Q is for Quality of Life

Quality of life means different things to different people.  However, no matter what, the choices we make determine quality of life.  For example, you could have trillions of dollars in bank accounts, investments, and other possessions, but would that make you truly happy?  I do not believe so.  I do not mean to say that being rich is a bad thing.  However, in the words found in Acts 20:35, "In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"

Mother's Day Tag
DCWV Four Seasons Stack; Tim Holtz Bigz L Tag die, Baroque Die, Tiny Things Stamp, Odds and Ends Stamp, Adverts Stamp, Tissue Tape, Bauble, Heart Charm, Loop Pin & Distress Ink; Brothers Scan'N Cut 2; Paperbilities Collage Tags; Prismacolor Color Pencils; EK Success Corner Adorner & Corner Rounder Punch; DMD Vellum Die; Vintage rick-rack and button; Jute Cording; Embroidery Floss; Darice Mini Spring Clothespin; Dymo Organizer; Itoya Calligraphy Marker; Uni-ball Air Pen; Assorted Paper Flowers; Recollections Flower Paperclip; Making Memories Stapler; Assorted Adhesives; and Ephemera.
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge: Show Us Your Metal
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge: Anything Goes
Karen's Word Art Wednesday: Challenge #228-#229
Sue's Image-In-Ing
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 361
Not everyone can afford to make monetary donations.  However, everyone can afford to make time to minister to the sick, volunteer at animal shelters, or volunteer at other non-profit organizations.  In Buddha's words, what's important is to "not indulge in charitable acts for your own benefit.  Love them for the happiness they bring to others."

Buddha's Thoughts on Charitable Acts
Pencil, Stump, Sakura Micron Pens, Unibazl Air Pen, Talens Opaque Watercolors, Winsor & Newton #6 Round, White Colored Pencil
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday - Week 226
The Mixed Media Monthly Challenge # 24 "Butterflies and Blooms"
Moo-Mania ~ Floral
Kristin & Eva Paint Party Friday - Week 9 Year 6
It's all about work and no play... NOT!  It's important to live, love, and laugh.  In the words of Abraham Lincoln, "in the end, it's not the years in your life that count.  It's the life in your years."  Even King Solomon recognized in Ecclesiastes 3:4, there's "a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance."

The Raven's Omen
iPhone 6s Photograph Edited on iPhoto & Pixelmator
Our Beautiful World: OBW 145 ~ From a Low Angle
Eileen's Saturday Critters #124
Creating and Sharing Mixed Media Art
Denise & Roger's ABC Wednesday - Letter Q
Rebecca's Haiku My Heart
Above all I believe quality of life comes from respect for others.  I believe we all have unique qualities and flaws, as well as special personal values and beliefs.  As long as we are not hurting others in any manner, we need to live and let live.  In the words of the Mexican President, Benito Juarez, "Respect for the rights of others means peace."

I know there are other points that could be made about quality of life, such as healthy habits and family life.  However, I felt I needed to limit my post.  I would love to hear what you think.  I also want thank all my followers, as well as everyone who took the time to leave a thoughtful comment last week.  Peace ~ Paz ~ Shalom!


Christine said…
Beautiful wise post and wonderful work for the challenges this week Arnoldo
genie said…
This is my first visit to your blog and what a treat for my tired eyes tonight. This is a beautiful post. Your art journal tribute for Mother's Day is so sweet and special. The tags are so dear. I had not thought about doing such a tribute in my journal, but I will start on it tomorrow. Thank you for the idea. I read every word of your post, and the quotes and Bible readings were all so meaningful. I love the one from Buddha and your watercolor is stunning in its beauty and simplicity. You are so very talented. Thank you for sharing your lovely artwork with all of us. I hope you have a wonderful week. genie
Valerie-Jael said…
Beautiful art , as always. Have a great week. Thanks for joining us at Moo Mania and More, too. Valerie
A wonderful post! Just amazing art and words! Thank you for sharing with us at Moo Mania & More!
oxo Susi
eileeninmd said…
Hello! Lovely tags and cards, especially the Mom card and photo. Wise words and quotes. Thank you for linking up your raven and post. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!
Inspiring words .... beautiful art.....thank you for sharing.
Enjoy your week!
Lisabella Russo said…
What wonderful thoughts and art! How beautiful your card is. I don't have one yet for my mother, maybe this year I will make something...
Jennifer Rose said…
can't volunteer for physical reasons and can't donate money because poor art student, but i do try to be helpful in other way. doesn't cost me anything to help someone with their art, so I do what I can to help that way
NCSue said…
Thanks so much for joining the party at http://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/16363/web. Hope to see you each week - I always enjoy your visits.
Serena Lewis said…
Another thoughtful post, Arnoldo. Thanks for sharing.

