Art Journaling Through Creative Block

I had a creative block for a couple of days last week, during which I just couldn't focus.  I had all these ideas going through my head, but I couldn't bring them to fruition.  I hate it when that happens!  Anyway, in order avoid getting frustrated, which makes it worst, I spent sometime walking, swimming watching television, eating out and shopping with my college age daughter who will be home for several weeks.  However, I kept coming back to my studio periodically until I got back into the groove.  Thank you, Lord!  The following 3 art journal pages are the fruit of my continued efforts.

The first page was inspired by architecture and Hebrews 3:4, which reads, "For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything."  I began the page by fussy cutting the Corinthian column photocopy and gluing it to the page.  Then, I added some watercolor through washes, splattering, and string dropping.  When dry, I stamped an architectural link design randomly.  Next, I cut a pediment with a Tim Holtz die and distressed it.  As a finishing touch, I added a distressed fleur de lis looking punch on it and glued the completed pediment on the page.  Finally, I hand lettered the scripture using an alphabet from Tony Seddon's book (See my Latin Pod's review on Amazon).  I am submitting this piece to Art Journal Journey - Architecture, The Play Date Cafe Challenge 190 - Burnt Umber, Honey and Butter, and ABC Wednesday 13A.

The second page was inspired by Sandy Steen Bartholomew's Y.A.F. (Yet Another Flower) tangle and  my studies of Celtic art.  I used a pencil to loosely sketch my design, which included the official Zentangle design called Ennies, which basically looks like an inverted teardrop shape and bubbles.  I also hand lettered the word "Pax," which means peace in Latin.  Anthropomorphic forms are common in Celtic art, so incorporated an angel into the letter "x."  I inked the design using various micron fine line pens.  I am submitting this piece to Sandy Bartholomew's Beez Ink's Facebook page, where she's hosting the Tangle Card Challenge #1, She is giving away a set of her new Tangle Cards to the winner, and I really want one for my classroom, so please vote for me.  I am also submitting this page to Collage Obsession - Incongruous and Karen's Word Art Wednesday Challenge #89.

The third page was inspired by Pia Rom's Mix It Monthly July Challenge: We Go To The Beach and Christopher Cross's song "Sailing."  This is a very simple pen and watercolor pencil drawing, using the blue, lilac, sand, wood and seagull elements suggested by Pia.  However, I felt the subdued color scheme and peaceful composition complemented the 1980's classic pop/rock song.  I used various photographs that I found on Google images as reference when working on my composition.  I am also submitting this page to Julia Dunnit's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #215, as well as to Eva and Kristin's Paint Party Friday.

This concludes my recent battle with a creative block.  Sometimes God has a plan in mind, and I believe He wanted me to spend extra time with my daughter, so that was truly a positive side to this situation.  I know I'll miss her dearly when she goes back in a couple of weeks.  Do you have creative blocks, and if so, what do you do when you fall into one?  Thank you for all your comments on my last post and blessings!


peggy gatto said…
I like the variety here. Sometimes be blocked leads to lots of small adventures!
Wow.. it don´t look like a creative block Arnoldo.. it looks just like you needed a muse-holiday!

awesome new ART and thank you very much for showing such a wonderful architecuture piece for our Art Journal Journey Challenge!


froebelsternchen Susi
Beo said…
I think you are blessed to see the positive side of your situation. And you did the best you could have done: Spending time with your daughter!

And yes I have creative blocks as well - the last one is not that far away... In that time my blog-friends were helping me so much... In other situations of beeing blocked I just take my journal and put some colors to/on the page and look, what is coming out of that. And that brings me further and just beeing creative without wanting any "good result" leads me to get in flow again..

