Friday Art Smorgasbord - Fruitfulness

Greetings!  The past week has been a fruitful one for me in many ways.  I harvested from my friendships, my students' work, my garden, and of course, my art work.  It was exciting!

First of all, through the mail I received fruits from two of my blogging friends in the form of two letters bearing gifts.  The first letter came from Jessica Sporn, whom I traded "two for two" ATC's with.  Aren't these watercolor collages stunning?  The second letter came from Barb Cady, one of my teammates at Tag Tuesday.  It is a set of 3 beautiful prints by the re-known British artist, Beryl Cook, depicting Biblical scenes.  They are truly awe inspiring!  Thank you both, you made my week.

© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
My next fruitful moment came when I completed these paintings for my Twenty Minute Challenge post.  I worked on Daler-Rowney 100% cotton paper with Royal Talens opaque watercolor pans and Sharpie micron pens.  I actually wanted to complete 3 different pieces of fruit, but my allotted time ran out.  I had to complete the 3rd piece of fruit, a cantaloupe, after the twenty minutes were over.  It actually took longer to complete the latter, due to a salt texturing technique I used.  I had a blast working with various techniques to achieve the fruits' textures, and was quite pleased with the results.

© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
I used the watercolor fruits that I painted in these 3 pieces I designed for my Tag Tuesday - Autumn Fruits and Berries post.  I illustrated and designed two tags based on the Mexican bingo game, "Lotería," for two of my previous posts - The Mermaid and The Boot.  Therefore, I decided to start a series by adding the 3 fruits included in the games' card deck.  I am submitting this series to Artist's Playroom - JuicyIllustration Friday - BurstPaint Party Friday - Week 27 Year 2, Artists in Blogland, and Sunday Sketches.

© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
Another fruitful moment this week was when I discovered this bloom on my strawberry potted plant.  This was truly a sparkle in my eye, since strawberries are hard to grow in Southwest Texas.  This small miracle reminded me of what Jesus tells us in John 15:5, "I am the vine, you are the branches.  He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing."  How true this statement has proven to be in my life.  I am submitting this photograph to 52 Photos Project - Gallery 21 {Sparkle & Shine}, Word Art Wednesday Challenge #45, A Rural Journal: Your Sunday Best #35, and Take a Word Challenge - Hearts and Flowers

© Arnoldo L. Romero 2012
Some extraordinarily fruitful moments came about as my students completed their Zentangle hand designs.  I work with students in first through fifth grade, through a gifted and talented pull-out program.  This is one of the projects they worked on in their spare time, and they truly loved it.  I am submitting this to What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday 171 and Order of the Opus Gluei Challenge 139 - See You in September.  By the way, I won top 4 at Crazy Amigo Challenge - Catwalk Back to School for planning this project.  Thank you, Audrey!

Last, but not least, I am excited about an opportunity for fruitfulness.  My blogging friend Jennifer McLean, whose a contributing editor at FEATURING magazine, emailed me about the upcoming release of Issue 2 - Issue 1 is still available.  FEATURING is a quarterly publication that provides a stage for art journaling, mixed media, and other kinds of artists.  The articles include interviews, poetry, glimpses of studios, and more.  Featuring magazine is also doing a thirty inchies giveaway that closes September 21 - details here.  In addition, there are opportunities to submit your work for publication.  Cool!

As you can see, this was truly a fruitful week for me.  My blogging friend Anina Papirčkalnica even nominated me to receive the Child's Shoe - Blog Award.  Thank you, Anina.  I also want to thank all my readers for their encouraging comments last week, as well as everyone that is following my blog.  May your week be filled with the fruit of the Spirit, "love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." (Galatians 5:22-23)


Jennifer McLean said…
I am loving me a bunch of juicy fruit tags there! And those hands that your students did are spectacular, you are indeed a lucky man Arnoldo. And also, thank you so much for the FEATURING shout out, I'm sure it will help the readership increase. You're a gem!

