E is for Educator

As some of you may know, I am an educator.  I have worked with students 4 to 14 years old for a couple of decades.  I am certified in the State of Texas in various fields, including art, bilingual education, and gifted education.  Although the public education world has become more and more arduous through out the years due to increased local, state and federal stipulations, the monetary compensation has not increased commensurately.

My Playbook 2016 (Etegami) - Part 4
Zutter Bind-It-All Machine and Wire O'binding; Handpainted Paper Scraps; Sakura Pigma Micron Pens; Winsor & Newton Watercolors; Martha Stewart Calligraphy Marker; Pentel Aquabrushes; & Typewriter Key Stamps.
Art Journal Journey - Nature's Wonders
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Try To Contain Yourself
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challege - Fabulous Florals
Denise, Roger & Leslie's ABC Wednesday - E is for Etegami
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Therefore, putting my girls through college hasn't been financially easy, and the viability of a comfortable retirement is still a ways off.  Although occasionally discouraging, I am still hardworking and have received several awards throughout my career.  Amongst them, I was Teacher of the Year a couple of times, Teacher Mentor of the Year once, and have received a couple of scholarships, which recently helped me earn my public school principal certification.

Mexican Inspired Crosses - Summer Commissioned Work
Acrylic Paints on Wood
Karen's Word Art Wednesday #242-#243
Moo-Mania: Summer
Kristin & Eva's Paint Party Friday Week 23 Year 6
However, the joy of working with children is the greatest motivator in my career as an educator, not the financial compensation or awards that I have received.  I find my students' continuous sense of curiosity, thirst for knowledge, and innocent loving nature inspirational.  In addition, I find nurturing the latter a creative and problem solving challenge that keeps me wanting to learn and grow more each day to meet my students' individual educational needs.

Val Verde County Saturday Afternoon Drive With My Babe
Nikon D3300 Photographs
Our Beautiful World OBW159 ~ Outdoor Activity
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 375
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday - Week 241
In the words of my Lord, Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, found in Mark 10:14-16, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."  Although I cannot bring the Lord's word into my public school classroom, I know I'm doing God's will through my work with the students.

Rather you are an educator in a public, religious, or home school, may you be blessed with strength, patience, and wisdom to be a positive guiding light for the youngsters you are working with.  Thank you for taking the time to leave a thoughtful comment, as well as for following my blog.  Peace!  ¡Paz!  Shalom!


Valerie-Jael said…
Beautiful work Arnoldo, thanks for joining us again at AJJ! Valerie
Mandy said…
Gorgeous playbook & Mexican inspired crosses Arnoldo! The flowers look so pretty with the text and images behind them, and I absolutely love how you've painted the dove on the cross.
Keep up the good work, the world needs dedicated educators who believe in what they do and well done on all your achievements.
Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
Mandy xx
Leslie: said…
As you probably know, I, too, am an educator and my career was quite varied. I did substitute work (now called "Teacher-On-Call", with all grades; taught French out in the wilderness to Grades 4-12, including preparing students for the provincial exams; and in an Independent (Religious) school for the remainder of my career. Now I'm a private teacher (tutor) and really enjoy it because I don't have to do report cards and other paperwork (other than my own records of what we do each time), do supervision duty, be on various committees or supervise extra-curricular activities, or do parent/teacher interviews. I do spend some time at home printing out things for my students to use for their extra study time or researching topics or novels they're working on, etc. At this point in my life I really enjoy keeping my hand in and seeing each student every week - it keeps my mind alive and I learn something from each student I see.

Thanks for your comment on my Egton post. I watch Grantchester and Father Brown, too, plus Heartbeat, Midsommer Murders, Lewis, and other British mystery shows. And I feel so at home in England and Wales as I am only 2nd generation Canadian and was brought up with that culture.

