J is for Just Do It

Do you ever just do it?  I am very methodical, which makes me a creature of habit, who feels much more comfortable planning every detail of my life.  This stems from my inherent perfectionist tendencies.  However, I sometimes make a conscious effort to go out on a limb and "just do it," and I like it!  It is a freeing feeling to just take a ride to the lake with my wife on the spare of the moment; make an impulse purchase of a new art tool or spiffy shirt; or have a fresh creme filled doughnut every once in a while.  I have learned to "just do it" too, when working on my artistic endeavors.  My perfectionism was so severe during my youth, that it stifled my artistry causing me to have creative blocks.  I still enjoy the comfort of routines, but I feel it's much more healthy to "just do it" sometimes.  What do you think?

Psalm 82:8 Cross Mandala
Art Journal Marker Hand Drawing and Lettering
Mead Sketchbook; Faber-Castell Pitt Brush Pens; Unibal Air Pen; Pencil; and Blending Stump.
Karen's Word Art Wednesday - Challenge Weeks #248 & #249
Kristin & Eva's Paint Party Friday - Week 28 Year 6
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Top 10 Words to Live By
Smash Folio Layout and Hand Lettering
We R Memory Keepers Frame Punch Board; Marvy Le Plume II Markers; Prismacolor Colored Pencils; Uniball Air Pen; Martha Stewart Butterfly Punch; Photographs; and More.
Denise, Roger & Leslie's ABC Wednesday: Letter J
Moo-Mania: Alphabet
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #380
Rose at Tyler, Texas' Rose Garden
Nikon D3300 Shot Edited on iPhoto
Our Beautiful World: OBW 164 ~ Bloom
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday - Week 245
Sue's Image-in-ing
Anyway, thank you for following my blog, as well as for taking the time to leave such thoughtful comments about my work. I am humbled and honored by your kindness.  Blessings!


MelodyK said…
I totally agree with you!

Lately learning how to loosen up a little and leave the 'rules' behind and do what you are suggesting here.... and that, indeed, feels very good, it gives energy which before long, I did not know I had in me.

a good attitude. Sometimes, when all the obligations are taken care of...
NCSue said…
Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/09/los-viejos.html, Arnoldo. I think we have much in common.
Anonymous said…
Happy WOYWW. I love that page of 10 words to live by. I feel a similar project coming on! Ali x #31
"make an impulse purchase of a new art tool" I can certainly do that, LOL! I know what you mean - sometimes we tend to overthink things - it's better to just do it than keep planning and never get around to it! Loving your drawing and the scrapbook page! Beautiful photo of the flower too! Enjoy your week! zsuzsa #28
Ros Crawford said…
I fully agree ... Life is too short not to just go and do it!1 Beautiful photos! Thanks so much for sharing at OBW!! Have a wonderful week
shazsilverwolf said…
Hi Arnoldo, I love what I see here. You are quite right, sometimes just 'doing it' is the right thing- we do not know what tomorrow may bring, and we may not have the time or opportunity 'one day'.
In art too, there are no mistakes, no failures, just lessons and practice. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #9 xxx
Sharon Madson said…
My hubby is really into planning every detail, which makes things like trips fun, because it usually comes out better when planned. I, on the other hand am more "Just do it" person. Which means sometimes things don't get done in an orderly fashion. I try to do my prayers, devotions and Bible study first though, no matter what. Then, I think God takes care of everything, sometimes God has a surprise for me! :) Drives my hubby crazy! (the not planning) I have to say though, when I make lists, things do go smoother.

Love your 10 words to live by!

