Three, Two, One...

Happy New Year!  Although I've not had a lot of time to work on my artwork or blog during the last 2 weeks, this has been one of the most wonderful Christmas holidays I've had in a long time.  There were no extravagant present exchanges, but there was plenty of health, time, food, love, and laughs to share with loved ones.  Thank you, Lord!  The following are a few of the ways to I found to express myself creatively.

Tablescapes and Fashion
Maria's Orange You Glad It's Friday #71
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #239
Lorik's Mandarin Orange Monday 75
Tag and Gift Card Envelope
Tag Tuesday - Winter Landscape
Collage Obsession - M is for Merriment
By Your Hands - Blog Party Sunday
During the heart of Christmas, all my creativity centered around the various celebrations.  In the first picture you can see 3 of the tablescapes I put together for my family's various gatherings, as well as a shot my oldest daughter took of my wife and me in our Christmas Eve finery.  I'm especially proud of the last minute centerpiece I put together with greenery, fresh fruits, cinnamon sticks, miniature silver pine cones and a candle.  The second picture is a sample of one of the diagonal 2-pocket envelopes I made to enclose gift certificates and Christmas tags I designed for various family members.  The latter made the gift certificates enclosed much more unique and thoughtful for the recipients.

Family Puzzle Night
Inspiration Avenue - Expressing "Joy to the World"
52 Photos Project: Gallery 37 {The First Day}
Denise and Roger's ABC Wednesday - Y is for Yearning Moments
Silently (Watercolor Pencil & Ink Sketch)
Art Journal Journey - Silence
Karen's Word Art Wednesday #113
Eva & Kristin's Paint Party Friday (Week 43 - Year 3)
Take a Word Challenge - New Year
Jenn's The Artist's Playroom #87
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday - Week 105
The following two photographs reflect what continues to be my main blessings and creative inspirations in 2014, which are family and my Lord - nature is a close third.  I shot the black and white photograph of this simple family activity last Sunday evening, and felt it perfectly embodied what family is all about - Sharing.  Rather we are going through painful or joyful situations, I know I can count on them.  The photograph of the art journal page reflects my first resolution for 2014, which is to be silent, so that the Lord may take full lead in my life.  I have some obsessive compulsive tendencies which stifle me sometimes, hence my bluish shaded portrait, so I know He laughs at my silly control issues - LOL!

Time Inchie Series
Every Inchie Monday - Inchie Time
Moo-Mania - Birds
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Something New
Tag Along #19 - Tickets
Order of the Opus Gluei #173 - Leftovers
Three Muses - Colour Me Happy
Illustration Friday - Time
Manon's Paper Saturdays
Rhedd and Rosie Challenge Blog: Going Dotty
The last picture is of an inchie trio inspired by the word "time" that I designed yesterday, two of which I incorporated into a moo and a tag.  I began by cutting my inchies out of a scrap piece of cardstock and distressing them with an ink pad.  Next, I arranged them side-by-side, stuck a shared clock rub-on, and re-cut them apart with a craft knife.  I further distressed them with other ink pad colors.  Then, I used more rub-ons, stains, punches, stamps, glitter, gems, glossy accents, ephemera, paper/fabric scraps, embroidery floss, and micron pens to complete my designs.  I also used a new set of Seweasy paper piercing tool and heads purchased during the holidays when visiting my family in the DFW area.

I hope you've enjoyed my first post in my blog for 2014.  I want to thank everyone in advance for their visit, as well as for all the encouraging comments left during my posts in 2013.  May your life be  blessed with a year filled with hope, peace, joy, love and health!


Leovi said…
Maravillosa alegría de navidad en ese exquisito mosaico! Fotos preciosas!
Unknown said…
Arnoldo, When I read scripture on your card my heart leaps for joy. It is amazing. Thank you for sharing this beautiful creation with us at Word Art Wednesday. I want to pray for ‘Multiplied Blessings’ including, but not limited to Peace, Prosperity and Health to you and your whole household during the 12 months in 2014.
Carole Robb Bisson
Unknown said…
Arnoldo, you said you didn't have much time for creativity? What are you talking about? Everything you do is creative! I love your last minute center pieces and how you made them into a pretty photo album. What great ways to make a gift certificate personal and special! Bravo as always!
Christine said…
Happy New Year, lovely post celebrating your art and the family.
Chat Noir said…
Dear Arnoldo....loved your first post for the year, and all your beautiful and inspired creations. I too love Christmas for all the times to be shared with family and friends. Your inchies are masterpieces in miniature. Thank you for playing with us at Opus Gluei.
ah am so in agreement with your need to be silent, and say, "me too!" silently waiting upon our LORD or as Elijah was told "Be still, and know that I am God". Too often omitted in this life by us and others, every blessing for 2014, and His keeping on those you love. #2 (your newest encourager :D)
Gemiel said…
I've been away for awhile but am so happy to get back to visiting my fav blogs. As usual, your art is fabulous!! Love your art journal page. May God's abundant blessings rain down on you and your family in 2014.
What a fabulous post. I'm always so blessed by your art, and I thank you for sharing with us. It's awesome having you join us! Wishing you and your family the very best in 2014.
Word Art Wednesday
Electra said…
What you do with "leftovers" Arnoldo, put my "real" work to shame! We love it when you contribute to our challenges at Opus Gluei, Happy New Year To You and Yours!
Marlena M. said…
You and your wife are a beautiful couple Arnoldo~such a great picture! I am OCD too in many ways, and also need His leadership in my life. Your work is deep,reflective and used by God~I'm sure of it. May you and your lovely family have a wonderful 2014 in Him~blessings!
Anonymous said…
Hi Arnoldo...this post is just full of all kinds of beauty. You are so talented. Your tablescapes are beautiful and I love the inchie trio. Great drawing on your journal page. Happy New Year!
Unknown said…
Arnoldo, it was so nice to see a new name on the Inchie Monday Challenge!! And then, when I looked at your Inchie and read your recent blog, I smiled!!! Thank you!!! I Love the Lord too and it is so nice to be able to voice that love through blogging!!! I am so happy to see a fellow blogger doing the same!!! looking forward to seeing more of your work on Every Inchie Monday!! Welcome!! Peace be Yours :0)
Jeannette said…
I Love christmas and a new year sharing with my love ones and friends too,your wonderful picture of you and your family its georgus,the miniature puzzle is so much fun.
your silence one its so beautiful, i love the poem and the super drawing.
wish you and your wonderful family a happy new year,with many healhty and happyness.