See you next week for the letter F - more stuff from my trip! *smile*
I always find I question my choice as a teacher as the end of summer comes around. I keep thinking I could do something 'more". Thanks for your post today. Besides beautiful art, you have given me some positive thought about my profession. I always get back into the swing of it all, I just hate the thoughts of all those controls and restrictions "taming" me back in.
genie said…
I love to see someone else enjoying etegami as much as I am. I have even started a special journal just for those little card paintings. Carol McKenna got me started and I have not stopped. I try to do one a day, but sometimes I do not make it. My post before this last one has a bunch of mine. I taught for 54 years, and I miss it terribly. When my school was closed and I was put out to pasture (they were not going to continue paying me for all of my years at another school), I went into a terrible state of depression. It was like part of me was missing. The children were my life for years and years. It warms my heart to read about all that you have accomplished and all that you are still doing. Those children are so fortunate to have you. So many of our profession do not belong there and it is so sad. In contrast, I adored every single day. Your crosses are beautiful. I was educated by Dominican nuns so I have seen lots of crosses in my 77 years. Your journal pages are beautiful. Such lovely colors. Hope you have a nice week...school will be starting before you know it. Our teachers went back today. genie
Wonderful art Arnoldo ! Thank you for joining Art Journal Journey again!
To be a teacher and/or educator is hard I think - an exhausting job and a responsible role for sure! Great that your faith helps so wonderful!
oxo Susi
Wonderful post and beautiful piece for AJJ
love the flowers.
Gill :)
Ros Crawford said…
Lovely photos and you are so right, the personal rewards cannot be measured .. Well done to you and thanks so much for sharing at OBW!!
Reader Wil said…
Great to read that you are educating children and probably adults as well. I found that by teaching adults, I learn a lot from them at the same time too.It is an interaction. As long as we live we have to be active and exercise our minds.
Your work is beautiful.It is a matter of course that you got so many awards! Is it art you teach?
The English series you watch happen to be my favourites too. Actually I watch about 20 various detective series. I like "Death in Paradise", "Father Brown", "Midsomer Murders","Taggard"and "Vera".
MelodyK said…
Finances can be very difficult indeed, we've struggled for years to but nowadays I 'just' keep faith that all is well and stays well. Some rest in mind with that confidence makes life easier. To 'less' money is indeed challenging, looking at the future were one does not work anymore.

You have my respect and admiration for what you've already achieved!
The crosses are wonderful, the one with the eye I like the most!

Your choise for this weeks letter is wonderful to. I too love to educate but not as a profession with childeren, certainly not in these modern days. The way most childeren are raised is, to say the least, not the way I would like to see it. So because of that my respect for people in your profession is much greater.

Although with some worries for the future, I am glad to know you that well already that you hold on to faith as well.

Have a nice ABC-W-day / - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)
You are ALWAYS the educator!

Lovely art work, I especially like the flower pieces, they are beautiful! Wishing you a happy week! J :-)
riitta k said…
Having a little 'wine moment' in the beautiful nature is a treat. Beautiful Mexican crosses! Thank you for sharing at OBW.
Sharon Madson said…
Ahh. Sweet photo of your "babe". Your art journal is wonderful! TFS
carol l mckenna said…
Always wonderful art creations here and wishing you much success in advancing your education ~ and supporting yourself and your family throughout art education ~ not easy ~

Wishing you a happy week ~ ^_^
LisaDV said…
Gorgeous crosses! Your play book work is so lovely too. It looks like you had a wonderful day trip. Our family loves little "adventure days", as we call them. Education in our country has it's share of problems for sure. Congrats on your principal certification. I have 2 family members that are teachers, and God led me to homeschool my two. That was something I never would have thought about doing. Blessings for a wonderful WOYWW and for a terrific week. LisaDV #28.
Anonymous said…
Your public school principal certification is a great accomplishment! I rather teach young adults, because I know when they're there, they want to be there (and I don't have to deal with parents, wink-wink), and I can teach them what they missed in younger years:) Everyone having their own strength. Always great to visit you!
Anonymous said…
Happy WOYWW. It must be so satisfying to be an Educator. I do not have the energy to work with children, but I have enjoyed it on the few occasions in my life where I have perhaps done a temporary job that involved education (I used to do drama workshops). Your page and crosses are simply amazing. Ali x #34
Chidkid said…
Great to see what you've been up to..apologies for the late arrival. Elaine no. 40.. blessings
Joy said…
Congratulations on your awards and your vocation, I am sure you inspire your pupils. I wish politicians would just let teachers get on with educating instead of the testing and box ticking exercise they seem to be obsessed with here.
Hi Arnoldo, I fully understand all your words relating to your career and understand about some aspects of it and you're right any problems are not child based but fault of the system. I loved the years of teaching and wouldn't have changed it but I would never say the job is easy as there is a lot of prep. needed before you put yourself in front of those eager little faces but oh the pleasure it can bring! Thanks for the visit to mine and happy woyww, Angela x 15
Dorlene Durham said…
Very nice blog post. Your artwork is beautiful and your work with the children is too. Dorlene #48
April said…
And the parents of the children of this country are so glad that there are teachers like you who love what they do. I know my children could tell when their teachers loved what they did. Good luck in this new school year.
April #32
April said…
P.S. The Ikea shelf was in the craft room in the basement previously - it was too big to move upstairs. I finally have it back. I don't think I took many pictures of it before. :-)
Indrani said…
Those crosses are worth a collection!
What a noble work you do!
Happy ABCW!
Lunch Lady Jan said…
I was a Teaching Assistant with 4-11 year olds for many years and, while it wasn't always plain sailing, found I enjoyed working with the children who weren't seen as the most academically gifted, but who had so much potential.
Hugs, LLJ 7 xxx
Lovely post, and your pages are gorgeous!
Ayala Art said…
Congrats in all your awards and I know there are many more to come! I volunteered tons of hours every year on my kids schools and it was a lot of fun!
Great art, and photos, I always enjoy your posts! Happy PPF!
Trubes said…
Hi Arnoldo,
Congratulations upon receiving awards, I don't doubt they were well earned.
The crosses are divine and also the art work,
Blessings to you my friend.
Best wishes,
ABCW team.
Tracey FK said…
I can imagine there will be many awards to come in this future as well. I love spending time with career educators... Some of my favourite people fall into that group and they are always unfailingly generous and thoughtful... You would fit right in... Have a wonderful week...xx
Rike said…
Wonderful artworks, wonderful photos and wonderful words! I like the photo of your "babe" and this with two glasses of wine, it looks full of harmony.
SLScheibe said…
Teachers are the best. I still remember my faves and the influence they had on me, even so many years later. A great post with lovely art!
DVArtist said…
Arnoldo it does not surprise me at all that you have won awards in your teaching career. In addition congratulations on your principle certificate. It takes a special person to be an educator in our public schools. I know you are well respected by your peers and especially your students. When I was young and in school we did pray every morning. My school was filled with every ethnicity, religion and background. No one ever got upset with praying. Even though you can't bring your beliefs out in the open your light shines through. Have a great weekend.
Christine said…
Wow those crosses are beautiful, happy PPF! We need more educators like you.
Giggles said…
I absolutely love all your artwork this week! Just gorgeous!!Sadly teachers and health care providers are the most needed and undervalued professionals in North America!! Priorities in our modern western world definitely need reevaluation! We need to thank god for teachers such as yourself, giving with heart to make the world a better place!
You can never truly know the measure of influence from your dedication to this profession! Glad you have a least been properly acknowledged at times!! Much deserved I'm sure!! Hopefully you can mold the world into a kinder place from your end!

