WOYWW - I is for Intuitive

According to Merriam-Webster.com, "intuitive" is an adjective defined as having the ability to know or understand things without any proof or evidence; perceiving by intuition; and agreeing with what seems naturally right.  I have been intuitive for as long as I can remember.  However, prior to my 20's, I did not always trust my intuitiveness, because I also tend to be a perfectionist.  This was not a good combination for a young man, because it made me doubt myself and sometimes stifle my decision making process as I strived for what I believed was "perfection."  As I've matured, I've learned to balance these traits, so that I may use them to my advantage.

Windows Into My World (Psalm 146:1a)
Gelli Print Collage; Watercolors; Sharpies; Charcoal; Hand-carved Stamps; & Handlettering
Let's Get Shabby: Challenge #67
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #327
Kristin & Eva's Paint Party Friday
Julie's Art Journal Everyday
Kim's Show Your Face
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday #193
Being intuitive has helped me make better decisions, because I've learned to balance the facts (or what seems logical) with what I feel is right or wrong (or what is intuitive) during specific situations.  My decisions aren't always the best, but most of the time it helps.  Being intuitive has been an asset in all my creative endeavors too.

Psalm 16:11
DCWV Card; Basicgrey Print; Martha Stewart Banner & Gem; WAW Scripture Art; Jute Cord & Button
Freshly Made Sketches #202
CropStop Linky Party #7
Karen's Word Art Wednesday #200
It has helped me know when working on a written piece, work of art, or craft; decorating a room in a practical and aesthetically pleasing manner; cooking a special dish; getting dressed to impress; conducting a lesson for my students; and even when interacting with my family, friends and others.

My Three Girls
iPhone Shot Edited on iPhoto & Pixelmator
Sue's Image-in-ing
Bella's 52 Photos Project - {Apple}…of My Eye
Denise & Roger's ABC Wednesday - I is for My Inspiration
Do you consider yourself intuitive?  Do you value intuition?  I'd love to hear what you think.  Anyway, thank you for your visit and for taking the time to leave a comment.  Blessings!


NCSue said…
Thank you for sharing these images and your thoughts at this week's Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)-
Tenia Nelson said…
What wonderful creations and love the pic!!
Valerie-Jael said…
Lovely work, great photos from your girls. I like to work intuitively, but I don't always trust myself! Regards, Valerie
Marti said…
Great photo of your girls. I need to learn to trust my intuition more but so many times intuition and logic are at odds.
Great photo of your girls! LOVE the journal and card too! I'm very intuitive and have found that it helps me with lots of decisions. That's a good thing!
Hildred said…
I rely often on intuition, but sometimes it leads me astray...
Gattina said…
I think I am pretty much intuitive perhaps even too much !

ABC Wednesday Team
Unknown said…
Goodmorning Arnoldo

What a wonderful post you've posted!!

Intuïtion... i rely on it, totaly, if i may say so. Having had a life wich was not all that simple and fun, i have learned through a very hard way that many people are not who they seem te be. Being careful, not wanting to get hurt again by placing trust in those who don't deserve it.. i trust my intuïtion completely

Have a nice day!
♫ Mel☺dy ♫ (abc-w-team)
We definitely know stuff we don't know why, or how, we know it!
Lisca said…
I think I am intuitive. When I was younger I did not trust it at all but now I rely on it. And being a Christian, I often believe my intuition is a prompting by the Holy Spirit.
Have a good week,
I think I've lost touch with my intuition lately. I used to rely on it all the time. As I got older, doubt crept in, and reasoning took over. I'm afraid to rely on my intuition any more - because I don't trust it. Perhaps I should try and get in touch with it again. Thanks for making me reflect on this, Arnoldo. Love your gelli print page. Lots of texture and movement! I'm visiting through WOYWW. Have a crafty week. zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #28
Lovely post pictures and art. I really love the journal page. Your girls look lovely. Peg R 36
Sharon Madson said…
Love your shot of your girls! Interesting Gelli Print collage. Sharpies! I was just wondering how to use them! I got a package of them years ago and don't use them! As to your question, I don't think I am intuitive. I am an over achiever, but not intuitive. I am not sure how that is related, that is just what comes to mind. LOL This was an interesting post. Thank you Arnoldo. #39
jill said…
I do like your back ground of your journal page. Thanks for sharing it with us. Happy woyww Jill #8
Su-sieee! Mac said…
I do best when I allow my intuition to take over in creative ventures as well as finding things and places. I have gone through phases where I close off my intuition. Being afraid to succeed is I think what happens to me. I'm going through some of that right now. Now that I said that aloud, methinks I need to deal with it. See, my intuition told me to come visit today. Thanks, Arnoldo.
The View from the Top of the Ladder
I think we all have intuition to a certain extent but may fear it and try to ignore it. Thanks for the lovely post. Have a good woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 22
Unknown said…
Arnaldo, This very sweet card you've posted is just lovely in its ability to put the scripture first place. Celebration Week at WAW! Thank you so much for taking time to post your very creative art with us this week at Word Art Wednesday in our 200th challenge.
Blessings and Hugs, Carole
Natalie said…
Beautiful art work again!! So glad you have joined in our celebration of 200 challenges at Word Art Wednesday! Thanks for playing along!!
You bring up some interesting points with intuition and intuitiveness. As I've grown in my walk with the Lord I believe He has given me discernment and wisdom and a Scripture that I lean on heavily is Proverbs 3:5,6,7. God is so faithful when I take the time to take everything to Him in prayer. He is interested in even the small details!
Kirsty Vittetoe said…
This is a really great post! Love your design for the projects and lovely photo too!
Indrani said…
Great capture of your girls.
I sometimes go by my intuitions, haven't regretted about it.
Trubes said…
Intuition is, in my opinion, one of the vital senses!
We have to trust our intuition or else we would never
achieve anything.
I love the picture of your three girls.
Good and thoughtful post Arnoldo, as ever!

