Mother's Day 2013

¡Hola! - Hello!  Although my schedule has been exhausting lately, I did manage to spend some time working in my studio.  Thanks be to God!  I didn't get a lot done, but believe it is meaningful.  With Mother's day celebrations in multiple countries this month, I decided to dedicate this post to Mothers around the world.

Life Journey
The tag above is dedicated to my mother, who taught me the difference between right and wrong, as well as how the choices I make determine my "life journey."  Although this is an original design, I was inspired by the techniques of Tim Holtz 12 Tags of 2013 - May and John Steinbeck's quote, "A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike."  I began by applying rub-on stickers and staining the tag as per Tim's instructions.  When it was dry, I used some travel label stamps to complete my background.  I proceeded to sketch the male face using a Sharpie micro pen and a Faber-Castell marker.  I finished the collage by sticking a couple of strips of commute tissue tape and stapling some film strip.  To embellish my tag, I began by tying a strip of metallic ribbon to the top.  Then, I attached a game piece to the top by using a screw eye and gem clip.  Finally, I drilled a hole to the bottom of a "life" word stick and added some texture to it with a texture hammer.  I connected it to a "journey" word key with a jump ring, and attached them to the tag with a small custom fastener.  I am also submitting this tag to Artist's Playroom #56 - Famous ArtistsSimon Says Stamp and Show: Inspired By, Paint Party Friday - Week 9 Year 3, Sunday Sketches.

To Mom, With Love
The envelope card above is for my wife, who truly puts our daughters first when it comes to their well being.  I used a card making technique by Michael Jacobs - See My Recommendations.  This design is a derivative of my original design Imagine, which I used for the grandmother's cards.  I used kraft paper and re-purposed a return envelope to create my card base.  I used a combination of Tim Holtz papers, DCWV papers, re-purposed cardstock/boxes, and discarded plastic to make my envelope card.  To make the various components of my card, I used four different Tim Holtz die cuts, one of his embossing folders, two different Martha Stewart punches, an EK Success corner punch, a pair of Fiskars decorative scissors, and a paper guillotine.  The hand lettering was done with an EK Success calligraphy pen.  I embellished the envelope card using hemp twine, Recollections flowers, and Tulip bead paint, as well as a strip of Tim Holtz print tissue tape and bauble.  I cut and enclosed 3 blank cards for each of us to write our own sentiments.  I am submitting my envelope card to the Order of the Opus Gluei: #156 Bouquet for YouBlog dos Desafios #14 - Dia das MáesCrazy Amigo Challenge: BirdsSimon Says Stamp Challenge - Things with WingsWord Art Wednesday - Challenge #79What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 205, and Paper Saturdays.

Guardian Angel Mother
The photograph above is dedicated to all my followers and blogging friends that are mothers.  It is a shot I took with my iPhone of a stone guardian angel that sits by my front porch.  Based on my personal experiences with my family's and friends' Mothers, I've always thought of them as being real guardian angels looking over their children.  I believe Abraham Lincoln felt the same way when he so succinctly said, "All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother."  Rather it's a physical, spiritual or emotional need, mothers are there to support, comfort, and/or nurse their children in any way possible.  In addition, as it is written in Proverbs 31:26, a mother "opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue."  I digitally altered the photograph using a ToonPAINT app - it's fun and extremely easy to use.  I am submitting this photograph to 52 Photos Project: Gallery 3 {Street Art}Take A Word Challenge - Stone AngelOrange You Glad It's Friday #37Artists in Blogland - Show and Tell Saturday and Mandarin Orange Monday #41.

Hope you enjoyed my artwork, as much as I enjoyed working on it.  As I said, it's not much, but it is meaningful to me.  Have a blessed week, and if you are a mother, "¡Feliz Día de las Madres! - Happy Mother's Day!"


Heather Foust said…
What a beautiful post! Thank you!
Ritu Dua said…
What a lovely post ... A mom is a mom is a mom... and this mom and child relation ... I have no words ...ooooohhh I miss her sitting so far.
ike said…
Gorgeous tag - I love the face you drew on there too. Fabulous.
Happy PPF !
IKE xxxx
maria said…
That is so sweet of you! Thank you for the angel. The envelopes are very pretty too.
What beautiful dedications to your mother and wife. Your post is so heartfelt and inspirational. I love what you have done with the photograph and think it's very thoughtful to dedicate it to all the blogger mothers out there, of which I am one, so Thank you for that:) Have a great weekend and Happy PPF
Heather said…
Both fabulous creations Arnoldo, a stunning tag - a fantastic design, wondederful colours and amazing artistic details!!
A great envelope card, I love your design on kraft card and gorgeous details!!