Have a great week,
Lin said…
I love how varied each of your creations is, Arnoldo! Love that Mother's Day tag, and thanks for the pep-talk about giving of ourselves! Thanks for joining us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge!
Macarena said…
What a lovely tags. I love the vintage look of them and all the details and embellishments. Great job! Thank you for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!
stefanie stark said…
Wonderful words and again wonderful artwork. I love the flowers and I like it so much to read especially the part regarding respect to others and I will try this tomorrow to my colleagues as it will raise the quality of our working atmosphere. Thank you for this "reminder" we should consider regularly.
If I had a trillion dollars I would surely share it. ;0) LOVE your Mother's Day card...wonderful!!!
Ariadne said…
Thank you for one more great blogpost! What do we do when others don't show respect to us?How do we try to forgive them and show them they are wrong?
Lovely photos again, thanks for sharing in Our Beautiful World.AriadnefromGreece!
MelodyK said…
and another wonderdul entry in which i totaly can relate...
we have little money, every month is some kind of struggle to get through it... but we are content and feel blessed, every day and that is richness bejond grasp!

Its truly wonderful to 'meet' people who feel the same !

Have a nice abc-wednesday-day / - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)
carol l mckenna said…
Very meaningful post with great thoughts ~ lovely artwork as always ~

Happy Week to you ~ ^_^
Anonymous said…
A great theme for the letter Q. For me quality of life is achieved when you are in relationship with the creator of the universe and the creator of all of us, the one true God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Have a good week Arnoldo.
Annie Claxton said…
What an interesting post Arnoldo, full of wise words and beautiful pictures! I particularly love the ink and watercolour piece with the words from Buddha, so beautifully drawn and painted. Have a great week :o) Annie C #26
glitterandglue said…
Good morning, Arnoldo. I think I'm your first WOYWW visitor this week - golly! That is a surprise. A lovely tag for Mum - well done. Yes, quality of life.... As a full time carer for my hubby, it is very easy to think I am not doing anything for God.... BUT how full of lies that is - I know Father has said this is my place at this time, I seek to do His will by being here for John, doing all that he can't, attempting to make our home a beautiful, joy filled place for him. That brings a quality and fulfilment - but don't get me wrong... I ain't perfect, haven't got it all together yet... but Father knows that. Phew!!!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #5
sandra de said…
The mothers day tag/booklet looks beautiful. I think she will be a happy mother on the 8th.
sandra de @14
Trubes said…
Hi Arnoldo,
Another thoughtful and honest post and such delightful artwork.
The words of Solomon in Ecclesiastes
'a time to weep and a time to laugh' etc, is one of my many,
favourite Bible
texts that I can read over and over and empathise with.
Thank you for sharing this with us, a most enjoyable read!
Best wishes,
ABCW team.
Lunch Lady Jan said…
Love this post! 'Be Kind, no matter what' is something that's close to my heart.
Hugs, LLJ 2 xxx
Mrs.D said…
I love your Mother's day card, I guess it is soon in USA, ours was in March over here. Bet your mother will like the card.
Chris #10
Reader Wil said…
Amen! I absolutely agree with you. I don't think I can be happy if somebody is starving and I have plenty of everything. I don't want to have more possessions than I have now. It is nice to donate for a good cause, but beware of people who want to profit from you and find you gullible enough to donate for something which only benefits them. This happened to me several years ago, and is still not dealt with. I hope for my children that I get back most of the money I lost. I don't need it at the moment fortunately. I will pray for the man who did this to us, that he will understand what he did. I hope I can for give him, so that God can forgive me my feelings of hatred towards towards this so called bookkeeper.
Wil, ABCW Team
Sharon Madson said…
Beautiful projects and thoughtful post, as always. Thank you for sharing. #46
Leslie: said…
I've always loved that part in Ecclesiastes and now, after my time of weeping, I am loving every moment of my life. I take time to smell the roses (and photograph them all) and focus on relaxing in the moment. There will always be times of regret, but those times are past and must stay there so that I can move forward and really make my life count. As you write, quality of life is so important. Hope you're doing well, my friend, and thanks for the reminder in your comment on my post! LOL

abcw team
Sharon said…
Beautiful post! Lovely art work. Thanks for sharing.

