L is for Laughter

I believe there is a lot of truth in the old saying, "Laughter is the best medicine."  I also believe that it helps you stay younger… at least in spirit.  According to WebMD, we experience physiological changes when we laugh.  We stretch facial and body muscles, our heart rate goes up, and we breathe faster, so we get more oxygen in our tissues and even burn some calories.  It is like getting a little aerobic workout - LOL!

The Turtles Resting
Etegami Watercolor
Moo-Mania and More - Spring
Recuerda Mí Corazón - Haiku My Heart
Kristin & Eva's Paint Party Friday - Week 4 Year 6
I also read about a couple of studies on the benefits of laughter on a Huffington Post.  One of them found that laughter increased memory recall and lowered levels of cortisol (the stress hormone). Other research found that laughter can also help protect against heart disease.

Easter Baskets For My Girls
Baskets, Photos, Paper Grass, Chocolates, & Handicrafts From Previous Post
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #356
My 3 Girls at Pat O'Brien's, San Antonio, Texas
Nikon D3300 Shot
Denise & Roger's ABC Wednesday - L is for Laughter
Although interactions with family and friends can foster laughter, all research pointed out that healthy habits such as diet, exercise, and rest are of utmost importance too.  Oh, bummer - LOL!  Anyway, I found some classic quotes about laughter that I thought you might enjoy.

Wheels & More
Nikon D3300
Our Beautiful World: OBW 140 ~ Part
Oliver Wendell Holmes said, "Laughter and tears are meant to turn the wheels of the same machinery of sensibility; one is wind-power, and the other water-power; that is all."

Tulips For Easter
iPhone 6S
Sue's Image-in-ing
Ralph Waldo Emerson said in his famous quote, "The earth laughs in flowers."

A Morning Walk
Nikon D3300 Shot
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday - Week 222
Finally, according to King Solomon, in Ecclesiastes 3:4, there is "a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance."

I hope you enjoyed my findings on laughter.  Thank you for following my blog and for taking the time to leave a thoughtful comment during your visit.  Live, Love and Laugh!


MelodyK said…
Indeed is does... i totally agree !

But life can be very difficult and weighing heavily on ones shoulders...

Trusting in that we don't have to carry the load on our own, gives reasons to smile, even laugh at some times.

Wishing you only and lots of laughter, every second!

Have a nice ABC-Wednesday-day / - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (ABC-W-team)
peggy gatto said…
Total fun info that I happen to agree with!!!
My best memories of my life are the times when I laughed!!!
Anonymous said…
Laughter is a great choice for the letter L! Those Easter baskets are very sweet, too!
Anonymous said…
some to say hallo! P.
A wonderful post - full of amazing art and love!
Thank you for joining Try It On Tuesday and Moo Mania & More Arnoldo!
Unknown said…
Lovely laughter, lovely post and even more lovely art! Thanks for sharing wonderful moments of yours with us.
Blessing to you and your loved ones
NCSue said…
Great post as always. I hope you had a wonderful Easter!
Thanks for linking up at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/03/the-endless-variety-of-orchids.html
Gorgeous sketches today. And your Easter baskets are very cute with those photos. And I love your photos. Your girls are beautiful- you are a lucky man for sure. Looks like you have had some fun family time and a beautiful Easter also.
Trubes said…
Laughter makes the world go round.
I have a friend that
whenever we meet usually for lunch we end up crying with laughter, just over simple things, we often get bemused stares from other diners, but who cares, we're not offending anybody and as a Cockney would say " we're only having a laarrf.
I am a fiend for silly jokes like..
(Patient) Doctor doctor it hurts,
(Doctor) When does it hurt?
(Patient) Only when I laugh,
(Doctor) Well don't laugh then !

Easter love and blessings,
from Di.
ABCW team.
chrissie said…
A wonderful post full of happiness and beautiful artwork. Thank you for sharing all of this at a Try it on Tuesday and lovely see you charming girls

Regards Chrissie xx
That is certainly all true about laughter! My husband has the ability to make me laugh with his humorous remarks - unfortunately, he has a tendency of looking at things with the cup-is-half-empty mentality, but when he's in a good mood, his jokes are priceless! Love your watercolour artwork and beautiful photos! Thanks for making me think about the importance of laughter this morning! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #26
sirkkis said…
Your art is this time absolutely gorgeous, Arnold.
Thank you very much for joining us with your touching art at TioT.
Thank you also for sharing the photos of your lovely doghters and the Easter celebrating.
Love xx
Murthy K v v s said…
Laughter is a part of Life..Good concept for L.
Linda Kunsman said…
Really beautiful sketches and photos and you chose some really wonderful quotes for TiOT too! Love seeing your 3 happy lovely girls:)
glitterandglue said…
What a great post, Arnoldo. How true that there is a time for laughter and for tears. We do well to remember that "joy comes in the morning", don't we? Some lovely photos this week, and some great quotes.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #21
Indrani said…
Good collection of quotes on laughter.
Beautiful pics, particularly the one of tulips.
Happy ABCW!
Unknown said…
So many wonderful projects and research on laughter. What a splendid post Arnoldo. The pictures, now and then are also heartwarming. Thank you so much for entering your creative and beautiful art in our challenge at Word Art Wednesday.
Blessings, Carole
DT Member
ToadilyDiane said…
Laughing is good for the soul. Looks like laughing going on with your girls!
Have a great day.
Diane - WOYWW #34
Sharon said…
Great post! Laughter is SO important.

Love the turtles watercolour. Really beautiful.

