Saturday Art Smorgasbord - On Reflections

Although I love Christmas, this time of the year can be hectic and stressful for me.  I am an introvert, so I need down time to re-energize after social events.  However, there are so many commitments during this season, that down time is almost nonexistent.  The latter unfortunately also affects the time I can spend in my art studio.  Therefore, this post is on reflections regarding what keeps me going.

© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
First of all, I constantly reflect on the reason for the season, which is the celebration of the birth of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.  As per Luke 2:14, the angels announced his coming by singing, "Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward Men."  The two watercolor postcards above, which I illustrated in 2008, serve as a marvelous reminder.  I based them on my two daughters.  I am submitting these to Word Art Wednesday:  Challenge #59Illustration Friday - Glow, and Inspiration Avenue: 12 Days of Christmas.

© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
Something else that keeps me sane is being able to give thoughtful gifts to family, friends, and those less fortunate.  (Sometimes spending time with someone is the most valuable gift.)  I believe Saint Nicholas said it best, "The giver of every god and perfect gift has called upon us to mimic Gods giving, by grace, through faith, and this is not of ourselves."  I designed and cut by hand the costume for this die-cut snowman back in 2005.  You can read more about him in my post for Tag Tuesday - Bauble/Ornament.  I am also submitting this piece to the Order of the Opus Gluei: Challenge #46 (Baby its cold outside), and Craft Artwork.

© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
Another reflection that keeps me going is a question found at Artists in Blogland - Challenge #6, "What Does God mean to you?"  I've believed for sometime now, that 3 words sum it up for me, "Creator, Savior, Redeemer."  I began this art journal page by writing various names for God that are found in the Bible with a gel pen.  Then, I added a couple of water color washes using the edge of a credit card.  After the latter were dry, I did a quick sketch of Jesus' face with a micron pen and colored pencils.  I also doodled a Sacred Heart with the colored pencils.  As a finishing touch, I made Dymo labels of my three words.  I am also submitting this page to Paint Party Friday - Week 41, Year 2,  Sunday Sketches, and Crazy Amigo - Friendship.

© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
In closing, a reflection that is keeping me going is the knowledge that the sun will rise up tomorrow.  That no matter what curves the season may bring, brightly colored or not, I can find courage, strength and wisdom in the Lord.  I am submitting the street photograph to 52 Photos Project: Gallery 35 {Roads I Travel}.  As to the last photograph, I am submitting it to Orange Your Glad It's Friday #18 and Mandarin Orange Monday.  May your holidays and the upcoming year of 2013 be filled with love, joy and peace.


Unknown said…
Happy Christmas! Your closing paragraph really spoke to my own heart tonight. Thank you for sharing those beautiful words.

And I love your art today. Especially your angels.

Coming to your blog to see your art is always such a treat, and it blesses me each time to read your posts and have you share them in our challenges. I love that these postcards are based on your daughters - how wonderful. We also have one blonde (w blue eyes) and one brunette (w brown eyes) - God is SO good to bless us with our children, and I love hearing that your girls inspired your art - that's just so cool.
Always a treat to have you share!
Blessings to you at Christmas and always,
Word Art Wednesday
Ritu Dua said…
What a great post...Wish you all the JOY this festive season and a magical new year too
Lou Anne Hazel said…
I'm sure the angels were part of the choir singing the Twelve Days of Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you!
manomij said…
Lovely meeting you and have a wonderful Christmas and new year!
WrightStuff said…
Merry Christmas Arnoldo. Hope you find some time to relax!
Nice Artwork !!
Take a look into mine ..
Happy Holidays !!
Gini said…
Provocative and beautiful work as always :-)
Wishing you and yours a very peaceful Christmas and a happy and joyfully creative New Year Arnoldo!
Paula (PEP) said…
With much love to you & your family. Thank you for a lovely reminder of what matters & some nourishment midst this hurly burly.
Paula (PEP)
AM Zafaran said…
Visiting you is very inspiring and always a treat!
Your take on the Artists in Blogland Challenge6 looks wonderful!
Wishing you peace and joy.
Heather said…
oh i love your angels
Anne Manda said…
Thank you for your lovely post and art! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Beautiful words in your blog post. Yeah it can be really stressfull with so much going on...

