B is for Brevity

Have you ever considered the brevity of human life?  I have, so it motivates me to live my life to it's fullest and fill it with as many meaningful moments as possible.  I want to love, read, explore, create, travel, eat, and drink as if there is no tomorrow.  I feel guilty when I waste time frivolously.  This doesn't mean I don't enjoy quiet moments with family and friends, as well as meditation.  The first I value as bonding time, the second as necessary for peace of mind.  In addition, I also want to make a difference in the life of my family, friends, and others.  Therefore, I've always cherished the words of the Serenity prayer, which my father taught me as a child and is generally attributed to theologian Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr; God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, the courage to change the things that should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.  (A version of it was adopted by Alcoholics Anonymous in 1945)

Inspired by Aristotle's Words On A Letter of Reference
Original Sketches & Lettering; Paper & Stamp Collage Background; Tim Holtz Dies
Kim's Art It Friday - Show Your Face
Art Journal Journey - Postage
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Anything Goes
Try It On Tuesday - In the Frame
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Maria's Orange You Glad It's Friday
Kristin & Eva's Paint Party Friday
Freedom Dress
Tim Holtz Dies, Numeral, Label, Stapler, Tissue, Tape, Paper, Star, & Inks; Hand Lettering; and More
Tim Holtz 12 Tags of 2015 - July
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Get in Shape
Karen's Word Art Wednesday #193
Berlin Wall Portion at George Bush Presidential Library and Museum at Texas A&M University
iPhone 4 Photograph Edited on iPhoto & Pixelmator
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday - Week 185
Sue's Image-in-ing
Denise, Roger & Leslie's ABC Wednesday - B is for a Bit of Berlin Wall
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #320
Bella's 52 Photos Project - Words
In closing,  I want to leave you with a verse I found to be relevant to the brevity of life, in the prayer of Moses the man of God, Psalm 90:12, "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."  May our youth, regardless of their religious background or lack of it, be touched by these words in midst of all the violence we've been witnessing.  I want to dedicate this post and artwork to the military victims of the Chattanooga, Tennessee massacre.  May they rest in peace, and their families find comfort in their love and memories.  Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment.  They are motivational to me as an artist and writer.  May the peace of the Lord be with you.


Denise said…
What a lovely post.Your words touched Me as did Your art.
Christine said…
I have been thinking about the brevity of life lately too. Lovely work this week Arnoldo!
Wanda said…
What a wonderful combination of narrative and art, and to meaningful to what we are all experiences in our troubled world.

Scripture always meets my needs, and your sharing of these special passages are very comforting.

I love the Word of God and spend time reading and living it out as best I can in my daily life.

Thanks for all your excellent Art today.
carol l mckenna said…
Serenity prayer is so relevant to living well ~ Lovely creations and inspiring post

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol
Great projects and all around inspiring post. Thanks for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamps Monday Challenge Blog. Cheers Nicole
Jeannette said…
great work and beautiful design,love it.

blessing jenny
Valerie-Jael said…
Beautiful post as always, Thanks for joining us at Art Journal journey and TIOT, Valerie
Your words are as touching as your art is. A wonderful Aristoteles inspired page for Art Journal Journey - thank you so much for sharing with us there and the freedom dress tag is awesome as well!
Happy new week! Blessings!
Margik said…
Love your page with the fantastic images and great words. Your tag is fabulous too. Great post as always.
Thank you for joining us at Try it on Tuesday. Mar
Unknown said…
and also with you. Lovely post
zandra said…
Love your post, they always make me stop and be accountable. Love the postage stamps and especially, love the freedom dress. Thanks for sharing with us at TIOT.
Hugz, Z
Christine said…
Your very creative tag and wise words are a fitting tribute to those lost in Chattanooga and are a rightful challenge to us all. God is gracious to give us each day and we should live each in celebration of his goodness and mercy.
Lisabella Russo said…
It is a beautiful poem and your art is so wonderful! You are so creative! Just wonderful... I do also think about the brevity of life...
NCSue said…
Thank you for sharing the specialness at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/07/bug-eyes.html
chrissie said…
A wonderful post and beautiful artwork as always

Love Chrissie xx
Beautiful pieces. I lobe the tri-color dress. And I know how you feel about wanting to keep busy and do so many things.
Beautiful post...love the Serenity Prayer...so true! LOVE LOVE LOVE the dress on the tag...such a cool and unique idea...only you! Way to go!
Berowne said…
In a word, remarkable...
Leslie: said…
Beautifully written. Time is very precious and I have recently realized that I can remember more from the past than there is time in my future. Every day is a blessing!

abcw team
Ann said…
I believe you will leave a legacy of a life lived to the fullest
Indrani said…
Very meaningful and wise post!
Love your art work!
Happy ABCW!
wise words.
BTW, I commented to your comment in my blog.

