The Artful Life Continues

Greetings!  I've had an extremely busy schedule at work, as well as with my Church and community involvement activities.  Therefore, I've had to be a little creative to find ways to incorporate my artful nature into my daily life.

Sacred Heart - Sagrado Corazón
Mixed Media Collage
Karen's Word Art Wednesday #126
Eva & Kristin's Paint Party Friday Week 4 - Year 4
Jenn's Artist Playroom #100
Vellum Gift Bag
Printed Note Cards
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #252
Mannon's Paper Saturdays
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday #118
My wife is a member of the Pan Amercan Round Table, a women's group that provides "mutual knowledge and understanding and friendship among the peoples of the Western Hemisphere," and fosters "all movements affecting the women and children of the Americas."  A couple of weekends ago, the local chapter hosted a dinner and auction to raise monies for their women's scholarship fund.  My wife asked me if I could donate a piece, so I donated the Sacred Heart mixed media collage above.  I did it over a black and white photograph I took over by Lake Amistad, here in Del Rio, so I felt it was very appropriate.  I also put together a bag with note card prints from the same Sacred Heart series to handout as a door prize.  It was truly a lovely event, and am proud to say that both my items went very well and brought some money to the group for a very worthy cause.

Field Trip Journal Set
Blank Journal, Pens, & Tag
Tag Tuesday - School Days
ABC Wednesday - L is for Log
Jen's In the Studio
Geometry Star
Pencils & Colors
Bella's 52 Photos Project #50 - (A Day in My Life}
Maria's Orange You Glad It's Friday #84
Lorik's Mandarin Orange Monday #88
As a teacher of gifted and talented students, I often find ways to incorporate art and creativity into the curricular program.  During a recent parent meeting regarding an upcoming overnight field trip, I need some door prizes for my students.  I put together some field trip journal sets for my students to keep a log of their daily activities, as well as for sketching and keeping mementos from the trip.  The recipients loved them.  Then, during a geometry concepts review, I decided to have the students work on a geometry project I found on-line.  The students began by drawing a 2-inch line segment with its corresponding end points, and randomly drew 15 other points around it.  Next, they connected each of the random points to the line segment's end points.  As they worked on their stars, I helped them review other terms such as acute angles, obtuse angles, vertex, and more.  Finally, the students added patterns to the various segments they created within the star.

Wonder Years
Marker Art Journal Sketch
Paper, Paint, Pencils & Paper - Gardens & Parks
Art Journal Journey - Moments of Happiness
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Last, but not least, I was very inspired by a photograph a friend of mine posted on Facebook last weekend.  The original photo was in black and white, and it was of my friends granddaughter playing at a small water garden.  Although my quick sketch is not as perfect as her photograph, I feel it captures the little girl's sense of wonder.  A sense of wonder is something that I believe we should all strive to maintain as adults.  However, we often loose it due to our hectic lifestyles these days.  I hope to develop the sketch into a pastel or watercolor sometime in the future.  However, I feel will need to work on her legs' proportions.

This brings me to the end of my post.  I hope you enjoyed my humble artful offerings and words.  May your week be filled with blessings.


Jeannette said…
Beautiful works!!love the heart with the firer,remind me of a love.

greetings jeannette

Power to you for all the life-challenges!
GORGEOUS ARTWORK did you made in between the stressed time!

That's fantastic!
Seems that my blog is MY log!
Unknown said…
The Sacred heart collage is truly inspiring. Thank you for joining us this week at Word Art Wednesday. Blessings, Carole
Paula (PEP) said…
Your students are very fortunate indeed to have a teacher like yourself making their learning so full of interest. Your generosity with time in creating those pieces to the women's group is very touching as indeed your creation of the Field Notes journals for the students. Wonder is definitely something to be kept into adulthood - thank you for the reminder.
Take care midst your busyness.
Paula (PEP)
Absolutely wonderful pieces of art! Especially I like the first and lovely colourful one and the last one ... the sketch of this cute little girl! Beautiful job!
Are is such and important part of life. It's sad that it is one of the first things to go in schools when there are budget cuts and heavy emphasis on academics. - Margy
stampingbowd said…
Beautiful art pieces! Your donation piece is beautiful with the thorns through the heart! Love the vellum gift bag! I hope to see the sketch colored up but this is quite stunning as is!!!
Teaching can be very demanding but it's also very fulfilling for both the student and the tutor.
Art is so important in education though not everyone understands this, it helps children to understand and apreciate lifes treasures and see things more clearly.
Happy crafting, Angela #27
Anonymous said…
For someone with a busy life you managed to create some soulful art. Glad your pieces helped your wife's auction, sounds like a fantastic group and your drawing of the little girl, priceless. xox
Excelente trabalho...
505whimsygirl said…
Hi Arnoldo,

Wow. Even though you've been busy in life you've certainly been busy with art! I bet you inspire your students with your teaching style and how you incorporate art into their studies. We definitely need more teachers like that!

The Sacred Heart mixed media piece is beautiful.

Also, I love the drawing of the little girl by the water - I can see how that would be a wonderful watercolor.

