F is for Frugal

Do you consider yourself to be frugal?  I do, so I thrive to use my money wisely.  (Although I have to admit that living in a consumerist society, this is not always easy.)

Psalm 51:10 - Create In Me A Pure Heart
Reeves Watercolors, Princeton Mop Brush, Gelatos, Marvy Le Plume II, and Uni Ball Air Pen on a Mead Sketch Book
Art Journal Journey - 02/2016 "If Music Be The Food Of Love"
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #350
Kristin & Eva's Paint Party Friday - Week 50 Year 5
Kim's Show Your Face
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday #216
Ever since I was young, my parents taught me the difference between wants and needs.  For example, I was given an allowance and had to learn to work with it. If I wanted to buy something, which usually involved a creative toy, tool or supply, I had to save for it.  However, when it came to necessities such as food, health, clothes, or my education, I didn't have to ask.  I was never deprived.

Happy Birthday, Liz!
ATC - Collaged Scraps Background; Vintage Rick-Rack & Button; Paper Scroll & Flower; Dymo Label & Making Memories Staple; and Sharpie Micron Pen Faux Stitching
Anything But Cute: Challenge #10 - Grungy Love
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Recycle/Upcycle Style
Karen's Word Art Wednesday #220
As an adult, I have followed those same principals.  Although I enjoy occasional luxuries, I plan ahead of time.  I put a little money in my savings every month; I avoid charging more than I can pay at the end of the month; and I shop wisely by waiting for a clearance, using coupons, and avoiding impulse buys.  This means I create, recycle, re-purpose, or reuse as much as possible.  (e.g. - I keep cars for an average of 12 years.)

St. James Episcopal Church, Del Rio, Texas
Nikon D3300 Photograph Edited on iPhoto & Pixelmator
Our Beautiful World #134 - Up
Sue's Image-In-Ing
Denise & Roger's ABC Wednesday - F is for Frugal
Is it worth it?  Most definitely!  I do not have the stress of living above my means or being in debt.  I was able to have my daughters attend a top University, without accruing excessive loans.  My family's home will be paid off within a couple of years.  I will be able to retire at a decent age, and pursue my art passion.  Most importantly, it allows my wife and I to pledge to our Church and donate to charities that we support.

Being frugal will not make me a rich man.  However, my life is rich in the peace of mind it brings me to enjoy the things that matter.  Blessings!


Amazing art as always - frugality is always good and can help the lord to care for us.
Thank you for sharing your post with ART JOURNAL JOURNEY!
MelodyK said…
You are rich....and thank God you know it ! Money seems making rich but i think it doesn't at all.

Blessings like you (and i) have are priceless!

Have a nice abc-day / - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)
Leslie: said…
I can very much relate to your frugality. I, too, was brought up with the concept of wants and needs and tried to pass that down to my own daughters. There have been a few times in my life, though, that I blew it. Now I have a 24-hour rule to keep me from buying something on impulse. I've even used it in purchasing homes, especially my new place! Great post and great advice.

abcw team
Valerie-Jael said…
Great work as always. As a pensioner I always need to budget carefully, but it's a good exercise! Thanks for joining us at Art Journal Journey, Valerie
carol l mckenna said…
You certainly have your priorities straight ~ and are a very Rich and Talented man ~ love the church photo and ATC is very creative and so much fun ~

Wishing you a Happy Week ~ ^_^
photowannabe said…
You are very rich indeed!
NCSue said…
You are a very wise man.
Thanks for sharing with us at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/02/old-san-juan-pigeon-park.html
Indrani said…
The earlier we know the difference between need and want the better for all of us. Great lesson for me today.
Happy ABCW!
Hildred said…
I am in total agreement with you. Wise to live within one's means, - saves us from a lot of stress.
Beautiful art today- I especially love that photo. The simplicity of it is very sophisticated! :)
sarascloset said…
You are indeed a rich man...Your lesson learned is one we try to instill in our own children. Growing up,any money we received went to church and to savings. At 11 years of age, I moved into my new home with just a rabbit, which I treasured. I digress...

Your card is simple yet effective, and I especially love the detail of the faux stitching. Thank you for joining our Grungy Love challenge at Anything But Cute. Hugs! Sara Emily DT
You are a wise man!

