H is for Harmonious

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary online, harmonious has three definitions: it can relate to music being concordant; having parts that are combined in a pleasing way; or marked by accord in sentiment or action.  Although I love harmonious music, I especially relate to the last two definitions, since they are the key to my way of life.  I thrive in leading a harmonious life personally and artistically.

Psalm 25:1-2
Pitt Artist Pen Sketch & Gelatos Collage
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - No Rules
Pia Rom's Mix It Monthly - Angel/Saints
Eva & Kristin's Paint Party Friday: Week 52, Year 4
No, my life is not perfect.  In fact, it is far from it.  I  constantly invest in my relationships with family and friends; deal with the daily stresses brought about by daily life; and have to balance my finances to meet my needs and fulfill my wants.  It's not always easy, because my natural human frailties sometimes get in the way.  However, by putting my trust in the Lord, I am able to cope with anything that comes my way.

Mo Ranch Tag
Marker Sketching on Tim Holtz Die & Lettering
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Anything Goes!
Luke 9:23
Doodling & Lettering Journaling Inspired by Lindsay Ostrom
Art Journal Journey - March {Things With Wings}
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday #165
Handmade Mini Journal Inspired by Paula Beardell
Paint Color Swatch, Holtz's washi tape, Stewart's Gem,  & More
Freshly Made Sketches - Jen B's FMS175
Rhedd's Creative Spirit - March
Maria's Orange You Glad It's Friday - Week 132
My artwork is naturally harmonious, because it is a blend of my whole being.  Nature, believes, relationships, education, cultural exposure, politics, social/economic status, and all my other life experiences are naturally reflected through my personal aesthetics.  Therefore, although I  borrow techniques and styles sometimes, I make a conscious effort to harmonize them with who I am to create original pieces of art.

SMASH Book Pages for Thanksgiving & Christmas (I'm catching up!)
Photographs, SMASH Products, Holtz's Products, & More
Try it On Tuesday - Tic-Tac-Toe (Punches/Bling/Cardboard)
Tag Tuesday - In The Style Of
Denise, Roger & Leslie's ABC Wednesday - H is for Harmonious Life
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk?  Wednesday #300
Karen's Word Art Wednesday #173
I believe if people made a conscious effort to live in harmony, we would have a much better place to live in.  We need to stop focusing on the negative sides of life and people, and focus on the positive.  Let us live in harmony, no matter what our differences are.


cheiron said…
Arnoldo, I always love to see your entries. Love your fabulous tag and all of your other projects. Thank you so much for playing along with the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge :)
Unknown said…
Your Pitt artist pen sketch is absolutely amazing and incredibly moving. You captured this in the most incredible way ever, Arnoldo. Wow! I also love your tag. Love visiting and seeing everything you've been working on. Blessings and have a wonderful week! :)
Jen Brum said…
Such a great project Arnoldo! I love that mini journal! What a great take on the sketch! Your projects are all so creative! Thanks for joining us this week at Freshly Made Sketches!
Fantastic projects this all Arnoldo!
Thank you for joining Art Journal Journey !
Valerie-Jael said…
Thanks for joining us at Art Journal Journey with your wonderful page! Valerie
chrissie said…
All wonderful projects and I am so pleased to see that you have shared with us at Art Journal Journey and Try it on Tuesday Arnoldo
Love Chrissie xxx
Rika said…
Stunning artwork,
you pu so much detail into the album pages.
Jeannette said…
Stunning art works arnoldo,so many beautiful details in your album.

blessing Jeannette
Mrs.B said…
A great page Arnoldo,
Thanks for sharing with us at TioT
Sandra said…
Such pretty pieces of art! Every single one! Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra
sheila 77 said…
Your art is always so inspiring with such a wide range. I like the way you showed the pens you used next to the first remarkable piece and I very much liked seeing your photographs at the end. Thanks for sharing your life and your spirit.
Your posts and art is always so calming and inspiring! It causes me to think and focus. LOVE that! Gorgeous work!
Anonymous said…
As always a thoughtful post and wonderful and diverse work. xox
Nancy B said…
I love to see your beautiful art and especially enjoyed the Pitt pen sketch. I love how you share your faith too!
You are always a harmonious soul.
Donna B. said…
Great projects Arnoldo! Glad to see how you are using your Gelatos. I enjoyed reading your post.
Anonymous said…
Great choice for the letter H, Arnoldo. I'm thinking you might have inspired me to be more creative with journaling.
Indrani said…
I agree. Harmonious existence is possible with efforts from one and all..
Great pics. Great work.
Happy ABCW!
Trubes said…
Hello Arnoldo,
What a delightful take on harmony, such wonderful words with a touch of poignancy.
Your art work is a joy to the eye, such talent, may it last forever, and continue to supply you with the harmonious life that you pursue.
Blessings to you,
Best wishes,
ABCW team.
Artatag said…
Love your art work and your thoughtful entry. Thanks for sharing!
Gabriele 26
Unknown said…
Love your tag, marker sketching, and scrapbook pages! Happy WOYWW #300! Sandy Leigh #58
Sue said…
Lovely projects.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #31
Anne said…
Hello I'm trying to visit everyone this week to mark this special occasion :-) How wonderful it would be if the world was a more harmonious place. I don't like discord etc - but as you say life isn't always a smooth ride. Your work is lovely. I like your journals. Anne x 38
Ali H said…
Thanks for visiting earlier - I enjoyed seeing your Thanksgiving & Christmas pages in particular - love the layout on the former - as you say - very balanced & harmonious composition ! Ali #21
Unknown said…
Harmonious, almost a forgotten art. I also do everything in my power to keep things flowing harmoniously. Your art is always outstanding and inspires me each and every time I am here. You smash book page with that wonderful journal page is so meaningful. “Word Art Wednesday” thanks you for entering this lovely art in our 1713rd challenge. We appreciate seeing your beautiful entry.
PiaRom said…
I soooo love harmony too! Sometimes too much...or no, there could be no too much of harmony ;)...your piece is gorgeous, so peacefull praying for the good ;) Love the wavy cardbord-looking texture! your work is showing the love you put into it ♥ Conny Mix It Monthly
peggy aplSEEDS said…
Dropping by to say hi and thanks for visiting. Well said, Arnaldo! Amen!
Happy WOYWW!
Hugs, peggy aplSEEDS@11
Robyn Oliver said…
HI Arnoldo happy 300th WOYWWW, Cheers RobynO#14
VonnyK said…
Such a beautiful inspiring post Arnoldo. I love your artwork and that journal is fabulous, as is the tag.
Have a wonderful week,
Von #32
Renee Stien said…
What an inspirational post - lovely work!
Leovi said…
Maravilloso el diseño de ese mini diario!
PaintingWrite said…
Arnoldo, I agree with you entirely. I am a firm believer in what you put out to the universe is what you get back and make a conscious effort to put out only positive thoughts and deeds and of course I believe in the golden rule of treating others as you want to be treated - if only everyone did that regardless of personal beliefs the world would be a much happier more peaceful place.
Ritu Dua said…
There always is a perfect harmony of love and beauty in your art as well as in the thoughts you pen down!! Love the post as always!

