I is for IDK

In texting, IDK stands for "I don't know," which is exactly how I feel these days.  I am in the process of discerning possible changes in my life, but there are so many variables to consider.  What makes matters worst, as is often the case, there are some that I have no control over.  Aargh!  That's what makes it even more difficult, since I am a perfectionist.  The latter doesn't only stifle me at times, but may cause some forms of anguish.  LOL!

I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people." - Van Gogh
Pastel & Charcoal Painting and Pen Lettering
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Make Your Own Background
Word Art Wednesday: Challenge # 272-273
Kristin & Eva's Paint Party Friday Week 53 Year 6
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday
I am blessed and very thankful to have a loving family and friends that are supporting me through the whole process.  My wife and mother, as well as my daughters and priest, have been extremely helpful.  I don't know that I would be able to handle the whole process without them.

Treat Bag
We R Memory Keepers 123 and DIY Party Punch Boards, Basic Font Punch; Paper.
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 405
Of course the presence of Lord has been eminent.  As found in Psalm 28:7, "The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.  My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him."  He's been a part of every major change in my life, and I will continue to include Him until the day I die.

Sunrise At Corpus Christi's Shoreline
iPhone 6s Shot Edited on iPhoto
Denise & Roger's ABC Wednesday - I is for Inspirational
How do you go about making decisions about major changes in your lives?  Anyway, I want to thank all my followers, as well as everyone who takes the time to leave a comment.  Blessings!


JFM said…
I must express that I love your Van Gogh painting... wonderful!!!
I am terrible about making changes and decisions. I, too, turn to family and God for support.
I wish you a positive change for whatever your decision may be.

Have a lovely evening 💮

Nice post and photos too
MelodyK said…
ohhhh I am so sorry to read this post, it saddens me to read tha you are 'under the weather"...
I wish you all the best, and a very speedy recovery from all anguish.

I am gratefull that you have loving people around you and that you feel surrounded by them and Him.

if there is something I can do for you, besides praying, let me know, okay?

Have a nice ABC-day / -week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)
Unknown said…
Major changes? well, personally - and you did ask - I think perfection is boring and that as Cohen said - It's the cracks that let in the light, I would say we all need to go easy on ourselves or the changes may be harmful to us and those we love. There is no harm in pausing and letting the change pass us by. Another opportunity will present and if it is the one for you and yours - then you will feel at peace when making your decisions..

Dx #32
I get the impression that lots of people are unwilling to admit they don't know something and just make it up - one prominent person in particular. As a librarian, I say IDK a LOT, but let me see what I can find out!

Leslie: said…
I understand your dilemma. For myself, I sometimes make a list of pros and cons for a situation that needs changing. Have you tried that? I'm sure you have and it's great you have such a great support system. Good luck in whatever is to come.

abcw team
carol l mckenna said…
IDK ~ I think is what a lot of us are feeling right now ~ but you are blessed and will make the decision right for you ~ Corpus Christi photo is beautiful and that portrait of Van Gogh is awesome ~ thanks,

Wishing you a lovely week ~ ^_^
Hi Arnoldo, you don't sound so happy. Not sure what's bothering you or making you feel unsure of things at the moment. You need to listen to advise but in the end do what's best for you and your family, most things tend to work out in the end that way. Take care, Angela x16x
Julia Dunnit said…
Transition, especially if enforced, is hard. I've noticed in our youngsters that they almost have so much choice when they evidently to move on to something new that it is their reluctance to make a mistake that holds them back. I hope that when the right moment and 'thing' crop up, you'll immediately see what you were meant to.
Dorlene Durham said…
I wish you luck in whatever it is you decide.
craftyani said…
Be strong and make those decisions if you don't you will never be truly happy and always thinking what if....
Lindart said…
Wonderful portrait! I have had a few major changes in my life, I am pretty good at making decisions after much contemplation, although sometimes I just jump into things and see what happens afterwards. I am not religious, so I do rely on myself a lot, as well as family to help with decisions, and sometimes I have to go my own way regardless of what anyone else thinks. I do believe in the power of the Universe, which in a way is a type of religion, that whatever happens will be the right thing for me.
Lindart said…
Sorry, forgot to identify myself in the last comment! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #43
That's a lovely page to start your IDK post...wishing you resolution with all your variables, Arnoldo!
Valerie-Jael said…
Beautiful work. Happy PPF, Valerie
peggy gatto said…
A superb portrait.
Changes happen with out control and some are gifts and some are challenges.I try to go with the flow. Not always easy. I do like to try and see the "upside" of what comes. Always pray for help.
Christine said…
Lovely Van Gogh page and all the best going forward.
Lynn Cohen said…
I love the Van Gogh portrait and quote. Your art is wonderful as always. I wish you well in your life decisions and am glad to know you have such a full and wonderful support system surrounding you. I have no doubt you will do what ever is necessary for future steps along your life journey.
BrownPaperBunny said…
I understand completely, and I've often found that having too many choices can be worse than having limited choices when it comes to new life directions! Good luck and happy PPF!
Ayala Art said…
I hope things settle for you soon, and with a very good result for you. Waiting sometimes is worse than the problem itself!
I love the Van Gogh page!!
Also, what a beautiful photo of Corpus Christ ♥
I really liked your painting Arnoldo - Van Gogh is looking very thoughtful.
Good wishes as you make your decision. My husband and I will discuss things for a while but usually don't take long to come to a decision. Even major ones... fortunately, we're both the same otherwise it would be hard. Cheers now :D)
Giggles said…
This post almost made me cry and I don't know why. Beautiful artwork...powerful. Love always wins, with faith of course! There have always been messages to steer me in the right direction. I mill over every possibility. When I make my final move I trust
I've made the right choice and move into faith. I always do my research though. I once heard Oprah say,"If you have any doubts, the answer is usually a No." I have applied that, mostly to purchases though. It works really well. All the best in whatever you decide!

