R is for Restlessness

I have been fighting a feeling of restlessness these days with our presidential elections here in the USA.  I don't feel comfortable with any of the candidates, which made for the most difficult decision I've ever had to make when voting.  Although I am a very prayerful man, I believe that our flawed human nature can cause anyone to make a wrong decision.  Therefore, I've been praying that the Lord will work through the heart and mind of whomever gets elected, so that His will, not ours, will be done.  I also found the following scriptures very helpful, no matter whom your candidate is:

Daily Doodling Blocks
Mixed Media Art Journal Page
Try It On Tuesday - Trees Are Green... Or Any Other Color
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday - Week #253
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #387
Kristin & Eva's Paint Party Friday - Week 36, Year 6
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2

Happy Birthday, Mike!
Tim Holtz Embossing Folder, Stamp, & Distress Ink Pads; Cardstock; and Staples
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Thinking of You
Moo-Mania - Wheels
Karen's Word Art Wednesday - Weeks #256-257
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.  "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.  Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."
Matthew 6:33-34

A Monarch Butterfly In My Garden
Nikon D3300 Photograph
Denise & Roger's ABC Wednesday - Letter R
Our Beautiful World 172 ~ Hobby
Sue's Image-In-Ing
Jesus told him, "Don't be afraid; just believe."
Mark 5:36

These scriptures are applicable to any restless situation, so I hope you find them as comforting as me.  Anyway, I want to thank all my followers, as well as everyone that takes the time to leave a comment.  May the peace of the Lord be with you.


Joyfulartist said…
What has helped me is to remember that this earth is not my home, I'm just passing through. I'm occupying until I'm called home. "My [Jesus] peace I leave with you..."
Virginia L. said…
I totally understand what you are going through with the election(along with my US relatives)even though I am Canadian...( i am still watching the election as I type this). Your post's verses comforted and calmed my thoughts. So, thank you! The birthday card is truly awesome with great depth and details. Well done!So glad that you join the fun over Simon Says Stamp Wednesday “Thinking of You” Challenge!
chrissie said…
Hope all works out ok. Have been watching on television in the UK

Lovely art page and always nice to visit your blog

Thank you for joining us here at Try it on Tuesday

Love Chrissie xx
NCSue said…
Beautiful, Arnoldo.
Thank you for linking up at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/11/a-dream-of-lifetime.html
Ros Crawford said…
I'm British so thankfully don't have the quandary that you are in ... However I echo your thoughts and feelings and have followed the election, as it affects the whole world. Amen to your prayers. Beautiful art work you've shared with us at OBW ... Have a good day...
Just beautiful Arnoldo! Thank you for joining Moo Mania & More!
MelodyK said…
Although not an USA-citizen I totally agree with your 'fears'... I was chocked to hear that that man won the election.... and indeed I've prayed to for all people in the world that they don't get hurt by this man, how hard it is to keep trust because that man scares the hell out of me.

Have a wonderful ABC-day / – week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)
lilian said…
Lovely work well done,
Happy WOYWDW Lilian B #17
Chidkid said…
Beautiful images. Happy WOYWW Elaine No. 37
Lets hope it's the right decision Arnoldo, not sure I like either of them and I shall watch with interest at what happens next. Take care my friend. Hope you woyww is good, Angela x 19
Sharon Madson said…
Amen! God is in control and he will work no matter who is president! We have had a prayer group get to gether for 40 weeks prior to election to pray specifically for our nation. I have no doubt that God will answer our prayers.
Great train card! :) #43
Ginny Maxam said…
Great Post Arnold, I couldn't agree more!
I love your train card too, brilliant!!
HAve a blessed week!
Ginny M
Sharon said…
Beautiful art and thanks for the words. Nice post.

Sharon K #39
Lunch Lady Jan said…
What a tough decision you must have had Arnoldo...neither candidate exactly covered themselves in glory, did they? We in the UK have been watching with interest too. I'm glad the sayings helped you.
HUgs, LLJ 14 xxx
Lindart said…
I love your train card - the white just makes everything POP! Your journal pages are fun too! Now that the election is over, all we can do is accept it and move on, what will be, will be. Regardless, I hope America made the choice they wanted. Thanks for sharing! Lindart #47
Anonymous said…
I know many Christians were conflicted. So many voices, and the biased media didn't help either.
I couldn't vote, because am still a Dutch citizen, but if I had I would have voted for the principles they stood for, not the person. If you made a mistake it is because we can't always see what God has in mind, while He sees the future:) Wishing you the comfort that God gives.
Faye said…
Thank you for your wise thoughts and scriptures, Arnoldo. I think you stated the feelings a lot of us had. Now we must pray that God will work through the heart and mind of Mr. Trump so that the Lord's will is done.
Indrani said…
Now that the results are out I admire and appreciate US of A's majority opinion. I am sure it will be their best. Congratulations to the new President!
Your cards are truly delightful!
Happy ABCW!
sirkkis said…
Beautiful page.
Thank you for joining us at TioT.
It remains to be see how this will all play out; like most artists, we turn to the inner work that accompanies our Muse. Thy will be done, indeed. Thanks for this post!
Joy said…
I was not familiar with that particular Matthew translation, I like its clarity, ' Tomorrow will be anxious for itself' is a very calming piece of advice in these troubled times.
Leslie: said…
I believe Mr. Trump, most of all, needs everyone's prayers that his heart will be more accepting of all peoples, creeds, races, religions, etc. as he is now your leader. I pray that he will heed the men behind him and do the right thing in all situations. It certainly was a surprise, but obviously the country needs some help in a lot of ways. Our last election was similar but not as open and obvious to the world. People were tired of the Conservative government (although I felt they had done a great job keeping our economy healthy) and thus, Justin Trudeau is now our PM. Already we have a great deficit, but that is apparently his way of promoting growth. So...in our country as in yours, the future is unknown and rather scary. We must believe that God will help us all.