Lovely greetings Jeannette
Annie Claxton said…
Hi Arnoldo, sounds like you had a wonderful family Christmas - just as it should be. What a fabulous post, SO much to look at - I especially love your tablescapes and I'm intrigued by the beautiful inchies, something I've never tried ... yet!
You're always such an inspiration!
Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy and creative 2014 :o)xxx
Annie #62
Giggles said…
Your Christmas sounded exactly like extravagance just a celebration of love! Really special with the joys of decor, carols and friendship....thank you for sharing your creative self in these photos! Wonderful bits of loveliness throughout!! Wishing you a new year filled with creative abundance and more joy!

Hugs Giggles
Karin said…
Great post, happy new year!
Groetjes karin
fantastic artwork with leftovers and the family impressions are fab !
Seems as you all enjoyed the christmas in love!
Thank you for the fab SILENCE page Arnoldo!
Happy New Year !
BLESSINGS to you and your family!
MySpecialist said…
Gorgeous bird/time series - love the whole set!
Great artwork on here, as usual!

If you like art journaling, there's a new challenge you might enjoy. Simply search on "Documented Life Project" and you'll find it. :-)
Valerie-Jael said…
Great work on all fronts, Arnoldo! Glad you had a wonderful Christmas, and hope your 2014 will be good, too! Regards, Valerie
Anonymous said…
What a wonderful blessing your AJ page is Arnoldo, that's a lovely verse!
Happy New Year!
Paula (PEP) said…
All your tables capes are beautiful & I love that photo of you with your wife. Your inchie creations absolutely fascinated me & again your staging for the photography of your pieces is so apt. The little tag especially catches my attention for it speaks to me personally - the ticket to finding a buyer for the house & moving will be in God's time - your dove just makes me reflect on His role in time. Your artwork is of a piece with what I believe He is assuring me of.
All the best for 2014.
Paula (PEP)
Maggie said…
It looks like you did have a wonderful Christmas ~ the best kind! Happy New Year!
Jez said…
Yes, I very much enjoyed your post, Arnoldo, it gives me a great start to the year. Your posts during 2013 gave me great pleasure and inspiration, and I have been so glad that I found your blog. And I have appreciated the very kind comments you have made on my posts. Thank you.
Everything in your post today provides interest and pleasure, and a little inspiration too.
Me once again !
Thank you for joining Moo Mania Arnoldo!