Thanks for joining us with Simon Says Stamp challenge
Heather xx
Paula (PEP) said…
Your post today is one of those making me think - this time about angels & my own belief in their reality as God's unseen (but sometimes we glimpse them) beings/presences. I'm convinced that when I bought the crocus bulbs to plant last autumn God had some of his angels switch the bulbs so I bought half tulips to give us a staggered blooming period. Every time I see those tulips I think of Him & just smile.
Paula (PEP)
Dan said…
I love your mother-inspired tag, especially the rich warm tones you've used in the background. Mother's Day here is at a different time of the year, go figure! :) Thanks for joining us for this week's Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge!
Netty said…
I love your own artwork used alongside Tim's techniques, it really makes it special. Also love the great envelope you created for your wife. Happy PPF, Annette x
Jez said…
It is clear from everything you writethat you love making art, and always have a reason and a message for making it. It's so nice, the tribute to your mother. Mothers are so important even when we no longer have them, and I think of mine every day and find a memory of something she did or said.
Annabelle said…
Good morning Arnoldo : ) First I must thank you for the beautiful angel you sent to all of the blogging moms, beautiful! I try to be a good mom but sometimes I try too hard and become a little bit of a nag the kids , maybe I can work on being less demanding : )

I luv the drawing you did on the first card, is that you?
All of the artwork is fabulous in textures used, colours and design.

Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend.

Annabelle O,O
Candy C said…
Arnoldo...first of all, thank you so much for the beautiful post to all Mothers. What wonderful thoughts you've shared. You wife is very fortunate that you are such a compassionate and caring see and celebrate the important role that Mothers play in this world. Your tag dedicated to your Mother is so lovely. I love everything about it; the colors, the design and message about this journey we call "life". Your envelope card to your wife is also such a beautiful piece. I know it will touch her heart. Thank you for sharing your art and your faith with us at Simon Says Stamp and Show. <3 Candy
Anonymous said…
lovely work! how very nice to meet you! happy PPF!
Esme said…
These are lovely creations and a lovely tribute to your mum.
denthe said…
Oh, wonderful work! Love that sketch on the tag and the colours you chose. And that envelope is very special ....
Ivy said…
LOVE your Tim Holtz inspired tag, fabulous! HPPF!
Anonymous said…
Your family is so lucky to have you, you are always the most thoughtful. Wonderful expressions of your love for them. Happy PPF xox
Sharon Wagner said…
What a wonderful dedication post full of wise words , photos and art.
PiaRom said…
ablosutely love your tag and all the lovely things to look on it ..the sketch is very interesting! ♥ Conny
Anne Manda said…
Love your tags and card, such intricate and sophisticated designs and details, beautiful work!
Joy Murray said…
Thank you for your kind post. Your work always makes me want to try new things -- I love the dimensionality of your work. The card to your wife is beautiful. We are all blessed by your good thoughts and great artwork.
Lorraine said…
happy mums day..we celebrate it in march great projects h appy ppf
Tracey FK said…
your cards and tags are beautiful... and will be treasured... I especially like that first one... it seems like your colour palette and the way of layering images is getting more complex and deep... love seeing them develop and change... xx
GlorV1 said…
Lovely Arnoldo. What a beautiful tag and card. I too love the first one. Great work and thank you. Happy PPF!
Faye said…
Arnoldo, what a delightful Mother's Day post! I enjoyed seeing how you used Tim Holtz things. Wonderful tag. And the envelope is really gorgeous. Thanks for your nice comments on my blog, Arnoldo. I appreciate your visit.
Tam Hess said…
You are so sweet! Your art is wonderful always so inspiring! Thanks for sharing your creations!!
bellefrogworks said…
I love the sweet Mother's day art. This is a hard year for me having lost my mom last October. The funny thing is we had a pact not to meet on Mother's day - there was always so much traffic in NY - HPPF
Giggles said…
Thank-you thank-you thank-you the one thing I can attest to having done right is being a mother.... Children are always in my heart, their well being is always first!!Wonderful artwork and tribute to all mothers!! Happy mothers day to your wonderful mother and wife! Both obviously amazing women!

