Q is for Quietness

Relaxing by the swimming pool with my wife, a walk at the park with my camera, working on my artwork, sitting in my favorite seat reading with my dogs by my side, and taking a small break to say a prayer during the day are all quiet moments that I cherish in my life.  They help me stay centered and bring peace into my often hectic life.  As is found in Psalm 23:2-3, during these moments, "He leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul."  It is during quietness that my strength, physical and spiritual, are regenerated.  Even if I'm not in prayer, I know that the Lord is present in my moments of quietness, so I find comfort, peace and love as well.  These quiet restorative moments aren't always easy to attain, especially when my hectic life is in extreme mode, and I'm too stressed and tired to focus.  This is when I just have to "fake it until I make it," and believe me, it works!

Día de los Muertos Matchbox Shrine in Memory of My Father (Papi)
Tim Holtz Matchbox, Mini Skull, Mini Ornate Cross, Tiny Cross, & Bookplate Dies, as well as Distress Grungeboard, Alcohol Inks, Pads & Stickles; Martha Stewart Eyelet Punch & Glitter; Fiskars Triangle Handpunch; Various Flowers, Beads, Sequins & Pompoms; Acrylic Paints; Various Glues; and Scrap Cardstock.
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday - Week 252
The Male Room: Challenge #47 Colors Blue, Orange & Yellow
Try It On Tuesday: Hand Made By You
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Anything Goes
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Thinking of You
"To fear the Lord is to hate Evil" - Proverbs 8:13
Stratmore Cardstock Tile; Prismacolor Watercolored Pencils & Colored Pencils; Bienfang Watercolor Brush Pen; & Sharpie Micron Pen
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 387
Kristin & Eva's Paint Party Friday: Week 35 - Year 6
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
The Big Pumpkin Storybook Character Day
iPhone 6s Shot Taken By My Wife (I'm wearing a vintage costume made by my Great-Aunt and holding my daughters' favorite childhood book.)
Our Beautiful World: OBW 171 ~ Orange
Sue's Image-In-Ing
Denise & Roger's ABC Wednesday - Letter Q
May you find the courage and wisdom to carve quiet moments to regenerate your strength.  Anyway, I want to thank all my followers, as well as everyone who took the time to leave a comment.  Blessings!


peggy gatto said…
Thank you for sharing your lovely thoughts.I enjoy just sitting thinking about my life and being satisfied with where I am.
elizabeth said…
I cherish quiet moments of prayer as well!
debby4000 said…
What amazing creations, love all the artwork.
Thank you for joining us at Simon says Stamp Wednesday Challenge.
Lunch Lady Jan said…
I agree with you wholeheartedly - we all feel the need to be constantly busy these days and feel guilty if we sit still and contemplate. It's important to let ourselves stop once in a while. Balance is key.
I love the pic of you in the pumpkin costume, how wonderful that it's been handed down through the family - a true treasure!
Hugs, LLJ 9 xxx
Ros Crawford said…
That's a super photo of you! lovely art work too! Thanks so much for sharing at OBW!!
MelodyK said…
those moments are truly refreshing. going with the camera i love to do too... sitting by a swimmingpool, no thank you ;-0
does not matter does it, a matter of taste which are as plural and different as there are people .

be and stay blessed
Have a wonderful ABC-day / - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)
What a lovely post, Arnoldo! "fake it until you make it" I'll remember that! I'm all for quiet, introspective moments - they help me survive! Loving that pumpkin outfit on you! Very old school but so much nicer than the scary monster stuff out there. Enjoy your week! zsuzsa #31
Lindart said…
Love your Day of the Dead projects. I've always wanted to make on for my Dad as well, one of those projects that gets put away for a "rainy day" - so wonderful that you actually got yours made! Working at home as I do, with only 2 cats for company, I have lots of "quiet time", sometimes too much! I often have the CBC radio on just to hear people talking! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #41
Ann said…
Oh thank you reminding me of the scripture,peace above all! You do make a very cute pumpkin in your vintage costume.
Indrani said…
Many of us did " for quiet" this time. :)
Including me.
Happy ABCW!
Leslie: said…
My favourite piece of art this week is the one that states "I hate pride, arrogance, evil behaviour and perverse speech." I can relate to all those things at this time in my life. Sad to say...

You look quite relaxed in that pumpkin outfit! *smile*

abcw team
Sharon said…
Lovely artwork. I love the picture of you in your vintage costume holding the special book. Thanks for sharing!

Sharon K #38
LisaDV said…
Terrific art work as always. Quiet moments are definitely a blessing. Have a Wonderful Wednesday and terrific week. LisaDV #37
carol l mckenna said…
Great post for Q and love the creations ~ thanks!

