O is for Outstanding

"Do you believe?" is a new movie directed by Jon Gun, which was written by Chuck Konzelman and Cary Solomon.  It features a stellar cast, which includes Mira Sorvino, Sean Astin, Cybill Shepherd, and many other accomplished and actors.  Although it's only received 1 to 2.5 stars out of 5 by many movie critics, I believe it's an outstanding movie about what it means to believe in the Cross.

Do You Believe?
Mixed Media Tag
Tim Holtz 12 Tags of 2015 - April
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - In the Middle
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Make Your Own Background
According to the movie's synopsis, "When a pastor is shaken to the core by the visible faith of an old street-corner preacher, he is reminded that true belief always requires action.  His response ignites a faith-fueled journey that powerfully impacts everyone it touches."  That's exactly what the movie does, ignite you.

All American Turkey
Gelatos Mixed Media - Canvas ATC
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Denise, Roger & Leslie's Word Art Wednesday - O is for Clear-Obscure (Chiaroscuro)
Kristin & Eva's Paint Party Friday Week 7 Year 5
One of my favorite lines is by the street-corner preacher who asks the pastor, "What are you going to do about it?"  Anyone can talk about being a Christian, but being a Christian takes action.  Unfortunately, sometimes those actions may take leap of faith and not always reap the benefits we wanted.

Baby Hankins' Shower
Hand Lettering, Die Cuts & Rub-Ons
Scrapping Everyday Miracles: April's Sketch
Moo-Mania - Feelings of Spring
Try It On Tuesday - New Beginnings
Addicted to CAS - Challenge #61 Showers
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 307
It also means to give unconditional love, grace, and forgiveness to everyone.  This includes our enemies, as well as those whom we may  consider "different" or who make choices that we may not agree with.  As Jesus said in Matthew 5:46, "For if you love those who love you, what reward have you?"

My Garden Visitor
iPhone Photograph
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday - Week 172
Bella's 52 Photo Project - Gallery 51 {Simplicity}
Maria's Orange You Glad It's Friday
There are one or two scenes that may be considered a bit contrived.  However, overall it is a very well done movie, and its message about what a person is to do as a Christian is very clear.  Therefore, I highly recommend it.

Psalm 126:3
iPhone Photograph - Pixelmator
Karen's Word Art Wednesday #180


Christine said…
That's some turkey, happy SS! Beautiful spring flowers too.
Meihsia Liu said…
Such a gorgeous tag! Love your beautiful photos, too. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)
Fabulous artwork Arnoldo!
Thank you for playing with us at Moo Mania & More Challenge!
Brilliant art work! Thank You for joining us at Try It On Tuesday! Chris
Lovely photos of your garden, Arnoldo. Beautiful butterfly. It's great seeing you back and sharing your wonderful artful talents! Have a blessed week. :)
Margik said…
Very beautiful card! Great post blog as always. Thank you for joining us at Try it on Tuesday. Mar
DebR said…
Really like your card...very nicely done!
Thank you for playing along with us at Scrapping Everyday Miracles.
sheila 77 said…
I went over and watched the trailer, looks like a very powerful film.
Thanks for another inspiring blogpost enhanced by your wonderful art. I especially liked your photograph of the tulips at the end, a lovely composition and words.
Kylie said…
So glad you found us. Gorgeous baby card! Thanks so much for playing along at ATCAS xx
I haven't seen the movie yet, but I will! Your tag is absolutely stunning! Stunning stunning! The cross is exceptional and love the post! PINNING!!!
Leovi said…
Bellas flores! Me encanta la luz y la mariposa, pura delicadeza!
Lisabella Russo said…
Wonderful post! I love the art, your cross tag is gorgeous. The photos are are lovely too, your garden visitor is beautiful!
cheiron said…
Wonderful tag, along with the rest of your artwork. I always love to stop by and see what you have created. Thank you so much for playing along with us over at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog this week :)
Trubes said…
Love it all....love the American Turkey.....love the cross and most of all, I love the gorgeous Butterfly...you write so eloquently Arnoldo, always a joy to look at your delightful art work,

best wishes,
ABCW team.
Unknown said…
Your tag is gorgeous! Love the cross and your comments about the movie. I'm looking forward to seeing it.
I love the tag..very cool. The photo of the visiting butterfly is lovely too :) Thanks for sharing your movie review as well. Shel@PaperOctilloStudio #54
Sue said…
Lovely projects and photos of the flowers.