Best, Beate
stampingbowd said…
Love the architecture and scripture page! Very cool! The Zentangle page is also very cool! Thanks for the links...I just went and checked the challenge out. Have a great week!
Paula (PEP) said…
I definitely bet blocked under pressure - I need to be relaxed & not have a 'demand' to fill. Paradoxically until I've got the obligation/demand completed I cannot get myself free enough to create. I'm sure He is teaching me something here. I'm glad you were able to spend time with your daughter - very special that, especially shopping with her.
My favourite piece here is the tangled one - I've been reading about Celtic Ornament & Design in relation to Pictish Art - fascinating. Patrick Gallagher & jason Bellchamber you're probably already aware of. I seem to be writing you an essay..........but I delight in your Angelic "X" (angelix perhaps??)
Paula (PEP)
PiaRom said…
Wonderful so see the variety of your work...of course I am thrilled by the beautiful boat lying on the beach and some birds flying by...can hear the waves rolling on the sand :)...such an gorgeous impression!! Of course I love your architectur piece is so meanful ♥♥♥ Thank you so much for meeting on the beach for Mix It Monthly

Paul B said…
Great Art Journal pages, I can completely understand the pesky creative block when it comes and how frustrating it is. Thank you for leaving a kind comment over on my blog. I've bookmarked your blog to read later when i have a few minutes with a cup of tea. P :)
Winnie said…
Such wonderful pieces Arnoldo. I am glad you found your groove! Spending time with daughter is extra special as the summer will fly by for both of you I am sure. Love each of your pieces but must say the last one spoke to me. I used to sail with my late hubby and I even have a canoe with a sail in my basement that he would sail with me. Your painting is so beautiful, and the song is one I haven't heard in ages, and now I am off to download it. it will make me smile to hear it! Since I don't sail anymore, it was such a treat to see this today!
Kaylene said…
Wow the zentangle is fabulous. Cheers
I love a good tangle, and this one is fabulous! So striking! The sailboat is beautiful too!
But you are focused, now. These pieces are incredible. I love the sail boat. I'm here from WOYWW (#2).
Spyder said…
They are all fabulous! I wish I could find my's in here somewhere....Happy Crafting!

Happy WOYWW!
((Lyn)) #11
Krisha said…
Well, I would say you really broke through that creative block!! What wonderful pages, keep looking at them and still can't pick a favorite. I have a design floating around in my head but haven't tried to put it in my journal yet.
Krisha #5
Unknown said…
I wish I could create items this beautiful when I have a creative block. Your pages are amazing. Happy crafting #13
Unknown said…
All 3 of your pages are awesome. The colors of the 1st piece are part of my favorite palette. You picked a really great verse for it. I am a huge fan of all things Celtic. My youngest is a champion level competative Irish dancer. (my hubby is Irish as well) With my daughters dance we are very immersed in Celtic culture. Watercolor is on of my favorite mediums. I can't afford quality paints, so I use WC pencils and crayons. I'm happy you found some of your MOJO. I'm gonna go vote for you…GOOD LUCK!!! I'll be rooting for you!! (((HUGS)))
Lisabella Russo said…
I love the colors in your first one very much! I'm glad you got to spend time with your daughter, I think it's important to take time away sometimes. I do have times when I feel less like doing art, but I'm not sure how it goes away. I have trouble getting started on projects, but once I'm into them, I'm more likely to push forward...
jill said…
We all lose our crafting mojo from time to time. I think yours has truly returned . Happy woyww Jill #29
VonnyK said…
I love your pictures, especially that boat. So calm. I've had a block for most of this year, just can't seem to get out of it, so I did an inks course and that has me going again. Just hope I can keep the flow going now.
Enjoy your time with your daughter.
Have a great week.
Von #31
ddazzled71 said…
I am loving the variety of all three pieces, and could get totally lost in your Zentangle. All 3 pages are gorgeous.
Danie WOYWW #34
Helen said…
Looks like your block just got unblocked! Love your art here, such very different pieces, as the others have said.have a good week, happy WOYWW Helen 19
voodoo vixen said…
Lovely journal pages and glad you have found your mojo again... when mine goes walkabout I sit and tidy and find all sorts of stuff I forgot I had and then bingo... an idea happens! Annette #8
Julie Lee said…
This is my first visit to your blog, as I'm relatively new to Blogland and I haven't always got round to visiting everyone on WOYWW. I think sometimes creative block is just a time for the imagination to lie fallow and rest, but things are growing under the soil and when the time is right and we relax they will come to fruition. Have a great WOYWW. I love the architecture piece with the quote from Hebrews. It's so good that you treasure time with your daughter. Julie Ann x #45
Melanie said…
I like the things you made. And I think we all have a creative block sometimes. When I have a block, I wil go for a good run or walk in the woods. It wil clear my head so there is room for creations in it.
Have a nice day.
Liefs, Melanie
Barb Cady said…
I love your journal pages, especially the first one, I can see how doing them helped to free you again. It made me wonder what I do, and I realise I try to re- organise my art supplies, usually finding something I forgot I had that spurs me on. I must add however that I am not a very organised crafter! Meditation is another way I use. If I can still my over full brain for a little while it seems to free up space! I call it listening to Gods voice within me. Sometimes He whispers!
A little different from my prayers which have a structure? I realise this is a personal thing. I did see a wonderful poster on a local church. I thought of you because I wondered how you would illustrate it! You may have it in your country- it read, God answers all knee-mails! Isn't that wonderful! Enjoy your time with your daughter my friend, time passes so quickly! Barb .
Monique said…
I love all three your pieces, but I am a most drawn to the first pice. With it's lovely vintage look.
Happy WOYWW and I wish you a lovely week.
Monique # 70
ria gall said…
I am so glad Mr Mojo came back and by the look of it back he is what amazing work. We all get blocks we all deal with them differently but when you see work like this you get given hope he is not far away
Unknown said…
great pieces of work, thanks for the snoop