(and now I have to choose which fruit to show, but I love them all!)
sandra de said…
The fruity tags are looking very edible, so much detail has gone into those beautiful watercolours. Thank you for the wonderful verse from Galatians.
Julia S-W said…
Wonderful presents through the mail which must have been a joy to open. I have already admired your fruits at Tag Tuesday - the pear still remains my #1.
My favourite part of your post is the image of all those fantastic zentangle hands! As a teacher of over 23 years, I know what amazing things children can produce, sometimes with very little encouragement and others with a fair amount of persuasion - I miss that very much indeed and like to think that the skills I imparted over those years will have 'stuck' in places and allowed some individuals to reach for higher things both privately and professionally.
I have enjoyed reading this post very much.
TwinkleToes2day said…
Gorgeous work s always Arnoldo. Your pupils' hand art art are fantastic.
Beautiful art gifts you received in your happy mail. People are so very kind :0)
Paula (PEP) said…
I absolutely love those fruits & the way you used them for the tags - the twine with the ribbon matches each one perfectly. Congratulations too on your winning work - I'm not surprised for there was a huge amount of work involved in the project for your students.
It's so refreshing to remember the fruitfulness of His involvement in our current world - I often sense it amongst the blogging community & am astounded by He communcates through His people.
Paula (PEP)
Teri said…
I love your little cantaloupe! I don't often see anyone using them as a subject. Pity, since they are really a pretty fruit. You captured it perfectly!

Nancy said…
Thank you so much for sharing your lovely strawberry bloom with us at Your Sunday Best, Arnoldo!
What exciting news for you, Arnoldo!! You deserve to have your talents recognized, and I know your art is a blessing to many. Thank you for making Word Art Wednesday one of those entities blessed by your God-given talents.
I really love that canteloupe. It looks ready to bite right into it....YUM!
Have a blessed week as you create for His glory.
Karen L
Word Art Wednesday
Christine said…
A fruitful week indeed, particularly love the fruit art!
Jenny said…
These are all amazing but I have to say your photo of the strawberry and your comments following are my favorite. It's beautiful. I hope you have a wonderful harvest.
Victoria said…
Beautiful post..your artwork is gorgeous and all the fruits are sublime and lush, elegant.. and wonderfully expressive..the shading and light..gorgeous!!I especially love the pear! Wonderful array of art and photos once again! Fabulous!
Currie Silver said…
this is just marvelous, Arnoldo. I love the Zentangle hands your students did. I am looking forward to bringing a little of that into the mix, too...
your tags are exquisite!!
so inspiring visiting with you, always.
Mary C. Nasser said…
Love your fruit textures paintings!
Always fun seeing your Friday smorgasbords of art!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art
Unknown said…
Thanks Arnoldo! I love your fruit - these are just gorgeous. I'm especially drawn to the watermelon -- I think because I'm so sad about the end of summer. Thanks for the info about Featuring magazine. I'm going to check it out. xo
Netty said…
Loving your postings and all the fab creations. Happy PPF, Annette x
Tracey FK said…
Juicy post is right... love the canteloupe especially... so glad you took the extra time to get it the way you wanted it... lots to love as always... hope next week is just as fruitful!!!!
bellefrogworks said…
You harvested much fruit this week! Love your watermelon and the pear. Your students did wonderful work. You must be very proud of them. May God grant you another fruitful week!
Leovi said…
Maravillosas composiciones, me encantan esos colgantes de frutas.
VonnyK said…
You have such delicious juicy fruit there. Those colours are beautiful and the tags are fabulous. Your students are very talented, those hands are really creative. Have a fabulous week and I hope you get a very juicy and delicious strawberry from that flower.
Very fruitful indeed. I really like your paintings of the fruits. Galatians 5:22-23 is one of my favourites.
Rosemary Aubut said…
Great post very interesting! Such talent!
Clarice said…
Such a pretty little strawberry flower! I have them, too, and I love to find a berry now and then. Your fruit paintings are beautiful.
Neesie said…
Wow Arnoldo what a fruitful week you've had in so many ways. You've also created such a clever post to incorporate all these brilliant juicy delights! ;D
Your tags look fantastic and you must have been thrilled to receive such wonderful gifts through the post!
Your students are so talented too.