Have a great week
Sharon K #39
Such lovely words and brilliant art! Chrisx 34
Kirsty Vittetoe said…
Beautiful art and photos!
Inspiring words as ever Arnoldo and lovely art work. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 24
ToadilyDiane said…
wonderful words to read and be reminded of.
Great card.
Have a great day.
Diane - WOYWW #30
you have a generous spirit!
Beautifully said, Arnoldo! There is always something we can share with others. And the things we share that are not material, are the most meaningful ones, I think. Especially when given from the heart. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and beautiful art with us at OBW!
Neesie said…
Beautiful artwork and words once again Arnoldo,
I totally agree that time given far out weighs monetary or materialistic things. It's far more meaningful. The quotes are so meaningful too.
Thank you for sharing. You are always so inspiring.
Blessings to you
Valerie-Jael said…
Happy PPF, have a good weekend, Valerie
sirkkis said…
Thank you for your wonderful Art and wise words. It's always pleasure to visit here.
Have a happy weekend ♥
Faye said…
I always get so much from your posts, Arnoldo. The Mother's Day art is beautiful and so are all the words of wisdom you posted. Have a happy weekend.
DVArtist said…
Hi Arnoldo. Your post is so inspirational with the beauty of a poet. Your art today is that as well. Wishing you a very nice day.
Laura said…
So beautifully expressed and full of compassionate truth.
Lea said…
To sit here with my warm morning drink, the day before me, and add your thoughts to my own brings me a quality of life that I never take for granted... I think that the way we gather, in different circles and share something beautiful, poignant, and sometimes thought provoking is a ministry of the heart and soul. We can be rich no matter our circumstances and always find a way to give to another. A flip side to this conversation that is difficult for me... is receiving. So no matter the omen or message... it is indeed a blessing and if I will but open my heart and receive it, then I have all the more to give... a wonderful weekend to you Arnoldo!
Gloria j Zucaro said…
Hello Arnoldo, I really love the card for a Mother, so dimensional and heartfelt. I think kindness to all others we deal with is so important. Thank you to for putting in a good word for the Raven, LOL! There is something about black birds that I really love. They seem to have "personality"!
Linda Kunsman said…
I love the beautiful artistic symbolism reflecting on such powerful quotes and passages Arnoldo. Anything done from the heart brings all the riches one could need. Happy PPF and have a wonderful weekend. Happy Mother's Day to your lovely wife too!
Didn't the ravens bring bread to Elijah in the wilderness? You never can tell about those birds!
gma said…
With gratitude for the Raven.
Lynn Cohen said…
Your creativity is so rich and wonderful words of wisdom too.
Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us.
Wishing you another creative week ahead. HPPF too!
Wonderful pieces again. I agree- quality of life is individual but doesn't depend on money-not that money is bad if you use it the right way. Have a wonderful weekend.:) Erika
Giggles said…
Truly a brilliant post...oh your mother must be so proud!! Gorgeous card and artwork! I love how you peppered this posts with meaningful quotes and scripture! I love seeing your soul on the page with such a great message! Thanks for sharing your authenticity! Have a terrific weekend!

Hugs Giggles
Create With Joy said…
Thanks for sharing your lovely artwork and reflections at Inspire Me Monday Arnoldo - you are one of our Featured Guests this week at Create With Joy! :-) #227
Unknown said…
Arnoldo, The cards for your wife and mother are really a vision of LOVE in action. Thank you so much for entering your creative and beautiful art in the Word Art Wednesday challenge.
Blessings, Carole
rebecca said…
dear arnoldo,
thank you for setting infinite chairs at the table of belonging. for inviting us to reflect from the deepest purest parts of our hearts and live a soulful life of compassion and connection. i am not sure how you found haiku my heart at recuerda mi corazon-i am however exceedingly grateful to have you join us and shine your love light so exquisitely!
Astrid Maclean said…
Stunning pieces all of them and thanks so much for adding your blooms piece to our challenge at MMM. Sadly as you don't follow our challenge rules by adding our graphics, we can never pick you as our winner. Such a shame, as I for one would have loved to have chosen your pieces many times in the past...