Friday Art Smorgasbord - Texas Style

Howdy!  If you study Texas history, you will find that our culture is a blend of Native American, Spanish, Mexican, French, Irish, British, African American, Chinese, Japanese, German, and many other cultures.  Therefore, you can find names, foods, drinks, music, art, literature, and festivals that reflect influences from all these groups.  However, since our first settlers were ranchers, the "vaquero," cowboy in English, became our primary symbolic representation.  This is the inspiration for this post.

© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
My first piece, is a "Loteria" tag of "La Bota," the boot, which I designed and illustrated for my Tag Tuesday's Table Games post.  You may recall my Seaside and Other Summer Fun Places post on July 3rd, where I explained the Mexican origins of this game.  This tag also features a used Yahtzee score sheet, a double-two domino to represent the cards #22, a royal flush stamp, and a Scrabble "B" tile as part of the card's title.  These are all games that my family and I have enjoyed playing.  I am submitting this tag to Simon Says Stamp and Show - No Rules.

The vaquero works
In God's blessed green country
Living honestly.
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
I did this drawing of a pair of my "botas vaqueras," cowboy boots, for my Twenty-Minute Challenge post this week.  I also wrote a poem for Haiku Heights - Green and Recuerda mi Corazón.  Although my father was a bishop, most of his brothers were ranchers in central Mexico.  Although many of them are now deceased, some of my cousins still rejoice in God's creation and thrive to live by His word, rather they're wealthy or not.  Therefore, I dedicated this part of the post to them.

© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
The art journal page above was inspired by Artist's Playroom #23 - Illustrate a WordWord Art Wednesday #42 - Joy, and Artists in Blogland - Show and Tell Saturday #24.  This was a stressful week for me, since I moved my daughter into her first apartment and then went back to work at school.  However, I need to remember not to worry, but trust in the Lord, who watches over all of His creations.  Not only will He watch over my daughter, but will ensure that I have a successful school year and am able to continue my artistic endeavors.  Therefore, as found in Psalm 71:23, "My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to You, I whom You have delivered."

© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
I shot the 3 photographs above at Texas A&M University, in College Station, Texas, where my oldest daughter is a Sophomore.  I took them when we moved my daughter into her apartment, while walking around campus.  It is an excellent university in a relatively safe city, but it is nearly a 6-hour drive away from Del Rio.  Therefore, I wish we lived there so we could visit more often.  I am submitting them to the 52-Photos Project Gallery 18 {On the Street} and Inspiration Avenue - If you could be anywhere.

© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
Last, but not least, I took a photograph of a small pastel drawing that I did of a "vaquero."  It is attached onto a vintage window frame that was re-purposed into a display board.  An artist friend of mine made it by adding a plywood back and chicken wire to the front.  I covered the back with paper bags featuring a vintage ad print, because it went better with my studio's look.  I use clothespins to hold some of my small pieces of art and notes like this Bible passage that another friend gave me.  You may find a photograph of the whole frame in my My Studio post.  I am submitting this to What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday #168 and Paint Party Friday #24 Year 2.

I hope you enjoyed my "Happy Trails."  Thank you for your kind and motivating comments during my last post. You are cordially invited to leave a comment this week and join my list of followers.  ¡Vaya con Dios!  Walk with God!