And then to top it all a strawberry flower...just perfect!
Eliza said…
My goodness you have been busy this week with all of your fruits and you have even barred flowers too. Such wonderful blessing are the flowers on the fruit trees and plants. Like always I have really enjoyed your post and so glad you joined in again. I love popping into your place and having a cuppa.

Blessings to you are yours
Eliza #88
Adri Munhoz said…
Love your fruit tags! It's wonderful when one can grow fruit at home. Good luck with the strawberry! By the way, you can see that card tutorial here:
Tammie Lee said…
wonderful to see your gifts, tags and fruitful arts.
Molly said…
Love the fruit tags. The salt technique is perfect for the cantaloupe!
Stampsnob. said…
Always so interesting coming to your blog.. wonderful work.....Lis
Unknown said…
oh wow!!! is all I can say....I love the fruit tags!!! they are all of your work!!!
What cool atc's! I love that it looks like color swatches as well! Your fruit are fantastic!
Winnie said…
I am glad you had a "fruitful" week in so many ways. Your fruit tags are so beautiful. Good enough to eat!
I love the pride you show in your students. It is such a great quality in a teacher. I took a class by Dina Wakley yesterday to try and paint birds on canvas. This to me was so scary, but being a great teacher, she gave me confidence to try and paint. I ended up liking my first attempt at them. When they are dry I will post it. I can picture you being just like her as a teacher.
Hope the week ahead is another great one for you.
carlarey said…
It was absolutely a fruitful week for you. Gorgeous cards all around!
SandeeNC said…
It truly was a fruitful week for you. Thank you so much for taking a moment to stop by my blog :) I love the zentangling hands your students created, just wonderful, and your tags are always delightful! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina:)
Unknown said…
beautiful work! love your tags. Their colors and design are excellent!
GalleryJuana said…
sweet new series of fruit art!
and thanks for the note on the Featuring magazine.
Gemiel said…
This week, well last week I guess LOL, was a bountiful harvest of wonderful fruit for you. You are so right about our scriptures Proverbs 16:3 and John 15:5 beign related. I always love it when God provides confirmation of what He wants us to hear.
K J D said…
What a wonderfully fruitful post.... I loved everything here.... especially the tags.

Joni Nickrent said…
What a fantastic and fabulous post of your amazing work!
Morph Waffle said…
You received some wonderful pieces in the mail. Great fruit, and love your tags! Your students work looks awesome!
Belos trabalhos...Espectacular....
Kristin said…
Wonderful work, gifts and blog! Your art is beautiful and I love your student's work as well - you are quite an inspiration, Kristin xo
minnemie said…
Your fruit tags are very striking and beautiful! I especially love the composition (no pun intended) with the notes.
Bella Cirovic said…
Beautiful sharing this week!
Ritu Dua said…
Your fruits made me drool...totally fabulous all of it!
stefanie stark said…
Your fruits and also the tags are so delightful and inspiring to me. And I love also your sunshiney, blitheful post talking about all these fruitful moments. Many thanks for sharing this fertile happiness!!! Have a nice weekend!
Rosemary said…
A fruitful week indeed! Your fruits are wonderful, I love how much joy art gives you and how much fun you have trying out different techniques. As a viewer, it gives me joy as well.

The zentangles that your students made are terrific as well, I think zentangles are so relaxing and freeing. It is nice that you are introducing these young minds to such a restful art form. Thank you so much for sharing this with us at Opus Gluei!
Molly said…
You have had a fruitful week. Still loving your fruit tags!!
Jan Hennings said…
Lookin good :) Love having a peek into the spaces of fellow crafter's! If you happen to peek in on my blog, be sure to wear a hard hat! LOL!