Flourishing Faithful Friendships

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary online, a friend is "a person you enjoy and like being with."  Based on this definition, I have a plethora of friends.  Although I'm an introvert by nature, I do enjoy people's company and try to find the best in everyone I meet.

Love Tag
Tim Holtz Die Cuts, Paper Prints, and Embellishments, As Well As Vintage Lace and Buttons
Tim Holtz 12 Tags of 2015 - February
However, I feel that true friendships are not stagnant and you can depend on them through your darkest times.  In other words, friendships should flourish over time and be faithful during all situations.  Therefore, I believe I only have a few true friendships, but also know I have a few other developing friendships.

To My Wife on Valentine's Day
iPhone Photo
Bella's 52 Photo Project - Gallery 41 {Fragrant/This Smells Heavenly}
Denise, Roger and Leslie's ABC Wednesday - F is for Flowers
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #298
The Passageway to My Heart {Front}
Tim Holtz Dies, Martha Stewart Glitter, Recycled Cardboard & More
Tag Tuesday - Valentine
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Red + Pink
Karen's Word Art Wednesday #171
The Passageway to My Heart {Back}
My true or best friends are probably my wife, my daughters, my mother, my brother, most of my other relatives, and above all, my Lord, Creator and Savior.  I also have a few true friends at Church, at the school where I work, and throughout the art world I'm involved in.  I love them all dearly, and look forward to our friendships continue to flourish throughout years to come.

Birthday Flowers Card
Watercolor, Colored Pencils, & Ink
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday
Eva & Kristin's Paint Party Friday - Week 50 Year 4
Whom do you consider your flourishing faithful friends?  Although not necessarily many, I know everyone has at least one in the Lord.  Hope you had a blessed Valentine's Day!


Valerie-Jael said…
Beautiful post! Hope you have a great weekend, Valerie
GalleryJuana said…
Love all those valentine cards! And I bet your valentine gift to your wife put a big smile on her face.
Wishing you a wonderful week!
Christine said…
Your flowers for SS are stunning! I do have a few good friends!
Unknown said…
Lovely post,all your Valentine cards are beautiful.
sharon said…
Great post, love your cards, especially love the last one has almoat a 3d effect. Blessings for a wonderful week.
So much gorgeous art for Valentine Arnoldo!
Anonymous said…
I have a few friends love your art and lovely bottle of wine for your wife too and flowers
So true, friendship should also be valued on Valentine's Day! Beautiful post and such sweet creations.
Meihsia Liu said…
All your creations are wonderful. Great inspiration! Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)
Your tag and cards are just gorgeous! LOVE the door!!!
Serena Lewis said…
A lovely post, Arnoldo! True friends are special, that's for sure. :)
Leovi said…
Muy guapas, deliciosos flores! Exquisitas fotos! Cuanta belleza!!
lotusleaf said…
I like the cards. I have a few true friends too.
Nabanita said…
I only have a few true friends but I'm grateful for the ones I have, as few in number as they might seem :)

Random Thoughts Naba..Fifty Shades Of Criticism....
Indrani said…
That is a great list of friends you have! :)
You are blessed!
Happy ABCW!
Eliza said…
Thanks for the Valentines but sorry I don't celebrate it at all, just think it is a way to sell more items in the shops. If a person can't tell you how much they love you through out the year then this is sad indeed. Beautiful flowers too. Love you arty flowers on canvas. Thanks for sharing.
Trubes said…
Such a lovely tribute to your friends, especially your loving wife and family.
I have many friends via ABCW and Face Book, also Blogging friends. I've had the good fortune to meet a few of them, including Leslie from Vancouver and Denise... Such joyous occasions and I now consider them to be my real FRIENDS, I feel truly blessed.
I love your Valentines artwork Arnoldo, you are truly blessed to have such talent..
Best wishes,
ABCW team.
fredamans said…
Beautiful roses for your wife!
I think Facebook has wrecked the word "friend"!

tocovya said…
Stunning in all ways as always.xx
Anonymous said…
I really enjoyed your post Arnoldo. I, too, count the Lord as a forever faithful friend. My husband, kids, 6 out of 7 of my siblings have been faithful friends, too. Have a great week!
Lisca said…
"What a friend we have in Jesus" is a very old song that you might know. It's so true. He is our best friend. It's good to have true friends here on earth too.
Your cards are gorgeous. Your wife will have been very pleased with her card (and lovely bottle of wine).
Have a great week,
God bless,
Joy said…
Love your door of the 'passageway to my heart'.
Su-sieee! Mac said…
Lovely crafted cards and a very enjoyable post to read.
The View from the Top of the Ladder
Annie said…
A beautiful post. I'm blessed with very many friends...I'm very lucky.
Thanks for calling by at mine and for your lovely comments.
Annie x # 22
Hi Arnoldo, I believe I have some friends, I certainly have some people I enjoy being with and I always try to see the best in people, some can be trying though I am sure I maybe at times.
I think there are just a few people I would tell a secret to or confide in and they are true friends, people I trust who are there when I need them.
Have a good week and be happy, Angela x34
Lmkazmierczak said…
Totally agree with your analysis...have to share my poem
Easy going and carefree
Life paced out as if at sea-
Now that's a cruise ship.
Technical and daunting
Life gets dicey, always advancing- Now that's a space ship.
Loves and hopes and dreams to share Life is full, with some despair-
Now that's a relationship.
Hearty laughs, philosophical talks Life is shared, traversing same walks-
Now that's a friendship.
Giggles said…
Gorgeous post!! Love the photo of your wifes roses and wine...and the flower birthday card I love love love too! Friendship is so important and I am the same as you as far as my family is first on my list! Others have been with me over the years that I dearly love! Perfect Valentine post!

Hugs Giggles
Faye said…
Beautiful work, especially the birthday flower card, Arnoldo. Lucky wife to receive your wonderful gifts. I think I have a few friends that meet your criteria.
Linda Kunsman said…
Such a lovely post about love and friendship along with your beautiful art. I love the softness of your flower bouquet! I cherish the friends I am blessed to have-some for many years now , those both near and far, and those I have never met in person but have had such a wonderful connection through the internet.
GlorV1 said…
Wonderful post Arnoldo. It's always that way where our families are our best friends...or at least we hope it would be that way. Love your beautiful flowers. Thank you for the wonderful post.
Artatag said…
So many lovely projects - this is a wonderful post! Thanks for also sharing your thoughts.
Gabriele 19
bellefrogworks said…
It's been a long journey learning that Jesus is my truest and best friend. But God has sent me some wonderful, true friends - my husband, my family and church family. I love to see a man with a romantic side - beautiful cards and flowers. Unlike you - I am an extrovert - but I have never had a big bunch of friends because I value honesty and truth in my relationships and sadly not all of the people I meet are capable of that. Have a blessed day
denthe said…
Lovely creations this week, I especially like the birthday flowers card. And yes, real friends are a sacred gift ...
sheila 77 said…
Hello Arnoldo, what a very interesting post about friends. You are indeed blessed to have so many, although to have a friend you also have to be one, so luck is only a small part.
I like your "Love Tag" especially the patchwork background effect and Cupid running along with the heart, and the photo of roses and wine is heartwarming.
I am always surprised that sometimes your most cherished friends are those people whom you don't expect will become your friends. They end up enriching your life so much too because they bring all kinds of unexpected pieces to your life. Your family and friends received some great Valentine's art this year.
Unknown said…
Great definition of friendship and sweet creations. Thank you for sharing!