
Do you consider vulnerability a weakness?  I do not.  I believe it takes strength, courage and confidence to let yourself be vulnerable.

Lisa's Birthday Celebration
iPhone 6 Shot By Our Daughter
Denis, Rodger & Leslie's ABC Wednesday - Letter V
Maria's Orange You Glad It's Friday
In my opinion, relationships require full exposure of my being, which requires vulnerability.  This is a risk, because I have both positive and negative qualities, just as everyone else.  However, it is necessary for me to expose myself, if I want honest relationships.

Happy Birthday, Lisa!
Tim Holtz Dies, EK Success Punch, K&Company Corners, Hand Cut Pattern and Lettering
Freshly Made Sketches #189 (By Narelle)
Moo-Mania: Anything Goes
Karen's Word Art Wednesday #186
As an artist, I am vulnerable as well, since I am exposing a part of my being with every piece I make.  Art is a way for me to communicate  my inner thoughts and feelings in various manners.  That is why it takes courage to show my work and why rejections can be so personal.

Student Ticket ATC
Dies, Micron Pens, and Ephemera
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Simon Says Stamp - Make It Masculine
Simon Says Monday Challenge - For The Love of Plants
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #314
Kristin & Eva's Paint Party Friday - Week 14 Year 5
Working with Gifted and Talented students, I also find myself being vulnerable.  Although I have a solid education, a plethora of experience, an excellent reputation, I am the first to admit that I don't have answers to all the questions they make.  They respect my vulnerability, as they become aware that we all have academic strengths and weaknesses.  (Note - I do help them research answers whenever possible.)

So, what do you think of vulnerability?  I'd love to hear your opinion.  Thank you for your visit and blessings!


Valerie-Jael said…
Most people think it's cool not to show vulnerability, but it is a part of our nature! Nice art work and photos,too.Valerie
"Those who are willing to be vulnerable move among mysteries"
said Theodor Roethke ...
I think that it is exactly!
Gorgeous artwork as always and a beautiful photo from you both!
Thank you for joining Moo Mania & More!
Cindy Hall said…
First, I love your design for this week's sketch. Love the colors, layers and textures. You certainly ARE a talented and experienced artist and it is apparent in everything you create.

It's amazing to me that you have sparked the conversation about men with tender hearts. My husband and I have just started listening to John Eldridge's Wild At Heart, which gets into the subject. The world has created men with calloused hearts, yet at the same time, emansapated them. I think a tender heart is necessary to fully love and to be connected to God, your spouse and those around you. I applaud you for mentioning this. It's always apparent when I read your blog posts that you are a very loving man and a very happily married man. I admire you.
Lisabella Russo said…
What lovely words and artworks. It is great to see you and your lovely wife's smiling faces. I think if we don't allow ourselves to be vulnerable with people we trust, we run the risk of not being ourselves or seeing the best in them.
Being vulnerable is necessary to open ourselves up with people and form relationships. Great post, and so sincere, and so full of truth! LOVE the photo of you and your wife, and love the card!
Christine said…
lovely piece for SS! I like your take on vulnerability! The word suggests weakness but on further you said!
Lin said…
What a fun ATC, Arnoldo, love the bold colors and your use of the ticket! Thanks for sharing this with us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge!
NCSue said…
Looks like you guys share a lovely relationship!
Thanks for sharing at
Create With Joy said…
What a beautiful photo of you and Lisa, Arnoldo!
Come inspire us at our Wordless WEdnesday party! :-)

Create With Joy
Unknown said…
I love what you said about vulnerability and relationships. Beautiful words. Lovely card you made for Lisa - happy birthday to her! :)
Photo Cache said…
I agree with your opinions of vulnerability.

Indrani said…
A very good positive interpretation of the word.
Wonderful creative work, I wish I too had some talent in art.
Happy ABCW!
Tracey FK said…
great post and I love that photo at the top... lovely... vulnerability is something I embrace... being and open book, vulnerable and knowing that things can go right or wrong is so important as an artist, parent, partner, friend and teacher. A timely post reminding us of that...xx
Leovi said…
Retrato lleno de belleza, dulce felicidad!!
Dina said…
Shalom Arnoldo. Interesting food for thought here!
It seems it's especially difficult for guys to show vulnerability.

jill said…
Your words are very well spoken & I agree with them . Your work is fab & keep on showing us each work the wonderful creation you make . Happy woyww Jill #20
Hi Arnoldo just because you're busy don't think that will stop me visiting you my friend. You are absolutely right with what you say. There are things that we teach children that are not on the written Curriculum, only a true caring teacher knows this and it makes me sad that politicians who don't understand try to tell us how we should teach. Accepting vulnerability is part of growing up, some people never do. Have a great week, Angela x
Trubes said…
To admit to being vunerable is to show honesty
and humility,
lovely writing again Arnoldo,
I do like your work VERY much !

best wishes,
ABCW team.
Anonymous said…
Without vulnerability there is no relationship. But it also should be reciprocal:) Great pic of you two!
photowannabe said…
Vulnerability is key to relationships and really seeing who we are. Your being an artist definitely puts you in a vulnerable position. Great post and I like your work.
You have truly sparked a conversation among your visitors. That photo of you and your wife are wonderful, and so is that card.

