As some of you know, I’ve been in the field of education for most of my life. I’ve taught students in kinder through the eighth grade, as well as adults during ESL classes. I have found something special in working with each of these various age groups, but nothing beats the wonder that can be witnessed when working in the early childhood grades. One of the activities that triggers such wonder is seed germination. Many of you may recall the classic classroom experiment, in which you planted beans and witnessed the germination process. If you had a healthy seed, along with the proper conditions of moisture, warmth, rich soil, and sunlight, you would witness a seed go through the process of germination. Roots would slowly break through the seed’s coat, before the embryo plant emerged as a seedling and slowly developed into a mature plant. This may seem like nothing to experienced gardeners like some of you, but it’s nothing less than miraculous to young children!
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Jen's Birthday Card Martha Stewart Glittered Paper Button; Tim Holtz Tattered Flowers Die. Distress ink pads, & Vintage Ticket tissue tape; Vintage Camper Die; EK Success Circle Punch; Pentel Brush Pen; Baker's Twine; and Label sticker Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - A Little Sparkle |
In verses 23-25 of today’s gospel, which are an introduction to the Passion, Jesus says, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain. But if it dies, it bears much fruit. Those who love their life lose it, and those who hate their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” What is Jesus trying to tell us? Are we to forget everything we learned about germination in our early years of schooling? No, Jesus was not trying to change our knowledge of germination, but speaking in parables as he often did. He’s telling us that if we live in his love, we will enter into eternal life, but if we hate, we will end in damnation. Remember what he said in Matthew 22:34-40, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Wedding Card for the Wenzel Couple Tim Holtz Tea Time & Ticket dies, as well as French Script embossing folder, Tiny Attacher stapler, Music tissue tape, & Distress ink pads; Martha Stewart Heart Punch; Marvy calligraphy marker; Dymo Label Maker; and Twine Cord Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Use a Die or Punch |
In verse 26 of today’s Gospel, Jesus goes on to say, “Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there will my servant be also. Whoever serves me, the father will honor.” Then, in verses 31-32 he says, “Now is the judgement of this world; now the ruler of this world will be driven out. And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” Jesus is obviously talking about his upcoming crucifixion, and how he, the ruler of this world, will become the sacrificial lamb for our sins. All those whom follow him, will be saved, and God the Father will honor the sacrifice of Jesus as the atonement for our sins. There is a correlation between what Jesus is saying and the reading from Jeremiah, in verses 33-34, regarding the renewal of the Covenant with his people - US! The Lord says, “I will put my law (teachings) within them, and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people… I will forgive their iniquity, and remember their sin no more.”
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Naomi's Graduation Card Fiskars Tag Maker with eyelet setter and Advantedge Punch System; Tim Holtz Scroll Stamp; Ranger alcohol inks & Archival Ink pad; Higgins Black Magic brush marker; Jolly Exakt micron pen; Winsor & Newton Watercolors; Prismacolor colored pencils; Uniball Signo white ink pen; green scrap eyelet, ribbon and twine Word Art Wednesday - Anything Goes #344 & #345 |
In other words, we could interpret today’s Gospel as a parallel of the change that Jesus’s ministry brought to the world. The people of Israel had become entangled in what seemed to be a plethora of rules and regulations. Yes, God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, which remain fundamental throughout the Old Testament, the new testament, and even today. However, just like with any other human community, various interpretations came to be thought of as prerequisites to salvation. Therefore, the people in the time of Jesus had become more concerned with the mechanics of worldly living, instead of focusing on the Spirit. Jesus’s message was that God’s new covenant was for ALL people, and in the simple concept of loving God above all and each other as he loved us. If we follow this simple concept, we can find life everlasting. YES, “All the law and the prophets hang on these two commandments.”
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Psalm 51:1 Art Journal Page Windsor & Newton Watercolors; Unibal Air Pen; Martha Stewart calligraphy pen Art Journal Journey - Art for Art's Sake What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday - #476 Paint Party Friday - Week 20 Year 8 |
Therefore, we need to “bloom where we are planted,” just like those seeds many of us grew in our early years in school. We may not always have nutrient rich ground to grow, as those little seeds we may have planted in school. Life is not easy, and it is filled with all kinds of challenges, troubles and tribulations for us to overcome. We may also fall into sin along the way. (Yes, some of us more than others!) We are all human… even though we may falsely think we are perfect. Just remember, that is why Jesus died for our sins. He was the sacrificial lamb who died as the atonement of our sins. Above all, love the Lord, our Creator, Savior and Redeemer, as well as love your neighbor as yourself. In a nutshell, the point of today’s Gospel and readings can be summarized in this quote I found in the New Oxford Annotated Bible regarding today’s Gospel, “True followers serve Jesus and share his relationship with God, who honors them.” Amen.
Abide In Me and I In You iPhone 7s Photograph Inspire Me Monday #341 |
These are lovely and meaningful words with lots to think about, thanks for that.
It's great to see your art again. I do like the happy caravan on its journey.
Thank you for stopping by my blog. You didn't leave your number, which is 34.
Sue #6
Love the cards especially the cute caravan card and graduation card, wonderful also is your verse inscribed at end. I’ve spent last fortnight doing my Illuminated calligraphy but can’t share as folks see my blog. Have lots of orders waiting for me in verses too, it’s just they take so long.
Thanks for sharing your inspiration! Happy belated WOYWW
Shaz in Oz.x #32
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #32
Happy PPF and weekend 🌸
Your cards are lovely! Happy PPF
You art work is amazing as well as your words. Happy PPF.
Creative Blessings Tracey
Years ago I teached children in working with clay and I was astonished how much fantasy children have. They mostly needed only instructions how to handle the clay, the rest they could make themselves. It was a joy for me to see what they created.
Dear greetings and God bless you.