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

Sue #25
Lmkazmierczak said…
Had not heard of the movie you reviewed...will look for it. Love how bloggers can make a difference just by making a statement of faith....I have met many fellow Christians through blogging♪ http://lauriekazmierczak.com/off-the-beaten-track/
Really enjoyed your synopsis of the film, it sounds really meaningful. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 30
VonnyK said…
Love your artwork, the turkey is gorgeous. Those flowers and the butterfly are beautiful. Once again excellent post.
Have a great week,
Von #9
This is fabulous, Arnoldo. I am always so blessed to see your art, and most especially to have you link it to our challenges. Thanks again. I hope all is well with you and your family.
Word Art Wednesday

P.S. The first project looks like a Tim Holtz (or other) grungy prim tag, and would be SUPER PERFECT for the challenge at The Kraft Outlet. You're most welcome to play along.

Popping in to say hello again and wish you a lovely week! :)
Reader Wil said…
Thanks for the information about this film! You are right: Love is the most important factor in Christianity. Jesus said it and it is in the Lord's Prayer that we have to forgive those who harmed us, which we can only do when we love even our enemies.
Wil, ABCW Team.
EricaSta said…
Dear Ronalda
I enjoyed this post so much. Indeed mostly of all the fantastic cross...
If you like, look at my post with the little Houses of Peace.

Wish you a very nice Weekend.

Cheers, Heidrun
Rosy said…
Never heard of the movie, tho it seems like it be a really good one to see. Thank you for sharing.

Followed your post from ABC Wednesday
Good review. Unfamiliar w the film.

NCSue said…
Some beautiful shots! Glad I stopped by from Orange You Glad It's Friday! I hope you'll visit and link up at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/04/at-keyboard.html
Giggles said…
Your work and passion this week prove how much this movie has touched you!! Such a great message!! I'll watch the movie and tell my best friend about it as well!!Your art is a lovely tribute to the movie and your good heart!

Hugs Giggles
JKW said…
This sounds like a more than Great movie. Your American turkey is very creatively done. I didn't know the iPhone could take such beautiful pics..tulips are beautiful (Ps126:3=amen). . and the butterfly, YAY. The Believe tag is beyond. . those pics in the cross. Whoa. . .Very talented and creative. Thanks for the visit and the preview of the film. Blessings, Janet, PPF
GlorV1 said…
Happy Spring Arnoldo. Love the cross and your post was very inspiring. Very nice work. Have a wonderful weekend.
Linda Kunsman said…
Your thoughts and art are always so meaningful Arnoldo. I had not heard of this movie but will look into it. A shame that some really good movies are passed over, so thanks for bringing it to our attention. Happy PPF!
Gillena Cox said…
beautiful words, beautiful art and i so luv the garden visitor photo

have a nice PPF

much love...
Faye said…
Thank you for your truly inspiring post, Arnoldo. You have aptly given the message of the cross in both your words and in your cross art. I am always blessed by my visit to your blog.
Deepti said…
Lovely creations :) Thank you for sharing with ATCAS!
Su-sieee! Mac said…
Some of the movies I've liked a lot are ones that the critics have panned. Sometimes, I think, the critics have seen too many movies and should take a break and write about something else for a change.

Your visitor has me smiling. :-)
Unknown said…
Cute use of our sketch for your Baby Shower card! thanks for playing with us at SEM.
Deepa Gopal said…
Your art as well as your garden looks wonderful! Nice message too :)
zandra said…
Beautiful post and such a sweet baby. Thanks for sharing it with us at TIOT.
Hugz, Z
Gloria j Zucaro said…
I love the cross with all the tiny pictures on it, and the hand-lettering on the baby card, beautiful. Have a wonderful week, Arnoldo, and thanks for the movie tip! :>)
Nordljus said…
Beautiful artwork, I especially like the colours and lines in that turkey.
Cara G said…
Thanks for using our Scrapping Everyday Miracle's card sketch for the lovely baby shower card you created. Always nice to see some new faces linking up!