Happy belated WOYWW
Kay (21)
Marji said…
I love them all. I especially love the creativity you initiate with your stars and geometry for your students. I think that is totally brilliant.
GlorV1 said…
Awesome artwork even with stress. Congrats to you. Love it all, especially the vellum bag. Happy PPF!
Unknown said…
Sounds like life is full for you in a wonderful way. Loved seeing all the art work.
Valerie-Jael said…
Lots of wonderful artwork from you again! Valerie
Tracey FK said…
You manage to achieve so much work in a short time it always amazes me... And you never let the quality drop... Inspiring in so many ways... I especially love those journals... Fabulous
Netty said…
Great post Arnoldo and most interesting to hear about your week. Love all the great projects especially the drawing of the child, I love it. Happy PPF, Annette x
Laila said…
Lovely work and a good cause too. It's impressive to be able to create in such busy times, but relaxing too I guess. Enjoy your weekend.
Zana said…
Beautiful art, love the vellum bag and the little girl, you certainly have captured her sense of wonder.
VonnyK said…
Your art never fails to amaze me. How wonderful that your art was received so well and helped to raise money. The children are so lucky to have you for a teacher. I love the geometry idea, should show that to my hubby (he's a maths teacher). Your depiction of the little girl is beautiful, you really get the sense of wonder. I love it.
Have a great day,
~*~Patty S said…
Thank you for sharing such a fine array of creations all the more admirable with all you have going on!
Your sketch for the AJJ challenge makes me happy just looking at it :)
Brightest of Blessings
Happy April
Photos by Stan said…
Delightful set of images. I love the Geometric Star, in particular. How clever to use the orange pencil!!!
Faye said…
The Sacred Heart is really beautiful, Arnoldo. Congratulations on it's support for your wife's worthy cause. Also, I love the sketch of the little girl and see nothing that needs to be changed.
Annabelle said…
Hi Arnoldo,
Wish I had someone like you for a math teacher and maybe it wouldn't have scared me as much, maybe even be good at. Love the art work and for such a good cause. The little girl is precious and as for that gift bag, really captures one's curiosity. All very lovely art work and definitely a stress reliever!

Unknown said…
what an inspiration you are to your students. They will always remember how you brought beauty and art into their lives. Love your heart collage. Happy PPF!
Leovi said…
Un placer disfrutar de tus deliciosos diseños!
DVArtist said…
This is a wonderful post. I am so impressed with you and your wife. It is so nice to know you via PPF and to see the wonderful art and works you do.
Jez said…
Your Geometry Star is a marvellous project, and I want to try it out just for the fun of it, plus the idea of adding patterns - all I need is some time, which as any retired person will tell you is just as difficult as when we were working! I don't know how you manage to fit in all the lovely pieces you make. Everything is lovely, and desirable, but the Field Trip Journal Sets look so good and at the same time practical. No wonder your lucky students loved them.
Linda Kunsman said…
I'm always amazed at the variety of art styles you create Arnoldo. Your sacred heart piece is breath taking and I love that you made up note cards too. You are a very nurturing and clever teacher to give so much of yourself to your students. I can bet you will be remembered as a favorite and inspiring teacher through out their growing years. Have a beautiful weekend.
Christine said…
lovely work this week Arnoldo!
All are beautiful projects and creations! Happy PPF!
Giggles said…
Your wife is such a beautiful soul! I love what she is doing for women and children...very noble work! Your contributions were very supportive and beautiful too! I love the legs on the girl full of wonder...kind of sweet and chubby! So adorable! Have a great week and keep sending your loving creative spirit into the universe!

Hugs Giggles
Unknown said…
All right MR!! How do you have time for all this. I thought after your intro I would see one or two pieces. NO you have so much to share. I love your work, your enthusiasm and your endeavors. I especially love your heart piece and matching note cards!

Happy Paint Party Friday!
Gillena Cox said…
the Sacred heart piece will made a nice Lenten or Holy Week card; have a nice weekend

much love...
Unknown said…
I totally love the vellum gift bags with the lil tags hanging out!! So cute and wonderful idea...I have to try this too! and then those gorgeous fieltrip-journals, they are so amazing, they will love them, i am sure!! Mix It Monthly Hugs and ♥ Conny
Jen Price said…
Wow! What an awesome teacher to make such a cool door prize! Fantastic!
Candy C said…
Hi Arnoldo...Thank you so much for the very sweet comments you left on my blog. They are much appreciated. I am enjoying looking at your Wonder Years pretty. I also loved reading about the field trip journals for your students. What a wonderful idea! The geometry stars is a wonderful teaching tool and a very cool art visual as well. I also love the Sacred Heart painting that you donated to your wife's most worthy cause. <3 Candy
Hi Arnoldo! I absolutely LOVE so many things about the art you've shared here. The glassine bag with raffia is beautiful, the wonder years sketch with the vintage girl, and the amazing journals.....just awesome! It blew me away when you commented on my blog that I somehow inspired you with the mini bags. You're so talented, it's hard to believe I could ever inspire you. But thanks SO MUCH for the sweet comment, and please stop by again soon. It's always so nice to have you visit.
Word Art Wednesday
Winnie said…
Each piece you shared is wonderful. I love your Sacred Heart Piece and the great journals for the kids.I am sitting here wishing you taught my Geometry class as it was such a struggle for me, and never once did it get explained in a way like you shared (I may have caught one then!). Your Wonder Years stetch is darling. Have a wonderful week ahead!
Irene Rafael said…
You have done so much in your busy week. It is so inspiring. Lovely creations.
You are ALWAYS so inspiring! I love all the different projects I know I am going to see every time I visit! Love your drawing!!!
Lisabella Russo said…
I very much enjoy your beautiful artworks! I am especially drawn to the wonder in your journal sketch. So sweet! Very kind of you to have donated, I am sure their recipients are very lucky!
Wonderful sketch and mixed media works.
manomij said…
I so would love to be your student! You have such kind heart. Happy Paper Saturdays I hope you well get some more time to create soon! Manon :)