okienurse said…
great post and art work! I think those top 10 words are something everyone should live by! So true! Love the Mandala and journal…I love color! Thanks for visiting my desk and I hope you have a great week. Vickie aka Okienurse #11
Hi Arnoldo. I often get stuck with my art work for the same reason you have mentioned. When I was at school (some time ago but we'll not go down that road!) I had teachers who encouraged us to make our work faultless which at the time resulted in me perfecting my skills but I now find it difficult to let go of this habit and just get on and do things. I often feel inhibited by it and it's difficult to feel relaxed when making anything but I'm working on it! Your post has actually helped a little as it has reminded me that perfection is not always necessary. Thanks for the lovely comment over at mine, you're so kind. Hope the new term is going well. Happy woyww, Angela x
Kelly said…
'Just Do It' is a tough concept for me. The closest I get is participating in National Novel Writing Month every November. I am a planner/ perfectionist/ ocd person by design so November is my time to get a new story down on paper without listening to the internal editor telling me something won't work. Love your layout. Creative Blessings! Kelly #39
Su-sieee! Mac said…
I am relearning to "just do it". It feels great. I like your top 10 list. You have me wondering what mine is.
StampedbyChris said…
I think your artwork is stunning! Live for each day as we don't know what tomorrow will bring.
Chris P #34
April said…
I love your 10 words to live by. What a great list. And that rose is GORGEOUS!!!! Stunning!!! I am very impressed with that piece of photography. :-)
April #33
Christine said…
I enjoyed the peek into your amazing journal and can certainly relate to the stifling nature of perfectionism! Thank you so much for sharing at Word Art Wednesday this week.
Guest Designer
Valerie-Jael said…
Lots of great art again, thanks for linking to MM&M. Just do it is a good motto! Valerie
Great art - and I know what you mean-
done is better than perfect - is sometimes necessary!
Thank you for joining Moo Mania & More Arnoldo!
oxo Susi
Lunch Lady Jan said…
I think Just Do It is a good maxim to live your life, as well as Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. I have been guilty in the past of not attempting projects because I didn't think they'd be good enough or being too self critical. We can be our own worst enemies. But not anymore, I just have a try and if it's no good, well, the world is still turning eh?
Hugs, LLJ 14 xxx
Faye said…
I'm in the same boat. I have trouble loosening up in my art because I really love orderliness. Your Paslm 82 page is so very beautiful. Have you considered doing a whole book of paintings and scriptures and maybe publishing it?
Granny Annie said…
I am so inspired by journaling but it is not something my brain can wrap around. Went so far as to buy a few gluesticks but that's it. Love you work and love the flower painting.
Christine said…
Beautiful pages and a stunning rose! I am also a very scheduled person, although not a perfectionist. Great idea to 'Just do it' for people like us!
peggy gatto said…
Yes, just begin! Applies to so many things in life. As I get older I am wiser and don't waste a lot of time "thinking " about it. No time to lose! And if I want to take a nap.... I just do it!!!
Linda Kunsman said…
Good to be spontaneous sometimes! I know of your perfection struggles very well but have learned (finally) to loosen up and let go. Your cross mandala is gorgeous, and your words to live by are beautifully written and chosen. Stunning photo of the rose. Happy PPF and a blessed weekend!
Studio Kaufmann said…
I am very chaotic, unmethodical and impulsive so I don't have those problems. I always just go for it!!
But I am sometimes hard on myself and my art
Happy PPF
Irene Rafael said…
Hello Arnoldo, I am a just do it person when it comes to art. I just start and do not look back. In other areas I am more deliberate. But I grew up with an Engineer father who liked to be in control of his world so I guess I had enough of that and incorporated some free wheeling tendencies. Thanks for the thought provoking post this week.
DVArtist said…
I am a "just do it" "go for it" "make mistakes, learn from them and keep on going" With lupus I must be this way. I never know when all my energy has to go to fighting the disease. I find it fun and exciting. With that said I live with a husband who is a procrastinator, that has to think ever move through. LOL I love the photo of the rose. So perfect. Your art this week is very beautiful and the words so encouraging and loving. Have a very nice weekend.
Neesie said…
Exactly Arnoldo, I couldn't agree more.
Great artwork and photographs as always.
I only had a short time today for art, so I 'just did it' and really enjoyed myself. It was a fun. I just need to do this more often.
Have a great weekend and Happy PPF to you.
Giggles said…
This was me verbatim for years...However once all was tightly organized I gave myself a free pass to be very spontaneous!! Only everything else was perfect first!! Some health issues along the way forced me out of that strenuous behavior and truly it's freeing! However I still struggle with my art being too contrived! When I truly let go and just ride the flow I have more fun, my art is better as is my life!! Excellent post! I wish every young person could read this in the proper context!! There needs to be a good foundation in place before "you just do it"!!

Hugs Giggles
Art is so freeing and really does help the perfectionism in us all...love your candidacy! Great makes, and that photograph of the rose is fabulous. It would be awesome to blow that you to huge and through it on a canvas!!!
Unknown said…
Your mandala is beautiful, reminds me of a stained glass window.

Is your wife spontaneous? I find we spontaneous women are often drawn to men who like to plan and research. The balance seems to work out well for both.
Loving your pieces. Your scrapbook page with your family is fantastic. They are so lucky they have a dad/husband to makes these memory pieces for them. :) Hugs-Erika
stefanie stark said…
Your brilliant thoughts about "just doing it" are a great motivation to me! And it's great too what you wrote about perfectionism. But I love your perfect mandala so much as well as your top 10 words illustrations and the picture you took of the rose. It's always such a pleasure to visit your blog!
Victoria said…
Beautiful mandala..both uplifting and peaceful! Love your to words page and such a gorgeous rose!
I think it is wonderful you are following your flow, yes just do it! Thanks for sharing.
Victoria #13
Happy Sunday Sketches
Latane Barton said…
I've tried doing sketches in my journals and they look so dorky!! I must be doing something wrong. Yours is very nice. So, you have the hang of it.
Kirsty Vittetoe said…
Sweet and inspiring as always!
Unknown said…
In arts I can call me a "Just do it Person" =) Love to just do it =) Normally is when the best results come (to me) =)

Natalie said…
Your journal pages are wonderful. It's great to be able to feel that freedom in expressing yourself artistically. I enjoy that in simple watercoloring and I'm not much of a perfectionist that's for sure, I call my goofs "flopportunities!" Thanks for sharing with us at Word Art Wednesday this week!
Serena Lewis said…
Wonderful pieces!

I understand totally how perfectionism can stifle creativity. I am guilty of that too, Arnoldo. I have been trying to loosen up with my art these past few years...no judgements, just fun!