Wishing you and your family a merry christmas,
Anonymous said…
Happy Christmas. I love that little snowman and his pageantry--beautiful and I've never seen this character made religious. I like it. I also appreciate your thoughtful reflection.
Winnie said…
Your angels are so pretty. I really love your St. Nicholas Snowman! Your sketch of Jesus and the sacred heart are so amazing. I look forward to my visits here to read your scripture selections . May you and your family have a blessed Christmas and a Happy, Healthy 2013!
Victoria said…
WOW.. what a fabulous post..all gorgeous creations and very powerful images and art..and words! Beautiful!
Wishing you and your loved ones many Blessings and a wonderful 2013! It has been fantastic getting to know you..your art and your creative talent and spirit!

I love how you see things! The snowman is so whimsical yet elegant! Your art journal entry of Jesus is so BEAUTIFUL!!! Fabulous work as always! I wish you the merriest Christmas ever!!!
Molly said…
i can completely relate. i love being social but i also like to balance it with a lot of time to re-energize and it's hard to find it at this time of year.

enjoy the holidays!
Maria @ LSS said…
These are beautiful.

May the miracle of Christmas fill your heart with warmth and love. Merry Christmas!

Hope to see you at Life's sweets and spices.
Leovi said…
Excelente! Me agrada contemplar esta última y bella imagen de colores. Deseo para tí todo lo mejor en estas fiestas y en el próximo año.
carol l mckenna said…
Happy Christmas to you and love your art style ~ very well done ~ Understand about 'introvert' and solitude time ~ always a tricky balance at best ~

(A Creative Harbor ~ aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^)
Marcia Beckett said…
Nice imagery! Thanks for sharing with A in B!
Nancy said…
Blessings to you this holiday season, my friend. xo
GlorV1 said…
Love your Angels! Very nice.:)
Merry Christmas to you and yours Arnoldo. Take care.
Borqna said…
Merry Christmas
and have a wonderful New Year!
lorik said…
I love that rainbow of colour and the tunnel effect! Merry Christmas!
Gemiel said…
Arnoldo, thank you for your weekly smorgasbord and for sharing your art with us at Word Art Wednesday this year. I am always inspired by your posts. Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas.
Such beautiful work, Arnoldo!! Love the angels. Thanks so much for the reminder to reflect on Christ! I hope you and your family had a lovely and blessed Christmas!! ~ Blessings, Tracey
Tracy said…
Love your interpretation of the Fall Fearless and Fly prompt. Hope you get enough down time to re-energise and head in to the new year thoroughly rested and ready to tackle new things :)
Bella Cirovic said…
I hope your Christmas was wonderful and that you had the space and time to relax and refill your spirit. Beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing!
Wendy Swenne said…
Your art keeps amazing me. Every time it's so different and fun to watch!!

Hope you had a great Christmas.

Thanks so much for sharing your art with us on WAW.

Have a blessed day!

Electra said…
I'm too late to wish you a merry Christmas, Arnoldo, but I hope the coming year holds many blessings for you! Your card is lovely and as always, we are delighted to have you participate in our Opus Gluei challenge! I love coming to see your work, always!
Unknown said…
Beautiful work - I love how you journaled all the different names for God in your piece. Thank you so much for joining Fall Fearless & Fly, and I wish you and your family many blessings going into the New Year.
Carolyn Dube said…
Love all the layers in your Creator Savior Redeemer piece! The eyes looking out from the layers is powerful! So glad you shared this with Fall Fearless and Fly!
Sharon Wagner said…
Happy New Year and Blessings to you in 2013!
Borqna said…
to you all!
Wishing you much love, laughter, health and happiness in 2013!
Teresa Kline said…
these are gorgeous works of art...I adore the journal, soooo amazing! It is also wonderful to see that you want to spread the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Lord and Savior! Have a blessed New Year!

enjoy *~*
Teresa Kline said…
oopsie, I almost forgot....I came to wish congratulations on the guest spot at Word Art Wednesday!

enjoy *~*
Unknown said…
Congratulations on being a guest designer at WAW. I always enjoy coming to your blog. Your love of God and the talent that is inspired by that, makes it a veritable oasis of beauty. You are such an artist. I may try the credit card to apply watercolor,and using gel pens under is so clever. Enjoy this month with us at WAW.
Psalm 23 Blessings
Carole Robb Bisson
gRiSeL™ said…
Happy New Year, Arnoldo! It's refreshing to see a male artist among so many ladies in the crafting community. Looking forward to seeing your creations on the Word Art challenge blog. I also noticed your blog background photo and scrolling panel are exactly like my "Rendevouz With GOD" blog... I guess great artists/minds think alike! (; Blessings!