Thanks for sharing.

Sharon K #42
Joy said…
Love the turtles, and the Easter baskets. I imagine a combination of chocolate and laughter will really boost the endorphins count.
April said…
I agree - laughter can often times be better than medicine. Thank you for sharing your findings. And your beautiful art. The wagon wheels are so cool. The tulips- how can you go wrong with that beautiful flower. You have outdone yourself with all this great work.
April #36
Chocolate and laughter are so important in life, couldn't do without either of them! Bit late today as I've been out walking.... yes walking not crafting, so trying to catch-up a bit.
Thanks for the visit to mine and happy woyww, Angela x 25
Sharon Madson said…
Love all your musings on laughter. I am a firm believer in laughter having healing powers along with God! I like that photo of the wheels. Thanks for a cheerful post. #66
Michele said…
laughing is very good for you! and so is art. yours is always so beautiful. xo
Leslie: said…
I did indeed enjoy your post on laughter! It truly is a great medicine and I'm getting much more of that lately. Hope you saw my post on where I'm living now - very happily, too. Having a sleep-over Friday night with an old girlfriend - going to wear our pj's, drink hot cocoa, and watch a movie! And we will LAUGH until it hurts!

abcw team
I also believe laughter is the best§ medicine and we do it far to little, if I see how much and abundant my 6 year old son laughs I'm jealous and should laugh some more too. happy WOYWW Vicky #8
very sage. This really struck a chord!

sandy said…
Also with laughter - ...being creative I just read, boosts memory by quite a bit, whether it's drawing, making a craft, also playing games. I guess there is so much we can be grateful for, that keeps us happy and healthy. Love your post and all the entries - and those tulips are gorgeous.
Gorgeous photos and love the turtles!!! Blessings!!!
Valerie-Jael said…
Lots of lovely art work and photos. Keep laughing, Happy PPF, Valerie
The post left me with a smile on my face. Today you lift the spirit! Thank you!
CraftygasheadZo said…
Fab post. Take care Zo xx 41
carol l mckenna said…
Wonderful post and love St Francis ~ what a beautiful family you have ~ all creations are wonderful ~ you are so creative ~ lovely haiku too!

Wishing you peace in each day ~ ^_^
Lea said…
What a treat to visit here! I laughed out loud when you added in the bit about healthy habits, diet, exercise, and rest! Like those turtles... there is such harmony in your words, images, and your lovely art... your Easter Baskets touched my heart. Thank you for rippling out into our haiku circle with these treasures today Arnoldo!
Christine said…
Nice to read your post on laughter. Sometimes I want to be a turtle like that just basking in the sun. Nice work.
Ariel said…
Thank you for sharing all the wonderful 'laughter' quotes. You have a lovely family your three girls are beautiful. Your sketch of St.Francis is too good.
Happy weekend
Julie Lee said…
Great news about laughter! I love to laugh with family and friends! This very afternoon a friend made me laugh so much I almost cried! I hope that's just as beneficial! Your posts are always full of beauty and wisdom. Thank You so much for sharing! xx
Irene Rafael said…
I do so enjoy visiting every week. Laughter... soothe the soul, keeps us healthy. Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes I can take things so seriously. Mostly not though. Your daughters are beautiful. And lovely haiku. Have a week of laughter!

~~ Irene
Annie Jeffries said…
Your turtle postcard and haiku are totally charming and situated next to St. Francis, well, how appropriate. Nice to meet you, A.L.
Faye said…
I did so enjoy your post on laughter. Your art work and photos are great. I especially enjoyed St. Francis though I will have to go google the word "etegami".
Giggles said…
It's no secret I'm a huge giggler! So laughter is a very important part of my life and always has been. Even though my mother was never witty or funny and my dad had a cornball sense of humour. My brother and I on the other hand are quirky and witty....as is my daughter and son in law...we laugh at least a few times daily... Laughing at yourself too...is so important! Great post....love Emerson! Those baskets for the girls are adorable...love the old photo of your family stuck to the basket!! Wonderful photo of your three girls too!! So much love here! Keep on laughing!!

Hugs Giggles
foxysue said…
Yes those of us who tend to be inclined toward seriousness need to be reminded about this medicine and take daily doses! Thank you, loving your art...x
Rike said…
Never laughing is never living! Your turtles look so fine!
Ariadne said…
The best laughter I get every morning when I see my dog, at school with my little pupils and at my husband's jokes!
Thanks for sharing at Our Beautiful World!Great photos!In the first I noticed the glass hen. My mum had a similar clear white one.AriadnefromGreece!
Ros Crawford said…
You are so right about laughter... It's such a shame that there is so much distress in our world... Lovely photos and thank you for sharing with us at OBW... Have a fun filled day!
Serena Lewis said…
A wonderful post, Arnoldo! It certainly brought a smile to my face. :)
alarmcat said…
lovely post!! :-D
rebecca said…
dear Arnoldo,
thank you for joining in the haiku circle. i love all your offerings and am inviting you to join us again and again! perhaps it is time for humorous haiku!

keep laughing and spreading your light!
GalleryJuana said…
I am impressed with your Etegami postcard!
I have a penpal who wants to practice Japanese and I think the etegami style might work perfectly.
Tracey FK said…
Amazingly perfect post... and I love those top two paintings... you have great lines you know... and laughter is essential... bit sad it doesn't burn more calories though... I would be thin as a whippet if it did lol... have a magical week...xx
Jennifer Rose said…
cute turtle and lovely photos :D