Best wishes,
ABCW Team.
Ann said…
First, the picture is lovely. I have always used my intuition and I think its' that small still voice in us-you just need to listen to it.
That floral paper is so lovely, Arnoldo. What a fabulous card, and really shows such a soft side of your art. Beautiful! Thanks so much for once again sharing your talent with us by participating in our challenge. Thanks also for being part of our 200th challenge, and for standing by our sides along this journey. What a blessing to see all that God has done and continues to do through this little challenge blog ministry, and praise His precious name for sending people like YOU to take the journey with us. I am so very grateful for you, and so filled with praise for Jesus. Thanks, Arnoldo, and be blessed always.
Word Art Wednesday
Linda Kunsman said…
Hi Arnoldo, I really love your window page-a fab composition and color placement! Your card is beautiful. I need to start back with some of the card challenges as it's been awhile. And the photo of your girls is a great shot-so sweet! It's wonderful when you can recognize intuition and go with it. Thanks for a thoughtful post.
Giggles said…
Excellent post...however I think I need to elaborate once again about intuition on my blog! Mine is top notch as my mothers was, but my daughters is impeccable because it's not been altered along the way as mine was as a child! I could tell by some of the comments on my blog that some woman don't quite understand it! There is a bit of a science to it as well!! It's all about patterns and feelings melding! Women tend to heed it more than men! I'd like to recommend a book called the Gift of Fear by Gavin Debecker I think it will give you a clearer vision as a man, a father, a teacher. A useful tool we should all have! Glad to see you respecting your intuition! I was adamant that my daughter had hers to keep her safe, when we played games I'd tell her to use her intuition... she did and won all the time!!Here's another helper....when in doubt....the answer is always no! If you aren't sure you should publish something, say something, buy something....the answer is "No".....now go test that theory...lol!!

Hugs Giggles
Great artwork and I what a fab photo of your three girls!
I am intuitive in my life ... but doing my artwork I am not very intuitive..I think I am more using what I have learnt during many years and what I like to do..
this intuitive word is just too modern now....
Happy weekend!
I can so relate to not trusting my intuition - for me, it was believing everybody is right and needing external validation. However like yourself as I matured i have learnt to trust in myself. This come through mainly in my art world where i let it have full power. Most of my art is intuitive and almost seams to create itself and i find that style of art the most satisfying. Thanks for sharing Debs x
Jeanet said…
I do consider myself intuitive but I do wish I could transfer some of that to my art. Less planning, more doing if you know what I mean.
Kate Robertson said…
Love the pic of your girls, so sweet and tender. The journal page is great, I love all the layering and imagery. Great page.

Wanda said…
Beautiful family....love the walking away photo. I think your journal page jumps out at me as being one of the clues in a mystery...the body.....it's position...Who did it???