Hugs Giggles
Barb Cady said…
I love your unique take on Tim's May tag and I love your stone angel! I have an angel in my garden too. Your work is always spiritually inspiring, blessings to you too Arnoldo.
Valerie-Jael said…
Lots of lovely creations, you seem to have had a busy week! Missed you at Tag Tuesday!? Valerie
Victoria said…
Wow Arnoldo..all so magnificent..deeply touching that angel is spectacular and so striking..awesome color palette too! Love the tag dedicated to your mother..and the envelope is brilliant..I love it!
You are always full of heart, spirit, beauty and magic in all of your creations! I love that JS quote too..well said!!
carol l mckenna said…
Oh so creative! Lots of treasures here and thanks for the Happy Mother's Day wish ~ Have a very happy weekend ~ ^_^

Thanks for visiting ^_^
Winnie said…
Such beautiful pieces Arnoldo! Your tag turned out great, and love your drawing you did on it. I am sure your wife will love her card/envelope it looks so pretty! I agree, Lincoln's quote on mothers is just perfect. Wishing your wife a very Happy Mother's day, she sounds like the heart of your family.
Roxanne said…
Wonderful post and work!
Gloria j Zucaro said…
Hi Arnoldo, glad to be back looking at your creations. I like the idea of your sculpture angel watching over your household. I am always interested in the list of products you use. I have many "pieces" but forget to use them in my mixed media. A good reminder.
Ayala Art said…
Thanks for the Mother's day wishes! Beautiful art! It is always such a pleasure to visit your blog :oD
Leovi said…
Muy bonitas! Precioso angelote! Saludos
Unknown said…
Wow! It sounds like you put a lot of thought and work into all of these pieces. How wonderful to dedicate your art to Mother's this week. I'm sure your wife will love what you made for her!
Lmkazmierczak said…
You seem to do everything with a zest that must come from your mom...lovely tribute. Thanks for sharing your slice of life♫ My new Website:
Visiting from Artists in Blogland--what a beautiful post! I really like how you have dedicated this to all mothers around the world. Great mixed media techniques!
GalleryJuana said…
Beautiful tribute to your Mother.
WrightStuff said…
A beautiful post in every way Arnoldo.
PaintingWrite said…
beautiful work - your tags are gorgeous and it's clear how much love and respect you have for the ladies in your life.
Currie Silver said…
such lovely and thoughtful work, Arnoldo. I so love your posts as they leave me feeling refreshed and hopeFULL.

I think your tag is especially intriguing and the angel is exquisite.

and of course there are your words... so full of love, honour, and respect.

Christine said…
Lovely post and thanks for your Mother's Day wishes!
manomij said…
I see some wonderful paper art here and I am so happy you came to join us again at paper Saturdays! It is a shame it isn't mother's day here in the UK but I can't complain because I already had mine. The tag is my favourite.
505whimsygirl said…
The benefits of being late to visit WOYWW posts is to be lucky enough to come across posts like this.

I can feel the love of family through your words and crafts. I especially like the quote for your Mother's Day tag.

Jane said…
Thank you for your kind words about Mothers -yes, Mothers truly give of themselves as best as they are able, but also learn so much from their offspring!
Thank you fro sharing your work and the different steps used to make them.
How nice to have the angel on your porch!
Adri Munhoz said…
Happy mother day!
Wonderful job Arnoldo! Thanks for be with us at Blog dos Desafios, hugs
Only YOU could take the May tag inspiration, and make it your own with a sketch of an amazing face and then dedicate to Mothers around the world!!! You rock!!! Gorgeous background, and really the face is so striking!!!! You are truly gifted! Thank you for sharing your inspiration with us this week here at Simon Says Stamp and Show!
Anonymous said…
I always enjoy the rich deep colors you work with and I like the combination of your drawing with metal detail. I love that you made your wife her card (but of course you made it!). :) beautiful
Electra said…
Tim Holtz is pretty amazing,but not as versatile and talented as you, Arnoldo!
Anonymous said…
To mother's everywhere - with love. Great post. Love the tag :)
lorik said…
Arnoldo, a perfect tribute to mums and a beautifully composed and edited image. Love it! Thank you so muc for being part of Mandarin Orange Monday:)
AM Zafaran said…
Lovely creations and artwork!
Ana K. said…
I am speechless Arnoldo, I love your May tag so much....amazing drawing and colours are just perfect...I love it and I love your post!
Hugs from Slovenia
Unknown said…
Popped over to check out your tag Arnold and found a fab tag and thoughtful post. I love your work and the heart you put into all you do.
Solange Barreto said…
Obrigada por sua maravilhosa participação no Blog dos Desafios. Fique com Deus.
Kelly said…
Lovely items, beautifully written post. Creative Blessings - Kelly #103
Excelente homenagem ás mães....
Great post. Love seeing your journal of whats in your yard. thanks for your comment.
Julia said…
Wonderful work, just lovely.