Back Full Time... I hope!

Greetings!  It's been a year, but I'm back full time... I hope!  I recently retired from public school administration, so that I can focus on my seminarian work.

My Seminarian Brothers and Sisters in Christ
Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, Council 2019 - McAllen, TX
What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday 525

I just completed my second year of Seminarian work, and am working on my third and last year.  In January I will be taking my General Ordination Exam (GOE), and God willing, will be ordained as a deacon by the Summer of 2020.  Being retired, will allow me to focus on my studies.

Growth and Renewal
Art Journal Page - Mixed Media Doodling
Paint Party Friday - Week 17 Year 9
Art Journal Journey - Words to Live By

Retiring will also allow me to spend sometime on my artwork, which I neglected during the last 2 years, due to my overwhelming work load.  My goal is to become a bi-vocational priest, since my artwork provides me with relaxation and a time to recharge, since I'm an introvert.  God willing it will also provide me with some income to supplement my livelihood.

To My Veteran Friend - Thanks!
Tim Holtz Star Die and Label Stamp; Assorted Papers; Calligraphy and other Pens
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Stars and Stripes,

I don't know where God will have me go, but I believe it'll be perfect.  As is written in Jeremiah 29:11, '"I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord.  "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you.  Plans to give you hope and a future."'  Amen!

Shine On Your Birthday and Beyond!
Tim Holtz Filaments Die and Mini Attacher; Letter and Flower Punches; Prismacolor Watercolor Pencils; Acrylic Pearl Paint; Black Pen
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Anything Goes,

That's not the only change in my life!  My youngest daughter just got engaged, and my family and I could be happier for her.  He is a fine young man, who is very respectful of my daughter, has excellent family values, has a college degree, is hard working, and most importantly, he's a Godly man!

Isaiah 40:8
Seattle Sunset iPhone 6 Photgraph
Word Art Wednesday Week #392-393

Thank you for stopping by, and I appreciate any comments you may leave.  May your week be filled with blessings.  Shalom!


sirkkis said…
How wonderful to hear about you! I really appreciate your visit my blog. You have great plans for the future.
I love your inspiring art.
Happy PPF 🌸
peggy gatto said…
Thanks for coming by my blog! It is nice to see you again!!!
Valerie-Jael said…
Hi Arnoldo, good to see you around again and learn about the changes in your life. Wishing you all the best, Valerie
That all sounds so positive. May the Lord bless you and your family furthermore!
I am happy to see your amazing journal page linked to Art Journal Journey. Thank you for joining in. Your cards look fabulous as well. Happy weekend! Great to have you back in arty blogland again!
Lunch Lady Jan said…
Arnoldo, how wonderful to see you back! I'm so pleased that you've been doing so well with your studies, hope the final year will be just a good. Congrats to your daughter too, how exciting to see your family expand.
Hugs LLJ 10 xx
Arnoldo! it's great to see you back, I've missed you. I knew you were busy and hope now you will have more time for your art work. I have to say I didn't start blogging until after I retired from teaching, there was just too much to do though to be honest I seem to be just as busy though obviously in a different way. Take care and wishing you a lovely creative weekend, Angela xXx
Halle said…
Love your is so very true! Beautiful artwork.
Linda Kunsman said…
oh how wonderful to see your beautiful art again Arnoldo! What a year you have had. So happy for you to be continuing your life's purpose. Lovely photo of you all! Hope family are all well, and hope to "see" you soon again. Many blessings. Happy PPF!
Happy PPF Arnoldo. I enjoyed seeing your creative art very much.
Sarah Brennan said…
Lovely to hear all your news and to have you back Arnoldo. Congratulations to your daughter and her fiance on their engagement. Love the artwork and so glad that you will be joining us regularly again. Best wishes for your studies too. Thanks for the visit. Sarah #3
Unknown said…
Well, you're not along. This is my first visit since November last year! I've been away as well for various reasons. Good to see you back. I'm sure you'll be relieved to have everything done and relax. :)

DVArtist said…
Hi Arnoldo it is so nice to see you back! Wonderful photos and nice to see your art again. Blessing to your and your beautiful family too.
So very glad to see you back posting and making fabulous art again, Arnoldo. It sounds like you've had a full year and one of great happiness, too. I want to thank you for stopping by during WOYWW.

Of course, the real focus today is that amazing journal page. It is truly adorable, and so well colored. Emerson knew what he was talking about, didn't he" This is a gem. Thanks for sharing this spread with us using Halle's theme at Art Journal Journey.
Lindart said…
Hi Arnaldo! welcome back! I was surprised to see your comment after so long! Your cards are lovely, bright, happy, and creative. I'm glad that you are doing what life is leading you to do, and that you are happy. Congratulations to your daughter on her engagement as well! My mother is an introvert too, so I do know a bit where you are coming from, and your art work (as does hers) does fulfill a certain niche, and allow you to share yourself with others without actually being present! Thanks for your visit, hopefully you can now stay awhile! Lindart #26
NatureFootstep said…
love your nature art :) Watering flowers is great :)
Shoshi said…
Welcome back, Arnoldo - I've missed you on WOYWW! It sounds as if big changes are happening in your life and I pray the Lord will guide you into right paths. It will be great to have more time for your art, too! I love the pieces you've shared with us. Thank you for your visit and your lovely comment - so glad you like my slippers. It's turning into a much longer project than I'd anticipated but I've had other things on my mind lately and it's got a bit neglected.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #28
Courtney said…
You've got so many creative art pieces! Thanks for sharing them and happy Paint Party Friday!! :)
So good to see you back and big congrats on your new and important journey!!!
Azka Kamil said…
awesome article.
thank for sharing & have a nice day