V is for Vitality

Greetings!  I love the sense of vitality that the various holidays bring into my daily life during this religious seasons.  I love it!

Advent Candles' Meaning
Watercolor Pencils, Calligraphy Marker, & Micron Pen
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Let's December Daily
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday - Week 205
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #340
Kristin & Eva's Paint Party Friday - Week 40 Year 5
Julie's Art Journal Everyday
First, there is advent, which marks the beginning of the Christian liturgical calendar, as we celebrate the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.  It begins on the first Sunday in December and ends on Christmas Eve, which is celebrated on December 24th.  There are five candles lit during this celebration, which represent hope, love, joy, peace, and Christ, which is represented by the white candle lit on Christmas Eve.

Saint Nicholas Collection
Vintage, Collector's, & International Figures
Our Beautiful World - #126 Decorations
Sue's Image-in-ing
Denise, Roger & Leslie's ABC Wednesday
During this season, many Christians also celebrate Saint Nicholas Day, which is observed on December 6th.  St. Nicholas, who evolved into Santa Claus in the USA, was born in present day Turkey, circa 280, and later served as the Greek Bishop of Myra.  He is remembered for caring for the poor and the sick; is associated with gift giving; multiple miracles are attributed to him; and is the patron saint of children and sailors.

Gift Card Bag
Tim Holtz In the Bag Die, Holiday Greens Thinlits, & Distress Ink Pads; Hole Punch; Micron Pen; Kraft Paper; Tag; Baker's Twine
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Gentlemen
Try It On Tuesday - Bags and Boxes
Karen's Word Art Wednesday #213
The holidays culminate with Christmas, on December 25th.  This is the celebration of the incarnation of God.  Although it has been commercialized, Christians around the world thrive to preserve its true significance.  As the angel said, in Luke 2, "…I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.  For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."  The Christmas season is 12 days long, ending January 5th.

I hope I was able to help you cultivate that sense of vitality I am enjoying.  Thank you for stoping by, following my blog, and for taking time to leave such encouraging comments.  Blessings!


Marti said…
Very interesting! I've always wondered about advent which we don't celebrate in our church. I did always wonder (and still do) why the 12 days of Christmas ends in January.
Christine said…
Lovely decorations Arnoldo! Merry Christmas!
Wanda said…
Very nice decorations and narrative. I'm doing a daily devotion called the Advent Jesse Tree for each day until Christmas, Blessing for a Merry and Blessed Christmas.
Valerie-Jael said…
Lots of beautiful projects again, thanks for joining us with your lovely gift bag at TIOT! Valerie
chrissie said…
Love your post and your projects. Hope you stay happy and make others happy too

Thank you for joining us at Try it on Tuesday

Smiles Chrissie cxx
Jane said…
Looks like you've made a start to your Christmas journal Arnoldo, looking forward to seeing and reading more. Thanks for sharing at LDD.
sheila 77 said…
This is such a lovely post and describes the joy of December and the festivities so beautifully.
I like the way you have displayed your bag with the angel and the string.
sirkkis said…
Your Christmas is going to start pieceful way which is so wise and pleasant. The card box is beautiful. Thank you very much for sharing it with us at TioT.
Good afternoon Arnoldo! Your lettering and candle drawing is beautiful! I love that sweet, little angel too! Blessings!

Lisabella Russo said…
What a lovely advent calendar piece! So elegant and pretty. I enjoyed reading your post!
Gorgeous collection! I LOVE your font on the page as well...beautiful!
NCSue said…
I hope your Christmas is full of meaning, full of love, full of joy.
Thanks for linking up at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/12/smithsonian-art-museum-west.html
Kirsty Vittetoe said…
Lovely decorations, thanks for sharing with us at Our Beautiful World!
Karren Haller said…
I love the water color sketch it is wonderful!!
Hope you enjoy your holiday and join us to enjoy another Linkup

Have a wonderful day!
mandysea said…
This is such a lovely post. I love reading the history of Christmas and never ever tire of it - it's just a joy from the heart!
What beautiful handwriting you have - your journal cover is stunning!So glad you are sharing with 'Let's December Daily'! A lovely Christmas display of decorations for St Nicholas Day! Thanks for sharing that with Our Beautiful World! All your projects here a beautifully crafted! Wishing you also wonderful blessings at this time of year!
I love your photos! Your decorations and reading the stories behind them really made my day!
carol l mckenna said…
Wonderful post and filled with Vitality!

Wishing you the magic and love of the Season ~
artmusedog and carol
Unknown said…
Endearing post and wonderful choice for this weeks letter.
Having a not to healthy body and mind ...vitality is a very important thing to me. Like you the religious holidays enlighten them in my, so i welcome it very much ofcourse.

Wishing you all (blessed) vitality you need!

