U is for United

United is defined as, "involving people or groups working together to achieve something."  This is the concept the founders of the United States of America had in mind during the formation of our nation.  Yes, we are a country made of various cultural, ethnic, and racial backgrounds, as well as with a plethora of personal religious, political and other beliefs.  However, overall we respect and value each other's differences as fellow Americans.  This has been evident during tragedies such as 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, when we all united in mourning and work to help the affected peoples in our nation.  Our military forces are one of the best examples of unity, as they fight around the world for freedom side by side, no matter what their personal difference may be (or even genders).  In remembrance of those whom have died for our country, I pulled some quotes to honor them.

USA/Americana Paper Banner Garland
We R Memory Keepers' Banner Punch Board & Alphabet Punch Board; Martha Stewart Fringe Cutter and border punch; EK Success Star Punch;K&Company Americana Cardstock; Two-tone Tissue Paper; Tim Holtz Tissue Tapes, Distress Stickes, and ink pad; Foam Pad & Glue Stick Adhesives; Ribbon & Jute Cord; Sakura Micon Pen
Karen's Word Art Wednesday #232-233
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Make A Wish
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Anything Goes
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
~Declaration of Independence~

Strathmore Artist Tile; Mars Mechanical Pencil & Stump; UniBall Air Pen & Sakura Micron Pens; Talens Opaque Watercolors; and Prismacolor Colored Pencils.
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday - Week 230
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #365
Kristin & Eva's Paint Party Friday - Week 13 Year 6
Kim's Show Your Face
"Freedom lies in being bold."
~Robert Frost~

Coffee Cups United Under The Blue Sky
Nikon D3300 Shot Edited on iPhoto and Pixelmator
Our Beautiful World #149 ~ Cup
Denise & Roger's ABC Wednesday - Letter U
Sue's Image-In-Ing
America!  America!  God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
~Katherine Lee Bates~

May we never forget our military forces' sacrifices, as well as those made by their families.  Thank you for following my blog, as well as taking the time to leave a comment.  Peace!  ¡Paz!  ¡Shalom!


Christine said…
Inspiring word and beautiful tile for the challenges Arnoldo!
carol l mckenna said…
Magnificent! You are so creative in all you do ~ you are blessed ~

Happy Week to you ~ ^_^
Barbara said…
Your work is absolutely beautiful! I love colors and the idea that inspired you! thanks for joining us this week on Simon Says Monday Challenge Blog! Barbara
SusanLotus said…
Always an ionspiring journey to visit your blog.
Must get some "masculine inspiration" for a birthday
card to my hubby... Soon 50! ;D

Have a blessed week!
Unknown said…
The patriotic banner has so may very interesting points of interest. I like the sweet hand rolled tassels always a sure sign of a holiday but the somberness of the red white and blue to to remember why. Thank you so much for posting your very beautiful art in the #232-#233 - Anything Goes FF Word Art Wednesday Challenge.
Blessings, Carole
Indira said…
As always, diverse and imaginative. Your creativity is inspiring.
Ariadne said…
United me and my friends have "adopted" two Syrian families (9 people) and put them in a flat to leave away from the refugee camp till they go to the countries of their choice!AriadnefromGreece!
Lisabella Russo said…
What beautiful quotes and images. I am thankful for the people who serve in the military and their families.
NCSue said…
Lovely sharing on your blog, Arnoldo.
As for squirrels being pests at times, drop by my response to your comment at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/05/simply-squirrelly.html!

Virginia L. said…
How perfectly fitting to see this beautiful banners on Memorial Day! Artistic take on the sketch, too! Your posts is always so uplifting and creative, Arnoldo! Thanks so much for playing Simon Says Stamp Wednesday “Anything Goes” Challenge!
Ros Crawford said…
Lovely photos ... Thanks so much for sharing at OBW!!
Jeanna said…
penclls, pens, and paint on the sketch? cool
genie said…
Your posts are so heartfelt and meaningful to me. We sang Oh, Beautiful at both my daddy's and mother's funerals. I was brought up patriotic and continue to have that feeling firmly engrained in my being. Your paintings are beautiful. Thank you for continuing to visit my little blog. genie
Leslie: said…
Unquestionably, a pertinent post on this your weekend of memories. Thanks for dropping by to hear about my upping and awaying....lol

abcw team
Lunch Lady Jan said…
A thoughtful post - thank you for joining in WOYWW today :-D
Hugs, LLJ xxxx
MelodyK said…
and right you are!

Every year we over here in The Netherlands celebrate our freedom and honour all the foreighn soldiers who came to our rescue

Lovely post!! Wonderful word to choose.

Have a nice abcwednes-day / – week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

glitterandglue said…
Good morning, Arnoldo. I just love that photo of those mugs in the window.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #15
Indrani said…
Very good choice of word for U.
It is the need of the hour today.
Happy ABCW!
Sharon said…
Lovely post. I like the 'Freedom' tile. Gorgeous!

Have a great week
Sharon K #5
Sharon Madson said…
Love your patriotic post and the Frost quote. He is one of my favorites. The coffee cup photo is nice, too. Love the reflection of the sky in the glass. Happy Wednesday! #51
GalleryJuana said…
gorgeous photo of the coffee cups and sky and love the painting with the Frost quote too. wishing you a lovely week.
You always manage to do such meaningful and inspiring posts. Hope you have a great woyww and happy crafty week, Angela x 25
Beautiful photography and creations -- I enjoy the variety in each post!
Trubes said…
UNITED we stand, Divided we fall !
A quote by Founding Father John Dickson in his pre-Revolutionary War song.
He wrote,
"Then join hand in hand,
brave Americans all!
By UNITING we stand,
By dividing we fall".

if only the protagonists of futile murderous acts.understood and adhered
to these words, the world would be a happier and peaceful place!

Wonderful pictures and gracious writing, yet again, Arnoldo.
Thank you.
ABCW team.
too bad unity is such a sometime thing

Valerie-Jael said…
Beautiful work again Arnoldo, my fave today is the photo of the coffee cups under a blue sky - my idea of heaven! Happy PPF, Valerie
I always enjoy your work and today is not an exception. I love your honor to our military and your unity theme. Have a great weekend Arnoldo. :) Erika
denthe said…
Love that drawing! The quote and the image fit perfectly well together. I've never see these artist tiles before. Lovely shape and colour. Happy PPF!
Linda Kunsman said…
Well said Arnoldo and a beautiful tribute by way of art and quotes. Love your banner! Happy PPF!
sirkkis said…
Your art is bold and beautiful, Arnold.
Happy PPF ♥
Faye said…
Your Memorial Day tribute is excellent, Arnoldo. Love the Robert Frost piece. School must be winding down and you will get more spare time, I hope. I always enjoy your art and reflections.
DVArtist said…
I love this post. From my great great grand dad to my SIL, granddaughter and grandson today my family proudly served and serves this country.
Giggles said…
Wonderful tribute to those who have sacrificed. Love your pensive face! There is so much to be said for unity!! Thanks for sharing this heartfelt message!

Hugs Giggles
Gillena Cox said…
A sumptuous feast of quotes and art
Happy PPF Arnoldo

Much love...
C.J. Rains said…
I always enjoy visiting your blog. The banner and the thoughts behind it were very touching. I also loved the window with the mugs picture. How very creative.
Irene Rafael said…
You have expressed your thoughts in a unique way. I am moved by your words.
~~ Irene
Granny Annie said…
My two grandsons serving in our military would find this post inspiring as would their grandfather who was retired military. Thank you for this honorable design.

Shilpa said…
Lovely blog