I am happy about this!
Anonymous said…
Oh, how I need that verse...silently waiting. What beautiful inspiration by the greatest of all Artists.
Stopping by via Tag Tuesday, hoping to join in next week.
Happy New Year to you and your loved ones.
Deann said…
Beautiful tags and artwork it looks like you are starting the New Year out right.
Faye said…
I love those pocket cards and yours is gorgeous with the tag. Also, the sketch with the scripture is so pretty. Happy New Year.
Linda Kunsman said…
Looks to me like you have been marvelously creative throughout the holidays in various ways! Your table settings are so festive and pretty and the photo of you and your wife is so lovely. Wonderful art projects as usual. I love that you chose the word "silent". It immediately took me to a favorite line-" Be still and know that I am." Happy PPF and happy 2014!
Ariel said…
A very Happy New Year to you. I not only enjoyed the art you have shared here but also your thoughts about gratitude and submitting yourself to the Almighty. This year we too took it easy on gifts and instead made Christmas more meaningful by emphasizing on giving than sharing.
sharon said…
Lovely art, I think you are creative in all your aspects of life, it is in your soul, God's gift to you. I love the Silent page, so true, but so hard! Hppy New Year to you and your lovely family! Hugs Sharon
Joy Murray said…
a great way to start 2014 -- beautiful artwork and homages to God. Have a blessed year!
Lisabella Russo said…
Arnoldo, your posts are such a joy to read and see! They are a visual feast, your art and tags are so wonderful and your attitude is beautiful. I am glad your Christmas was wonderful and happy new year wishes to you and your family!
Your mosaic is amazing Arnoldo, dear friend, you have such an amazing talented and creative to come up with extraordinary things every time! The silent page is very special, and yes, hard. May God keep giving you the gift of talent always and may you be so happy in 2014...the same for your lovely family. You made my day, thanks for your visit!
GalleryJuana said…
Creativity comes in many forms. The tablescapes are incredible! And what a gorgeous photo of you and your wife! Happy New Year to you all.
manomij said…
Its a pleasure to come and visit you. I really enjoy seeing a bit of your life through the photos you post. It is so nice to know the face behind the art. You did a fab job of that centre piece. Mine was plastic I am afraid. Happy Paper saturdays! Manon
stefanie stark said…
A happy and healthy and blessed new year to you and your family! I love the photo-collage you did. It spreads such a warm and cozy atmosphere! And I also love the tags with the snowflakes! Such cute artwork! As well the other tags!
Happy happy new year to you! What a way to start with making this gorgeous art.
WendyK said…
Happy New Year to you. Great post, and I love your inchies. It sounds as if you had a wonderful Christmas with your family.
Debbie said…
this is a wonderful collection of art, i especially like the table setting with the fruit!
Aranthe said…
I think your pen/pencil/brush must never quit moving! How you accomplish so much in a week and still have time for family and job is just mind-boggling. As always, your blog is a joy.
Belo as cores de Natal retratado no seu mosaico...Espectacular....
Feliz Ano Novo....
~*~Patty S said…
Thank you for sharing this festive post...
Your Silence page for AJJ is very powerful...
Happy New Year
Rosie said…
So wonderful artwork here.

Happy new year
Lou Anne Hazel said…
Arnoldo, your work is always a joy to see. You're involved in so many different things and the art you share is wonderful. Happy New Year to you and your lovely family.
Jennifer McLean said…
so appropriate for the season arnoldo. Glad to see your christmas was so festive, GORGEOUS TREE by the way! So nice to see you again in APR.
Sirkka said…
Arnoldo, I have injoyned reading your posting. You have such a talent! I wish you and your family blessings for the new year.
Paper rainbow said…
A Happy New Year Arnoldo, lovely to see your Christmas festivities with the family! Thank you too for the encouraging comments you posted on my last post.
Mandy Chilvers said…
looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. thanks for joining in with TagAlong. your tag is great
Taluula said…
Beautiful tags and cards, my friend, and looks like you are starting the new year off well.
Neesie said…
Happy New Year Arnoldo,
Your post is bursting with creativity and artistic talent as usual even with all the Christmas activities.
That's a gorgeous photo of you and your wife. Obviously your house is jam packed with love ;D
I enjoy visiting your blog so much so I'll take this moment to thank you for sharing it.
Blessing to you and your family xoxo
Silvia(Barnie) said…
Thanks for sharing the photos. Love your silent page, great drawing und writing.
Wishing you a blessed year 2014.
Unknown said…
Looks like you all had magical, beautiful and creative Christmas.Thank you for sharing such lovely memories. Happy and creative 2014.
Anonymous said…
A fabulous idea.

Thanks for joining us at Rhedd & Rosie Challenge Blog.

Moira DT.
DVArtist said…
This is a wonderful post. Wishing you and your family the best 2014
Zoe said…
thank you for sharing with us at Rhedd and Rosie's, good luck, Zoe DT xxx
Unknown said…
Wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year !!! love your photos and all your latest creations!!!
Irene Rafael said…
Your holidays seemed to have been filled with family, fun and love. Thank you for showing us here. Wishing you a Happy New Year with continued blessings in your home.
Beccalite said…
What a fab creation. Thank you so much for coming over and joining in with our 23rd Challenge 'Going Dotty' at Rhedd and Rosie's Challenge Blog.

Great Big Huge Hugs

Becca xxx
maria said…
Gorgeous couple! Happy New Year.
Beautiful artwork! I love this impressive portrait! Absolutely gorgeous! Also I like your little pieces with the birds very much!
Happy new year to you and your familiy!
Rosemary said…
We had a restrained sort of Christmas as well and it was one of the nicest ones in recent memory. You have a terrific way of expressing things and having it resonate with your readers. Love how much joy you had, it shows itself in your work and your photos! Happy new year!
lorik said…
Such a happy, and yes...creative... post. Thanks for sharing on MoM and all the best to you and your family, Arnoldo.
Thanks again for sharing on Mandarin Orange Monday #74
lorik said…
oops... I mean MoM #75!
Indrani said…
I love the creative work of yours! Sheer talent!

A very Happy New Year to you!
PiaRom said…
Such gorgeous Christmas decorations!! They are made with so much love and it shows!!! Seems you have had a wonderful time and I really love your "silent"-piece ! Very beautiful with the shading and script xox ♥ Conny
Piaroms Art Journaling
Rajesh said…
Great stuff. Wish you Happy New Year.