E is for Eccentric

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary on-line, eccentric refers to "deviating from an established or usual pattern or style," as well as, "deviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct especially in odd or whimsical ways."  Although most would consider me a moderate conservative due to my values and views, I am an eccentric when it comes to my artwork, style and faith.

Mixed Media Art journal Page
Kristin & Eva's Paint Party Friday Week 49 Year 6
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday - Week #267
Just like Noah, I let the Lord guide my work - artwork to be exact.  (Think about it, Noah's contemporaries probably thought he was an eccentric when he was working on the ark for the "flood" to come.)  The Lord's guidance may come to me through a piece of scripture or virtuous quote; a nature walk or time spent with loved ones; or simply through a serendipitous moment.  If I just let go and believe, God will lead me to produce work that is pleasing to Him.

Love You Forever
Tim Holtz Skull & Mini Antlers Dies, Distress Ink; EK Success Heart Punch; Martha Stewart Heart Punch & White Ink Pad; Baker's Twine; Uniball Air Pen; Cardstock; and Rhinestone.
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Young At Heart
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - The Color of Love
Try It On Tuesday: Hearts and Flowers
As to my style, I take my lead from John the Baptist, who was known for wearing clothes "made of camel's hair, and... a leather belt around his waist."  A very eccentric outfit for his time.  I'm not that wild, but people never know what to expect from me.  I have a variety of shoes from Sperry Top-siders, to Doc Marten boots, to ostrich cowboy boots; a collection of hats that includes caps, fedoras and more; and love polos, Hawaiian shirts, and bow ties.

Serendipitous Smiling Burger
iPhone 7 Shot Edited on Instagram
Our Beautiful World: OBW 183~Yummy
Last, but not least, I relate to the Disciple Peter when it comes to my faith.  Just like him trying to be different from the other disciples by walking on water towards Jesus, I've taken eccentric leaps of faith.  These leaps led me to marry my wife, be a successful educator, as well as grow in my knowledge and love of the Lord.  (Unfortunately, just like Peter, I have sometimes found myself denying Him through my thoughts, words and actions.)

Sketches Pro App Digital Artwork
Karen's Word Art Wednesday - Challenge Weeks 268-269
Denise & Roger's ABC Wednesday - Letter E
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #401
Therefore, I don't think being eccentric is a bad thing.  As composer Franz Schubert once said, "There are two contrary impulses which govern this man's brain - the one sane, and the other eccentric.  They alternate at regular intervals."  That's me!  Anyway, have a blessed week.


Kirsty Vittetoe said…
Awesome work as always!!!
MelodyK said…
What a relief Arnold, that you are who you are and how you are.
Eccentric people.... the world has to less of them ;-)
They make life much more interesting and colorful!

Art-work... is a matter of taste, sais nothing about the creator.

Have a nice ABC-Wednesday / _ Week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc=w=team)
(want to take a preview at the new url starting round 21 ? http://abcwednesday.wordpress.com)
Lin said…
Arnoldo, I enjoyed your post today, and for sure your creations! Thanks for joining us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge!
Catherine said…
I love that your art takes a variety of designs. Your sketches are beautiful and your Valentine's card is so unique. Love them all! Thanks for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge.

Cathie ♥
Leslie: said…
It's good the two alternate! Love your description of the hats and shoes! I'm a bit eccentric in my faith, too, in that having attended a very evangelical Baptist church in the past, I walked away from it - but not my faith. Too much "you will go to hell" nonsense in my mind. Faith should be loving, not condemning...maybe in times past but not now in my mind. Love your skull artwork - even unto death will we love our families and friends.