Belinda Basson said…
Thanks for visiting my desk already and for your thoughtful heartfelt comments. I appreciate that you took the time to read more than just my post. I love your freedom dress and that your wife is your Tim enabler! #23
Shoshi said…
My recent health problems have brought the brevity of human life sharply into focus for me, Arnoldo, and I am determned not to waste any of it from now on!! What gorgeous art work as always... Thank you for your kind words and for your continuing prayers, and I'm glad you like the faux leather too. I haven't got any photos of my hubby's watercolours but I'll have to ask him if it's OK to post them online!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #39
Hetty said…
Your July tag is absolutely gorgeous.
Hi Arnoldo, I don't know how you do it but I always feel refreshed when I've visited you. Great post as always my dear friend.
Angela x 28
Hildred said…
A wise post, - each day is so precious.
Unknown said…
This freedom dress is lovely. I like the Serenity prayer in the non abbreviated form. Thank you so much for taking time to post your very creative art with us this week at Word Art Wednesday, on our 193rd challenge.
Blessings and Hugs, Carole
April said…
Such words of wisdom. I sometimes feel helpless in changing anything. Thank you for reminding me that if I let the Lord guide me - I can make a change. Love your work.
April #50
Sharon Madson said…
Wonderful, inspiring post and tribute to the military victums in Chattanooga. I, too have always liked the Serenity prayer. Thank you for the reminder. #59
peggy aplSEEDS said…
Thank you for sharing your art and reflections. Wise words and a great reminder. The Serenity prayer is also a favorite for me. And thanks for dropping by!
Hugs, peggy aplSEEDS
Caryn said…
This is so creative and inspirations.
Thanks for playing along at Simon Says Stamp Get In Shape Challenge!
Caryn xxx
Kim Dellow said…
Lovely projects ans I love your stamp-inspired faces piece. Thanks for linking up to Show Your Face and for the shout out too. Kx
Trubes said…
Such a moving post Ronaldo, you really 'hit the spot' with your
writing and the prayer of Serenity is one of my favourites, along with many others, judging by the comments.

God bless,

Best wishes,
ABCW team.
Ludkasz said…
Beautiful works:)
sirkkis said…
Thw words of anomymos are just grea advise to us. Your art and words are great, Arnold.
Happy PPF.
Giggles said…
Very touching post with lovely art!

Hugs Giggles
sheila 77 said…
Thanks for your lovely and inspiring words, Arnoldo.
You have a really varied range of artwork here, I love your portrait postage stamps and your photo-edited wall with its interesting angle, cropping and texture.
Hope you have a great weekend and a good week ahead.
Susan said…
Beautiful art, well said. And again today we awaken to more dead in a theater.........
GlorV1 said…
Hi Arnoldo. Happy weekend to you. What a heartwarming post, very inspiring. Loved your working as well, awesome.:)
Lmkazmierczak said…
We will always have violence in our world but your words and art are a balm...thanks for another great post♪ http://lauriekazmierczak.com/cone-flower
Gorgeous art work. Happy Friday!

Love and hugs
Photos by Stan said…
Wish there were more like you, Arnoldo. This weeks sharing is especially meaningful as I am currently reading a book, Being Mortal. You just underscored the inexorable ticking of the clock.... sigh...
BeauTiful tag as always. You are so very very talented.
peggy gatto said…
A special reminder, thank you for your art and wisdom!
Anonymous said…
Muy hermosa y emotiva publicación. Algo para pensar. Tu trabajo acompañado con esa bella manera de escribir lo hace un momento deleitable. Muchas gracias por compartir y que tengas un bello día!

Gloria j Zucaro said…
I love the "Freedom Dress" this week. Number our days-something to remember. None of us know what that number will be.
Ginny Maxam said…
beautiful art work in your post today and I was very touched by the dedication and devotion and I couldn't agree more with PS 90:12! I think I will have to digitize it , when I do I will send you a jpg of it. Thank you for sharing your art and your heart with us at word Art Wednesday Challenge #193!
Ginny M DT WAW
Linda said…
Such a beautiful post!
Great message and perfect art to accompany it! Especially enjoy the Freedom Dress tag -- inspiring!
mandysea said…
Extraordinary post!! Fabulous postage stamp sketches and oooooh on the freedom dress!! That's simply stunning! What inspirational writing today - its a timely reminder for sure!
Beth Niquette said…
Beautifully seen, beautifully spoken. I have pondered the brevity of life. My husband flew away to heaven last October...Life is not the same. Life is fragile--and in the hands of the Creator. He has called me to go forward. At times I am bereft...yet at other times, I know without a doubt that I am here for a reason.
Irene Rafael said…
What a beautiful and moving tribute, Arnoldo. The serenity prayer was the perfect thing for me to read today. Thank you
EricaSta said…
We have a Quote: in the brevity is the soul of wit. It's true, we should make a good job in our lifetime.