Greetings! Let me begin by apologizing for the late post this week. I may start titling it "Saturday Art Smorgasbord," since my schedule is probably not going to slow down for a while. Anyway, this week I looked into my garden for inspiration. Rather relaxing with family and friends, enjoying visiting creatures, or taking a dip in the swimming pool, God's presence is always evident.
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© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012 |
This art journal page is based on a small sculpture of St. Francis of Assisi that stands in a flower bed by my swimming pool. St. Francis was a man who was born to a wealthy cloth merchant family in Italy. After a vision, he gave up his wealth and worldly life to become a Roman Catholic friar and preacher. He is also considered the Patron Saint of Animals because he considered himself a friend of the animals, so he's very popular in garden art and an inspiration to animal lovers like me. I began this page by doing a Twenty Minute Challenge pencil and Sharpie micron pen sketch. Then I used a Zig calligraphy pen to write the quote. Finally, I used a combination of Prismacolor watercolor pencils and Talens opaque watercolors to add some color. I am submitting this page to Inspiration Avenue - Friendships, Paint Party Friday, Artist's Playroom - You Choose, Artists in Blogland - Show and Tell Saturday #26, and Blue Chair Diary - Sunday Sketches.
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© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012 |
This tag is inspired by one of my garden "friends," which include birds such as Hummingbirds, Red-Tail Hawks, Carolina Wrens, Mockingbirds, Cardinals, White Winged Doves, Turtle Doves, Great Kiskadees, Common Nighthawks, Ladder Backed Woodpeckers, Martins, Swallows, Finches, and several other types of birds. Although not on a regular basis, I've had a couple of owls visit my garden too. I consider this magnificent creatures, whom are sometimes associated with the occult because of their nocturnal habits, to be a part of God's creatures great and small. Although the Bible deems them non-edible, I did not find any demonic references to them. Details on how I made the tag may be found in my Tag Tuesday post. I am submitting this tag to Collage Obsession - Owls, Word Art Wednesday #46 - Friends, and Take a Word Wednesday - Zetti.
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012 |
This photograph is of the first Monarch Butterfly I spotted in my garden last October during their annual migration route through Del Rio, Texas, where I live. Although September 22nd is the official first day of Autumn in Texas, I don't consider it truly here until the Monarch's come through. Flocks of them will gather in my garden and rest in the branches of my trees. It is truly miraculous to have hundreds of them flutter around you when you walk under the trees. St. James Episcopal School, my daughters alma mater and where I was Head for seven years, participates in a marvelous program in which they tag them annually. The students even get to witness the Monarch's cycle, since they grow Milkweed in their gardens. That's where I developed a true appreciation for them. I am submitting this photograph to 52 Photos Project - Gallery 22 {Season's Beginning}, A Rural Journey - Your Sunday Best #36: Signs, and The Three Muses Challenge - Autumn.
I hope you enjoyed my Garden Blessings as much as I enjoyed sharing them with you. By the way, I am also blessed by an amazing night view of the stars, amusing squirrels, fascinating lizards, curious deer, and even cute skunks. Well they are cute as long as they don't spray my dogs - LOL! I may have to do a post on them at another time. Thank you for all your motivating comments during last week's post. You are cordially invited to leave a comment on this post too, and/or add your name to my list of followers. Vaya con Dios - Go with God!
Word Art Wednesday
Your blog, art, and photos are so inspiring.
Thank you for linking up again this week :)
Thank you for your visit!
Paula (PEP)
Have fun in your garden. I enjoyed reading this post and I admire very much your art:)
Your tag is so creative!
And I love your whimsical owl!
I was really interested to hear about the Monarchs. I've noticed them here in South Florida in the past several months, and I always feel my last Golden Retriever, Reba, is making a visit when I DO. I say hello to her and I really don't care if people hear me talking to her!! My Gracie always tries to see "Rebie" but she canNOT seem to fix her eyes on her. I have asked her to let Gracie see her, but she just flits about and poor Gracie tries and tries to see her...
Thanks for letting me share that little story "out loud" here. It makes my heart happy.
Lucky you having such a variety of wonderful birds visit your garden
We get robins, blackbirds, thrushes, sparrows, blue tits and wood pigeons mainly. Once we had a sparrow hawk.
I love the owl in your tag :)
The flock of butterflies sounds magical and I would love to see such a beautiful sight.
St Francis has always been one of my favourite Saints.
Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for sharing :D
"To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour"
Wishing you a happy week.