F is for Fragile

Are children fragile?  Yes, in my opinion, they need an environment in which the needs of their body, mind and spirit are met, or they will grow up with deficiencies which may be difficult to resolve during adulthood.  Healthy foods, plenty of exercise, sound rest, a safe shelter, and appropriate clothing are the basic physical elements that will keep a child's body in shape.  The mind needs can be met with exposure to a variety of experiences, which should include conversations, reading of various genres, exposure to all the various fine arts, creative endeavors, problem solving activities and more.  The spirit can be strengthened through daily prayer, meditation, regular church attendance, involvement in age appropriate church groups, and more.  However, parents and guardians who overprotect, overindulge, and over-schedule their children are actually harming them too.  Children need to learn to cope with not getting everything they want, with disappointments, and with loss.  They need to learn how to entertain themselves, how to solve their own problems, and how to behave appropriately.    Therefore, children are fragile, but they need to develop appropriate life coping strengths through a balance of love and appropriate discipline.

Tim Holtz 12 Tags of 2015 - August
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Citrus
Try It On Tuesday - Sending you Flowers
Moo-Mania - Embellishments
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Back to School
Inspired by children, I decided to incorporate them into my design  for the Tim Holtz 12 Tags of 2015 - August.  I began by making my background according to Tim's instructions.  However, I  used the Thinlits "Handwritten Love" collection and created my own words using the "Alphanumerics" dies.  I also used a much more lively color scheme.  Next, I cut a ruler from the "Crowded Attic" sticker collection and arranged the pieces on my background.  I stapled the ends to secure them.  I printed some vintage clip art from Paige Hill's Instant Memories - Children book and CD set to use on my tag.  I arranged them along with a Vial Label which I had embellished with some "Remnant Rubs - Words."  I stamped a swirly design from the "Purely Random" clear stamp set on the upper left corner for an added layering feel.  Next, I strung a "Type Charm" to a "Pen Nib" to create an embellishment to glue over the stamped area.  As finishing touches, I glued a dyed "Heirloom Rose" and strung the top with some jute rick rack and a strip of alphabet tape.

Art Journal Journey - Time
The Mixed Media Challenge - Get Texty
Kristin & Eva's Paint Party Friday Week 24 Year 5
Kim's Show Your Face
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
With the theme of rearing children in mind, I completed new a mixed media page in my 14"x11" art journal.  It's on one of the pages that I had used to clean my brayer during my gelli plate session last weekend.  First of all, I stamped an original image of Christ that I hand carved a while back.  Next, I painted a dove to represent the Holy Spirit using "Cray-Pas Expressionist" oil pastels, along with a stick of charcoal to create some shadowing in the background.  Then, I used the Tim Holtz "Weathered Clock" die and cut it out of a yellow scrap of shimmer cardstock.  I distressed it and glued the parts on my page.  Finally, I used various styles of calligraphy to write the first verse of Ecclesiastes 3 using an EKSuccess calligraphy pen and a Uniball Air pen.  I believe this scripture teaches children a valuable lesson about the good and bad times that life will inevitably bring.

Karen's Word Art Wednesday #197
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 324
Denise and Roger's ABC Wednesday - F is for Flower
Sue's Image-in-ing
Our Beautiful World #110 Vacant
Maria's Orange You Glad It's Friday # 156
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday #190
Last, but not least, I have a photograph that I took with my iPhone 4, at a quiet rest-stop nature-trail along Interstate 10, between San Antonio and Houston, Texas.  It is my submission as guest designer this month at Word Art Wednesday.  It's a gorgeous red-orange prickly pear bloom.  I cropped it digitally, edited it on Pixelmator, and layered this week's scripture art from Word Art Wednesday.  It is a the thirteenth verse from Romans 15.  It's a wonderful blessing that could be read to children when they go off to school, summer camp, or elsewhere.  It's also a blessing that I want to leave you with today.

Thank you for stopping by, as well as for leaving such thoughtful comments for me to read.  As always, I will reciprocate by visiting your blog and leaving a comment as well.  I also want to thank all my new followers, and I'm excited to see that I have close to 200.  Praise the Lord!  Once again, thank you everyone.


sirkkis said…
Gorgeous set of beautiful art, Arnold.
Thank you for sharing with us at TioT.
Valerie-Jael said…
Lots of beautiful art this week, many thanks for joining us with your tag at TIOT and the lovely journal page for Art Journal Journey, regards, Valerie
chrissie said…
A beautiful post with very lovely projects

Thank you for sharing them at Try it on Tuesday

Love Chrissie x
The tag is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing with us at TIOT!
The page is amazing - what a fabulous calligraphy!
I am very happy you shared this beautiful page with us at Art Journal Journey!
Your digital piece is gorgeous as well!!
I forgot to say -
Thank you for joining in at Moo Mania & More this time again with the beautiful tag!
Rosie said…
Absolutely gorgeous artwork.

Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE
Leslie: said…
I wish you had been MY Dad. Your philosophy on child-rearing is right on, but difficult to do sometimes. But at least you're aware and have God in your life to help you. I sure hope your children appreciate you, your love for them, and your love of the Lord.
abcw team
Sue Jones said…
I love your "Tim Tag" and your journal page is beautiful. Have a lovely week. Soojay 23
Maria's Space said…
I love that kind of art!
Meggymay said…
I have enjoyed my visit to see your inspirational pieces, the page you added to AJJ for the time theme is awesome. Also thank you for adding the tag to our current theme at TioT's.
Love the tag Arnoldo and a very meaningful post. There are a few parents who I dealt with who could have done with reading your philosophy on raising children. Have a great week and happy woyww, Angela x 23
April said…
Love your subject this week. It is a such a great challenge to raise children and I speak from experience. What words of wisdom you have. :-) As always your artwork is lovely.
April #40
Beautiful page. And your tag too! And I love your views on children too!
I dunno/. Sometimes I think we're ALL a little fragile.\
April said…
I haven't had any luck with my Etsy shop. I think you have to pay for promotion of your items which I'm not interested in doing. It is not expensive to list and probably depending on what you're selling - you might have success. :-) That is my view so far.
April #40
Tertia said…
Your art is beautiful.
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #24
Julia Aston said…
Three lovely projects - a wonderful version of Tim's tag with the children theme - your journal page is lovely with the mix of fonts and images and your photo card is beautiful!
Trubes said…
Thank you for sharing your down to earth and honest philosophy
once again Arnoldo, I too, like leslie, wish my parents held
the same views and particularly, kept their hands to their selves and instead of smacking, or sometimes, hitting...... listened.

Your children are so lucky to have you,
Best wishes,
ABCW team.
zandra said…
I so, agree with you about children! Love your creations and you are always so inspiring. Hugz, Z
Shoshi said…
Beautiful and thoughtful artwork, as always, Arnoldo. The mixed media page is so beautiful, and I love the idea of cleaning off the brayer and using that as a background. I hate wasting anything too! It's a beautiful page.

Thank you for your sweet comment and your very kind words! I so enjoyed making the goodies for Shaz. She has supported and encouraged me so much through my own journey. I always feel really rough during the first week after chemo, but hopefully should be better by next week, and up to getting in the studio again. I have so many plans! Next project will be a get-well card and gift for our neighbour who's just come home after a serious accident, and then a sewing project! Never a dull moment chez Shosh!

Unknown said…
Stunning tag, I love the use of the rulers and you beautiful background. Your post is so true!!
Michelle said…
it's always a pleasure to visit your blog and see your latest projects. This week is no exception. Children are indeed fragile and the insight is evident in your tag. Beautiful! I was also quite taken with the carved image of Christ. So lovely! Thank you for sharing your work with us this week for the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. ~Michelle
Indira said…
Lovely sentiment and so well done.
Ros Crawford said…
Simply beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing with us at OBW!!
LOVE your tag take! LOVE those sweet nostalgic back to school images! So cute! Good luck on your new school year!
Unknown said…
Beautiful mixed media journal page, it is perfect when those 'clean-off' pages turn into perfect backgrounds. And I LOVE the stamp you carved - wonderful image! Thank you so much for playing with us at The Mixed Media Monthly Challenge!
Christine said…
lovely work for the themes this week Arnoldo, and I thought that photo was a painting!
Lisca said…
I totally agree what you write about children. Fortunately my parents did all of that and I have had an idyllic and all round child hood with lots of books, classical music and interesting travelling. As well as love and encouragement, and a Christian grounding. How fortunate I have been, I now realise...
I love your art and especially the handmade stamp of Jesus.
Have a great week,
Sorry I'm late in commenting,
Nadya said…
Your words on meeting the needs of children are lovely. I was also fortunate to have a supportive, nurturing and encouraging childhood, much like that Lisca describes!
Your pieces are lovely, and thank you for visiting my creation station!
Photos by Stan said…
First, congratulations on your words of wisdom concerning children rearing. You were spot on. Second, your versatility/creativity continue to amaze me from week to week! The Time, Season, Heaven page is simply marvelous!! One of these days I will run out of superlatives.... Peace & Love, Stan
Wanda said…
Arnold ~ you have dipped deep in my heart...How I love my four adult children, and the dozen grandchildren they have given me and my husband. Your tags is so beautiful, you heat and your soul and your faith your love of family....all are so truly infused in your work.