Jay NO.65
Lisa-Jane said…
Sometimes you can see things done by the same person and know they are the same but yours are all so different! My favourite is the mellow boat picture, it conjures such memories for me. Glad you made good use of your "block".
Kelly said…
Creative blocks happen to all of us at some point - admit it or not. I love how you have worked through it and the beauty that resulted. Creative Blessings! Kelly #105
Elizabeth said…
Glad to see you have successfully broken through that creative block and producing great journal pages. I blame the heat myself, it's too hot to craft :) Hope you've had an enjoyable day and have a great week. Elizabeth x #47
sheila 77 said…
Well you certainly sorted out that block, all of these are a pleasure to look at. I like your yacht in the peaceful scene. I find that the more you create, the easier it is to create, and when you stop for any reason it is harder to restart, but then everyone is different.
Shoshi said…
Glad to hear you managed to break through the creative block, Arnoldo - and with great effect too! Lovely work as always.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #116
Shoshi said…
Thanks for your nice comment, Arnoldo - you can imagine how excited I am about the move, and my new ARTHaven! I think all that excitement and anticipation gives one energy for all the hard work.

Netty said…
Loving the variety of all of your pieces. Annette x
Rajesh said…
Very well done, I like this creativity.
ART blockage writing can be a form of ART!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Leovi said…

Preciosos diseños, me encanta la de PAX!
sirkkis said…
Your art is so unique and fine. Thank you and blessings.
Unknown said…
Loving your journaling, you should come and play at journal journeys with us each month if you have the time. I have to say the first one is my fave (I love architecture) I also love the scripture you have chosen as your inspiration. Dxx
Victoria said…
Gorgeous works Arnoldo..they are all fabulous.I especially love the peacefulness and lightness of the sailboat...stunning..airy..dreamy..! Yay, glad you made it through your block...into more creative bliss.
Shine on.. always inspiring!
Saints Rule! said…
Looks like your creative block has come to an end! It is so true that God provides us with just what we need at the right time! So very glad you could enjoy some quality time with your daughter and very happy you joined us at Word Art Wednesday this week!
Leslie: said…
I'm sure glad you got through that blockage and shared the results with us. They're amazing!

abcw team
Linda Gibbons said…
I really like your zentangle. It took me a minute or two to find the word.
Three gorgeous pieces of art. All so different, but equally interesting a provoking!! ~ Blessings, Tracey
WOW, look at all these comments! You're quite the popular guy, Arnoldo. And I can see why...your art is always SO inspiring, and I'm so very grateful to have you share with us once again. Your fellowship means so much.
Blessings to you,
Word Art Wednesday
Linda said…
I enjoy art journaling and was fascinated with your pages.