abcw team
What a fun post with that burger, and the skull card are too funny. I LOVE the women's soul journal page...WOW!
Ros Crawford said…
Lovely art work and that burger made me smile too! Thanks so much for sharing at OBW!!
Unknown said…
I just love the Blessings font! Thanks for sharing and have a great week! EmbroidRage #8 x
Fabulous variety, and I LOVE that Soul page...wonderful!
Lindart said…
Love the Schubert quote!! It's always good to be able to let your hair down, as they say, once in awhile! I love the SOUL journal page, beautiful! Well you are my last desk this week, I will now get back to unmounting my stamps! Thanks for sharing! Lindart #45
Su-sieee! Mac said…
"Eccentric leaps of faith." I love that statement. Being eccentric is a good to be. :-)
Gloria j Zucaro said…
Thanks for sharing your eccentric self! I love the vision of you in your various outfits of footwear and hats. Your art this week also shows many creative sides of you. I felt a sense of peacefulness when I came to the simple flower at the end.
Christine said…
Lovely art and a nice choice of word.
BrownPaperBunny said…
Totally agree, being eccentric just makes life more fun ;) Happy PPF!
peggy gatto said…
I always thought the best part of being an artist was (and is) dressing as I wish. I still wear my lace up docs!!!
Thanks for the art party!
Valerie-Jael said…
Lovely piece for PPF, glad you always do your own thing. Happy PPF, Valerie
Eccentric is good - it's the opposite of boring! I can definitely see your eccentricity in your artwork! That burger photo made me smile! Thanks for visiting earlier Arnoldo - glad you've found something of interest on my blog :) Enjoy the rest of your week! zsuzsa #30
sirkkis said…
Great post, Arnoldo. The digital flower is beautiful.
Happy PPF ❤
Sandy said…
Always enjoy popping in to see what you are up to because I never know what that is going to be.. Love the writing on your flower Blessings.
Happy PPF
Your work jumped out and grabbed me over at the SSS Monday challenge gallery, Its so different and amazing! I especially love that you put the horrific skull on a light pink card, really cool!
Wonderful sketches and a very happy hamburger, enjoy!
Anonymous said…
great work, the world needs more eccentrics!
Linda Kunsman said…
Love this post and your descriptions about your art and self. They are all wonderful but there is something special about the first "soul" piece to me. Happy PPF and have a great weekend!
Interesting post Arnoldo and your opinions of yourself. I often think it would be interesting for those around us to give us an honest opinion of how they see us, we just might get a surprise. Have a great weekend and thanks for the visit to mine, Angela xXx
Meggymay said…
Thank you for sharing one of your awesome projects with us at Try it on Tuesdays. I have enjoyed visiting your blog and seeing your art work.
artbyjune said…
Love the lively flower painting! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
sheila 77 said…
Eccentric is great!
And your art is always so varied with so many different styles.
I love your description of your shoes and hats.
Everything here - the art and the words - is so inspiring, ending with the lovely peaceful yellow flower.
Blessings to you too, Arnoldo.
Trubes said…
I do love your art work and particularly the burger,
it has made me extremely hungry.
I think we all have a little eccentricity in our
make- up,
Blessings my friend,
best wishes,
ABCW team.

Faye said…
Your art work and your words were interesting to view this week. I love the journal page (Soul). Simple and yet so beautiful.
carol l mckenna said…
All lovely creations ~ love the simplicity and beauty of the flower ~ and being eccentric in a 'balanced' way is a great ~ Keep on being ~ and creating ~ thanks for being you ~

Wishing you a Happy and Peaceful Weekend ~ ^_^
denthe said…
LOVE that journalpage! So beautiful....
Lula said…
Love all your creation Arnoldo- and your descriptions about your art and self. Thanks for sharing them with us over at TioT this time. Crafty hugs!
Marjut said…
What a great project. Thank you for joining us at TioT.
Giggles said…
Excellent post! I consider myself somewhat eccentric too! Pretty much parallel what you have written here! I realize now it's very much artistic tendencies that needed to be expressed! Lovely work!

Hugs Giggles
Annie Claxton said…
HI Arnoldo, what an interesting and thought-provoking post and such beautiful artworks as always, my favourite is the AJ page - love the brush strokes, the composition,and the beautiful words. Have a great and creative week :o) Annie C #19
I agree that it is not necessarily a bad thing to be an eccentric. Your art is beautiful!
Unknown said…
All artists are a bit eccentric, or at least the world makes us feel that we are. I know which group I'd rather be part of, at any rate.

Thanks for sharing your art and your thoughts, they are always profound.
stefanie stark said…
This was indeed the very best definition of eccentric I've ever seen :) and your wonderful eccentric artwork makes it perfect again. I really love your posts so much!
I've long thought of you as an eccentric, but I consider that a GOOD thing!
Indira said…
You may be an eccentric but an exceptional one. Your thoughtful post and the accompanying it makes me think that being an eccentric is a good thing!
Lisabella Russo said…
What beautiful artworks! Eccentric can be a good thing...