Blessings to you!
Alicia C said…
your students are lucky and honoured that they have such a talented, dedicated teacher that sticks with them through it all! GOrgeous flowers, too!
Gillena Cox said…
Really nice work, but the crosses are my favourite this week

Much love...
Tracy said…
Teaching and encouraging anyone is a great blessing to both teacher and student. It's sad that teachers aren't recognised often enough for their great work. Well done on your awards.
Indira said…
Beautiful post and lovely artwork. I am an educator too but in higher education. I recognize both the rewards and the frustration of working with young minds. Hope your principal certification leads to a better paying administrative job.
Unknown said…
Lovely post, and artwork. I too am a teacher, a high school art teacher to be exact. I can related to everything you have mentioned. There are many times during the school year that I have to remind myself that God has placed me here for a reason and he can guide me though any situation that seems over whelming and challenging.
genie said…
I ddi not find a different link to comment on your Love etegami so I am assuming it is part of the series and all the comments are going together. This one is awesome. You get 5 stars for you calligraphy with the ink and brush., and your outlines of the flowers turned out so well. You background and the colors of your flowers make for a wonderful piece. Retirement and the Golden Years are NOT what they say when you have been a teacher and your husband also a retired state employee. We thought we were prepared, but sadly we were not. It is hard, but we just get up every day, grateful that God had granted us another day to enjoy the world about us. I guess you are back at school. The teachers here have returned and the children return on Tuesday.. We start so early because of those wonderful snow days. I hope you have a wonderful year, and am thinking you are a principal this year. If so, best wishes for your new life within the education field. You will make a wonderful principal I just feel it in my bones. Have a happy week. genie
Arduous is a good word for it! I left public education 11 years ago, and teach privately to adults...lol! I miss the kids though. Great post, and of course great art! You are such an inspiration!
Lorraine A said…
Beautiful artwork Arnoldo, the flow cards are stunning! lovely colours and design and the crosses are gorgeous too. Stunning work! :-)

thanks for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge
Lols x x x
baili said…
wow loved each word of yours being teacher thanking you for your best wishes and being mother of three boys know well the hardships of time we face when it comes to get them in better institutions

my eldest son is blessed with good head so he been selecting getting scholarship younger both are in school and hope they will follow the foot steps of their big brother have blessed day dear and best wishes from Asia
chrissie said…
A beautiful post as always and wonderful artwork

Sending love your way

Chrissie xx
SusanLotus said…
Working with children is a blessed thing.
They need education and love to be our hope,
our future.

Wishing you and your family all the best!
Unknown said…
It's good to see you back here on blogger. I'm sure it must be incredibly busy for you right now. Lovely artwork, too. Perfectionism...I think we all struggle with that in our lives in various ways. Hang in there! And congratulations on the wonderful awards you've been given. I'm sure they're more than deserved!! :)