ABC WEdnesday Team
Unknown said…
WOW! The pages are phenomenally beautiful and so chocked full of interesting fonts, designs etc. etc. I tried to find where to vote for you but alas, my eyes crossed reading all those new BIG words.
Thank you so much for taking time out your day to post all your beautiful paper craft projects, pages and cards with us again this week, at “Word Art Wednesday.
Carole Robb Bisson
Word Art Wednesday
Donna B. said…
Great journal pages! Love how you used our colors on the first one. Thanks for joining us this week at The Play Date Cafe.
Eliza said…
I enjoy your art journaling it is so unique you are a true artist. Nice to see you posted early this week.

Belated WOYWW
Eliza 26
Valerie-Jael said…
Lots of beautiful creations in spite of your block! Valerie
sharon said…
I would say your block is over, beautiful work, the one that spoke to me was the first one, we need reminding at times God is the architect. I have learnt over time to go with the flow as invarably something new and exciting is around the corner. I usually do something quite different, and the creative urge gets jealous and muscles its way back!
denthe said…
Love that zentangle!
Teen Queen said…
What great work! I love the zentangle card. You definitely have your creative mojo back. TFS.
Ivy said…
LOVE your journal pages, what a perfect way to clear out the creative cobwebs. If that doesn't work, clean out your art supplies, that works for me everytime!HPPF!
DVArtist said…
The pages are wonderful. Blocks lead to openings and creativity.
Linda Kunsman said…
really fabulous variations of art projects Arnoldo. I'd never have guessed you had a creative block!I love what you said about God's plan and spending time with your daughter...look at the beautiful outcome of art.Happy PPF!
Fun to visit! Now you will have me singing that song for the rest of the day lol
I love the piece!
bellefrogworks said…
So your artistic block became the cornerstone for a lot of wonderful art. Your journal page is lovely. I love the sailboat watercolor - just like a peaceful summer day. The zentangle is just gorgeous. I could have voted for yours as best with a clear conscience because I love it. (I saw that someone else won already). You always amaze me with your artistic versatility. Glad you got to spend time with your daughter - we can't get those moments back once they are gone.
These are all really good. I think your technique of collage on the first one and watercolour over with splatters very inventive :)
Christine said…
beautiful pages, I'm partial to sailboats!
GlorV1 said…
You have a lot of variety going on. Very very nice. Love it.:)
Deann said…
A wonderful Zentangle Arnoldo excellent design.
Rachel said…
looks like you got your creative mojo back! beautiful! Thanks for joining us in the Play Date Cafe!
-Rachel w k
Faye said…
All your art this week are such a feast to the eyes. I love the zentangle, which I have trouble doing myself and your sailboat. But my favorite is the Hebrews scripture with the column. Beautiful.
~*~Patty S said…
Hello from AJJ ~ you unblocked nicely (every Muse needs a wee rest now and then)
A very nice variety of art work...your architecture piece speaks to me especially
janice smith said…
Hurray for perseverance! It really paid off, didn't it? Beautiful pieces, all. I especially love the first one with the lovely architectural details. Happy PPF! -janice
Arnoldo, you call your drawing for the Mix it Monthly challenge simple, if it is so, I say, it is in the simple things much of the beauty lies :-)

Your drawing/painting expresses a serene beauty and I like it a lot!

Blocks will pass, just don't think too much about them.

w0rkingAth0mE said…
Great artworks and above all my fave is the last one.. Have time to visit my ABC Wednesday
Sherri Cassell said…
I really enjoyed looking at all your artwork its very creative and lovely. Your lettering is great, I am taking a lettering class online right now. I love that you added scripture also.
What I do for creative block is switch between a couple of art forms if I am blocked with my painting, I pick up my camera and the one always seems to help and inspire the other.
Thank you for visiting my blog!
lena-dailyscrap said…
Beautiful, beautiful - and God is the builder! Very nice and peaceful!
Nancy B said…
Oh yes, I've been in somewhat of a creative block too and have not posted on my blog since April! I am finding a challenge to join in to help get me out of my funk.
I love all of your paintings but I sometimes think that simple is best and I especially love that boat!