Linda Kunsman said…
beautifully put Arnoldo. Your projects are always so varied and wonderful. I have to say that my favorite is "the cross" page-just beautiful.
Photos by Stan said…
A harmonious set of images from, what seems to me, a deeply spiritual artist. While I do not share in your religious foundation, I respect and appreciate yours. Have a wonderful week[end], Stan
EricaSta said…
Thank you for sharing your wonderful Post and take part on OYGIF .

Greetings by Heidrun
Margik said…
Un post magnifico, como siempre! Me encanta el tag, es muy original. Su página de su diario de arte es tan inspiradora y por supuesto su fabuloso libro de fotos, todo estupendo. Saludos de Mar
Christine said…
wonderful art pieces for the challenges Arnoldo, you sound like such a wonderful person, lovely post.
GlorV1 said…
Wonderful pages Arnoldo. So you. You can order the mushroom log from Burpee's if you are interested in growing them. Hope you have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your work. Take care.
Lmkazmierczak said…
Inspiring as always♪ http://lauriekazmierczak.com/haiku/
Giggles said…
Fabulous post! My sentiments exactly! Such an important message! Faith is important, married with hope is a beautiful formula that brings joy! Focusing on the positive always grows that energy!Thanks for sharing! This is the message we need to go viral!

Hugs Giggles
Faye said…
Yes, what a better world it would be if we all lived in harmony. Your art is great this week, especially the tag with the lantern.
Tracey FK said…
I love the lantern tag especially, but this week your words really got me thinking... a great post, and you have inspired me to have harmony as my weekly focus this week...xx
Lynn Cohen said…
A lovely collection of art pieces and it's always inspiring to read your words of wisdom as well. Hppf!
Love your work this week. I love seeing your scrap book journal and your photos. Beautifully done. And what a beautiful family too.
Renee Dowling said…
Arnoldo, you are a very unique man who is not afraid to share his emotions and feelings of love, devotion and philosophy! We need more men and women like you. I agree, harmony instead of negativity! Your family is very fortunate to have your memories fashioned in such a beautiful way. I especially enjoyed your first "peace" of art of Jesus, the quote, the drawing the texture, the colours.

Thanks for being you and courageous to express yourself and share!

The world is a better place because of you!

Create With Joy said…

Great post - great philosophy - great artwork!

I'm so glad you're a part of our creative community at Create With Joy!

I'm delighted to share that you're one of our Featured Guests this week (#166).

Have a blessed week!

Create With Joy
denthe said…
That's the best way to look at life, and I find it reflected in your art. Love how you did that lettering!
Cathy Kennedy said…
Wouldn't it be wonderful, if we could all live in harmony? The sad truth is humans want to focus on the dark side, seeing only the ugly instead the beauty in a person or the world. Fabulous philosophy and art!
steffi said…
What a wonderful viewpoint on life, it would be just great if we could all be more harmonious wouldn't it?! Such a variety projects in this post, thanks for sharing them, and thanks especially for sharing the mini-journal with us at Rhedd's Creative Spirit ~ Steffi :o) xx
Linda said…
You have such a lovely attitude, Romero, and you are a very creative person. I really enjoyed this post, thank you so much for sharing.
Linda said…
Oops, so sorry, I meant to say Arnoldo. :)
Great work, Arnoldo. It's always such a blessing to have you share your wonderful art with us, and I thank you SO MUCH for stopping by!
Word Art Wednesday
My Side of Oz said…
I read and reread your post and reflected this morning while doing so. It spoke to me at a time when my life is slightly out of harmony and I appreciate the reminder. Your art is wonderful and reflective and keep doing this! Thanks for sharing with us at Rhedd's Creative Spirit this month! ~Nanette, DT~