Wishing you a Happy Week ~ ^_^
Hi Arnoldo, great art work and beautiful words my friend. Happy woyww, Angela x 19
NCSue said…
I always enjoy your comments, your art, your photos. I think we have some similar points of view.
If I'm not mistaken, you'll enjoy visiting my blog over the next few weeks.
Thank you for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/10/guess-where-i-went.html
Dorlene Durham said…
Your Q for Quietness was very nice. Thanks for sharing your artwork. I love the sugar skulls. Dorlene #46
Sharon Madson said…
Thanks for sharing your cherished moments. I, love my prayer time. Another time I love is when I walk my 3- 4 miles sometime during the day outside through the park, or neighborhood, praying the whole time.
I find that is a great time to commune with God. He brings so much to mind; just me and Him. Thanks for the peek. #39
Trubes said…
Hi Arnolo,
Great art work.
I find the words of Psalm 23 quite touching and endorses my religion
.You look cute in your pumkin suit,
Abcw team.
zandra said…
Love your pumpkin.
Valerie-Jael said…
You look great as a pumpkin, fantastic costume. And thanks for joining us at TIOT. And happy PPF! Valerie
Granny Annie said…
Fun costume, great art, wonderful thoughts shared. Thank you.

EAGHL/Granny Annie
Deborah Frings said…
Great work. Thanks so much for playing along with The Male Room this week! Deborah, DT.
sirkkis said…
Great tribute to your papi Father.
Thank you for your interesting post.
Happy PPF and Halloween xx
Linda Kunsman said…
"fake it til you make it"- I so agree with that. I am once again doing Deepak and Oprah's daily 21 day meditation, and some days are so much easier than others. I can feel when my mind is still and when it's full of "stuff". Beautiful art work, and I love you in your vintage costume! Happy PPF and a happy weekend too!
Christine said…
Lovely post andbeautiful art. Nice photo of you in your vintage costume!
Sarah Leonard said…
Some thoughtful pages here - plus a superb pumpkin costume :)
Anonymous said…
quiet reflective meditative moments are so important and are the reason why I wake up early before the family is up. I like your day of the dead and your funny pumpkin costume
Su-sieee! Mac said…
Too bad the proverb didn't say "To love the Lord is to hate evil." I've never understood why we are taught to fear love, faith, and peace. Could that be why some people are easy to be swayed to follow one who evokes hate and violence?
DVArtist said…
First the photo of you in a pumpkin suit is priceless. I very much love this post. I needed to be reminded to slow down, catch my breath, and feel real life. Your Día de los Muertos Matchbox Shrine for your father is beautiful. Have a peaceful weekend.
Giggles said…
I often think super busy people don't value the quiet moments enough to make time for them! I was an extremely busy person for years but I always needed to have quiet introspective moments to listen.... Love your vintage costume! Your children will treasure that photo one day!! Your true spirit shines through!

Hugs Giggles
C.J. Rains said…
I just love reading Proverbs. It's so filled with what I need to remind me how very much I need God in my life. We sometimes tend to put Him on the back burner until we find ourselves in a troubled time and can't seem to work it out on our own. What an inspiration it is to me. As are your wonderful posts. Thank you!
Unknown said…
Haha, fantastic costume! Love the sentiment of enjoying the quiet times and your little shrine to your father is amazing! I like how bits of it are raised up giving it lots of interest and texture.
Unknown said…
Your little altars are lovely. I am soooo ready for some quiet, both internal and external.
zandra said…
Love how you colored your skellies that you created for our challenge on TIOT. Thanks for playing with us.
Hugz, Z
BrownPaperBunny said…
Oh yes, quiet moments are essential! Thank you for sharing!
Neesie said…
I often have a moment (as I call them) during my day to just take stock and appreciate what I have. It's such a worthwhile thing to do... and sometimes hard to achieve in our busy lives.
I was loving your artwork as usual but then everything went out of my mind when I came across your fantastic fun photo. I just can't stop smiling and thinking how brilliant this memory will be for all of your family.
Such a happy photo. Enjoy your quiet times :D
you are such a lovely soul
thank you for sharing your thoughts.. Prayer is what gets me through those hard times.... especially this week with the election, I choose to vote, with my gaze on His face, and my mind to Calvary.... I hope you have a wonderful new week!!!

I love and cherish quiet moments whenever and wherever I can make them happen. The easiest for me is close by the ocean listening to the waves and wind. When I am at home, no ocean, I usually try meditating. It definitely helps in today's hectic lifestyle.
cheiron said…
Such wonderful projects, and what a fun costume! Thank you so much for playing along with us over at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog this week :)
sheila 77 said…
Your introduction was lovely to read, sounding like the recipe for a happy and contented life.
Like Neesie, I was very much enjoying your art then came to the photograph of you - great photograph, it brought a smile to my face, and so good to see you.
Have a great week, Arnoldo.
Lula said…
Love all the artwork of you Arnoldo! Thanks bunches for sharing them with us at TioT this time. Crafty hugs!
I do so love visiting here - always something to make me think! Thank you for your TIOT entry too! Chrisx
GalleryJuana said…
love the pumpkin costume!
Lorraine A said…
Fabulous dedication to your father! the thought that has gone into this is lovely and a beautiful remembrance.

Love the photo of you in your halloween costume too, FUN! :-)

Congratulations! you have won the $50 GC on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!! :-)
Lols x x x
Shawna said…
This is fantastic Arnoldo! All the insightful thought that goes into your work is outstanding. I am now your newest stalker.... Oh I meant to say follower.. Thank you so much for presence at The Male Room. Looking forward to you again.