Hugs Giggles
Wonderful portrait! Hope things turn out well for you. :)
DVArtist said…
Wonderful Van Gogh and post. Yes, making big decisions in ones life can be daunting. I am in that position myself. You are so lucky to have a family that is supportive. Have a very nice weekend.
Anonymous said…
life is about change but sometimes these changes are painful for us. I tend to write thoughts down with positive and negatives and also ponder it before I make a decision but things have a way of working out for the best even though we dont realise it at the time. I like your van gogh painting and he indeed had changes in his life too
Linda Kunsman said…
what a beautiful Van Gogh painting Arnoldo, and a very pretty treat packet. Psalm 28:7 - one of my very favorites. I tend to pray to God, my guardian angels, to the universe to make the best decision for the good of everyone, along with asking for guidance from my close friends and family. Wishing you peace with whatever comes your way. Happy PPF!
C.J. Rains said…
I've found that when I pray, decision making comes a whole lot easier and the outcome is readily accepted because I've done what God wanted me to do...turn to Him. He knows what's best for us, even though it might not be what we want at the time.

Blessings to you, and btw, I love your Van Gogh!
Gloria j Zucaro said…
Because I was n "Air Force Brat" growing up, I embrace change and actually find the need to move to a new house/location at least every 10 years! But of course, I am older and don't have responsibility to anyone but myself these days. So I can understand really being thoughtful about a big change that might have ramifications on your family as well as yourself. As you said-Trust in the Lord!
I like your very concerned looking Van gogh!
Su-sieee! Mac said…
This past year has been a major change for me, and more changes are up ahead. Now that you have me thinking about them, I would equate the process as going down a river. I haven't much taken charge and allowed myself to float however the stream wants to take me. Now and then, I pick up the oar and take charge, doing my best not to feel too anxious about the way. Best wishes to you as you stride forward into your major changes.
Trubes said…
Hi Arnoldo,
I love your 'treats bag', so pretty.
I wonder what is troubling you with
regard to changes in your life, be careful
not to make any serious changes in your life
until you are absolutely certain which path
you want to take...I love the text from Psalm 28,
most inspiring considering the indecision you are feeling.
Take care my friend,
blessings and kind thoughts,
ABCW team.
Sandra said…
What a fabulous sketch of Vincent van Gogh. It's stunning. Love the treat bag too. Wish you well! Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra
Faye said…
Your van Gogh painting is so good, Arnoldo. Since I lost my dh 3 1/2 years ago I have had to make some big decisions alone that would have been subject for much discussion had there been both of us here. I think you are on the right track with family, friends, and prayer. I just hope your decisions don't take you off the PPF radar b/c you give hope and are an inspiration to your viewers.
Irene Rafael said…
Hello Arnoldo, I have never read the Van Gogh quote but love it! My heart feels heavy for you. I am glad that you have strong support systems and lots of love around you. I come about life decisions in various ways, journaling, discussing it with a trusted person or people, write out the pros and cons, think of the possible future outcome, meditation, etc. and then I try to let it go. Often at the point when I truly let go, an answer will come but other times, I just have to wait. Sending my best to you.
Putting aside being a perfectionist to actually finish a piece is tough! Your painting is awesome.
Jennifer Rose said…
since i am not a religious person I usually just weigh the pros and cons of a situation and live with the results lol

nice work of Van Gogh :)
JKW said…
I understand your dilemma. I was thumped until I finally moved (unhappily) however, He needs me here and I am close to family. So the reason will be not mine, but His. Will await the outcome. You sound like you are on your path, believe me I know how difficult it is, but He knows best. Love the art and the attitude. Blessings, Janet
Wow, this is so good! I instantly recognized him! Thanks for visiting my blog recently, Arnoldo - sorry it took me a whole week to get back to you!
RO said…
My goodness, such talent! Hugs...