abcw team
Meggymay said…
Thank you for sharing your art and this wonderful post with us at TioT's.
Heather said…
Very pertinent and comforting words for a horrible circus. Have a great week! ~Heather~ WOYWW #51
A lovely post Arnoldo! Your artwork is superb as usual and I love the photo of the butterfly. I hope that all turns out well in the end! Thank you for joining us at Try It On Tuesday! Chris
Trubes said…
Great post Arnoldo with poignant and fitting texts.
As I write we now know who is the President elect,
People may say that because you are British it has
nothing to do with you, but that is wrong, it has
everything to do with me,
I am truly worried now as there is a sabre rattling,
ego-maniac in the Kremlin, a loose cannon to take
of the control of the White House....Lord know where
that will lead.
I truly thank God we a rational and wise Prime
Minster in Teresa May.
However we need to be united in the pursuit of peace
but, after listening to the rants of Mr Trump,
I am seriously frightened!
Blessings to you my friend, and,
HappyBirthday, have a lovely day.
love Di, xxx
ABCW team.
Valerie-Jael said…
The election results have left me speechless. Thanks for joining us at TIOT, and happy PPF, Valerie
Linda Kunsman said…
A really great way to look at things. I only hope more people will look at the election like this whether or not the outcome was in their favor. Change is eminent no matter what and we all need to come together to make it all work. Love your sketch page and that is one fabulous masculine card! Happy PPF!
carol l mckenna said…
Beautiful artwork and birthday creation ~ thanks.

Yes, about all we can do at the moment is pray and trust that it will work out for the highest good of all ~

Wishing you a peaceful week ~ ^_^

It was a scary election with a scary result too. I hope the Lord will also show the new president the right way to go forward, and not backwards. I am loving your art today too. It is always a good stress reliever. Happy weekend. Erika
Christine said…
Beautiful doodles for PPF and SS. These are difficult times I understand your restlessness
Gloria j Zucaro said…
Thank you for the scriptures to remind us we can turn it over to our higher power.
I really like your train art work this week. Lucky, Mike!
Little Artbee said…
Wonderful Art page and a very good card. The card is a great inspiration for me for making my next men card. Thanks!
Have a nice weekend.
Hi, Arnoldo!
It's always such a blessing to see your art linked to our challenges. Your talents are amazing, and in addition to that, I appreciate your heart for the Lord. I agree with you that we didn't have two fabulous candidates for our presidential election. The verses that I tend to lean on in this situation are:
Romans 13:1 - Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers: for there is no power but of GOd: the powers that be are ordained of God. (so, even if they don't "please" Him, He has ordained them.)
Daniel 2:21 - And He changeth the times and the seasons, He removeth kings, and setteth up kings. He giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding".
1 Corinthians 2:5 - That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God".

I don't place my faith in men (or women for that matter) because they WILL disappoint us every time. Because we are sinful humans, we fail people; just as our appointed official have done and will continue to do. But regardless of any political race or outcome, our sovereign, holy God remains forever on His throne. He alone will sustain us through the storm to come, and in His perfect time, He will take us to our eternal home. Praise God this earth is NOT our home. But while we're here, we have to support and pray for the authorities over us. We have nothing to fear when our hearts and minds are fixed on His ability to sustain us.

Again, I thank you so much for sharing your art, and your heart, with us at WAW. I appreciate you so much, and I pray that you will find a renewed strength and peace as our country moves forward under the changes ahead. We serve an AWESOME God, and He will forever be in control of our country, our world, and our eternal destiny.

DVArtist said…
It truly was the most difficult decision I have ever had to make. Now, we must move forward, and yes pray that the man who will run our country will open his heart to reason in all of his decisions. I love your art this week.
Giggles said…
Beautiful card! This post made me cry. At the moment I have no words... I always go to, " Let go and let god." It's all I have right now! My daughter posted on her facebook today...."Hate, it has caused lots of problems in the world, but has not solved one yet." Maya Angelou. Yesterday she posted, " Choose Light, Live in it, surround yourself with it, Be it!" Sending love and light!

Hugs Giggles
Michele said…
amen and amen. also thank you for the beautiful art. xo
You have created a wonderful page with great sayings and pictures. They definitely give me hope. And I can only hope (a lot!) that our new president will be doing the right things.
Laney said…
A lovely journal page and a magnificent photo of the butterfly! Hope you have a great week!
Irene Rafael said…
Thank you for sharing your uplifting comments this week.
~~ Irene
today's sermon was about the election. the guest preacher was clear in her disappointment, yet that we will still be sustained was evident

While we are unable to understand the election results from our perspective, I take comfort that the Universe knows what is required to bring the world to love. Thank you for sharing your perspective here, Arnoldo, along with your lovely artwork.
Neesie said…
We are certainly heading into uncertain times Arnoldo.
Your artwork and words are always a comfort.
Blessings to you and yours :D
Jennifer Rose said…
somehow i dont think trump is a praying person or one to follow anything but his own thoughts. he is not qualified at all to hold one of the most powerful positions in the world. glad the election isn't going to be talked about 24/7 but just waiting to see what the orange man will do next that proves he isn't really in anyway fit for any government office. ok maybe the lying part, he is pretty good at that