Jennifer McLean said…
this biblical quote is very pretty. I hope your daughter is enjoying her new apartment, it's always hard to let them go.
Natasha said…
Holy heck I want those boots!!! Stunning work. Your photos are stunning.
Paula (PEP) said…
I wish your daughter much success. Your post is delightfully real & I delight in the way He is involved in all. Your artwork is a joy to see with His words.
Paula (PEP)
Bella Cirovic said…
Such lovely artwork & photos! I'm so inspired by your words.
bellefrogworks said…
I am always "hungry" for what is on your smorgasbord! I love your boot drawings. The tag is lovely. I am sure you will miss seeing your daughter - knowing she is in God's care is the only comfort I know of. Beautiful work as always.
Lisa Richards said…
Wonderful scriptures! The one from Matthew has been on my heart so much lately and I've been meditating on it a lot. Love your boot drawings and the Texas A&M photos. It's hard when the kiddos move so far away. My son lives in Ft. Worth and I'm in northern Minnesota, so my comfort is also in knowing that God has him in the palm of His hand! Thanks for an inspirational post!
May said…
This is all great stuff! I loved reading your post, and seeing all of your creat work. I really enjoy the drawings of the boots that you did, and I think your tag turned out amazing. Thank you so much for sharing and for joining us this week at Simon Says Stamp!
Diane ~ said…
what beautiful work you do! those boots are fabulous & i love how your faith comes through in the post! Thank you so very much for participating in the Inspiration Avenue challenge! :)
Victoria said…
Wow..always a joy to visit your realm..all pieces very striking, colorful and visually stunning! love the boot..and also love the is so soothing and peaceful..magnificent works!! Shine on!
Susan said…
Am lovin' those boots! Great post, thanks.
Well, today was a day of learning for me. Thank you! I fondly recall the song, Vaya Con Dios, I think the version I'm remember was Freddie Fender. I never knew that it meant "Go With God". That's a wonderful sentiment. I love that you signed off with it.

I also didn't know that your daughter is an Aggie Girl. Aslo very exciting. I have only travelled through Texas, but I have come to love a taste of this culture through living in Nevada.

Your art always touches me. Hope you enjoy the package. It should arrive next week as it just went postal.

Blessings to you,
Currie Silver said…
always ALWAYS I am struck with awe at your capacity to share your heart and self with and through your art.
Amazing work as always. The rancher boots are simply stunning. I can so see these made into stamps!! Have you considered this kind of design work?? Such lovely perspective in your photography. The Word Art Journal entry is so beautiful, and I just adore your chicken wire display piece. You've seen my work, so you know I enjoy using chicen wire on my layouts - lol. ~ Blessings, Tracey
Unknown said…
Gorgeous work. I love the boots! My daughter just left for her senior year. It's bittersweet. Hang in there!
Mynn xx said…
AMAZING artwork! Your boots are fabulous, I adore the scripture, and your photographs are just amazing! :) Have a fabulous weekend and a restful Sabbath!!!
Winnie said…
I love that you explain your pieces and the history behind them as well. I feel like I learn while I view your blog and that is awesome. Congratulations to your daughter on her first apt. I had to smile as it made me recall my first apt (26 years ago..oh my! But how exciting it was...) I am sure she is excited, and that all will be well as she was raised well and has God looking after her as you posted. Enjoy the new crop of students who will be lucky to learn from you (and you by them ). That tag is just amazing. I am a New Yorker, and I always wanted real cowboy boots...This may spur (no pun intended) me to buy a pair finally.....
L. McG.-E. said…
Some great shots there.
Gemiel said…
Your smorgasboard filled me up as always!!!! My son is a sophomore in high school this year and my worry is driver's ed. He will be old enough to get his permit in a few months. I'm already trying to prepare myself but I don't think you can ever be really prepared. Bus as you said, we need to remember not to worry but trust in the Lord. Thanks again for blessing us at Word Art Wednesday this week.
You're SO busy and it's all so wonderful!
GlorV1 said…
Hey, I want those boots too.:) Love your loteria's. What a wonderful post and thank you for stopping by my PPF! I appreciate it. Your blog is excellent. Photos are just wonderful. Thanks you.
Anna-Karin said…
Wonderful post! The Loteria tag is fabulous, love that you added a domino to it. All the other projects are fabulous too. A six hour drive to go and visit is pretty far! I hope she will enjoy her flat. Thank you for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp and Show!
Laura said…
Hi Arnold. What a fantasticly creative and imaginative blog you have here. I love all your sketches and tags. I have no idea where you store everything. Thanks for dropping by too. Take care.
Marit said…
Such a 'modest' haiku and so true... love your drawings especially the one with the boots!
Wendy Swenne said…
Your work is great. I love that boot-tag!!! Wow. Love how you put a domino stone in it and a scrabble (?) piece as the beginning of a word.

