R Is For Relationships

Rather an introvert or an extrovert, everyone needs to have relationships in their lives, hence the "basketball friend" in the movie Cast Away, starting Tom Hanks.  Relationships can be made with family members, friends, colleagues, and even bloggers.  However,  what makes a solid relationship?

Sacrificial Love Mandala
Prismacolor Colored Pencils; Silver Gel Pen; & Stencils
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Stencil It
Denise & Roger's ABC Wednesday - R is for Relationships
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 362
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
In my opinion, Paul describes one of the best definitions of what a solid relationship should be like in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, "Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

D. F. Wallace Doodle Portrait
Mechanical Pencil; Sakura Micron Pens; Windsor-Newton Watercolors
Moo-Mania - Quotes
Karen's Word Art Wednesday - Challenge #228-#229
Eva & Kristin's Paint Party Friday - Week 10 Year 6
Kim's Show Your Face - Head Positions
I found an article by Alex Lickerman MD, in Psychology Today, that correlates with Paul's teachings.  Lickerman says that a good friend commits to your happiness.  A good friend will be honest, even when it's uncomfortable, when he/she knows it's in your best interest.  He also said that good friends will not compromise your principles in the name of your friendship.  Finally, Lickerman said that good friends will inspire you to strive for excellence.

Ceramic Doll Parts
Nikon D3300 Shot Edited on iPhoto
Our Beautiful World - OBW 146 Ceramics
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday #227
Sue's Image-In-Ing
Rebecca's Haiku My Heart
Therefore, you need a plethora of relationships to be happy - Not!  I'm an introvert, but always try to find a way to connect with people I meet.  Everyone has gifts and talents that I value and can learn from.  However, I only have a handful of people with whom I have solid relationships, such as my mother, my wife, my two girls, my church Rector, a few Church members, a couple of work colleagues, and above all my God.

What do you look for in relationships?  I would love to hear what you think.  Anyway, I want to thank all my followers, as well as everyone who takes the time to leave a comment.  I am blessed by your kind words.  Peace - Paz - Shalom!


Valerie-Jael said…
Thanks a lot for joining us at Moo Mania and More with that wonderful portrait, but those doll parts are scary for me! Have a good week, Valerie
NCSue said…
I look for someone I can trust, someone who looks at the world kindly without biting cynicism, who avoids humor at the expense of others. I prefer friends whose lives are shaped by faith, because we then have something precious in common.

Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/05/the-cats-of-san-juan.html
Virginia L. said…
GREAT post , Arnoldo! Your project is awesome and I love how you colored the image. We all need to be reminded of building/having a relationship with those around us. Thanks so much for playing Simon Says Stamp Wednesday “Stencil It” Challenge! I fully believe that for those give will receive (Luke 6:38).

Gail said…
Your art work is always lovely to look at AL Romero - those doll parts are a bit freaky however - hehehhe - love your work! Thank you for slipping your art by at Word Art Wednesday for our Bi-Weekly Challenge where you may enter 5 creation week one and then 5 creations starting the following Wed for Week 2 - have a blessed week! Gail DT WAW
MelodyK said…
People often say: opposites attrach... and i think that is right.... i am the 'busy' one and my husband the quiet one... lots of my aquintances are my opposite although we have a lot in common to .... but not in extra-or-introvert beeing

Wonderful choice for this weeks letter, makes one start to think, that is always a good thing.

Have a nice ABC-Wednesday-day / - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ <abc-w-team)
sandra de said…
We were made for relationships and I think we have different types or degrees of relationships with different people. Striving for Paul's definition of relationships is a good place to start.
glitterandglue said…
That first picture is beautiful, Arnoldo. In a friend? I know I can trust my life into her hands - my secrets - my pain - my joys. Her response is often tears, as she looks with heartfelt compassion. We both love Jesus. I share her heartaches, she shares mine.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #4
Amazing artwork Arnoldo! Thank you for joining us at Moo Mania & More! oxo Susi
Susanne said…
You authored a most interesting post today, one I'm sure a lot of us will connect with. Happy WOYWW! Susanne #48
Lisca said…
I'm an introvert too and I prefer to have few good friendships to loads of shallow ones. My husband is my best friend, and some church friends/prayer partners are also very good friends that I trust. And as you rightly say, my Lord and Saviour has to be the best friend of all.
I love your sacrificial love mandala. Thanks for sharing,
Happy WOYWW,
Sharon said…
I love your D F Wallace doodle. Fantastic!

