G is for Green

Do you like the color green?  I do, so I have army green pants, various shades of green shirts, sweaters, a pair of Doc Martens boots and a pair of lime green Crocs' loafers.  Even three of the cars I have purchased throughout my lifetime have been various shades of dark green.  I find it so energizing, that I even married a green eyed Irish descendant girl.  LOL!

Live quietly... see the Beauty... The future will take care of itself.
Charcoal, Pastel and Pen Calligraphy Fashion Illustration
Karen's Word Art Wednesday Challenge Weeks #270-271
Julia's What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 403
Kristin & Eva's Paint Party Friday: Week 51, Year 6 Check-In
Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Ramona's Inspire Me Monday - Week 269
Moo-Mania: Handpainted
In basic color theory, green is a secondary color formed by combining the two primary colors yellow and blue.  Tertiary variations can be made by increasing or reducing either primary color to form the spectrum from yellow-greens to blue-greens.  Values in the color green refer to the degree of light or dark between the extremes of black and white. A tint moves toward white, while a shade moves towards black.  In addition to color theory, which can get baffling, green can be symbolic as well.

Scenic Route Journey
Tim Holtz Mini Tattered Flower and ATC Dies, Tiny Things Stamp, and Tissue Tapes; K&Company Cardstock and Embellishment; EKSuccess Punches; Vintage Button; and Cord
The Male Room: Challenge #54 - Wheels
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Fantastic Florals
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Transport It
As the color of grass, trees and plants, as well as of emeralds, it is usually associated with nature.  Therefore, it generally symbolizes life, health, and used to represent Mother Nature.  In the liturgical calendar of Catholic and Anglican churches, it symbolizes the Holy Ghost, life eternal, and hope, so it is used to drape altars during Epiphany and "Ordinary Time" after Pentecost Sunday.  However, darker shades may symbolize negativity, as in rotting vegetation, decaying meat, and being "green with envy."

Herbs For Sale
iPhone 6s Shot Edited on iPhoto
Denise & Roger's ABC Wednesday - G is for...
So rather you like green or not, it is definitely more than just a color.  I didn't even go into it's significance to other religions, cultures, and various countries' flags.  Anyway, I want to thank all my followers, as well as everyone who takes the time to leave a comment.  It truly means a lot to me.  Blessings!


Beautiful art - especially the face is gorgeous and the card is fantastic in it's layering! Great post about GREEN!
Thanks a lot for joining Moo Mania & More , that is much appreciated!
Amit Agarwal said…
Great to know about the significance of color Green, and your love for it:)
I love green too in the jungles, parks and fields but I'm not obsessed with it..oh yes I'll wear an OG garment fondly:) Regards..
MelodyK said…
I like green but don't have anything in that color to wear, it does not suit me that well... my favorite colors are purples and reds and a little black and white every now and then... once I had a green car but my daughter drove it to peaces ;-) Most of my cars were red, the one I drive now is red also ...

Thankfully there are many colors to choose from... whatever makes one happy ;-) Maybe someday another look on your blog, a green one ;-)

Have a nice ABC-Wednesday / _ Week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc=w=team)
MelodyK said…
oh by the way.... i walk on doc martens shows as wel, but they are gray ;-)
debby4000 said…
Love your green post and your selection of artwork.
Thank you for joining us at Simon says Stamp Wednesday Challenge.
Rosie said…
I love green. Your painting is excellent.

Thank you so much for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE
glitterandglue said…
Hi Arnoldo. According to many scientists, green is the most relaxing colour too. Maybe that is why God gave us so much of it - it refreshes the soul.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #6
carol l mckenna said…
What a wonderfully informative post for G and lovely creations ~ the portrait and the collage ~ Take good care of your 'green eyed' girl and yourself ~ thanks,

Wishing you a Happy Day ~ ^_^
maj. said…
A really gorgeous painting!!!
Julia Dunnit said…
Well your desk is certainly flourishing, what a beautiful painting.
Hi Arnoldo, I had to smile when you asked if we liked the colour green. I went through a green stage, though it is some years ago. I just seemed to wear green all the time but thank goodness I have nearly grown out of it! Have a great woyww, Angela x 18
C.J. Rains said…
Your painting is just beautiful! And I loved all the info on the color green. I also like green, and it's my granddaughter's favorite color. She has tons of green clothing. lol! Peridot is my birthstone and I think it so lovely. Always enjoy your posts.
Dorlene Durham said…
Very interesting post - love the information on green and your inspiration projects and photos. Have a great week! Dorlene #39
Sarah Brennan said…
Funnily enough I have just finished a green master board. Usually Ifind that I use blue a great deal. Happy belated WOYWW Sarah #23
Rike said…
This is a very beautiful portrait! Thank you for the information about green. I know green is also good for the eyes!
Trubes said…
I love the colour GREEN which is the colour of The Irish Sea
that laps the shores along the coast of the uk, the picture of your
eyed Girl is GORGEOUS!
Thanks for sharing your amazing art works with us.
Best wishes,
ABCW team.
zandra said…
Love your face. I've been practicing faces and really love it. Love the green!
Hugz, Z
I love your use of green in these photos, even though I find it a challenging colour to use myself. It's so very organic, though, that one can't help enjoying it!
Joy said…
Love green, I too have lots of clothes of the colour. Green eyes are always mesmerising, no wonder your wife enchanted you.
505whimsygirl said…
Hi Arnaldo. So, you married a irish beauty! Your journal page is beautiful and yes, I do like all shades of green also. The tag looks great!!