Thanks so much for sharing your art with us on WAW.

Have a blessed day!

TwinkleToes2day said…
Such wonderful, heartfelt work. I always feel so inspired after visiting your blog. Thank you Arnoldo :0)
okienurse said…
love the sketches! I think people forget what a melting pot the states are when they start with their rants and raves. The boots are awesome. Sad when our babies grow up and fly from the nest but it is all part of the greater plan isn't it! Sorry I am so late getting around but it is what it is with family, crafts, etc. time can sometimes become a premium! Have a great week and thanks for sharing. Vickie #68
Terrie said…
My goodness you're a busy guy....I love your whimsical nature on some of your cards and other art but your drawing skill shows up beautifully in this boot tag - so well done!
Unknown said…
Love your art and photos.
Shoshi said…
Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog, Arnoldo - your prayers are very much appreciated at this difficult time for our family.

CherryPie said…
Very inspirational, all ways round :-)
Neesie said…
I'm so late visiting Arnoldo but I hope you'll forgive me because I'm here now. ;D
I adore those boots!!! I have a pair and now you make me want them.
So much to see and appreciate again this really are so busy. I could do with some tips on time management from you.
A beautiful journal page too.
I hope all is going well with your daughter is on the other side of the world, so I know what it is like when they are away from you.
Blessing to you and yours too :D

VonnyK said…
I love your artwork, those boots are fabulous. It's always a worry when children leave home. I'm sure your daughter will have a great time at Uni. Your word art for APR is beautiful.
Have a great week.
Leovi said…
Preciosa la foto de las columnas, buena luz y perspectiva. Saludos.
Netty said…
Thank you for such a great heartfelt post.
Loving your creations. Happy PPF, Annette x
Ayala Art said…
The art is very creative and fun to see, but what got me was your comment about your daughter. That has to be so hard! I guess we as parent, are never quite ready for the next step, (even more so with the oldest kid) Good luck and blessings.
annie said…
Love the "street views" and the drawing of the cowboy boots! Very nice post altogether!
Ana K. said…
Stunning work!
Hugs from Slovenia
Anonymous said…
Lovely - your photos and posts are so thoughtful!
Connie Mercer said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog:):) always love that!!! Loving your boots ~they are amazing!! "Happy Trails" to you too:):)
Darla said…
There is always so much beauty in both you art and words that I never know where to begin with a comment.
I'll just say I enjoyed everything in this and the previous posts.

Patrice said…
Another great post, Arnoldo! I don't think I ever told you I was born in Texas - San Antonio to be exact. I have a soft spot for the state!
Lessandra said…
What a nice post! Beautiful artwork, especially liked your vaquero pastel drawing. And your photographs! Loved the perspective of columns and the ATM design. I hope Matthew 6:15-34 helps give you peace and trust in God that your daughter is in Good Hands.
Sim said…
Masculine? Yes it is! :)
And a very good work too!
Bravo for your art Arnoldo!
Tracey FK said…
I know I am scarily late for Sunday Sketches... hopeless I know... but I love those cowboy bots soooo much... my favourite drawing from you in all the wonderful work I have seen... makes me want to go and get some boots on and stomp around the house!!!!
Borqna said…
I agree with Sim.
Inspiration is with you! Bravo for your art Arnoldo!
I wish you success and new fans!
Anonymous said…
Love the boots and the hand-lettered Bibly verse. Excellent job!
Zachary said…
So glad to have found your blog through WOYWW! Another Texan/designer/artist/Christian? Consider yourself followed! Your post is full of beautiful images and thoughts - thank you for sharing! I look forward to future posts.
Seema Misra said…
The pastel drawing of "vaquero" is wonderful. I went to you My Studio post, and I must say your studio is perfect. There is something very warm and positive about the space ... even from photographs. Happy weekend :)
You Texas Art is a YahHoo!!!! I love the whole design of your tag...the boots is fabulous! The cowboy is are truly talented! Awesome work!