I'm an introvert too. I'm shy meeting new people and don't like it at all but once I get to know people I'm fine. In a relationship I have to be able to trust someone, trust that they will listen and keep confidences. I try to give the same in return.

As usual a great post! Got me thinking.

Sharon K #40
LisaDV said…
an absolutely stunning mandala! I'm also an introvert and have a few very solid relationships.
ToadilyDiane said…
Another great blog of words of wisdom!
Have a great day.
Diane - WOYWW #31
Sharon Madson said…
A very thought provoking post today. Since retiring have found that my husband is my best friend along with my Lord. We have no other family than our children and grands and they live quite a ways from us. I also am blessed to have a best friend for almost 60 years, who is also a Christian. She and I are prayer partners too. That is the best kind of friend, one who prays with you and for you. Thanks for the post. Your other question, I have not had any problems leaving comments, yet.
Ros Crawford said…
Lovely post! Thanks so much for sharing at OBW!!
Reader Wil said…
Thanks for reminding us of Saint Paul's words in I Corinthians 13, which tells us to respect relations.
Your post is excellent as usual.
Wil, ABCW Team
You quoted one of my most favourite verses in the Bible. I love what Paul said here and it really moves my heart, every time I read it. It is exactly what I try to give in relationships, but it's not always easy :) I have come to really appreciate people that are truly honest, gentle and caring, and strive to be just so. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post with us, adorned by your beautiful art work, and for joining OBW again this week!
Victoria said…
Hi Arnoldo, beautiful art mandala, gorgeous colors and such deep meaning! I love the doll parts, fantastic display!
Wishing you a lovely day!
Victoria # 54
Trubes said…
Hello Arnoldo.
The text from Corinthians is one that was read at my wedding ,
one of my favourites.
I am surprised to learn that you are an introvert, you obviously
express your self through your wonderful artwork,
Opposites do attract. I know, as my husband is quiet whereas I
am not, and we rub along quite happily.

Best wishes,
Su-sieee! Mac said…
That's one of my favorite passages in the Bible. Trusting, honest, respectful, open-minded, a sense of humor, comfortable in her/her own skin, confident, and caring are a few characteristics that the people with whom I have a relationship share.
April said…
What a beautiful post. I look for honesty and loyalty in a friend. I didn't realize how hard true friends are to find. Now I know and appreciate all my true friends. :-)
I have a lot of acquaintances, but relatively few real friends, and most of them are of long duration.

What a great post! Honesty and loyalty! The golden rule is what I live by. I wish everyone did. I LOVE the monk piece...what it says is absolutely true! Fab work!
Faye said…
Beautiful post, Arnoldo, with you lovely paintings and with your wise words. I love the quotes you used this week.
Christine said…
Lovely work for the challenges Arnoldo and a wonderful post with a tough question. I look for kindness respect unselfishness diligence perseverance and better if all this comes before and not after the fact. Let me add trustworthiness.
Kim Dellow said…
Fabulous work! Thanks for linking up to Show Your Face!
Ayala Art said…
Very nice mandala! I love the metallics.
Those words about Love are so beautiful, thanks for the reminder.
As for what do I look for: honesty and dedication. We all have met those that take and take, and drain you, so finding and keeping a friend that dedicates time to be a friend, reciprocally, is always a treasure.
Now I am looking forward to seeing what you do with the doll parts as I have some but just can't decide what to do with them so come on Arnoldo, please do something with them.
Your crafty friend, Angela x 23
Taking the parts and making a whole is what life is all about, isn't it?
gma said…
Oh LOVE your doll parts haiku.
Linda Kunsman said…
another wonderful post with well meaning words and art Arnoldo-just beautiful!
Lea said…
Dear Arnoldo. I have a long time friend staying with me this weekend, we were counting the years just now at lunch and we are on twenty-four. She is one of the few remaining friends from my life before all the changes. And it is a friendship like hers that I have come to treasure more than gold. We've had our differences, but we always come back to how can we help each other flourish and grow and be true to our hearts and soul? We have opinions, but the light and joy in her eyes is so much more important than my having the correct ending of a discussion, or my current beliefs. I'm finding that is not as easy to make new friends now as it was in my younger years... but I also think that this is because what I look for in the people around me is very different reflection now, than who I was then. I look for people who are in touch with their hearts, look to see the best in those around them, use difficult situations to grow from, and rejoice in someone else's good fortune. And are kind. To themselves and those around them. Lovely post Arnoldo. Thank you!
Shoshi said…
My hubby is a bit of an introvert (a worrier!) and I'm the reverse, Arnoldo, and together we make a great team. I agree that a small number of quality relationships is better than hundreds of "friends" such as on social networks. I love your art work. The doll parts don't really bother me as they do others, because I can see the potential in them to create something beautiful! Thank you for your visit and your lovely comment, and especially for your continuing prayers - all through this experience I have been carried along by a tide of answered prayer and I so appreciate it. I am feeling better now than I have felt for a long time, and it is wonderful to be singing again - it went so well and I got some lovely feedback, and I can feel my confidence returning. I am due to sing again in June. I read your comment about the kitty castle to my hubby and we both loved it!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #52
Irene Rafael said…
A solid relationship begins with trust. Each person has a personal requirement of trust. Is it that you can tell the other person your deepest secrets or that that person will be there for you when you are in need or that you can call at any time or that you know you are loved unconditionally or ??? I cannot begin to start a relationship without trust. From there there is a mutual understanding and personal definition of what a solid relationship that will grow and withstand changes over time.

