the tag. Happy WOYWW Shel#71
Unknown said…
Happy anniversary! We just celebrated our 25th last June--but have had to postpone the trip to the beach we wanted to take. Both the steampunk and the romantic tag are beauties. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #59
Queenie Jeannie said…
It's so beautiful in this upside-down world to see the love and commitment of a man toward his spouse!!!! Happy Anniversary! God bless and keep you both!

Lovely artwork as always - thank you for sharing it with us!

Happy Crafting!
Jeannie #14
congrats on your BLISS!

I always appreciate your visits!
What a lucky wife...happy 23 years!!! Gorgeous the font on the words!!!
Anne said…
Congratulations. DH and I celebrate 44 years of marriage this year. We have two super sons, lovely D's.I. L. and four beautiful grandchildren, tow girls and two boys. DH and I are also best friends as well as man and wife. We have been so blessed. Anne x #37
Hi Arnoldo, you are indeed a lucky man, but I think your wife is lucky too. Marriage requires understanding from everyone involved and more than a bit of turning a blind eye to those things that we find annoying after all non of us are perfect, well except you and I of course Lol! Congrats to you both, Angela x 28
Lmkazmierczak said…
Congratulations on a successful marriage! We will celebrate 32 years tomorrow as well. Gives a dreary January something to celebrate♪
Unknown said…
Your artwork always amazes me. So multi talented. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful post. Blessings to both you and your wife, Wishing you many more years of bliss! Diane # 46 WOYWW
Oh, how sweet! What a lovely tribute to your wife and the years spent together. Wishing you happiness for many years to come. Gorgeous projects as well. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier, Arnoldo! I really appreciate your visit and lovely comment! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #52
sandra de said…
Congratulations and with such a lovely attitude and faith there will be many more lovely anniversary celebrations.
sandra de @43
Congratulations! All are wonderful creations, especially those aquarium cards!
Giggles said…
What a gorgeous tribute to the love you share!! Congratulation on a life well lived and appreciating your rich blessings!!May you be blessed with many more years abundant in great health, wealth and joy!! Love your tags this week too! Happy Anniversary!!

Hugs Giggles
Anonymous said…
Congratulations to both of you!!
Congrats on all those happy years of marriage! It sounds like you are truly blessed. And those are great art pieces too. Looks like you've been having some arty fun too.
Gloria j Zucaro said…
Wonderful pieces all this week, Romero. Congrats on your anniversary, and many more wonderful years to you.
Geckostone said…
Congrats to the two of you!!!Beautiful post and awesome art!
GlorV1 said…
Hi Arnoldo. Many happy wishes on you and your wife's anniversary. Congratulations!! Lovely cards and how just like you to dedicate your post to your wife. Bravo!! Happy Paint Party Friday.
Linda Kunsman said…
what a beautiful post to honor your wife and your many years of marriage. Wishing you many more happy years together-congratulations! Lovely art projects too.
Unknown said…
lovely designs and art work. Happy Anniversary.
okienurse said…
Congratulations on 24 years...really a thing to celebrate! My DH and I will celebrate 40 this year in April. Good years! I love the tags and projects you shared! Vickie #33
Gillena Cox said…
Congratulations , Happy Anniversary , Happy Paint Party Friday

Much love...
EVA said…

Great creations. Is the top one for her?
Annie Claxton said…
Hi Arnoldo, what a heartwarming post, wonderful to see your beautiful illustrations as always. Many congratulations to you both and wishing you many more happy years together :o) Annie C #61
I hope your anniversary was wonderful. Your art is always such a blessing to me, and I can't thank you enough for sharing with us.
God bless you always!
Word Art Wednesday
Shoshi said…
Very many congratulations, Arnoldo! What a lovely, happy post. Your story so mirrors my own (28 years for us, and no kids) and I love him more and more with the passing years!!

Silver wedding celebrations for you next year! I had such fun making something special for my hubby, and we had a wonderful few days away and took my parents - the last time we were all away together.

Thank you for your lovely supportive and prayerful comment. I am sure all will be well. They prayed for me at church yesterday, and several people individually afterwards. The prayers mean so much to me.

I am so glad you like my embroidery! After many years of not doing any, it's lovely to get back into, especially as I feel rather unsettled at the moment and really don't feel like working in my studio, so it's nice to have something I can pick up and do, that's creative.

I am glad to report that Mum is quite a bit better, and her mood and behaviour have improved a lot, too. Long may it last! My dear hubby has taken so much off my shoulders to alleviate the stress, which helps me no end.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #44
Lynn K said…
Always a fan of your artwork! Love the sketch piece especially! Thanks for joining us in this month's Mixed Media Monthly Challenge!
Melanie said…
This is beautiful. Thanks for joining the Mixed Media Monthly Challenge!
Rachel said…
such a lovely tag AND those cards are so pretty as well. congratulations to you and your wife! i hope my husband and i hit 24 years too! Thank you so much for playing with the Mixed Media Monthly Challenge!