Have a nice abc-day / - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)
Indrani said…
I am excited of the festival season ahead!
Great pics. :)
Happy ABCW!
You seem to love the season, unsurprisingly.
Although I'm here from WOYWW, your post about the various celebrations surrounding Christmas were beautiful to read about and lovely to view. It looks a lot like Christmas at your place. Happy WOYWW from #1.
Glenda said…
What a lovely journal. I can't wait to see more of it!
Glenda #25
Such beautiful holly berries, Arnoldo. Your art and your posts are always such a blessing and encouragement to me. I'm so grateful to have you participate in our challenges. You've been a faithful friend to me and to WAW for so many years, and it's greatly appreciated. What a wonderful time of year for us to celebrate Who He is and ALL that He has done for us. May you and your family be filled with His goodness and love at Christmas time and always.
Word Art Wednesday
Sharon Madson said…
Great projects and spiritual inspiration today in your post! We had our Hanging of the Greens Sunday at our church. Hymns, scripture readings and candle lighting. It really inspired the spiritual thoughts for the season. Thanks for sharing. #44
Lisca said…
Yes, Advent is a really exciting time in many ways.
In Holland they celebrate St Nicholas (Sinterklaas) on the eve of his birthday (5th Dec). When I was a child, this was the evening we got our presents. (not Christmas)Adults celebrate Sinterklaas by giving each other anonymous presents with funny rhymes.
Thank you for visiting earlier,
Have a good week,
Joy said…
I love the idea of the five candles, I'd just assumed advent started on the 1st. I like your choice of subjects to illustrate the theme.
Hi Arnoldo. It's always at this time of the year that I miss being in school as the children get so excited and there are always lots of things happening which puts you in the right frame of mind for the festive season. Really enjoyed reading your post today. I still think my desk must be more cluttered than yours though! otherwise you would have no room to work at all! I really must have a tidy up soon.
Thanks for stopping by my dear crafty buddy and have a great woyww, Angela x 24
Anne said…
I have enjoyed reading your post and looking at the photographs. Ialways have an Advent candle and put my Advent Star in the window. This morning I went to watch my granddaughters Nativity Story at her school. Although I have spent a lot of the rest of my day shopping it is not what Christmas is about to me. So sad to see how commercialised it has become. Anne #49
Marit said…
I love the explanation you give on the various holiday-festivities Arnoldo. In the Netherlands, people celebrate "Sinterklaas" on the evening of December 5th and I learned the original bishop came from Turkey... but I never checked where Myra is exactly... oh wait, I'll check...it's in Turkey and the town even has a 'St. Nicolas church'... the feast is mostly for children and since my son is now a young man and moved out of the house, we don't celebrate it anymore. Enjoy the holidays and thanks for stopping by my blog, happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #19
Ros Crawford said…
I love your photos!! Thanks so much for sharing at OBW!!!
Beautiful decorations, Arnoldo. It is definitely the season filled with joyful celebration. Your gift bag is adorable too!
Trubes said…
It really is a wonderful time of the year.
I love all the Christmas readings particularly
the declaration of the angel about the coming
of Christ.
As ever I love your artwork, full of VITALITY

Blessings to you dear Arnoldo.
from Di.
ABCW team.
Nikki said…
Fantastic advent and love the little brown bag for gifts it's so perfect for the hoildays hugs Nikki 5
Valerie-Jael said…
Happy PPF and a great weekend, Valerie
sirkkis said…
Lovely art.
Happy PPF and holiday time xx
Pure joy of December and the festivities! Happy advent to you!
Deepa Gopal said…
New info...I hadn't known that before. Thanks for sharing it.
All your works are lovely as always...with variety. :)
Advance Christmas Wishes to you and yours.
DVArtist said…
Truly a wonderful post. Your vitality always show through to me. You have such a love of life and family. Happy Christmas to you.
Irene Rafael said…
You conveyed your vitality and it is contagious. Thank you for your wonderful informative posting this week. Best to you and your family.
Linda Kunsman said…
a beautiful and meaningful post filled with true Christmas spirit! Love your calligraphy page. Happy PPF!
Susan said…
Beautiful post. I love the script on your initial Christmas page. Happy Holidays!
Jo said…
Wishing you peace, Arnoldo.
Kate Robertson said…
Lovely post. Your lettering is fabulous. One of my goals for next year is to work on lettering.

Beth Niquette said…
How lovely this lettering is! I've been captured by the beauty of the written word, for years. :D Merry Christmas!
Lorraine said…
I love your journal entry. Your gift card bag is so sweet. And the collection of Santa's is such a great way to celebrate St. Nicholas Day. You've given me some inspiration for next year! Have a wonderful holiday.
Giggles said…
Such a significant message! Wonderfully presented for all to understand! Powerful and much needed!! Beautiful!

Hugs Giggles
Unknown said…
I love your happy, joy...card. So lovely and festive. I also LOVE your little group of Santas. Hope you and your family are doing well. Happy Christmas! :)