I'm not sure how to respond to the question about vulnerability. I fear I was never in any similar position that you described. I suspect, in the distant future, as I age, I might feel more vulnerable, since I have no living relatives to turn to. But I somehow doubt that's the vulnerability you are thinking about.

Thanks for the earlier visit. Happy WYOWW from # 1.
VonnyK said…
What a beautiful photo. Happy birthday to Lisa and such a wonderful card. I love the colours on the student ATC. I agree with your post and feel so vulnerable when I put my work into shows, especially if I am there while people are talking about my pieces.
Have a great week my friend.,
Von #17
mandysea said…
Love the student ATC, how cool is the 'hair' especially the blonde 'hair'! Lovely card too. And especially agree with your last paragraph about experience/teaching/vulnerability - it's honesty to show that the answers aren't always at hand, but can be found, including with guidance, a life skill.
Valerie-Jael said…
Happy PPF and have a good weekend, Valerie
GlorV1 said…
It's always best begin truthful. Hi Arnoldo, hope all is well with you and your family. The picture of you and your wife is totally awesome, I love that most in this post. It really shows how much of a pair you two are. Happy Birthday (late) to your wife and may she have many many more. Great post Arnoldo. Thank you. The tacos de flor sound delish! Oh by the way, thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment, it's always appreciated.
As a teacher also I know exactly what you mean. Nobody knows it all, and I think the kids respect you when you show them what you do know and also show them you don't know everything. Its a vulnerable position, and always open to the not so good, but I think as an artist, and teacher, you have this need to put yourself out at least a little bit too. Great photo this week, and nice art too!
Anewdawn 16 said…
i love what you said about vulnerability...i am trying to be an artist...i didnt take art in school...i regret that i feel even more vulnerable to showcase my work to others....but the bloggers like u give me strength to push forwrd and paint... i loved ur card :)
Reader Wil said…
I. agree with you about everything you wrote about vulnerability! Thank you for this post!
Wil, ABCW Team
Linda Kunsman said…
what a beautiful photo of you and Lisa! Lovely art as well , and as usual Arnoldo. I feel that vulnerability is a good thing because it also shows a humbleness. Sometimes having a tough shield can be taken the wrong way, like you are better than... even though you may only be trying to protect your sensitivity. Thanks for the thoughtful post, and a blessed weekend to you and your loved ones!
denthe said…
Very true, I can totally relate to what you say about vulnerability. Especially the part about exposing yourself as an artist. It takes a lot of courage. I love that ATC you made, very spontaneous!
Beautiful message in this post which connects to all human beings! The birthday card is so sweet and beautiful layering on the ATC -- wonderful post!
Giggles said…
Gorgeous photo your daughter took! Much love and experience there for sure!! I need a whole post for vulnerability!! It took me many years to show it... it's a must as you age!! The best way around art rejection is to KNOW that there are so many different flavours in this world and we all like different ones... so what appeals to one, may not appeal to the other...goes for everything really..
Now I am going to copy and paste my words to put into a draft!!

Gorgeous card by the way!! Thanks for the inspiration!!

Hugs Giggles
Robin said…
What a great post! Seems to go along the lines of you visiting my blog last week and leaving such an encouraging comment. I feel vulnerable when I put my art out "there", wherever "there" is. It has really gotten harder since I am getting back into my art now that I have my own place and the ability to make a mess. Even if I really like a piece I have made, I get a little nervous wondering if others will like it. Thank you for a great post and reminder. BTW, your card and ATC look great! Blessings, Rasz
Faye said…
Your card is beautiful, Arnoldo. Rejection has always been hard for me. I was one of the nerds and not one of the beautiful people in HS or college. Being shy also added to the feeling of rejection. Now that I am old I have learned, like Sherrie, that there are so many different "flavors" in this world, so things are much better. Thanks for the affirmation in your comment on the PPF page. Sorry I couldn't join the party this week.
Meihsia Liu said…
What a lovely post! Love your beautiful ATC,too. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)
Boo G said…
I think vulnerability is necessary for true loving relationships. People that I can be honest and open with are the people I trust most in the world. It's a two way street. A good relationship has to have two people who are willing to vulnerable for the relationship will not thrive.

Being closed off and afraid to share how I feel is the death blow to a relationship whether that is with a friend, a spouse, a lover, a parent or a child. My deepest regrets revolve around my inability or their inability to be open and honest. It is scary and hard to trust that much but it is so worth it when I am.
Fabulous creations! Thanks for joining the Word Art Wednesday challenge this week and I hope you will join us again next week! Have a wonderful and blessed day!

Charity - DT Member - Word Art Wednesday
Photos by Stan said…
A belated visit and birthday greetings to your wife. The photo of you two exudes happiness [I don't know about vulnerability]... You are one fine human being, and I am glad to have met you on OYGIF.