Always enjoy your narrative and your art work.
Anewdawn 16 said…
I love the way u write...along with ur creative process.... I wish I was intutive.. :)
Christine said…
Lovely work Arnoldo and nice pic of your girls!
Faye said…
Nice work, Arnoldo. No, I don't think I am intuitive or at least not much.
Nadya said…
Lovely post and pictures/art, Arnoldo!
I was fortunate to grow up in a home where intuition was acknowledged and honored, so yes, do use it. And feel intuition is helpful in creating art.
When I'm trying to tempt my preschool grandkids to do something, I'll often say, "I'm going to use my psychic powers," (to guess who will clean up, or get dressed first, or choose something) ... my daughter says at times they'll tell her "I'm using my psychic powers ..."
Tracey FK said…
I have been driving my daughter mad by trying to do the morning sudoku intuitively... Of course it never ends well but it is such fun to torture her systematic brain that I can't resist... In other things I think I am intuitive as many of us creatives are... I have learned to trust my instincts and to let go of plans and judgements and see what happens... Adapt is my big guiding word so it fills in the gaps when my intuition fails me lol... Great week of painting again, and love the photo of your three girls... Xx
Ginny Maxam said…
Great thoughts and images - beautiful card! I always enjoy reading your blog!Thank you for joining of 200th Challenge at Word Art Wednesday! Ginny DT WAW
DVArtist said…
It is always a pleasure reading your posts and seeing your art and your lovely family. Yes being intuitive is a huge part of my like and always has been. There are many reasons why my life is like this but mostly it has to do with freedom of body mind and spirit.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Studio Kaufmann said…
I am not sure if I'm a perfectionist...but I sometimes do overwork my artworks looking to achieve something specific. But as you say over time I have tried to rely more on my intuition and just let the artwork breathe and be finished in its own time!
Have a fabulous Sunday
carol l mckenna said…
Wonderful creativity here ~ especially love the photo of 'Your girls' ~ and post is wonderful as intuition is what I have learned to listen to more and more as it is the 'divine' , our higher selves, god/dess, Tao that is 'talking to us' ~ Like you it took awhile to see the value and pay attention and trust my intuition. It is a gift.

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol
Ileana said…
It's funny you mention this as I just left a comment on another artist's page referring to intuitive drawing. I think when it comes to artwork it's a must to put some of what comes naturally into our work so it combines with the technical and is a unique piece, not like a camera image but a real artistic interpretation of something we see, feel, hear, understand. Sometimes we don't think others will get it but when some do it's always a treat, like a gift to the viewer.

As for trusting my intuition at all times, I must say I'm more like you. I can be a perfectionist, although I'm learning that authenticity beats perfection and our intuition is more on point than we think.
Lisabella Russo said…
Very dynamic and powerful piece. I think intuition can be a powerful thing, mine is not always so good, but I'm glad to hear yours is.
stefanie stark said…
Again it was such a pleasure to read the notes about your thoughts. It's really interesting to think about intuition and perfection and how they influence thinking and acting. I will think about that the entire week I think ... and the sketch is very good too as well as I love the card and your three ladies are great! Have a lovely week!

Indira said…
Great collection of art and photo. As always, you are prolific and a great inspiration.

Yes, I am also very intuitive, though I did not realize it for a long time.
Wonderful creations and blog post! I especially love your card! I definitely consider myself an intuitive person. Thank you for playing along in the Word Art Wednesday Challenge! Have a blessed day!

Charity - DT Member - Word Art Wednesday
http://collectivecreativity.blogspot.com (my personal blog)
mandysea said…
what an incredibly sensitive art journaling piece. I love the representative figure... awesome colour behind. I pretty much could have written you post... and just kept reading thinking... yep, yep, and yep. Lovely card too! Thanks for playing along with Let's Get Arty :)
Julie Lee said…
I don't know why, but intuition always seems to have been linked with women rather than men! Yet men can definitely be intuitive too. You sound very much like you may once have resembled my son who is twenty-four. He battles with intuition versus perfectionism at the moment. I think as we mature and gain in confidence we can balance our intuition more easily with our desire to 'get things right'. I love the movement and the power of your journal piece. I also admire the way you bring so much of your spiritual journey to your blog. You inspire us visually as well as through what you share verbally. xx
Deb said…
What an amazing art journal page! Thanks for joining in with us at Let's Get Arty. Your card is fabulous too.
Kim Dellow said…
Lovely works again. I do love your layers for your journal pages. Thanks for linking up to Show Your Face and for the shout out too. Kx
Unknown said…
Wonderful work, Arnoldo. And a lovely post. Your daughters look so precious! Hope you've had a wonderful week. :)
OriBella said…
Wow!Wonderful creations!!! Art journaling piece is awesome. Thanks for joining in with us at Let's Get Arty.
Ludkasz said…
This is fantastic idea:) Thank you for playing with us at Let's Get Arty:)