I love coming and sitting at the feet of a true man of God and artist.

Giggles said…
I wish more people would realize the importance of balanced child rearing. Ultimately no matter what we teach children learn what they live. Wonderful artwork and message!

Hugs Giggles
Teresa Kline said…
super fun tag, luv the alpha flash cards! so glad you played along with us from Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge!

sparkle & shine *~*
bellefrogworks said…
I have so missed visiting my PPF friends. If fragile children are not handled with a mix of gentle and gentle (at least in attitude) discipline they grow up to be very fragile adults. Your artwork is lovely and I am in awe of your calligraphy. Your photo is so dreamy and a wonderful and beautifully verse is just perfect there. Have a blessed weekend my friend
Ariel said…
Lovely tags! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic.As a parent it was very helpful
Ayala Art said…
Beautiful work!! I specially like the page with your carving, it is fantastic!
Jo said…
You sure you're not a preacher, and not just a preacher's kid? lol
Good stuff!
Manuela said…
great art! Thanks for sharing with us at "oBW"
GlorV1 said…
Hi Arnoldo. Lots of beautiful work you have here. Very nice. Thanks for the positive thoughts on my blog, greatly appreciated. Have a great Sunday.
mandysea said…
What a wonderful post.. especially about children, I hear your words... I teach children, I see what you speak about, there are two words that are the most difficult for most children of this world of instant gratification to learn - 'No' and 'Wait' - No matter how understandingly, lovingly or firm it may be said. They are the most important words (along with please and thankyou LOL) ANYWay, I love your tag and its presentation... the quote page is fabulous and thanks for sharing with Our Beautiful World this week too.
Lorraine said…
I love how you carried through your theme and yes, children are fragile. Working in a school I see way too much of the overindulgence and overprotection of parents these days. It's a topic I could go on about but won't. Instead - I think your photo of the lone(ly) blossom is beautiful. And the scripture is a wonderful choice.
Mascha said…
Nice artwork!
Oh yeah, children are fragile and many are broken in their early years :-(
Julie Lee said…
A great tag and a lovely journal page. I agree with you about our children. They are a fragile and precious gift. We have stewardship of them for a season and they must fly into the world. It is up to us to teach them for that flight, loving and protecting and 'arming' them for the world they will live in and create. I also believe that art education is a vital part of their nurture too. Thank you for sharing your art and your thoughts. x
sharon said…
Lovew your journal page that scripture is one of my favourites, great thoughts too, blessings.
GranthamLynn said…
Your work is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Anna-Karin said…
Beautifully written post, and the art work is wonderful. I love your take on Tim's tag. Thank you so much for sharing with us at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!
Neesie said…
Amazing artwork as usual Arnoldo, you really are a talented prolific artist.
I agree with your thoughtful words... children are so fragile, but it's sad that so many parents don't seem to be aware of that fact.
Thanks for sharing your work and I hope you have a fabulous creative week ahead.
Blessings to you and yours ;D
peggy aplSEEDS said…
Thank you for sharing your beautiful reflections and art works. Great layers on your tag and I love the 3D embellishments. And the brayer cleaning gave a great look to your page!
Happy WOYWW!
Hugs, peggy aplSEEDS@8
Kim Dellow said…
Lovely work! Love all the details you put into your work. Thanks for linking up to Show Your Face and for the shout out too! Kx
Unknown said…
Firstly my apologies for a late comment, i have been far to busy repairing my blog after a moval from one host to another... and taking care of other things that needed to be taken care of since my husband and i have health issues at the same time.

I totaly agree with what you wrote in this post. I've tried my best, as did my husband... but we could not prevent our children from getting hurt in the most horrible way. They both became victim of sexual abuse. It has been hell but now, somewhat 20 years later, they still struggle with life due to those experiences. It still hurts to see them like that but they do their best, although the hurt never heals completely.

have a nice weekend

Melody (abc-w-team)
Donna B. said…
Love that Tim tag. And your journal page is so inspiring I really enjoy the different scripts you created. Thanks so much for joining us at The Mixed Media Monthly Challenge.
Melanie said…
Beautiful tag. Thanks for playing along with the Mixed Media Monthly Challenge Blog!
Tricia Coffin said…
I am commenting about your candy jar tag as seen on Word Art Wednesday Challenge #198. I really like it. I love how you displayed your art work in order to take a picture.
Rachel said…
such a lovely tag and i really liked reading your description :) Thank you so much for playing with the Mixed Media Monthly Challenge!