Kay (35)
Christine said…
Lovely page for the challenges! Green is nature's colour after all!
Jennifer McLean said…
hello from PPF. I especially love your assemblage, it really is quite cohesive. I always have trouble knowing what to add to them. Have a lovely weekend.
Giggles said…
Stunning face, I love it so much! Green is a favourite of mine too! After nine years of apple green in the kitchen and family room we painted silver. Green is a main colour in our life too! Love all the vibrant colours of nature, that's when you truly see the power of all the shades of green! Wonderful ode to green!

Hugs Giggles
Gloria j Zucaro said…
I enjoyed this color theory class with art to go along with it! I also love green and in one of my homes had handmade tiles on the kitchen counter and backsplash that were "Veridian"(which has a transparent look) in color. I had copied the idea from a beautiful European kitchen design in a magazine. Well, wouldn't you know that when I sold that home, I finally had to destroy it all and put in black granite to please those with no imagination! A heartbreak, but I enjoyed it while I was there and have it in several of my paintings.
I love the Irish lassie! Have a wonderful week.
Gloria j Zucaro said…
I love your green-eyed girl and the color theory. I love green myself! But beware. I had a beautiful "veridian" colored tile counter and backsplash -handmade tiles from Ohio, and had to remove them and put in black granite to sell that house!
Valerie-Jael said…
Beautiful art, the portrait is ma fave this week. Happy PPF, Valerie
sirkkis said…
Love the wonderful face and the whole post is interesting and beautiful.
Happy PPF ❤
Tracy said…
love you painting and the atc you made is beautiful. I like green too. Tracy #15
JFM said…
A lovely and informative post and tribute to the color green. I love the shades of green found in nature.
Your art is beautiful.
Happy Paint Party Friday~

Linda Kunsman said…
such a beautiful portrait Arnoldo. There is such a sweet and gentle nature about her. Love the travel postcard too-great combination of imagery! Being a nature lover of course I enjoy all the shades of green. Happy PPF !
Faye said…
Beautiful art this week, Arnoldo. The face is fantastic. I do love green because it says "life" to me. I tend to like the yellowish tones better than the kelly green as far as wearing apparel. Have a great weekend.
DVArtist said…
Green my most favorite color of all time. In fact as I pick up my coffee cup for a nice hot sip, the mug is green. The variations are limitless and amazing. OK other colors are too but green is special. I love the portrait. Such a loving face and your mixed media makes me want to travel. Have a wonderful weekend.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful art, I love green too but not as much as blue :)
Gillena Cox said…
Luv your green scene today. Have a blessed weekend

Much love...
Sometimes rebooting the computer works...

Andreja said…
You made such a beautiful card :-))
Thanks for playing at Male Room. Hugs, Andreja
Beth Niquette said…
What a lovely drawing! She is beautiful. I also adore green. It has been my favorite color since childhood. It helps that God gave me green eyes, too. :D
Unknown said…
I agree about green. I can't resist a green coat or jacket. Beautiful work this week!
Serena Lewis said…
Wonderful post and art, Arnoldo! Growing up, lime-green was my favourite colour. I love shades of green, blue, and purple combos. I enjoyed reading the information on the colour GREEN...I have always felt it connected to nature too. :)
Jennifer Rose said…
green is my favourite colour :D I don't have enough green things lol
i didnt know that about the Catholic and Anglican churches and green, interesting to know :)
Macarena said…
Oh this is so pretty and cute. I love the vintage look of this design, the calm colors and sentiments. Great job! Thank you for Transporting It with us over Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!
green is a wonderful colour, natures spendour. I love blue too for the same reason and the two together are Springtime to me.
Kirsty Vittetoe said…
Lovely green, that is one of my favorite color! Thanks for sharing!
Unknown said…
Green is a color fo life! And such beautiful arts you posted.

Thanks for sharing.

Hopping by and following your blog. I also hope you are hungry for Chicken Scaloppini with Lemon http://thequietmom.com/blog/recipe/chicken-scaloppini-lemon :)
Lovely post - the handpainted face is beautiful, full of expression, and green is one of my go-to colours, so I'm always happy to hear about it. Love the Scenic Route panel too.
Alison x
Rocky said…
I love green, such a peaceful colour and so many shades of it in nature. Thank you for joining us at TMR.