U is for…

I strive to give unconditional love, to be unique, and to ultimately do my best at all times.

In Memory of My Father, The Right Rev. Leonardo Romero, DD
Photo, Ephemera, Tim Holtz Dies, Findings, Stickers & More
Tim Holtz 12 Tags of 2015 - May
Karen's Word Art Wednesday
Maria's Orange You Glad It's Friday
I learned the value of unconditional love from my father, who taught me to embrace everyone, regardless of their race, believes, what they did to me, etc., just like Jesus did.

Thank You, Dana S. & Pauline K.!
Calligraphy Marker, Punches, & Liquid Pearls
Freshly Made Sketches #188
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Thank You
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Anything Goes
I learned the value of being unique from my mother, who fostered my individualism by encouraging my creative endeavors, even when they weren't perfect.

Still Life (Painted in 1975)
Oils on Canvas
Ramona's Create With Joy
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Denise, Roger & Leslie's ABC Wednesday - U is for Upskill
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday
Kristin & Eva's Paint Party Friday
Finally, I learned from both my parents the value of diligence and integrity, which ultimately lead me to do my best in everything I do in life.

As a human, these values don't always come easily, since hatred, commonality, and indolence could be easier.  However, wouldn't this be a better world if everyone strived for these values?  May the peace of the Lord be with you.


Tenia Nelson said…
What AWESOME work as ALWAYS!!! :)
Valerie-Jael said…
Lovely tag and a great tribute to your Father. Valerie
Christine said…
beautiful still life for SS!
Kate Robertson said…
I love the art tributes to both your parents. Wonderful expressive work.

Unknown said…
Beautiful oil painting...
Meihsia Liu said…
Love your beautiful card and tag! They are gorgeous. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)
Amy O said…
What a sweet tribute to your parents. I love the monograms on your cards. Thanks for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches this week!
stefanie stark said…
Oh it's really fantastic how you always find those lovely words and how you always arrange your artwork in such wonderful compositions!
Lisabella Russo said…
What thoughtful and wonderful words are your art is amazing! I love them all, they are beautiful.
Unknown said…
Arnoldo, this is a wonderful post. It's wonderful that you had such loving, caring parents. Beautiful art and LOVE the painting from 1975...I was only 4! :)
Jen Timko said…
Extraordinary work! And such a special post. Thanks for sharing with us a FMS!
Anonymous said…
Yes! Amen to unconditional love and all those great values your parents taught you!
Leovi said…
Me encanta ese bonito bodegón!
Reader Wil said…
Your parents were very wise and caring people. This is a beautiful tribute to them.
Have a great week.
Wil, ABCW Team.
Trubes said…
What a lovely tribute to your dear parents, such wise people, they must have been very proud of their talented son.

Thank you again, for sharing your wonderful thoughts and works with us, Arnoldo.

Best wishes,
ABCW team.

Glenda said…
I love your story. When it comes down to it, our parents are usually huge contributors to our lives. Thanks for sharing! Glenda #36
AnyOldCraft said…
Beautiful work and wonderful lessons to learn from your parents :) #31
Shoshi said…
What a beautiful post, Arnoldo, and what great tributes to your two exceptional parents. I simply love the tag... My father was a man of integrity and unconditional love as well and I honour his memory every day! I miss him so much.

Thank you for your lovely comment, and it's very nice to see you back in Blogland again! Thank you for your kind words, and I hope it won't be too long before I have something to show for all those kitties lol!!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #30
Your words are so meaningful and I love to read them. If everyone felt the way that you do the world would be a much better place.
Hope you have a lovely week. Not long till the end of term now and then you can have a rest... before you start preparing for the new term!!!!! Thanks for the visit, Angela x 27
unconditional love is a cherished treasure

jenn shurkus said…
awesome creations :) i loved reading your post as well :) Thank you for playing a long with us at simon says stamp wednesday challenge!
Natalie said…
Beautiful works of art! Thanks for sharing from your heart and joining us at Word Art Wednesday!
Unknown said…
Gorgeous projects and great lessons to have learned. With all thats in the news at the moment, I despair that there's anyone left who is honest and shows integrity and compassion towards others!
Have a happy week
Lynda B 10
Jac said…
what a great tribute to them both, love the tag heaps, thanks for the snoop,

Jac x
NO 24
Sharon Madson said…
What a wonderful way to honor your parents! Thank you for sharing your beautiful projecs as well as your lessons from your parents. Happy WOYWW! #62
Anonymous said…
You are blessed to be able to say what you did in your post! Sorry, haven't been here for a while!
LOVE the picture of your father!!! Fabulous tag!!!
Unknown said…
The tag is a unique tribute to your Dad. The little charm with excellence drives the point home. You are an amazing artist and I enjoy looking at your work immensely. Thank you so much for sharing your very beautiful art with us this week at Word Art Wednesday on our 186th Challenge.
Blessings, Carole
VonnyK said…
Such a beautiful and inspiring post, Arnoldo and such beautiful artwork.
Have a great week,
Von #13
Su-sieee! Mac said…
The world certainly would be a peaceful and harmonious place if we did not give in to greed, jealousy, and desire for someone else's life. Peace to you, Arnoldo.
The View from the Top of the Ladder
Lmkazmierczak said…
Wonderful tribute to your folks♪ http://lauriekazmierczak.com/unlikely/
Indira said…
A lovely tribute beautifully expressed in the art.
Photos by Stan said…
And U is for Unity ... if only the world community could find it. We need more people like you and your parents.
Faye said…
A great bunch of U's, Arnoldo. And what a difference this world would be like if everyone followed your lead. I love your oil painting. I guess I'm too old to learn to prefer a freer style of art. I like things to look like things, not picture perfect but at least with some resemblance to the original item.
GlorV1 said…
Beautiful tribute to both your parents. You are a good and honest many Arnoldo. Love the artwork. Peace to you.:)
sheila 77 said…
Thank you, Arnoldo, for your inspirational words. You were very lucky in both parents, what a blessing, and the tag to your father is very touching.
Linda Kunsman said…
What a really beautiful combination of attributes from each of your parents Arnoldo. Your words and art show your gratitude and appreciation. The still life is gorgeous, your tag is filled with love and details, and your FMS cards are simply beautiful!
Robin said…
And peace be with you! Your post is beautiful, loving, if only the world had parents like yours. Rasz #62
Beautiful pieces once again this week. I love how you also showed us your painting from so long ago too. Its beautiful.
Giggles said…
This is the most powerful post you have ever written... a gift they gave you and now you give us!! So true this is how it should be, could be, would be if everyone practiced these values!! Gorgeous work..!!!

Hugs Giggles
mandysea said…
Amazing tag and card work... you write so eloquently,
thought provoking and expressive.
denthe said…
Yes, it would definitely be a better place! Love the different projects you do.
Ayala Art said…
Hi! I always enjoy visiting your blog, not only for the art but for the words.
I hope you and your family have been safe with all this crazy weather in TX! Seems like you guys got all the water we are missing here in California! Stay safe
Renee Dowling said…
You have such diverse art skills. It is the first time I have seen you do a still life! Well done! The tribute to your dad is stunning and from the heart!

Your parents sound amazing, what excellent role models you had! Thanks for spreading kindness across the world.
Dina said…
You are blessed to have such parents.
EricaSta said…
You Must Be a lucky man with this parents, with this childhood. :)