I fully agree with your words Arnoldo and it has been the philosophy I have followed which is the reason my husband and I were able to retire early and are now enjoying a full and happy retirement, enjoying every minute. Thanks for the visit to mine and happy woyww, Angela x 26
Shoshi said…
How wise you are in your financial management, Arnoldo. To be satisfied with what one has is to make one truly wealthy! I try to live by these principles but don't always succeed, especially when it comes to my art equipment and supplies, but I never dip into money that is earmarked for paying the bills and other essentials. I do get a challenge from "frugal art" though and love to incorporate recycling and things that most people would throw away, into my projects, and if a project goes wrong I don't immediately bin it, but think about how I might repurpose it or simply add another layer! I love your art work as always.

Thank you for your visit and your lovely comment. My greatest joy, now my cancer treatment has finished and I've been given the all-clear (subject to follow-up appointments over the next five years) is the return of my creative mojo which I feared might have gone for good at one stage! My hubby always finds thoughtful and appropriate gifts for me whatever the occasion. I am very blessed. As for a name for my little panda, I had thought of Valentine but I'm not sure it quite suits him... I am still undecided but something will spring to mind, I am sure!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #61
sandra de said…
Agree whole heartedly with your thoughts on spending/saving and really just being good stewards of the bounty we have been given. Thank you for dropping by my blog and always leaving such lovely comments.
sandra de @25
J said…
How right you are, we were taught the value of money as children and it stood me in good stead as an adult, i must admit we've never had money to waste but we've always had a happy life and now we are retired at an early age we are reaping the benefits.
Our Volvo is the ripe old age of 17 this year!
Have a great weekend
Jan. No 44
hazel said…
This is such a beautiful page, you are indeed a talented artist and a very wise man.
xxx Hazel.
Unknown said…
Arnaldo, I so enjoyed this post. Real men are so honest and honorable. This card has a staple which I am still trying use occasionally because it adds something firm. I like the background paper, faux stitching, the semi shabby flower on that wonderful blue green background. A warm homey lovely card. Thank you so much for joining our 220th challenge at Word Art Wednesday. Your creation is inspiring and very beautiful. Blessings, Carole
Samra said…
Thank you for joining our Grungy Love challenge at Anything But Cute!
Samra DT
Paper Talk with Samra
Unknown said…
Lovely art and wonderful words! Truly rich are those with an open mind and loving heart.

Blessings to you!

Hello, my friend Arnoldo!
What a fabulous card. Your participation in our challenges means SO much to me, and I can thank you enough for playin along with us. I hope you have a blessed week, and that you will join us again soon.
God bless you,
Karen Letchworth
Word Art Wednesday

P.S. For another fun challenge, please join us at CropStop - www.cropstop.com/blog
Arnoldo, first your sketch is amazing. The emotion, I can feel within my own heart and your story, so beautiful. Your card, I love the polka dots as I have a thing for circles, I don't know why. haha I love the distressed look around the aqua paper and the pop of pink from the ribbon. I also adore the way you captured the image with the blur around the edges.
Thank you for always sharing with us at Word Art Wednesday, we love having you with us each challenge! Have a great day!

Christine said…
I am generally frugal too. Beautiful spiritual piece for PPF
John said…
Wonderful drawing. I follow your sentiments. In our house we waste nothing. We recycle as much as we can, we don't waste money on the latest fashion, and as for food, well, we throw away so little it is hardly worth talking about. There is so much waste in the world nowadays, and so much want that it beggars belief. We do not have an extravagant lifestyle, but we are happy in the knowledge that we do not live beyond our means and are not in debt like lots of other families we know.