Thank you for your post.

Fantastic art today. A great post too. Having a friend is a wonderful thing and definitely a gift and a blessing. I hope besides your beautiful family you have a good friend too.
Tracey FK said…
a great post with great images to go along with the words. I am a big quality over quantity girl when it comes to friends... I have some that are so treasured and special to me, and my life is enriched every day by them. I am blessed I think...xx
Hi Arnoldo!Your blog posts are always so thought-provoking! I'm an introvert myself and I think we have a special ability to be our own best friend - and sometimes, sadly, our own worst enemy as well. Love your portrait and the quote is so inspirational, though it is very hard to look at unfairness (real or perceived) in a positive way. Thank you very much for visiting earlier! Have a great weekend! zsuzsa #35 (WOYWW)
Ann said…
Love your thoughts on relationships, Paul was such a fantastic teacher. I have a few long-term relationships from childhood, but mainly my supportive family.
Dea Lenihan said…
Hi Arnoldo!
Very uplifting words for me--thanks!
The doll parts look a bit creepy now--but they will make someone very happy soon.
See you again soon!
Ariadne said…
Thank you for sharing in Our Beautiful World.AriadnefromGreece!
stefanie stark said…
Reading your thoughts is always such an enriching experince for me. I am also more an introvert and my most important relationship is the one I have to my husband although we are often not of the same opinion. But I think exactly this fact is what makes our relationship more valuable as he teaches me to see things from a different point of view. I also love your mandala very much as well as the brave pirat. Have a lovely Sunday!
GalleryJuana said…
Love that portrait and the Wallace quote. Is that a self_portrait?
Gillena Cox said…
Paul describes the ideal relationship, indeed we should strive to be as close as possible to this formula

Enjoyed your "doll parts" haiku

much love...
Anonymous said…
such beautiful work, so intricate!
I follow my instincts with people, I follow my gut, lol,,I follow my heart,,
Unknown said…
I just love your "Love Mandela" Wonderful work and great post on relationships. :)
C.J. Rains said…
I always seem drawn to those people I feel to be honest and have things in common. I too only have a small handful of people I can call true friends, and most of those I haven't even met face to face. I feel that if we are to have true friends we must first love ourselves. It is only then that we can love and value others. As someone else posted, your posts are always thought provoking and that's what I enjoy most from your blog. Have a great Sunday!
Serena Lewis said…
Another great post, Arnoldo!

I love your artwork...especially the doodle portrait.

I'm an introvert and tend to be a bit of a loner in real life. I have my family, my kids, and my pets and I feel very content with that. I do have a close friend who I met online and she and I have been pen-pals for years. We both love art and journaling but we can talk about anything and everything to each other. I do have friends in real life but not ones I would classify as close. I often feel more connected to animals than to people.

That said, I do believe that trust, truth, and compassion are major requirements of a true friendship.

Have a great week! :)
Giggles said…
Seriously, since you started on the alphabet your posts have become more profound and meaty each week! This is an incredibly important message! I LOVE the artwork today that goes alone with each carefully constructed thought! I am pretty much the exact same as you when it comes to relationships and being an introvert. Albeit in person you'd think I was an extrovert...I'm not! Thank you for sharing your authentic spiritual self with us!!

Hugs Giggles