Great post.
Linda Kunsman said…
Beautiful journal page and I love the birthday card. Well said about frugality Arnoldo. Hubby and I have been brought up much like you it sounds and now we live similarly also. Well worth it. Have a super weekend and happy PPF!
DVArtist said…
Mike and I live the same way. My teachings come from not having the things I needed as a kid. ie home, food, medical. It was tough but it taught me to live good but with in our means. As you know I love your art. Have the best weekend. Life is good.
Such wise words! I grew up in a consumerism family--instead of love and respect we were given material things and taught that more is better. Buy today, pay later. It's taken me a long time to come around that less is more! Gratification is so much than a purchase; it's contentment and so much more. Your ATC scrap card really spoke to me. The soothing color bluish green with the black and tan. Lovely sketch too! Thanks for the visit earlier and the comment on my vintage metal storage drawers. They aren't actually vintage, but I got them because they reminded me of military surplus which reminded me of my father, and because I needed a bit more storage space. Judy #55
Loved reading this Arnoldo, very wise words! My favourite hymn has the words "all I have needed, thy hand has provided" It's good to wait for things we need as often we realise that we don't really 'need'them after all! I love your card and your beautiful face! Chrisx
Sandy said…
I have been finding I am happier with less more and more. I do not need a lot to create my art a few paints, stencils and pens, some old magazines and I am a happy arty person.
Ariadne said…
Loved your blogpost today!That's how I feel too!
Thanks for sharing at Our Beautiful World!AriadnefromGreece!
Very interesting read and food for thought. Your faux stitching and the polka dots on your card add such wonderful details to the design. Awesome sauce!

Thanks for joining in our "Grungy Love" challenge at Anything But Cute! ~Niki DT
Giggles said…
Gorgeous portrait...I love it!! Yes we are jump up and down excited when we get a deal kind of frugal! My daughter is the queen of couponing... of course the deals in the states are better than Canada.. Frugal yes...but it doesn't mean we don't splurge on nice things of quality. We do at times... but we try not to pay more than we have to for anything! If we have excess, we always donate!! Happily with faith our needs are always met!! I was raised exactly like you... Always lots of food and shelter...but the extras you earned with allowance.

Hugs Giggles
Julie Lee said…
I agree with you, being frugal helps us to appreciate the gifts we have rather than striving always to have more. Also if we recycle we are helping to be stewards of this beautiful world in which we live. I love your sketch of the praying figure. Purity of heart, I think, is about clarity of purpose and right values and we will achieve these if we look beyond ourselves and our own wants. I feel so privileged that now that I am retired from teaching I can pursue the art that I love because I am happy with what I have. I know that when you reach that stage in your life you too will know true joy because of your attitude. x
What an absolutely heartwarming post on many levels! I always enjoy your art and the variety of art that you create, whether it be mixed media, drawings, or photography. You are talented in so many different arenas! But I also thoroughly enjoyed reading your thoughts and wisdom about the art of valuing what we have. In a world where "more, more, more" seems to be the motto, it is always refreshing to see those who embrace appreciation for what they have. Thank you for sharing your words and your insights with us for this week's Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!
Brilliant face. I'm afraid that I have no control of spending when it comes to art supplies.....common sense just goes out the window when it comes to that!
Donna xxx
Ros Crawford said…
Great shots ... I too learnt to be frugal at a young age ... If definitely makes you feel good to know that you achieved so much by yourself and that putting something back into society is a good thing... I may never be rich but not having a lot in my life taught me so many things and that happiness cannot be bought. Thanks so much for sharing at OBW!!
GalleryJuana said…
Practical economics passed down from your parents to you. My Mom gave me the same wisdom of being frugal.
Wonderful birthday atc for Liz. You've reminded me to try the faux stitching technique too!
Jennifer Rose said…
i try to be frugal, but i have a weakess for books :p
C.J. Rains said…
I try to be frugal also, so I can relate to your post. I live on a small fixed income and can not afford many things that most people living around me take for granted. I grew up in a poor family and was taught to appreciate what little we did have. We took good care of our clothes. We had school clothes and play clothes and had to change right away when we got home. Our things had to last for a very long time and were most often handed down to a sibling or other relative when we grew out of it, or grew to old to have it. I feel sorry for those who take for granted what I would consider a blessing.
Marit said…
I love your post Arnoldo and you're so right! I concider myself a rich person too although I have little income. Richness is something else than having money, isn't it?! Thanks for stopping by my blog last week, have a great day! Hug from Holland, Marit #45
sheila 77 said…
I couldn't agree more with what you say here, Arnoldo, well said.
I love the Birthday card, there is something about it that is so appealing - the colours go together perfectly and the whole design is very pleasing.
Dea Lenihan said…
Love this post. Your parents were wise. I love the images of the church--it reminds me of a church I visited in California--everything still intact inside--even the bed where the priest was to sleep. Lovely. Have a great week Arnoldo. xo
Natalie said…
What a wonderful gift of self control and wisdom. Thanks so much for sharing your art with us at Word Art Wednesday!!
sandy said…
You are definitely doing something right - many can benefit by what you write. Love the sketch.